XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

With 40s being in the title I mean. I'm mentally 30 and sometimes 16!

I agree!! Lol sometimes I feel 16 and I am like why am I really 43 and how did it happen so fast? Then some times I do feel my age but I want to ignore it so probably leave out the age. Lol we are all moms but feel young so wonder if that can be used some how. Humm not sure. What's some names pop up for u guys?

Good job on pt exercises, oh my cheesecake!!!
I think I am to do Sts total body tonight
Hi Everyone,
Renee I am still stumped for names.

Ladylep, Your weekend food sounds good. At least the scale is going down. I am glad your foot is getting better.

I did lower body blast. That is a fun workout. And the time flew by. Maybe I shouldn't rule out crossfire, I could have been having an off day.

Eva, Hope you are well!

Hi Katie, Hope your day is good.

hi girls!

pretty sweaty here today-- hard to believe that I was cold this morning taking alec; now it is 94 degrees. we don't have central air in the house, either, so this is a preview of the months ahead. I think it's only in the upper 70s tomorrow, though. today I did bryan kest power yoga 3 "sweat" and also ab circuit pilates abs. I feel tired and lower energy-- birds had me up just before 4, so this was a good day to not be jumping around. there's more time for that tomorrow;)

renee-- isn't that boy the cutest thing? guess he will have a career in music/dance someday:) sts total body is tough! hope it goes well for you.

Melissa-- I haven't done LBB in a while, but remember I thought it was pretty fun and had pretty good music (even some classical in the stretch, right?). glad you had fun with it!

ladylep-- top three favorite cathe videos? that is a toughie. I will say I do like CF and TTM because of how good I feel after sweating through them and also because they are such big calorie burners. I like the burn sets from xtrain and HS, too, though I am kind of burnt out on them right now after the 90 days plus the other rotation I did. I like the LI series a lot, but don't care for the music so much. cardio core circuit is fun, but that one blows out my knee. I dunno-- hard to pick a favorite, I guess. sounds like you have busy days ahead! I have had way too many treats the past few days as well-- have really been craving chocolate lately:eek:

eva-- hope you are doing well!!

so, I am so bad on coming up with creative names. I am also in my forties-- 42-- and have three kids, but I don't think eva has kids and for some reason I am thinking she is not in her 40s yet, but could be wrong there. how about "women who sweat" lol. no clue, really. maybe my kids could come up with something!

have to run now. picking alec up from school and then both he and imala have rehearsals with their pianist in st.paul tonight. always running around. on a sad note, my brother lost his father-in-law yesterday. I feel so badly for him and my SIL and the kids-- they lost their grandma (my mom) two months ago on 3/13 and now their grampa on 5/13. too much loss this year.

love and peace,

One thing is for sure, I am a woman who sweats. I Liked this thread (90 days) because we were all working on a specific common goal together.

Katie, 94°! I wish we had 70° every day with a pleasant breeze and an occasional thunderstorm.

No Sts tb today I did feel I could concentrate on it if I felt I was in a hurry so I did HS with sit ups and I'll do Sts tb tomorrow when I don't have to work. Man I was also suppose to do cardio resistance but noway was I gonna do that today. That one repeats to much boring! HS put me in a great mood it was fun and fun and sweaty!!!!
How bout sweat bags lol no just joking. Oh I'm not very creative, sweaty warriors, dough bellyaching? Lol healthy sisters cause we want to be healthy and to me I talk to you guys more then my sisters.

Good job on the workout. I know what you mean about certain workouts not going well when you can't concentrate.

Names: I think something would be good with sweat in it. Sweat bags is funny. I assume you are calling us old bags? How about I wish I could shave off my fat deposits.

Just kidding.

Sweat more, sweats less.

Ha ha no I didn't mean old bags but it does sound like I was saying that doesn't it? Lol oops
You are funny!! Maybe that one "sweat more in 2013 " and every yr change the year? Idk "sweat away the inches. "
Ok gotta go to sleep now. Night you lovely ladies!!!
Got in drill max! I did only drills 1 and almost drill 2 ( couldn't do the second set of push ups with the knee thing), in between mailing cup cakes and icing (and eating icing) them! JTrain requested them for his Last drama class tomorrow.

I'm out all day tomorrow: last day of classes plus final program: singing and acting, then orthoped. Appt, then off to PT and a quick trip to the grocery store before home to potatoes in the. Rock pot for dinner before I need to get B and C Dog to their baseball games. Hubby will meet me there as he will be at the afternoon Phillies game! Whew! I doubt I'll get a work out in tomorrow night. Unless I push myself and try level 1 tabata one something.

Night all!
hi girls-- hope everyone is having a good day. I had an awful night:(. rik's snoring woke me at 2:30 and I tried using my earplugs to fall back asleep. wasn't working at all, so I came downstairs to sleep on the futon. first I noticed how our two clocks (one in living room, one in the kitchen) each tick very loudly and off the beat of each other:(. once I was starting to get used to that, two cats got into a major fight out in the street-- it sounded just awful. then shortly after I heard someone on our front porch-- first freaked out thinking a person was trying to break in, only to look out and discover it was a raccoon! after all that I could never settle back in to sleep, and had to be out the door early to get alec to his AP US history exam. anyway, I came back home, had a smoothie and then did 30/30 HiiT, which felt pretty awful on no sleep. I still added burn set bis and also no equipment abs. tried to lay down for a nap a little while ago, and city workers came to do some work in the street:mad:. oh, and to continue my "wildlife in the city" stories, nygel went in the kitchen to put the recycling away and thought he heard someone walking in our yard-- that, he did-- it was a wild turkey!! don't know what is up with Minneapolis, but I am feeling like we are living out in the woods somewhere:p

ladylep-- great job on getting some DM in! hope your busy day goes well today and that you get a little time for yourself!

melissa-- it actually made it to 99 yesterday! :eek:today is comfortable, though-- around 79 and sunny. hope your weather is nice today!

renee-- too funny with the names! we could do "sweat more, eat less in 2013?" I don't know. eva mentioned wanting "toning" in the title. can someone come up with something for that? sweating to tone ladies? okay, I am bad.

alright, going to walk the dogs now and see if I can gain some energy for the rest of the day.


Katie- I can't believe you got so much exercise in in such little sleep!! Sounds pretty amazing to me! Sorry you had a rough night's sleep, bile fully tonight will be better!

I have a few min. lull while nursing so I thought I'd check in. Lots of driving and trying to please my kids (unsuccessfully) today. I'm spent and am not going to rush around to get them out to baseball, they will just have to be late. They spent the first 10 min of being home playing basketball and not getting their uniforms on. We should leave in less than 10 min, fed and dressed for baseball. Not happening. Hubby is at the Phillies game (for work) and will meet us there and of course they are at different fields...

The only exercise I can hope for tonight is pushing the stroller around tonight.
What an exciting night! How awful. Good job on he workouts. I'll bet you are tired now. Isnq't wildlife great? Fighting cats sound terrible, almost like babies crying. Hope it is better for you tonight. The downfall of open windows, outside noise. Anyhow, I have a giant floor fan blowing on me when I workout to help with the sweat. We do use ac in the summer. Luckily! I still need the fan blowing on me. Sometimes I put one in front and one ine back.

Ladylep, Have fun at baseball! Pushing the stoller is something.

I did low impact circuit. It ws nice to do steady state. Combo 4 messed me up a little. I don't know why the one section she teaches is backward from the way it is actually done. This was a fun workout. Maybe will do a lowimpact rotation. I can't remember if I like the other workouts in the series.

Hi Renee and Eva wherever you are.

Have a good night.

Hey girls!!

I got in Sts total body and went as heavy as I could, I hope I am sore tomorrow. I ate tons of veggies yesterday and Monday and today but I also ate salty corn chips oops. Not to much but still I hate that.

Katie that sounds like u live in the country! You say u are in the city?i hope u sleep! I don't know how u do 30/30 and no sleep.

Melissa hello! Good job on the LI C I loved the low impact rotation. I'd like to mix insanity with that one and x train but not sure how yet.

Ladylep good lick on pleasing the kids!! That is a hard one lol
Well it was with mine.

Eva hope u pop in soon
Just got in Hiit 40/20 and I'm sweating bullets! Feels good though. I'm loosely following the April Rotation. This week I'm trying to do some parts of these workouts:

Drill Max
XTrain Burn Sets
HiiT 40/20, abs circuits - ball (I have Core Max)
Crossfire (don't have)
XTrain Legs

I think that will probably be it for me, but I will get in my ab squares workout and PT exercises. My elbow and shoulder are hurting more today that they have been. I was at the doc yesterday and he says 1 more week of PT and then cortisone shots in both if it's not better. :(

I would love to say that I'll get in Burn Sets and Legs over the next 3 days, but, I think that's very unrealistic. It's hard not to set unrealistic goals for myself.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Everyone,

Ladylep, your workouts sound good. good for you for following thru with therapy. I think it would be easy to slack off.

Renee, How did sts go? I haven't done that one in ages.

Hi Katie and Eva.

I did pyramid upper today. I jphave one more weel left of my month rotation. I have been eating awfully for three days now. Yuck. Where did all my willpower go?

Melissa you always make me giggle some it seems and I know you are not even trying to!! Lol. I think that's good you have almost completed another rotation !!

Katie hope you slept this time!

Ladylep that is awesome 40/20? I think that one is the hardest?

Ok I think I am up for insanity again tonight. Not sure which one till I read the calendar or I may take a yoga night. I'm so happy I am sore!! Yah Sts total body made my hammies sore, and my back.!!! Not my arms :( SO tomorrow I think I want to add on a biceps burn sets from x train to fry them out good!! With a HIIT or insanity for cardio. I just can't do just Shawn t I miss My Cathe to much so I'm doing the I think the may rotation and insanity rotation mixed, that should get me good cardio good weights and mix it up some !! I'll post when I get my workout in tonight.
Renee, you are lucky to be sore I can't remember the last time I felt sore. Usually,it is the hamstrings like you have.
hi girls--

quick post from me as we are headed out the door to a concert. alec is playing with two of his teachers and then imala and nygel will join him to play the adagio for strings that he arranged for mom's funeral. hope I make it through the concert without crying. anyway, another recital tomorrow night and then nygel's on sunday, another for alec on Monday, and then I think we are done for awhile!

today for me was bryan kest power yoga "energize". I am still short on energy, though! up at 3 am and was able to fall back asleep around 430 but then up at 5:30. oh well, better then the night before. I also added stability ball abs. hoping I sleep better tonight so I am ready for some HiiT tomorrow.

ladylep-- way to go on the 40/20! I am with renee and I think that is one of the hardest ones!

Melissa-- I am thinking I would like the pyramid dvds but will wait til they are on special. got the slow and heavy yesterday; curious what that will be like. I am with you on the crappy eating lately:eek::confused:. don't know what my deal is either-- always craving dark chocolate or coconut ice cream.

renee-- great deal on the DOMS. also on the wo's. what did you end up doing tonight?

alright, better fly! hope i'm not forgetting anyone!

good night!
Okay I ended up doing insanity pure cardio cause it was only 33 minutes I think. And then since I been feeling twinge in my back again I had to do a yoga for a healthy back DVD my Marlo yogi not sure if u guys heard of her it is simple yoga stretches for the back that helps relax the muscles. It is only 28 minutes but it works, I need to do it again tomorrow to get even more benefits from it. I think jumping around is causing it that is y I decided to add weight lifting in between the insanity cause I know to much jumping isn't good. I may do a slow steady state step tomorrow like Kathy smith or an old step rebox DVD with no jumping just easy flowing step for longer time for endurance. I have not done an endurance workout for awhile him or maybe a nice long walk tomorrow if its pretty!!
What is the insanity rotation?

In 40/20 there were at least 2 that I either did at my own pace (the one with the push up, I did it modified) or just modified (last one kick over the step?).

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