XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Renee and others that care :)

The song is Dreams by Van Halen. I love the whole album!!

No workout in for me yesterday. :(. Time just got away from me. I did my PT exercises and abs. Not sure what is going to happen today with the bike ride. I'm putting the youngest down for a nap. I have to finish up phonics and grammar with the first grader and Hubby is building a raised garden for me!!! So I'm not sure how long that will take and B 1st grader has a baseball game to night. Some how we have to find time to go to target to get a gift for a family party tomorrow. Tomorrow will be packed with 3 overlapping games and then the party. Thankfully Sunday is just church and the piano recital.

I'm just curious those who are willing to share, where you all like? I'm about equidistant from center city Philly an Lancaster Couunty.

Trying not to fall asleep while nursing...
Ladylep I love Van Halen! Mostly when David Lee Roth was with them. Wonder y I don't remember that song? Strange, I will look it up I may have just forgot. So I am not sure I understood your question?

Okay I did gym styles chest and triceps, and I really liked it. No nonsense, good lifting!!!
I still always feel I need cardio too.I wonder if I'm ever gonna get used to lifting heavy and no cardio on some days! ?
I'm use to old school with the aerobics for 45 minutes then toning then stretch lol I am foreign to all this lifting heavy one day cardio the next.

I like it, but I am always afraid I need more cardio or I'm gonna get fatter. I know it's not true, I will stay where I'm at poundage wise I think fir worse case, and lose fat fir the best case.

I just have to stop stressing and enjoy the days when the rotation doesn't kill me. I am tired a feel I worked out but just a different way. Am I making sense? Lol I feel I am not explaining myself well.
ladylep, you sure are busy! I was never a big van halen fan. Although I like david lee roth. I was more of the "new wave" genre. Now, I like bon jovi, jon that is. I live in southwestern, pa.

Renee, I'll tell ya, i like cardio, but I like having weight days only because I don't get as sweaty. I may do gym syles or slow and heavy for next months weights. Do you have /like slow and heavy? How is your son doing on his first week on his own?

Just having final cup of coffe and back out to pick up the kids from a movie.

Hi Girls,

I did pyramid lower body today, not sure if I liked it. Very sweaty. The ball work at the beginning was tough!

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Tomorrow is a rest day for me.

Hi Girls!

Happy to share that I did burn sets: bi and tris, did 15# for the one arm row instead of Cathe's 12 and for the first time I was able to do all the band exercises! Not as fast as she does them. But I did them! For bis I could not do what she does. It hurts my right elbow too much.

Today's busy day has turned for the better! Our car is still in the shop and is waiting for a part to pass inspection. So I've stayed home all morning doing laundry, cleaned 2 bath rooms and a little weeding before my workout. I need to sit down this afternoon and do some school planning for next year. The homeschool convention (CHAP) is next Saturday and I'm a little behind! So that will be fun, looking for the best prices on new and used books. :)

Which will be tough since my in laws are coming to help with projects that will probably need my attention.

I mistyped before I didn't me like but live. :) ime just curios as to where everyone lives.

Enjoy your day!
Melissa, I am not sure if I like lower body pyramids either cause my goodness it is a lot of work !! Lol I only done it once but I'm gonna try again any how I try to do a workout several times before I decide if I like it or not. So we will see! Lol

That is great, to match Cathe ! My highest bus is 12 and I've been there a while and I can't go up either because it hurts. In my wrist joint. I am living in Elgin South Carolina and I am originally from West Virginia!

Today is IMAX 3 so I will bbl for more details. I hope I can hang in with it.
hi girls--

sorry I was mia yesterday! busy, busy day. took care of my little almost two year old grand niece in the morning, then nygel had a cello lesson, then imala had a concert over in st.paul that we had to get to right in rush hour traffic. the performance was great even though we were stressing about making it on time. yesterday I did circuit blast and yoga inspired abs from ab circuits. today is my rest day and I am glad as I am feeling tired and the weather is very dreary.

Melissa and renee-- I don't have the pyramid wo's. do you think they would be worth getting? I have a pyramid workout from Jackie warner that I did a year or so back, but no cathe.

renee-- the kids do play some rock and jazz, etc on their strings (violin, viola and cello) in addition to classical. they also compose their own, which tends to be very dark-- sounds like something from a harry potter movie or something;)

eva-- how have you been? miss you check-ins:)

ladylep-- I am in Minneapolis, super close to downtown. I love it usually though the weather this year has been horrible. last year we barely had a winter-- almost no snow and mild temps all season; this year we have just gotten nailed and it still feels nothing like spring outside. I am hoping we have a little mild weather before the super hot stuff comes here, but who knows what the summer will be like. at least we are close to the lakes (4 of them right in town). great job on the workouts and your weights!

headed out to walk the dogs and it will be crazy. our whole neighborhood is having its annual garage sale weekend and it is crazy how crowded and packed with people it is around here, even in this crummy weather.

happy Saturday everyone!

Hi Katie!!! Glad u made it today!!! I really like pyramids I think it's worth having even for the upper body one? It is really effective! I don't like the lower body to much but only tried once so I'm gonna do it again to see if I like it lol .
I did IMAX 3 premix 1-5. I don't know why it was hard I knew it would be, I tried it once and I couldn't do the whole DVD, I wish t was 1-7 premix to keep working closer to finishing. I can do IMAX 2 all the way!!! Grr
Morning girls!!! It is raining here! Me don't Likey
Today the rotation calls for AB but I just did that one I think, so i am gonna do HS this morning that is my go to cardio cause it makes me sweat and seems like a great workout for a short amount of time but does not wipe me out like tabatacise! That way I may pop in AB the premix that does everything just once if I feeli need more cardio.
I went to a health seminar at my church! Very eye opening this guy is a messionary and he does a lot of natural stuff. He was taking about Alzheimer's, depression , and a host if other things. He goes by principles in the bible as well. He endirces the documentary of forks over knifes. Talks about y we are missing victim ins and minerals in our soil now the being its of. vitamin D and how that lack of can cause all these mentioned above. Very interesting stuff

Hope you all have a fab day!
Edit. Missing vitamins in our soil! Lol

I finished HS love love that workout and I did SOME of the core # 2 lol I can't wait til I can do the whole core 1 and 2. . I may do more cardio later but for now I gotta clean house yuk
hi girls! hope everyone is having a good sunday! I got up and did drillmax-- really like that one and sweat buckets. it is finally getting warmer here-- supposed to be close to 70 today-- but still super overcast. I will take it, though:p. it's rik's step-dad's bday today so we are headed over there this afternoon. wishing I could take a little nap beforehand as I woke super early this morning-- around 4:30 after going to bed at 11:30ish.

renee-- that talk sounds interesting. I was wishing we could have used some of what I know for my mom and her Alzheimer's, but it was already very advanced so I don't think it helped much:(. great things to learn about early on. HS is fun! glad you got your wo in and sorry you have to clean house! I actually need to do that, too! I should mop the hardwood floors in the living room after dripping sweat all over them!:eek:

Melissa, eva and ladylep-- hope you guys are well!

better get my butt in gear.

Hi Everyone,

Lazy day today. Eating this weekend was hit and miss. Could have been better and worse. My legs are slightly sore but no doms from pyramids. Katie, I would say get pyramids for upper workout, Too bad you have to buy them together. I am committed to a month of pyramid lower, so I will let you know what I think in a few weeks.

Katie, nice weather helps mood a lot, for me at least. You are super busy. does the schedule slow down at all in the summer? I don't have drill max, but I do have cardio fusion which I believe has some of the drills. I really like cardio fusion. It takes a while to learn because the steps aren't broken down too much like in step blast. This is why I like it. I do like step blast, but for me, the moves are repeated so many times.

Renee, The seminar sounds very interesting. Glad you had a good weekend.

I hope everyone is sleeping better.

Hi Katie and Melissa!

My eating wasn't good at all so Melissa you did better then me!!! Lol

I went to my oldest sons house! It was so cute he came over and asked me if I'd come over for a movie day !! So we watched movies and ate popcorn! It was fun, he is so sweet I hadn't little dig he had his kitten lol cuddled on couch and watched taken 2 it was good, then a comedy not sure what it was called but it was good to. He bought me a 3 musketeers too! I told him I was not suppose to eat like that. He and I are gonna do insanity! I ordered it and trying to figure how to work them in. I know he wants to do it to so I may give them to him to do for a rotation then when he. Us done ill do it. Not sure how it will go yet.
I'm not sure I can do insanity since I hear it is high impact.

Eva miss you!
Ladylep! Hello !!
Oh forgot to say I added another timesaver tonight all out low impact to burn the 3 musketeers off. I problem should have done an hour! Lol
Ah Yes, another Monday!
Hope you all had a nice Sunday. Renee, movie night sounds like fun. How sweet of your son, he sounds like a good kid! Well, your candy bar is better than my brownie with ice cream on top.

I am doing 4 day split this week with pyramid lower body for an extra leg day.
Today was bootcamp and bis and tris, dare I say the cardio was easy! It was super fun too. I almost added a tabata, but after the last section with the fast runs and pushups, I decided not to. I did all but the last 8 pushups on my toes! yeah! I think a lot of my pushup problems besides my shoulder was a weak core. Now that it is stronger, I can do better pushsups.

Off to do more laundry!

Hi Katie, Ladylep, and Eva.

Melissa you are doing great! Is there anything u r doing to make your core stronger besides x train core? I need to work on that. Awesome u r doing push-ups on ur toes! Good job!

Katie have a wonderful time with hubby step dad! Hope all goes well! Drill max is hard for me !!!

Today is gym styles back bis shoulders
I had to buy a new computer

Hello all,

I only have one kickboxing workout from X Train, the one with the pink gloves. My back really hurt today, so I only did 30 minutes of hi lo, and lower body from Muscle Max.

I am single so I can't buy everything i want. The new computer wiped me out financially, but I will recoup on Wed when I have a very long personal training session. I am also getting pain pills that day. Thanks for reading.
Hey Renee,
I have just been doing two ab workouts per week. This is the first time I have done abs for any length of time. So, for me twice a week for over 3 months now has done wonders for my core. It is sad that it still looks like dough. I like to eat junk.

You are doing awesome Renee! Snd, you are missing a toe. I think that it would be hard to do anyhing correctly and for a long time with lack of balance.

hi girls!

well today I was able to do CF on some very rotten sleep:(. woke up around 3:00 and just could not get back to sleep. what doesn't help is we slept with the windows open as it is *finally* nice enough here to do that, but the birds are up and at it by 3:45-- it is crazy. between rik's snoring and the chirping, I didn't stand a chance this morning. anyway, I was kind of dreading having to do CF after that, but it actually felt pretty good. sweat a ton and just felt good for quite a while afterwards. then had to pick alec up from school which is about 25 minutes away, and from there head to st.paul-- about 30 minutes from his school-- for a rehearsal with his pianist. that took about a half hour which I sat outside for (was actually going to try and get a nap in, but didn't work), then back home thru busy traffic for another half hour. so glad that is over with! came home and walked the dogs for about a half hour. dare I say it actually felt a bit steamy out there! bugsy was panting like crazy when we got back, so guess he isn't acclimated to the warmer weather yet, either:p

renee-- sounds like you have a very sweet son! glad you had some good times with him. the party was nice, too, though very little to eat for nygel or I since it was a pizza party. we munched on lots of fruit and the salad we brought along. a bonus of being vegan is it is hard to eat a lot of junk when you are out since most of it-- like the bday cake-- has dairy or egg in it. I think drillmax is a toughie, too. gym styles is yet another wo I do not have. I have always tried to work my core 6 days/wk since it is an endurance muscle-- but I think the reason mine is as strong as it is is from all the years of ashtanga. it is still covered in a bunch of hanging skin, though!:rolleyes:

Melissa-- way to go on the pushups on your toes! I like the 4 day split wo's and I also think the bootcamp is pretty mellow (esp after doing all this HiiT and tabata stuff!). so renee had a 3 musketeer (loved those, lucky-- or unlucky-- me they actually have a vegan version of those at whole foods), you had a brownie with ice cream, and I had a sheba dream bar from the co-op which was pretty huge and covered in dark chocolate and coconut cream. it was super yummy, though! hopefully I burned some of that off:D

eva and ladylep-- hope you guys are doing well!

CDPotier-- sorry for your new expenses! our computer crashed a while ago, too and we had to get another. between that and repairs on my car, there went my tax refund this year. I cant buy much of what I want because I have three kids;). hope your back feels better! I love HS-- have you tried it yet? the gloves make it even more fun:)

off to fill out applications for scholarships for the kids. Melissa, you asked if the summer gets better. it is actually worse, at least for four weeks! the kids all attend the university of Minnesota in an intensive string program (have been doing it for going on ten years, if you can believe). I have always brought them down there and stayed with them in the past as it is a large campus and in a large metropolitan area. now I know alec would be fine, and probably imala, too (though a 14 year old girl on her own down there scares me, too!), but I would worry about nygel (only 11). I will probably be hanging out at the U of M quite a bit again. they go 7 days a week, with 4 hours practice a day, chamber music coachings, technique classes, private lessons and then recitals on Friday night, sat night and sundays. eye-yay-yay. makes me tired thinking of it-- that all starts on father's day. afterwards, we will take a vacation!

Hey Katie,

Geeze, when do you get a break? I would do what you do and stay all day at the college. I wonder if they have a gym you could use and you could do a rotation there. I am sorry you didn't sleep. I know what you mean about the birds and the open window. I run a fan and I could still hear this one bird this morning. This will sound terrible, but I wish I had a rock.

Cd, Hard strikes is a great, fun workout! No equipment, except the gloves. Have fun with it. I hope your back is ok.


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