AB Hits DVD Problem.

SNM Videos

We're aware that a lot of AB Hits DVDs are having problems. These problems range from a very tiny glitch that is barely noticeable, to a disc that will not play at all.

So, here is what we're going to do....

You do not need to contact us. We will mail you a new Ab Hits disc by US Postal services in a "cd-mailer". We’re sending replacement disc to everyone who ordered the Ab Hits DVD regardless of whether you have had a problem or not. This will only be the disc and not the box, so please make sure you keep the DVD box. You don’t need to return the defective disc. Sorry, for the inconvenience.
Oops, I should have checked the forum first--I just sent you an email regarding this very problem.

Thank you so much for your wonderful customer service.

Kathy Martinez
Thank you. Glad to hear that I will be getting a new one because mine is having problems. Your customer service is wonderful-the best. By the way, I do love the DVD.


I didn't order the Ab Hits DVD, but I still have to commend you on your excellent customer service!

What a class act!! I love it!!

Thank you. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!! I told my boyfriend I wouldn't have a problem getting a replacement DVD because your customer service is so wonderful but I didn't realize you would make it this easy.

Thank you too for being so upfront about it. I hope this isn't a disaster for you.

I was wondering if there would be a way you wouldn't have to replace all the DVD cases. I guess you were on top of that!


p.s., I LOVE the chaptering on the Abs Hits DVD.
you guys are absolutely, positively, the best, most respectful to the consumer customer service I have EVER dealt with. you are amazing. you're doing this is - incredible. Unheard of.
thank you thank you thank you.
(I was going to - and still will - check my new dvd tonight,
but you are all one - make that ten - steps ahead)

ps. please excuse the gushing, thanks.

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