XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Melissa u r correct I have balance problems doing static lunges and a lot of one leg thing and the side slide lunges lol it's funny actually. Well I have to laugh lol. U r doing good but I have a big dough ball turns into a tire when I sit lol I think how about, lets me n u try to do three abs a week!!! Then are goal is to do like Katie and get up to 6 days. ???

So lets see ladylike I hope you are getting your workouts in and you are doing well!

Eva miss you woman!!!!

Catlin so glad u r joining the thread!!! Hope u can get more x train over time you will love them!

Katie you don't stop man, yes I'd love to find a whole foods or organic store here. I looked it up on Internet but I may be typing the wrong thing.

I did HS again today at work got home and did back shoulders and bis I think I should be sore tomorrow !! Crossing my fingers!!
Hi Melissa, Katie, Renee and all!

Quick update as I really need to go to bed, I've been going to bed around 1 most nights and then the toddler wakes me at 2 ish, I fall asleep with him and then wake for good around 6. :(

Period came today with a vengeance! I've been bad with my raw, did great T-F afternoon and then it went caplooey. And I'm in a lot of pain today.

But I did get in Intensity: step only (first step that wasn't low impact since broken toe!) but I had to skip to the cool down after 18 min, that's all I could too, between the pain in my back from cramps and it was after 9 and my toe was pretty good but I was afraid and I just didn't want to do it anymore! I'm such a wimp!

Gotta go to bed! Night all!
Good Morning,

ladylep, I am sorry about your time of the month. Mine is also awful. My doctor told me to take ibuprofen to reduce flow. It seems to be working. Sometimes, I can't leave the house it gets to be so yucky. Anyhow, hope it gets better.

Renee, I am doing two ab workouts per week. Today it was the abs with 4 day split kickbox/legs. I wore my pink gloves. I ink the abs were ok. I couldn't do the split leg situps so I did stacked. Overall, it was on the easier end. I liked the legs portion. The kickbox was ok. I kiss HS music! Anyhow, I think I would like to say I will do abs three times per week, but I don't think I will actually do them. I am oung to try to ad some pilates matwork.

Hi Katie and Eva, no name ideas yet. I am not clever.

hi girls--

beautiful day here again! sunny and high about 80 degrees. think I may actually clear off the porch after a l*o*n*g winter. picking up plants today from alec's school from their yearly fundraiser-- counting on no more snow!

today I did STS total body upper body premix (which felt tough-- not sure what weight cathe is using on some of the exercises, esp with the barbell, but wondering if I went too high?). then did this: BRYAN_KEST_POWER_YOGA_3.mp4 - YouTube
bryan kest power yoga 3:sweat. this is my favorite in the series and it felt good today. tomorrow is more Hiit, so enjoyed today.

ladylep-- that is not much sleep, and I hear you:(. since my mom passed sleep sure doesn't come easy. hope you got a better night last night and sorry about your period. I am getting mine *again* and cannot believe it. typically I have every three months, but again, since mom's passing it is about every three weeks:mad:. fed up with it already.

Melissa-- the music in 4 day split is kind of a bummer after xtrain. I am with you-- the kickbox section is okay; doesn't seem long enough. I think I like the boot camp better and I am such a non-stepper when it comes to fancy choreography that I cant do the step routines. I do love all the weights, though, and normally use them in premixes. hope you are having a good day and the bird let you sleep!

renee-- are you sore today? sounds like you got a great wo in yesterday! hope you got some DOMS. I haven't really had any lately.

eva-- where have you been? we miss you! maybe you are already on your break from the internet...

headed out to mail off scholarship applications for the kids and pick up the plants. enjoy your afternoon everyone!

hi girls, hoping that a post will motivate me. I'm feeling frustrated with my boys and fat, gained back mot of the weight I lost. :( i am now back in the overweight category:5'9" and 171 today! Ugh, my weight last year this time was 153! phooey.

I feel like I have a million things to do in and out of the house with not enough time to do it all. I was going to try to do April's rotation this month since I have all but CF and I only have 6 of the workouts for the month of may. I know I could sub a bunch, but I don't feel like doing the brain work. That would put burn sets CBS, I like both burn sets and they go fast. I'm just so not motivated today. Ok, I just called the library to renew books at are on hold so I need to go and return them since I couldn't renew and pick up some holds. Maybe I'll make that trip to target too (we need new dishes, they keep breaking and potty seat for the youngest and a handful of other things....)

Signed-Overwhelmed and under motivated
Het Katie, Sounds like you had a good day. Good luck with the scholarships! I like to do sts total body as upper/lower split. I think for me, lifting that heavy, I can't give my all to upper and lower on the same day. Great weather! I have been putting off taking out our porch furniture. It seems like such a job of cleaning.

Ladylep, I am sorry you are having a downer day. Try not to get discouraged. We have all been there. You have so much going on, so it isn't as if you are lying around eating bon bons all day. I firmly believe that most of weight loss is diet and only a small part exercise. I have improved in strength and endurance greatly, however, I have not lost many pounds. I am probably down one pants size. While this is good, I should be a lot smaller size wise, I have hardly missed any workouts. Which means, my diet is awful. I try and try to eat well and do so for days in a row, then sabotage it all. I am still the heaviest I have been since my daughter was born in 2003. I was down to 130 when I did body for life, it is so much harder for me even doing the exact same eating and workout. I do not mean to go on and on about me, I just want you to know, you are not alone!

Ladylep, I am sorry, I did not mean to say you are not eating good. I think My problem is food.

Since we are thinking of new thread names, I wonder if we could make it somehow goal oriented, for example, Melissa will only eat 1 oreo and not a whole row.

Melissa you crack me up!!!! I am the same way!!! You sound like my clone lol I can't think if a good name either.

Katie your kids are making me so proud and happy for them and you!! I love to see people doing there best pushing through staying focused wow refreshing

Ladylep I think Melissa is correct to say you really have a lot going in. You are so busy and u will get back to where you was... Don't give up!!! I am the same weight I was last year!! I have not lost any either I get so mad at myself. So I know how you can want to give up, but look if you give up then you will never know what tomorrow will bring, right? Maybe your body is fighting you. I think that about mine I gained 30 pounds in five years!!! It's gonna take at least two years to get it off, I tell my self this so I know it is gonna be a long process and knowing that makes it easier to go one day at a time. Slow and steady. I haven't lost weight but my B p. is lower, my muscles are showing some on my arms and my butt is still big but, it is an uplifted big butt!!! I'm ok with that cause I am thinking a lot has to be fix internally before I can see it externally but I'll never see it if I give up. So we are in this together!!!

Okay girls I did insanity fit test instead of boot camp only cause it wasn't as long as boot camp and I was curious I am happy to say I kept up with the female on there and I faired well I think, better then I thought. I also previewed the first workout and it isn't looking to bad if you can do CATHES HIIT or tabata then you wouldn't have a problem with insanity, but not sure if my knees and feet can take jumping every day. With Cathe rotations we at least get a day if just lifting to give feet a rest. We will see, I may do bootcamp in morning and try insanity at night tomorrow. Ha ha right... See how I think I'm young still?
Oh no katie I'm not sore either I am missing the DOMS, not the back lol I remember during x train rotation my lower back hurt all the time glad that's not happening now but I miss the soreness in my bis and shoulders I even went as heaven as possible on my bis and nope not sore, I guess that means my arms are getting used to it?
Thanks, Melissa and Renee for the pep talk. I needed it! I did manage to get in Burn Sets: CBS after I got back from the library and Target! But I just got the little one down for bed. And need to do some meal planning and spend time with Hubby before I go to bed. I need to be out of the house with all 4 boys tomorrow by 8/8:15 at the latest. Oh, I can't forget my PT exercises!

HS it on tap for tomorrow, I've never done the conditioning so that might be fun. Any recommendations to match the ab work? I don't have the wts and plates. The only one that I have that has wts -I think- is #3 from Core Max. The other ab workouts that I have are one the tail end of these: 4Day, Body Max, Cardio and Wts, XTrain, Drill Max (does that have one?)

Gotta get my PT exercises in before bed!
Hi Ladylep,
I think your ab workout with the squares looked good. I did abs from 4 day split kickbox today. It was ok, one was hard for me, so I subbed something else. It was nothing like core 2 from xtrain. Good job with the pt, it is easy to slack off.

Hi Girls,

I did 4 day split lower intensity plus shoulders. Once again, I feel like it was a breeze. I put my step at two risers. I guess xtrain did wonders for my stamina. Meanwhile, my eating is good since Sunday, and of course I am so bloated I wish I could prick my stomach and pop it!

Nice day here. Tomorrow is a rest day for me.

Hope you all are well.
hi girls-- busy day for me today with work (lots of clients, just finished up now) and now headed to my sisters to go through old pictures for a book we are putting together of mom for mother's day. I did get a super sweaty workout in, though-- 40/20 Hiit plus stability ball abs. I tell you, I hate the explosive running man moves on the step with 4 risers-- just brutal:eek:. glad to make it thru that-- looked like I had showered after it all was said and done. tomorrow I am just doing some kest yoga and I am thinking maybe a short weight segment of cathe's. I am super sore today (just after telling renee I haven't had DOMS in a long time). all my upper body muscles are sore and my sides and legs feel fried (think that is from yesterday's power yoga). tomorrow I will do the tone disc, which is my least favorite as he holds the asanas for so long, but I think it will be good anyway. more HiiT planned for Friday.

Melissa-- congrats on the gains in your stamina! that is fantastic! I can't follow all the moves on those step routines so tend to stay away from them-- I like athletic/explosive moves/simple choreography that I can get into. guess I have two left feet! good to hear the weather is nice. enjoy your rest day tomorrow!

renee-- thanks for the compliments on the kids; I am proud of them and all their hard work. way to go on the insanity test! I think I would fry out my joints on those workouts, based on what I have seen. and, yes, my back sure was sore during xtrain, too! glad that has passed! how are your boys? hope the one in his new place is enjoying things on his own:)

ladylep-- sorry for your rough day yesterday! hope things are looking up today! the scale can be such a pain in the rear that I typically avoid it. I know that since I have been on the pill I have been carrying around an extra 10 lbs that never seems to go away. with xtrain I think I gained more muscle and probably endurance, but don't think I lost much if anything (probably also because I eat too many sweets!). I am trying a combo of HiiT/Tabata and yoga/strength now to see if I cant lean out any. so far I am not seeing or feeling a difference, though it doesn't help that I have my period every two and a half weeks and am then feeling bloated:p. hand in there, I am sure things will get better-- I always tend to lose during the summer months, too-- maybe that will be the case with all of us!

hello to eva as well! hope you are doing well!

better run!

Good job on split lower intensity step. I agree x train did help with stamina for me as we'll. have u ever heard of charcoal for gas? If u feel bloated it may help! I never tried but I heard put charcoal in water let it set a minute or so then drink the water. That nay help the bloated feeling. I feel bloated all the time but I am starting to feel a little bit better with that because with all these veggies I been eating I have been going regularly if you know what I mean !! Lol

My son is doing ok so far. I was hoping he Caine by after church today. He is helping preach or teach to the youth there. This is the one who loves to play still like a kid lol it is cute actually. He is the one doctors said would always be developmentally slow and be like a kid but I tell you what he is doing better then I ever expected. He listens better and not hard headed he is the one who still likes to hug me and not embarrassed to say he loves me in front of people. He is also one who loves kittens lol. I am proud of him.
The other one isn't doing to we'll, he still having issues with us. A big mess, he is making me worry and cry daily. He never is home and if he does come home he is angry and everything wrong is are fault or someone else's his insurance is high due to tickets and no pay on time and he gets mad and says his life goes like that, I told him yesterday after holding my tongue, I said ryan I'm sorry but I have to stop you, all this crap u r going through us self inflicted stop finding problems or excuses and do what u r suppose to do. He lives here suppose to, so he can get his own place and pay some bills,, well in four months he has managed to be broke non sufficient funds in the bank , and no money to pay insurance. I know what he is doing with his money. Last night I assumed he wasn't coming home cause I tried to call him ask if he was coming home at 930 then at 10 usually I lock door and go to bed, he is always late but if he don't text I go to bed. He calls at 1130 2 xs. I did not answer and I know it sounds cruel but he knows 10 the door gets locked. The reason is if he is out past that I am trying to prevent drunk or high driving. He is a mess. He thinks we hate him. I am afraid if I really tell him how I feel he would not handle it well. And no not hurt me but himself. He seems to not handle ANY pressure at all. I'm confused I want to love him but he pushes us away. He is angry all the time. This is not him. He never was like this, everyone is shocked how he has ended up being. Heart braking.. Thanks for asking, I try not to bug y'all about it, but I never know if I'm doing the right thing.

Ladylep I hope u feel better and no cramps today!! U will get the weight off soon, so I hope u got in a workout!

Okay today I did an insanity workout today it wasn't to bad!! Katie if u can do hiit you can do insanity i think isnt as bad so far.Hii
Katie, Your day sounds productive! It is nice to have some soreness. I haven't really felt sore since my first week of xtrain. I know I am working hard though.

You are doing right to put limits on your son. He will blame anyone but himself. I would be torn up too. Both of your sons are very different! Do you put an actual piece of charcoal in the water? I have thought about insanity, but never got it, I am thinking there are too many pushups and I don't have a pullup bar.

I heard u get a certain type of charcoal at a health food store, and it is really charcoal!! Like I said I never did it but part of that seminar he was talking about tricks he does tell his patients to do. That was one of them strange but neat. He said she said after she drank it it took 10 minutes and the gas was gone. He was talking about a link between depression and vitamin d deficiency and osteo I thought that was neat cause I have both and I am gonna take his advice and double up on my vitamin d3 I started that last Sunday and it is helping. He promotes more kale and all green leafy veggies bit k and turmeric I just learned of that one.
Quick update: no cramps anymore but still it's still going. No real workout yesterday, just a short walk with Hubby, Toddler in stroller and B on his bike. I did my PT stuff and abs.

Not sure what today will bring. Still pretty unmotivated. I dropped a few. We got a huge amount of Chinese food this past weekend, that always gets me. trying to start tracking again. But we have the Homeschooling convention in Harrisburg this Saturday and they don't allow outside food...and all the boys will be at grandparents overnight!

Leg Cardio Blast is on the rotation or I might do HS which was yesterday's but I honestly don't know where I'm going to fit one in with schooling this morning (procrastinating breakfast) PT at 5 and some quick food shopping before I head to B's baseball game. It's not as busy at is sounds. :)
hi girls--

dreary, wet day here and all sorts of running around to do with the kids. all of them have recitals and concerts coming up this month, so going to be some crazy weeks ahead. I think I am stuck at lessons/rehearsals with nygel til after 8 tonight:eek:. this morning I did bryan kest power yoga 2:tone. wow that one is super intense! I had forgotten how tough it was after being away from it for a while, though I knew it was the one I usually avoided-- now I remember why. I will try and post it here in case any of you would want to try it: BRYAN_KEST_POWER_YOGA_2.mp4 - YouTube

I added on a short ab hit to that and called it a day. tomorrow I am planning on TTM extreme, so figured some sweaty yoga and abs was enough for the day!

renee-- I am so sorry for what you are going through with your son. I know how addiction totally changes a personality:(. I think you are doing the right thing and I admire you for it. hoping he turns around someday soon. so glad to hear about your other son:). great that things are working out so well for him! how was GS legs? or did you do more insanity today? yeah, I think the attiude of the instructors would get to me-- I don't even care for jillian michaels as I think she has too much attitude, so I can't see myself trying insanity. I think it's great that you and your son are doing it together, though!

ladylep-- I have those days, too, and have definitely felt lower energy the past few weeks-- some days are better then others. anyway, hope you get a wo in, or not if it adds stress to the day!, and that you have fun at the baseball game.

Melissa-- hope you are having a good rest day!

I probably won't be back on today, so have a good day everyone!


Hi lady!!! Yes I did gym style legs as well that day. Yesterday was a planned rest day. Today is either CSS or cardio from insanity. Not sure I may try insanity but if I feel my knees are bothering me or defer I will do CSS instead. Man so now snow is gone u have to have rain? Yuk .. We had rain here for a week!!! Yuk lol now it is gonna be 88 here today!!! I'm gonna be outside some for sure. Good luck on TTM extreme! You are so advanced in your exercise! No way I can do that, goo job. I may try yoga tonight toolset up my legs.

Melissa how are you today? What's on your calander for workout?

Eva hope u pop in soon

I hope u get to take it easy today, I'd love to hear obe day you get to have a day that you have time to rest and do whatever u want to do! Lol hope u have a good day.

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