Question for the ectochicks


Hey ladies,

Don't know what's come over me, but I confess I've been completely ignoring the schedule I posted for myself for this week. Maybe I'm just bored or burned out.

Anyway, I had purchased a copy of Leaner Legs, but after purchase decided I didn't want to do any "high rep endurance" workouts. I thought I needed only the PS & SH approach to bulk up.

Well, Tuesday night I decided to try it - just for something different. Wow, was I surprised. I'd heard how tough it was, but man!!! I felt like my legs got a much harder, more thorough workout than with PS or SH. I mean I could barely walk afterwards. Three days later, I'm still a little sore - that's unheard of for me.

Now I'm wondering, maybe there's value in endurance workouts for us ectos after all. What do you guys think?

Hi Angela,

I have gotten great results with endurance workouts...mainly Power Hour. I sometimes feel like the poster girl for Power Hour because I'm always raving about it and recommending it.

Although I agree that "slow and heavy" will do good things for us (ectos), I still think that shaking things up and doing various types of strength training (endurance, aerobic weight training, etc.) will help too.

I have yet to do the PS Series or the S&H series and my physique continues to look better and better.

Cheryl :)
Power Hour was the other video I bought and hadn't touched. I tried it before I tried LL. It was quite a workout, but it didn't kill me like LL did. Those lower ends are what did me in.

I'm wondering if I haven't gotten the results I've hoped for using SH and PS on my legs because I'm not strong enough yet to heft those huge barbells to my shoulders and my knees don't like it much either.

Yet doing lighter weight, but really burning it out on those low ends seemed to do the trick. Interesting. Now I'm frightened to try LL again!

For some reason, I'm having much better results doing heavy weight training on my upper body.

I don't really have much to add here, but was wondering....

If you use 15-20lb. dumbells for LL (I had to drop them for some of the low-ends, used 10-12lbs. for the elevated lunges) is it still considered "endurance" on account of the reps?? OR is it the lighter weight/ high reps combo that makes it endurance?? OR, finally, is the fact that I use heavier weight automatically categorizing it as a "strength" workout, even though there are many reps.I usually use 20 lb. dumbells for MIS, so these poundages are close to my MIS poundages. Any thoughts????

Just trying to say to some of you ECTOS that maybe LL does not HAVE TO BE endurance. Can you not make of it what you wish by upping weight or slowing cadence of the reps???

That's a good point, Janice. I think sometimes the lines are blurred. It seems like Cathe and crew are using really heavy weights on these "endurance" workouts that don't seem much lighter than what they use on PS and SH. I'm thinkin', "Dang! A 25 or 30 pound barbell on a lying tricep press looks like a strength workout to me!" But hey, I'm still a wimpy ecto.


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