Increase in bust??


This may sound like a weird question but will working out with weights increase my bust size? I only ask because before I lost 20lbs (which was over 1 yr go) I was just making a 34B and I cannot believe I lost weight in my chest. I mean I know you lose weight everywhere but I thought if you didn't have a lot there to begin with you wouldn't lose it! Now I am looking like a pre-teen if you get my meaning and I do not like it. I do have cathe's power hour and the slow and heavy series but was wondering if anyone had any ideas/experience they can share with me. Thanx
Sorry, but I can only sob along with you. I was never generously endowed to begin with and now there's just not much left. I even (hide my head in a paper bag here) tried 3 months on one of those herbal bust increasers but to no avail. Guess it's time to work on some self acceptance here. But hey, I've got great arm, leg, and back muscles to show off! --Karen
Count me in on the sobbing bit. After nursing my 3 young ones mine look like a deflated balloon with a heavy marble in it.


and i dont have any body part to show off.

OH well,keep on truckin!!
I can relate! The only time that I can fill a B cup is when I'm carrying alot of excess body fat. If I want to be lean, the price is my boobs :-( .
I have had this experience too. When I started re-exercising after a long layoff I lost nearly 30 pounds. When I was overweight my bra size was a full 34B (bursting out of the top too I might add). Now that I have lost my excess poundage I can barely fill out that 34B cup size.

Weight training will not give you have larger breasts. However, I have noticed that the area above the breasts sticks out on me now as a result of creating more muscle in that section. I guess I would describe where this is noticeable is the part of the upper chest above where the top of the bra stops but a few inches down from the collarbone. I guess all those push ups and chest presses really work.

Thanx for all the input guys--it is funny I almost tried the BLOUSSANT pills too but was too chicken!! I guess it is true that quick fixes do not work. I know somone who uses fenugreek (the stuff that increases your milk ducts when you want to nurse) as a pill and the oil on her breasts and she says she is a whole size larger---too much work for me. Guess I will stick with what I have and hope that doesn't fade too!!!
Me too. Lost a lot of weight and the twins really dropped in size. I went from a 36C to 34B (barely and an A in some cases)

I actually don't care. I like the look of smaller breasts.
I'm with K60... I like the look of smaller breasts! Of course, I have always had them, so I guess it's a good thing, huh? ;-)

In all seriousness, I don't understand the eternal quest for larger breasts. Maybe it's because I am a small person overall, but I see nothing wrong with small ones!
It's easy for me to say, I know, but I wouldn't worry one more minute about your breast sizes ladies. I've seen this type of subject posted before. The sexiest thing about women who work out is the fact that they ARE working out. You know...working up a sweat and moving around! It's awesome! I find myself watching ladies who I don't find particularly attractive myself but the fact that they are working out makes them very sexy to me. Rather than large boobs, I think tight abs, defined shoulders and back muscles, and a nice tight butt are the sexiest. In other words, an all-around lean look. Cathe's look is what I find most attractive.....and she's certainly not what I consider well endowed. And.... I am trying to post this with the utmost respect to everyone on this site so nasty emails!! :) Keep working out hard ladies and try not to worry so much!! :)
Trevor - my husband feels the same way. My small breasts are fine with him and a well-toned body is what he finds attractive, exactly as you described. Large breasts turn him off - especially if they aren't real and it is obvious. No breast enhancement in my future, LOL.
Hi- I just had to post to this thread after reading it!!
Since last summer I have lost 15 pounds of body fat and am firmer and smaller than ever in every area, INCLUDING my poor chest! At my "fattest" I was a full 34 A. And now, I am sorry to say, my little A has decreased, and the A bras were sagging, so a few days ago I took the PLUNGE:
I am now in a "size 34" training bra for "growing girls" (as they say it). Hey, it's cheaper, more comfortable, no extra fabric up front, it fits GREAT, and nobody needs to know!
(Except all of you, I guess):)
I guess breasts are simply made of fat! Because all the pecwork in the world won't raise a cup size. Ah well, I much prefer being thin and muscular to big breasted.
You ladies are so awesome! I love your honesty and attitude! The most important thing is to feel good about yourselves and you all seem to do just that.
I guess guys may worry about penis size as much as breast size seems to worry alot of women. Good thing penises don't shrink from working out....I'd be in horrible trouble, huh?.....much more so than a woman worrying about a size A!
No....I'm just having a little fun! Rest assured....large boobs are definitely not a "must have". Far from it! Do you all feel sexy when you workout? I hope should!
Again, great attitude and keep up the great work!
Trevor :)

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