very, very out there...........

this is so embarassing and weird, but here it goes.....

when i do the kickboxing tapes, and sometimes the step tapes, my shorts and underwear bother me down there so bad that i am constantly tugging at my shorts. It is really irritating.:(

does anybody else have this problem and what do i do about it?

Are they creating a wedgie, or are they just rubbing? If it's a wedgie, you need a smaller size of shorts. If it's rubbing, try vaseline.
You could work out naked.....

No seriously, you could try running shorts designed not to chafe. I work out in tighter short sans underwear because of that problem. Works for me.
Go commando. (Wear short or mid-thigh workout tights with no undies.) Who's gonna see you?

Annette Q. Aquajock
Thanks, Amadeus......

You reminded me that today is voting day! I had totally forgotten. (How could I after hearing all those commercials?!?!)

It's kind of funny how a post about a problem with shorts resulted in the reminder about voting/politics. I'm sure there are plenty of funny jokes and puns that could be gotten out of that!

:) Shelley
RE: Thanks, Amadeus......

Actually, Annette might know what I'm talking about. Our lovely Governor:-rollen, Jesse Ventura, made a very public show of letting the world know that he "goes commando", because he is a former navy seal. (More information than I wanted.) I wonder if he could get through one of AquaJock's Aquatic classes these days? Go ahead pun away!!!!
RE: Thanks, Amadeus......

The only governor with an action figure! What will you guys do for laughs when he's gone?
RE: When Jessie's gone . . .

. . . people will once again forget Minnesota is part of the 50 states.

Jessie is the only governor in our state history who actually had a personality - if not underwear.

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: When Jessie's gone . . .

Well, you'll always have Garrison Keillor to remind the rest of us that you exist.
RE: When Jessie's gone . . .

Most people don't know this, but Garrison Keillor is actually a prototype computer simulation of all of the stereotypes of the modern Minnesota male rolled into one. Minnesota Public Radio still holds the patent . . .

Annette Q. Aquajock
"Fargo" Forever!

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