1st time w/ Power Hour


And I loved it! :) Boy, does Cathe know how to hit every muscle group or what?! I had a great time. I have been lifting for about 14 years and I like to say I know what I'm doing but Cathe really taught me a lesson!
I also ordered Circuit Max over the weekend. After the "horror" stories I read last week I couldn't help but be up for the challenge. I'll let you know how my first experience with that goes! :eek:
Thanks for the wake up call Cathe ;-) Susan
Ditto Susan!

I love, love, love PowerHour!! So much fun and great music all combined! Most people would consider us sick thinking weight work is fun, but Cathe has a knack of making it so. Glad you enjoyed your first go-round with PH. LOOK out with CM! You are in for a REAL treat!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Did you get through the entire lunge section? When I started PH, I had to pretty much skip that section! LOL I've worked my way into it, though.
Did you get through the entire lunge section? When I started PH, I had to pretty much skip that section! LOL I've worked my way into it, though.
Hi Susan,
I just ordered Power Hour today and I can't wait to get it. I've been stalling (not sure why because everything I hear about it is great).

I hear ya! The first time I did it, I thought, huh, "Cathe is only using 15 lbs. for biceps." Well wasn't I red (from working out AND from embarassment) when I couldn't finish the set. Humbled as well. But keep it up, this tape is great and I can actually make it through all of the segments now. You can too! My next goal is to make it through all of them without swearing.
Ooohhh...a thread about my favorite workout!

I agree...those bicep curls with the barbell are tough! I'm using 15 lbs and I have to stop once or twice in the middle of doing them.

I didn't get through the lunges until after my 3rd or 4th time doing PH. I always dread them, but I feel so proud of myself after I've completed them.

Cheryl :)

I think the bicep music is about my favorite. Count me in as one who thought, "ONLY a 15 pound bodybar???" Could not have made it the whole way without that teeny lil' break between the 2 sections. My goodness, are the biceps screaming by the end.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I can just about get through the lunge section, but only by using my body weight only (and I can lift quite heavy on strength training days). I actually prefer to alternate between including the squat song and including the lunge song (until my endurance builds up and I can include both). It is a really good workout, and I also love the music in the bicep section.

WOW! I did this for the first time today too. Boy, it was tough!! I had to lower my weights, especially for that tricep work. It's definately a challenge - How does she do it - and still talk - and smile - with all that weight???? I must say, having done S&H first really helped with technique. I will do it again in a few days...
I know what you mean. I did this again just yesterday and by the time I get to tripceps my arms are just shaking!And then just when I think I'm done I remember I still have ABS to do!!! However I have felt very good after each of these workouts. I just received CircuitMax in the mail yesterday. I'm going to watch it today and add it to my routine next week. For some reason I'm nervous about this... :eek: Susan
Just received my Power Hour yesterday, did it today, and I loved it. Music is great and the time sure goes fast. It sure works you good.

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