Ectochicks 9/8/02


Welcome ectochicks!

Guess I'll start us off this week. I did something a little different over the weekend. I usually never work out on Saturday because the day's usually devoted to housework, but I finished early, and in a moment of insanity, decided to try Power Hour for the first time. Yikes! Those low ends! Those lying triceps presses with a huge barbell! Those funky hopping push ups from the toes! Oh my! My only disappointment was no calf work.

Needless to say, I took the day off yesterday (Sunday). Here's the plan for the rest of the week:

Monday - PS legs
Tuesday - upper body
Wednesday - off
Thursday - SH legs
Friday - upper body

Y'all have a great week!

Hi Angela and Ectos. This week is the same as last week, only I'm gonna try to incorporate running instead of kickboxing. I've gotten tendonitis in my shoulder, so I'll rest it and crush my ankles instead. Angela, it's funny you mentioned the 'no calf work' in PH, cuz this a.m. DH told me if I do calf raises it would strengthen my ankles for running. I HAVE to do that cuz my ankles are so weak and I really will injure them. Cathe has me doing MIS and PH and I don't think either has calf work, so I'm off to do that now.

Have a good one, guys!

Hi ladies,

Last week was not a good week for me. I was PMSing and felt really tired, so I "listened to my body" and rested. I only did two workouts. PH and Cardiokicks. I realized I need a break when I tried doing Interval Max on Thursday and I was pooped after the first interval.

I started fresh yesterday (Sunday) and did Power Hour. It was a great workout. Here's how the rest of my week looks:

Today - Cardio (I'm thinking about doing a Firm Cardio tape)
Tuesday - CTX Upper Body
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Cardiokicks or 10-10-10 (depending on how I'm feeling)
Friday - PH
Saturday - Rest

You know, I had planned on doing a PS rotation for the next few weeks, but I'm really "stuck" on Power Hour. I just love that workout! :)

Plan to do pretty much the same as last week too.

Not looking forward to 9/11. I've all ready planned NOT to watch any TV on the subject. My DH said it'll be "news" all day long. Hah! How can "news" be one year old? To me, it's ratings and media hype, no thanks. I'd rather move forward than look back.

Can't believe I just did Imax and Bryan Kest's Power yoga both in the same day. I have a lot more energy since I've been off the Tank Top Arms Rotation.

Power Hour is a blast isn't it? I love how it's just 50 minutes long.

Work your calves, have a great week (if you can). ;-)

Also, just figuring out I am in "perimenopausal" state. Say a prayer for me. This really sucks.

Hi Ladies!! :)

Checking in too!

I think last week went okay. Thursday morning I got up early to do triceps/biceps because our company picnic was that afternoon and we were going to be at an area by the lake and the 5 mile trail. After lunch I wlked the trail with a coworker, 4 miles of it anyway, and was pooped Friday night! So my Friday workout was shot! :(

Saturday and Sunday I split up Power Hour! Shoulders and arms were done yesterday. Plus I added in some additional ab work and tube resistance training for outer thighs and glutes.

And Cheryl I'm like you, stepping away from my rotation to do more Power Hour. But I don't plan to split the tape up any more! ;)

So here's this weeks plan:

Mon - cardio plus yoga
Tue - Power Hour, plus calf work! :)
Wed - cardio plus resistance toning with tubes and abs
Thu - more cardio or Power Hour if I can
Fri - cardio or Power Hour
Sat - Power Yoga and jumprope
Sun - Pilate's

Hopefully this will be a better week. I think I need a break from the heavy training (been at it for 4 weeks), so I'm taking a Power Hour week and then jumping right back into Slow & Heavy! :) For the moment I feel the need to conquer those low ends in PH! :)

Julie! Julie! This is not a fun time in our lives! I've been experiencing some symptoms myself! Yesterday for some reason, I just snapped! I was joking around, singing songs with the kids - went to the basement to put in another load of laundry and when I returned to the kitchen BAM! I didn't want to have fun all of a sudden and didn't want to hear their foolishness either. I don't know what came over me but I was getting fairly irritated for no reason. So I asked the kids to cut it out for a minute, explained my mood, started dinner and retreated back to the basement so I wouldn't bite anyone's head off! :) That's when I finished Power Hour, pulled out my resistance tubings and was a happy camper again once I was done! Whew! What a whirlwind of a day! :) So I'm crossing my fingers for you big time and wishing you the best! ;)

No TV for me either! They've been showing quite a bit of the 9/11 events the last week here any way.

Talk to you ladies soon!
Speaking of calf work, I notice that when I do the lunges in Power Hour, on the leg that's stepped back, I feel my calf working. When I first started using PH, my calf would actually fatigue!

Later on, when I'm doing my upper body work, (shoulder presses, bicep curls) sometimes, my calf trembles a little when I move one leg back for balance.

Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Hi Cheryl!

I feel tension in the calf muscle too when doing upper body work! I think it's because I have my heel off the floor and then when I tighten up to stabilize my body, I 'lock' that foot into place so to speak. :)

I'm still going to do extra calf work though. I was looking at the back of my legs, as best I could in the mirror, and didn't really like what I saw. I want some definition back!! :) They look toned I suppose but I want some lines and bulges! I want a little bit of that upside down heart shaped look. :)

Hi! All you Cathe nuts!

I stayed trued to my schedule last week. All but Friday. I had PH schedule. But to make a long story short, life got in the way. Here's this week:

Sun-TT1 with abs-done
Sat-run or walk with abs.

Just order PS:series for upperbody(have the lower body)I'm looking so forward. I'm going to dovote 6wks to the PS series and see what happens. I'm really working on getting the "cut" arms. Lower body's good. Since I've added bodymax upper body weekly, I've already notice a difference.

You gals have a good one. Georgia.

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