I agree with you ladies. Stamps??? Whaaaaaa???? I don't think I even use stamps anymore to begin with. I'm sure I may have some, somewhere.
But again, to each his/her own. If you want it buy it, if not ignore it.
I know we'd all like more DVDs, but how long can it really take to plan a stamp? Now all the road trips, yes that takes some time. But that feels to me like Cathe wants to spread the Cathe love, as it were. It also does feel like a big ol' egg advertisement at times, though. The video of the CA road trip SNM posted ended w/ a big egg advertisement. Again, take from it what you will. If you don't want eggs, don't eat them.
I don't personally know Cathe or anything, but my take on making newer DVD is this. She's done so much, its probably a lot harder to come up with something new. Half us will complain if she does something like what she's done before b/c its old or stale. The other half will complain if she does something new b/c its not like the old stuff we all love. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Really, she is kind of in a crappy situation in that regards. How to hold on to your audience, keep it fresh, keep it fun, keep it challenging, and still grow your consumer base. I think Cathe/SNM does ok it that regard. Remember, overall, the workout DVD market is just a blip on the consumer radar. We may not think so, bc we're here all the time, but it is. So it can't be all that easy to navigate. Her marketing is this website and word of mouth. So kudos to her, if she can get her name out otherwise. Striking the balance between that and keeping up the everything else is a learning process. No one gets everything right the 1st time. All in all, I think its going ok. Even the biggest companies have marketing issues or ideas that don't work/don't please everyone. Remember New Coke and Clear Pepsi?
Yeah, ok I kinda LIKED Clear Pepsi

Cathe also has a life outside of our DVD players. Who knows what is going on in it? Its not any of our business. Maybe she needs a break, a vacation. And if that is so, then she is more than welcome to it. Maybe there are personal issues -who knows?
She's been on the forums a bit more recently, and I like that. I missed her in Ask Cathe, and her responses.
So, I understand what you ladies are saying, and I do agree with you. But, I can also see the other side. Seems to me she's juggling a lot of things, and trying pretty dang hard to keep it all going. Stretched a little thin? Maybe? But its not for us to decide what she/SNM can and cannot handle.