Ectochicks here!!


Hey, Guys. Hope ya'll don't mind me starting this week's thread. Started increasing cardio and decreasing wt. work last week, per Cathe's orders and will continue thru this month. This week looks something like:
M-MIS (done)
T-Interval cardio (IMAX, Int. Moves, Extr. Int., or Int. Express)
W-CTX Kickbox
Th-Power Hour
F-Rhythmic Step
S-Body Max (minus the upper body work)

My eating is exceptional (patting myself on the back).

Have a great week, Guys.

Ectochicks Rock!

Hi Robin et al,

Take a skinny arm and pat yourself on the back for me, regarding that eating, that is ;-). That's always the hardest part for me, especially when the family's around.

After reading Cathe's post, I thought and thought about this and decided to GO FOR IT. So, good old Amadeus is here with you for the long haul, Robin. What do I have to lose, but torso fat? (EEW!)

Here goes:

Monday IMAX, (I did just awesome on this, total polar opposite what I expected.)
Tuesday Power Hour 25lbs-lunges SUCK but I did them all
Wednesday 30 Minutes spinning, abs, planks
Thursday MIS
Friday 45 Minutes kickbox
Saturday Easy cardio of choice

Now, call me a nut case, but I read that post from Cathe over and over. I don't think I can do two "regular cardio workouts" with this much cardio all ready so that's down to one for now. I won't do cardio with MIS or PH either. (Mule.)

Clarification: Does Cathe include warm-up and cool down in her stated length of cardio minutes? I believe she posted before that she does. What are you doing regarding that?

I am SOOOOOO excited to see what she has in store for "overweight ecto's" in a month! I'm guessing something like PS Series on separate days, Power Hour, and maybe 3 cardio workouts. Or do you think she'll hop right onto S & H? Suspense just kills me.

I'm definitely going to need support as far as this "clean eating" business goes. Did you see Cathe had that in there no less than 3 times. I guess I'll have to stop being such a "dirty eater". HAH!

Shock your metabolism. Have a great week!


P.S. Some names from the past: "lanky", "gangly", "stringbean":)
RE: Ectochicks Rock!

Hey Ladies! Thanks for starting us off Robin. :)

My schedule for the week is: (Drum roll please)

Sun- TT1-done
Tues-bodymax upperbody then run
Wes-PS: SL&abs
Sat- a walk or run (Will see how I feel)

Akirkland, thanks for the link. It was very imformative. I try to print it. For some reason it didn't work. I'll have to back and try again.

Have a good day all! Georgia.
RE: Ectochicks Rock!

Glad you got us goin' Robin! I'm runnin' behind today.

I have to confess - I really blew it over the weekend. We had a big family reunion shindig with a bunch of folks coming in from out of town, so I spent both Saturday and Sunday eating stuff I shouldn't be eating - vending machine junk - and didn't work out any. Crud. At least I managed to avoid the pizza!

The good news is the family members that hadn't seen me since we did this last year all said I looked great! Alas, no one said anything specifically about muscle tone, but I'll take all the positive reinforcement I can get. My uncle said he didn't recognize "that beautiful woman" from across the room when he first saw me. Wow - that really made me feel good.

Back on the wagon today. Here's my plan:
Tue. - PS legs
Wed. - off (church night)
Thur. - Upper body
Fri. - SH legs
Sat. - off (housecleaning)
Sun. - Upper body

Y'all have a great "short" week!

Thanks Angela :)

I've been following a program of 3 weight training days and 2 cardio days for almost a month now. This week, I started a rotation using the PS series and I'll be doing this for three weeks. Then I'll start 3-week rotation using Slow & Heavy.

Sun. - Cardio Kicks (done!)
Mon. - Rest
Tues.- PS Back & Biceps
Wed. - Rhythmic Step or IMAX
Thur.- PS CST
Fri. - Rest
Sat. - PS SLA

So far, I've gotten really great results since I've been focusing more on weights. Some time later I'm going to try a "weights only" routine. I was planning on starting it this week but decided to hold it off for a while. :)


I'm doing weights only, but I'm probably in the minority. I decided to go that route after reading the "I Frames" chapter in the book "Shape Training." I've always had trouble gaining weight, so I'm trying to keep calorie consumption low.

I know I'll eventually have to add some cardio back in for my heart's sake, but for now, I'm trying weights alone, and pyramiding up to as heavy as possible.

Angela...How long have you been doing "weights only" and what type of results have you gotten so far?

Robin and Julie...I can't wait to hear about the results you get from Cathe's suggested routine for ectos!
Hmm. I don't remember exactly. I was a dedicated "Firmie" for many years and never saw any improvement to speak of. Finally, I got Cathe's PS series - guess that's been a couple of years ago. Did that over and over until she released the SH series. Alternated for a while, then bought Joyce Vedral's Weight Training Made Easy book and began some lifting on my own. I like her upper body workout, but I think I still like Cathe's lower body work better. For some of the Vedral exercises I substitute stuff on my husband's Total Gym.

It wasn't until I started really trying to go heavy - particularly using the pyramid approach that I began to see obvious development. That's been only about a month ago.

Good Morning Ladies!!

My weekend went well. Saturday, Sunday and Monday I was up early working out. Boy it felt really good having my workout done before 8 a.m! :) I usually work out in the evenings. But I vowed that before each day of activities/family fun I would get my workouts done.....and I did! :)

I must admit that last week did not go off as planned. I ended up taking Thursday and Friday off! :( But when I checked my workout log, I noticed that I had worked out really hard for 13 days without a rest. Then I didn't feel as bad!

So here's this week's plan:

Mon: S&H legs/shoulders (done)
Tue: Cardio and abwork (done)
Wed: S&H chest/back, pilates
Thu: Cardio and power yoga
Fri: S&H triceps/biceps, cardio or pilates
Sat: Cardio, abs and yoga
Sun: S&H legs/shoulders or Power Hour

No rest day for me until next week! :)

Take care and enjoy your week!

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