Ectochick check 9/16


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-02 AT 01:32PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-02 AT 01:19 PM (Est)[/font]

Hey ladies,

I'll start us off, although I'm not setting a very good example lately.

Sunday - SH Back and Chest (done)
Monday - Leaner Legs (done, well, most of it...)
Tuesday - SH Bis and Tris (done)
Wednesday - 10 minute ab workout with Cori
Thursday - Leaner Legs (done)
Friday - Abs or Pilates
Saturday - off

I'm feeling a pleasant and very thorough soreness in the pecs from yesterday's workout. It was the first time I'd done the SH Back and Chest in a while and I really pushed hard on the weights.

Y'all have a great week!

Good morning, ecto's. I'm staying in the original holding pattern Cathe suggested for four weeks. I think something might be happening as far as fat loss goes, but water flucuations make it so hard to tell.

ANGELA, I wish I could do all weights. I think I will "someday", the exercise police won't come to my door, will they?

ROBIN, I'm starting to worry that Cathe will be too busy to get back to us on installment two of the "Super Ecto-Chick Plan" when the time comes. Do you have an alternative plan?

I'm so excited about Pyramid tape. Just what an ecto-girl needs! :p

My new mantra: clean eating . . . clean eating . . . clean eating

Have a great week!

Hey ladies,

I'm happy to report that I stuck to my routine last week AND I lost another 1/2 inch off my waist! I love it!!!!!

Here is my planned routine for the week:

Sunday - Rest
Monday - S&H Chest & Back (done)
Tuesday - Cardio Kicks
Wednesday - S&H Legs and Shoulders
Thursday - Rest
Friday - S&H Biceps & Triceps
Saturday - Rhythmic Step

This is my first time trying the Slow & Heavy series. I really enjoyed doing Chest & Back yesterday and was able to go slightly heavier with my weights than normal. I really felt the muscles working and the time went by quicker than I thought it would. And those planks were no joke either! I couldn't believe how difficult they were, but I got through them. I feel just a bit sore today. I have a feeling that I'll feel it more tomorrow, but that is a good thing.

I'm going to try my best to stick to this routine for three weeks.

Cheryl :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-02 AT 10:43AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey there, Lanky Ones!! This week is the same as last, of course, but honestly, I've slept in for the last 3 days! (BAD, BAD GIRL!!) I got up today tho, and worked really hard. I did a non-Cathe workout (Please, keep it quiet) like PH and I'm feeling sore already.

Julie!!!!! ROTF!! When Cathe posted that she was gonna be busy with the new vids, I thought OH NOOOOOO. I guess I'll just post a note to her and if she doesn't get back to us, we'll just muddle thru. She said that next month the wts. would be hard and heavy. We could hit a S&H rotation much like Angela or Cheryl's. Dunno if we should go without cardio or add a couple of days. I'll probably keep 2 days of cardio and just do heavy lifting for the rest of the week. Maybe instead of S&H, do PS M,T,W...Th cardio, F-MIS or PH and Sat cardio??? *sigh* I need Cathe to lead me along like a little child. Still, I'm gonna feel guilty for bugging her. Of course, guilt never stopped me!! I'll join you in your mantra...'clean eating'...'clean eating'...'clean eating'... Oh, and I haven't weighed, but I SWEAR, my pants are ever-so-slightly looser. Well, maybe not looser, but I seem to be able to bend over without cutting off air and circulation.

Have a great week, everyone.

Hi everyone!

Last week was horrid for me! I spent Thursday thru Saturday resting! :( Although I worked out Wed. I had a terrible time just staying awake. Even after a good nights' sleep I was very drowsy driving into work Thur. and Fri. and on the way home. Then Friday evening I figured out why -- migraine coming on!

But late Sunday I was able to get in a good cardio workout and I'm back on track!

Here are my plans for this week:

Mon: Chest/triceps (done)
Tue: Cardio + abs
Wed: Legs
Thu: Cardio + abs
Fri: Back/biceps
Sat: Cardio + yoga or pilate's

I guess I should mention that with those days off I've chosen to do a different weight training method. So yes, Slow & Heavy is back on the shelf for the next few of weeks! Still lifting heavy - just needing a change! :)

Glad to hear of all the progress that everyone's making - congratulations. I guees I should take measurements and my weight and such this week so that by mid October I'll have something for comparison.

Have a great week!

Have a great week!
Could you tell me what this "plan" is that Cathe put together? I did a search and didn't come up with anything. This may be something I could use. I am an ectomorph also. Thanks, Emma
Welcome Ecto-Emma!

About two-three weeks ago Robin (Jamminx3) posted a ? to Cathe in "Ask Cathe" forum titled "Overweight Ectomorph". We bumped it and bumped it until she had a chance to answer. And Answer she did.

She gave us a four week program to begin of MIS, PH for weights, and a good variety of cardio. (I'm dying to see what the next installment is.)

Sorry I don't have my notes here or I could give the exact address.

Good luck, your more than welcome to join in, love to hear from you on the weekly ecto-chick check.

RE: Welcome Ecto-Emma!

Julie- Thanks for the info. I did a search with "ectomorph" but it didn't come up. I will try again, or just go back a few weeks! I may have to join you all on the check in! Emma
RE: Welcome Ecto-Emma!

Hi Gals! I'm still in, just not having a very good week. I'm not going to bother listing my rotation because I wouldn't stick to it this week. (PMS) week. I'm low on energy, crampy, and all that. I did do cardio over the weekend. Monday nothing, Tues Firms SS, Wes nothing, Today Vol 1. Have a good one.
RE: Welcome Ecto-Emma!

Hi Georgia,

Don't feel bad - last week was like that for me. PMS! Ugh! But I'm back on track this week! :)

I have a new toy so I'm having fun this week using it - a jumprope with a calorie counter and timer on it! :) My daughter is even interested in using it, that's a bonus!

But it looks as though you're getting in some pretty good workouts regardless - SS and Vol. 1! Oh yeah! You're slacking that badly - better than the 3 full days straight that I had off. You're doing great! :) Kepp up the excelent work!

Have a wonderful week!

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