Cathe PLease Please tell us ...

I agree.I am with you veggiegirl.I only started here a few monthes ago and I would of liked to of asked Cathe what it is that she eats.But with my luck I think there may have already been a few post around that I noticed either she didn;t answer or like this one,someone answered it for her.
I have also noticed that alot of people are asking Cathe when she will be making new videos.I am sure Cathe is getting tired of hearing this question to.But she answers it with respect and in a kind and genourous manner.Instead of saying....geez,would you just leave me alone already.
cathe doesn't lack in manner skills and doesn't want to hurt the feelings of others.Pay no attention to what some may say we are not all that cranky.I know if I were you ,I would probably not stick around this place, but this as been the first postings I have seen like this.We just had our first family fight hahaha.You seemed very up beat and friendly until now....don't let others bring you down.
Hi Veggiequeen! Thank you for the compliment. I really don't have any secrets. I simply (try to;-)) eat a variety of healthy foods and try to eat them in their most natural state since the more processed they are, the less nutritional value they have. I also like to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day instead of three larger ones for better digestion and to avoid that over-stuffed feeling. That's pretty much it in a nutshell (hmmm, are nutshells fattening?;-)). Feel free to ask any more questions if you have them. Take Care!
Thank you so much Cathe for your reply!I must say that I started a big "family fight" here with the others!I want to say thank you to all the nice ones who have defended me!!And I want to say to the ones that I pi**ed off,Ha Ha Cathe answered ME!So you all can get off of your High Horse now and kiss my A%#!!
I also avoided replying to this, but I am so glad Cathe did. I must say that I was shocked at some of the responses some gave. Veggiegirl is new here and she has every right to ask Cathe a question, and Cathe is always gracious with her answers. Welcome veggiegirl! Once you go Cathe you never go back!
To lighten this topic up alitte -- after Cathe posted finishing her last set of tapes (PH, RS etc...) I posted that her and the crew deserved a well deserved cheat day. She responded by saying Devil Dogs sounded good.

I just looked at my post and I admit that it was poorly written. I meant that Cathe had no secrets, not that she didn't eat clean. I have no opinion one way or the other as to what Cathe eats. If anyone thought I was slammin' her, please forgive me.

>How can anybody agree with that.
>She bit her head off
>just for asking a question
>most of us would love
>to know. I think somebody
>owes her a big apology.
>Are you 2 really gonna
>tell me the same question
>has never crossed your mind?

Why on earth should it? I never wonder about people's
eating habits, and I would be more than a little taken
aback if people started asking me what I eat.

>And, Marcia, I think you should
>be forgiven, for maybe having
>a bad moment. Please
>remember everyone, that we all
>have our moments! Wendy

Thanks for the kind thought, but I'm not aware of having
had any particularly bad moment here. I still don't think
it's anybody's business to ask people what they eat, and
I don't think there is any secret to healthy eating.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-02 AT 09:18AM (Est)[/font][p]Maybe I'm wrong but I think you are in the minority here. If we were friends, and I thought you looked great, I would ask you about your eating habits and about exercise. Even though I will never get to meet Cathe, I still consider her my friend. And yes, I also know that even if I copy her every move I will never look as great as Cathe. But I still want to know. And apparently I'm not the only weird-o out there who feels that way.

And why would you take a question asked to Cathe so personal??
Obviously Cathe didnt mind answering her. And it was more info than i've read in past posts.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-02 AT 12:59PM (Est)[/font][p]Well put veggiequeen.
I think that Marcia is in the right to have her opinion, but the way her first post was written was too agressive. Probably Veggiequeen felt intimidated or insulted. And that is not nice. To me the issue is about being kind and respectful, rather than wether the question is appropriate or not. I also feel that the last comment of Veggiequeen, the one were she says "you can kiss my a..." is inappropriate because of the bad words (even though she didn't actually wrote them). Again, I think that what makes this forum so special is the respect and empathy we show each other. Lets keep the clean and friendly chat!
Mariela, your're absolutely right, I was agreeing with the first post being to aggressive, you worded everything a lot more eloquently then I did. I was also agreeing with veggie queens senitments - her reaction to being hurt for which I don't blame her one bit.
You know what they say ladies...."if you don't have nothing nice to say, then don't say nothing at all".Words to live by.Maybe that is what should have been done here in the first place.Maybe we should let Cathe answer her own questions,instead of talking for her.I think if we had went that route then this post would have been alot shorter then what it is.
Lori.(now, kiss and make up)lol
AMEN! This was kind of an interesting thread to read though, I am just glad it is OVER and the only thing I could add was AMEN!

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