Cathe, I have sciatica - cannot workout


Hi Cathe,
I'm a long-time fan of yours from Step & Motion I. I have been exercising for twenty years on an almost daily basis. Well, sciatica hit me two weeks ago, I cannot exercise at all and am depressed. Question: how long without exercise does the body go to the shape it was before I ever exercised twenty years ago? I actually lost three pounds since I stopped. I know for six weeks you couldn't exercise after the birth of your sons. How did you body change and how long does it take to get back to where I was. hope I can go back to your videos, since I am in fear of getting this again. I don't know how long it will take to go away. I am seeing my chiropractor and he did say it is "mild." Any words of encouragement? Specifically, how long without exercise does the process of degeneration of muscle stop? Thanks,
Maryann I really feel for you & know what you are going through. I just broke my foot last Wednesday night doing my newest fav Cathe tape ( rythm step)& I will be out of commission for 6 - 8 weeks. So not only am I out of commission but the summer is the my fav time of year too!!! Speedy recovery to you!!!! Karen
Hi Karen!

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Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I have some back issues, too. Mine is spinal stenosis & disc degeneration. My most recent episode has had me workout-free for a month now! I'm about to come unglued at the thought of the agony of starting back up again, but I haven't lost my shape yet. I have lost two pounds, which quite frankly worries me because I'm almost sure it's muscle I've lost & not fat. Bummer!

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
I feel your pain! I was diagnosed with a herniated disk three weeks ago which has apparently been the cause of a sciatica-like pain I've been experiencing for three years. So I'm on a "lite" workout schedule: walking only (on a level surface), very modified upper body weights at half my usual poundage, VERY modified abs. No lower body weights, no step, no Nordic Track, no jogging.

I know it's my imagination, but I feel like a tub o' lard! And during shorts and tank top season, too!

I don't even look forward to my finess magazines because it just reminds me of all I can't do.

Let's hope we all get better soon! I'll be eager to see the posts of how others have fared in similar situations.
Hi all,
Hang in there. You have probably seen my posts, I posted one about VAXD. When you are in as good shape as we are, doctors often assume the back condition is OK because we still work out. My doctor was shocked when my MRI came back with serious issues.
I myself am allowed only to walk right now, I am in physical therapy for 2 months, and am half through. I was convinced I would balloon. However, watching my carbs and simply walking for an hour 5 days a week (just brisk enough with a slight incline to get my heart rate over 145, but no "bouncing" ) has kept me steady. I too lost a little weight, which I am sure is partly muscle, but everyone I have spoken with who went through this said once they hit the gym, their bodies just kicked right in. Muscle memory is a great thing; it usually only takes a few weeks to get right back were you were. It so hard to be good, but with the back you just cannot take chances. I feel totally "loose" and I hate it. I wish you all speedy recovery, please be so careful with those herniated discs. Once they get herniated, even light weights can cause tears. I unfortunately found this out first-hand. :(
Hi, Kristina!

I saw your posts and checked out VAX-D. Unfortunately, my insurance (Humana) won't cover it, supposedly due to insufficient clinical evidence.

Anyway, I'm still at the hopeful stage; if I'm lucky I won't need any advanced therapies. I'm doing all the modified exercises my PT is telling me to do. So far, I haven't noticed much in the way of change, but unfortunately I have had two long car trips in two weeks, which has probably set me back considerably.

My cousin, who is an occupational therapist, said that I should give it 8 weeks (!) to see improvement.

Good luck to you and everyone dealing with this problem!
RE: sounds right

For what it is worth, that was the same time table used to assess my condition: if the back is healing up, you usually know within 6-8 weeks.
I don't know how you feel about supplements, but my doc suggested a liquid calcium-magnesium supplement to help the back heal and it seems to be helping. Cheryl, it sounds like you have a great doc and PT so I am sure you will do well. :)

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