hi girls-- hope everyone is having a good day. I had an awful night

. rik's snoring woke me at 2:30 and I tried using my earplugs to fall back asleep. wasn't working at all, so I came downstairs to sleep on the futon. first I noticed how our two clocks (one in living room, one in the kitchen) each tick very loudly and off the beat of each other

. once I was starting to get used to that, two cats got into a major fight out in the street-- it sounded just awful. then shortly after I heard someone on our front porch-- first freaked out thinking a person was trying to break in, only to look out and discover it was a raccoon! after all that I could never settle back in to sleep, and had to be out the door early to get alec to his AP US history exam. anyway, I came back home, had a smoothie and then did 30/30 HiiT, which felt pretty awful on no sleep. I still added burn set bis and also no equipment abs. tried to lay down for a nap a little while ago, and city workers came to do some work in the street

. oh, and to continue my "wildlife in the city" stories, nygel went in the kitchen to put the recycling away and thought he heard someone walking in our yard-- that, he did-- it was a wild turkey!! don't know what is up with Minneapolis, but I am feeling like we are living out in the woods somewhere
ladylep-- great job on getting some DM in! hope your busy day goes well today and that you get a little time for yourself!
melissa-- it actually made it to 99 yesterday!

today is comfortable, though-- around 79 and sunny. hope your weather is nice today!
renee-- too funny with the names! we could do "sweat more, eat less in 2013?" I don't know. eva mentioned wanting "toning" in the title. can someone come up with something for that? sweating to tone ladies? okay, I am bad.
alright, going to walk the dogs now and see if I can gain some energy for the rest of the day.