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  1. M

    More Rest Needed for S&H Series???

    Good morning everybody! This week, I finally took the plunge and started doing the S&H series. My plan was to do the 3 S&H workouts along with 2 cardio sessions. I did Chest and Back on Monday and had planned on doing some cardio yesterday, but body really wasn't up to it. I could have...
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    1st time w/ Power Hour

    Ooohhh...a thread about my favorite workout! I agree...those bicep curls with the barbell are tough! I'm using 15 lbs and I have to stop once or twice in the middle of doing them. I didn't get through the lunges until after my 3rd or 4th time doing PH. I always dread them, but I feel so proud...
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    Ectochick check 9/16

    Hey ladies, I'm happy to report that I stuck to my routine last week AND I lost another 1/2 inch off my waist! I love it!!!!! Here is my planned routine for the week: Sunday - Rest Monday - S&H Chest & Back (done) Tuesday - Cardio Kicks Wednesday - S&H Legs and Shoulders Thursday - Rest...
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    Calve work in new workouts?

    Hi Cathy, I was just wondering if you will be including calf work in any of the new workouts. I hope so...especially for the pyramid workouts! I'm sure you'll all the "ectochicks" happy if you did :) Cheryl
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    Question for the ectochicks

    Hi Angela, I have gotten great results with endurance workouts...mainly Power Hour. I sometimes feel like the poster girl for Power Hour because I'm always raving about it and recommending it. Although I agree that "slow and heavy" will do good things for us (ectos), I still think that...
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    I Am So Psyched!!!!!

    You will not be disappointed! Power Hour is my favorite workout. I've made excellent gains with this tape! Cheryl :)
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    AB Hits DVD Problem.

    Hi! I didn't order the Ab Hits DVD, but I still have to commend you on your excellent customer service! What a class act!! I love it!! Cheryl
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    ? for those who've had success with lifting "heavy"

    Hi Jen,'re doing great! 5 pounds in 5 weeks in great! I'm the opposite of you...I'm an apple. :) I get results in my lower body very quickly. My upper half (especially my torso)needs the most work. I do highly recommend Power Hour and Cardio Kicks regardless of what body type you...
  9. M

    ? for those who've had success with lifting "heavy"

    Jen, I'd be happy to share. I don't have a "set" rotation because everytime I create one I don't stick to it :D. I can tell you though, that I've gotten really good results using Power Hour. This week, I'm doing this "rotation": Sunday - Power Hour (done) Monday - Super Cardio Sculpt (a...
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    Ectochicks 9/8/02

    Speaking of calf work, I notice that when I do the lunges in Power Hour, on the leg that's stepped back, I feel my calf working. When I first started using PH, my calf would actually fatigue! Later on, when I'm doing my upper body work, (shoulder presses, bicep curls) sometimes, my calf...
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    Ectochicks 9/8/02

    Hi ladies, Last week was not a good week for me. I was PMSing and felt really tired, so I "listened to my body" and rested. I only did two workouts. PH and Cardiokicks. I realized I need a break when I tried doing Interval Max on Thursday and I was pooped after the first interval. I...
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    Pilates Reformer

    Hi Elaine 123 and Mindi! I got mine from QVC as well and I really like it. :) I've only used it a couple of times though. I think that it was a very good investment, which is why I want to include it in my routines. I just wasn't sure how to do this. I'm glad to hear that you're able to use...
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    Pilates Reformer

    Hi! I have a Pilates Reformer and plan on incorporating it into my workouts in the future. Now I know that pilates is great for flexibility, core strength and "lengthening" the muscles. What is the best way to schedule it into your workouts? Is it ok to do pilates the day before (or after) a...
  14. M

    ? for those who've had success with lifting "heavy"

    RE: Honeybunch and Cheryl Wow Honeybunch!! You're doing great! After reading the amount of weight you can lift, maybe I shouldn't say that I'm lifting "heavy". :):) I'll just say that I lift a "challenging" amount of weight..that sounds better :D MadnNatsMom, let me give you a little...
  15. M

    Ectochicks here!!

    Angela...How long have you been doing "weights only" and what type of results have you gotten so far? Robin and Julie...I can't wait to hear about the results you get from Cathe's suggested routine for ectos!
  16. M

    ? for those who've had success with lifting "heavy"

    Valerie, I've been getting great results with lifting "heavy". I've been working out steadily for almost two months. I've lost almost 6 lbs and so far I've gone from a tight size 8 to a loose size 6. My actual weight loss has slowed down but my body shape is REALLY changing. I know that...
  17. M

    Ectochicks here!!

    Thanks Angela :) I've been following a program of 3 weight training days and 2 cardio days for almost a month now. This week, I started a rotation using the PS series and I'll be doing this for three weeks. Then I'll start 3-week rotation using Slow & Heavy. Sun. - Cardio Kicks (done!) Mon...
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    Ectochicks here!!

    Hi ladies!! I'm an "ecto" as well, so can I jump in? :) Cheryl
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    Losing Weight vs. Losing Inches

    Hi! I've been working out steadily for about 6 weeks now. So far I've lost about 5 pounds, which I think is great :) The thing is, I lost those 5 lbs very quickly during the first 3-4 weeks and then it really slowed down. When the weight loss slowed down, I didn't worry about it and just...
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    cathe shirts?

    >Hi! Actually I had logo >shirts made for us here >in the office and for >my family. I love >the little kids size >T-shirt that Eric wears now. > If this is something >you all would be interested >in, I will do it. > If this were the >case, lets hear some ideas >as to what...