Funny Knee Sounds


Cathe, I was just wondering, I know you had a knee operation, but lately I noticed my right knee has been making a crackling noise whenever I do squats or lunges. It sounds really wierd but it doesn't hurt at all. I have been working out for many years, so it isn't like I am new at this. It that normal, I know some crackling noise is, just thought you might know. Thanks and take care, Pam.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-26-02 AT 10:03PM (Est)[/font][p]Mine makes odd noises too. Sometimes, right above my knee cap, it hurts a little.
Obviously I am not Cathe, but I will respond anyway!!

My sis had this problem and she went to the doc and he said that the crunching crackling noises were just a sign of arthritic changes in the knees, possibly the breakdown of cartilage. But he did say it was very common and that it was not something to worry about unless she experienced pain. She can have pain sometimes, but ususally if she lets up on the intensity of her workouts the pain diminishes and finally goes other words, she would get an overuse injury in her knee that really was from doing too much and not her crackling knees. For pain that persists, no matter what you do.. after RICE and laying off your workouts.. I would see a doc.

Hope that helps if Cathe doesn't get a chance to answer you!!! Janice

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