XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Thank you also Katie about kind words about my son, you to Melissa. I know others problem think they'd dismiss there kids or whatever but it is hard balancing things, like,not enable him but show love, be supportive at a distance, know what to say when he is dramatic or when not to talk. Know when to tell it to him straight without worrying it is gonna make him go hurt hisself. I tell you it zaps my energy, I have so much to say that might snap him out of it or make it worse but not sure when to do that. The other day I let him half just a piece of my mind and I thought he was gonna do something drastic but it seemed to do something but I don't know if it is a fluke. I just try to pray and stop worrying it helps for a few hours, then he pops in my head again that I hope he is ok. I see his face in my mind he is such a beautiful boy. He used to be so funny and loving. I wish I had money I'd open up a rehab for young boys and young men. There is a lot for females and nothing for guys. I'd open it and run it to get these kids counseling and make them work in community for charity and it would be Christian based. It's so hard seeing someone you live with all ur heart to slowly be killing them self
Hi Girls,
Sorry I missed yesterday. My daughter was home sick again yesterday. She is back at school today, hopefully I won't get a call to pick her up. Yesterday was a rest day for me. Too much office work to do and with my daughter home, it was basically a get nothing done day. Funny, I did manage to eat chips and ice cream. The longer I sit at home, the easier it is to munch.

Anyhow, today was 4 day split high intensity step with chest and back and core. I did well with all. I don't feel exhausted

Katie, I am going to try your link. I think itnis good to do different types of workouts. Although I have all Cathe and they are different workouts, they seem to be more of the same. Anyhow, after my month rotation, I am going to do a hiit run alternating with weights for the summer. This will be along the lines of the body for life method. I don't know if I will get bored.

Typically, my workouts go out the window in the summer when the kids are home. I think this year will be different becuase of my gains in strength etc.

Renee, I really think you are in a tough place. I honestly don't think anything you say will make your son change or want to do better, it has to be from himself. You are right about it being a shame that there isn't a rehab place for him to go. Prayers are with you. Take care of yourself.

Ladylep, I am glad the pain is gone. I love chinese food, but it does cause me to put on watre weight i think. Also, for some reason, I am hungry again right after I eat, Kind of like when I eat fish.

We are haing lots of rain today, it is actually comfortable though.

I am going to have to get all of my work done today and do everything I didn't do yesterday today, so off I go.

Eva, If you are able to check in, I hope you are well!

Happy Friday!
hi girls! quick post from me. trying to clean house and get ready for rik's parents coming over for dinner. we are celebrating mother's day with them tonight, as our family is getting together on sunday, knowing that it is going to be a tough mother's day for all of us this year. anyway, lots to do, but wanted to check in. today I did TTM extreme no solid step-- that is my favorite premix on there. those turning/jumping lunges sure are tough, but all in all it felt good-- less intense than CF, I think.

renee-- your idea for a rehab center sounds wonderful. we need to take better care of each other, that is for sure. will continue to keep your son and you in my thoughts. you got some serious wo's in! great job! I bet you could do TTM extreme if you tried it, esp if you are doing insanity:D. can you believe it is supposed to be 90 here by Tuesday? we jump straight into the heat, I guess. today is nice-- upper 60s and sunny. this weekend is supposed to be sunny but cool-- highs in the 50s and possible frost. then the heat! never know what is going to happen next here!:p

Melissa-- sorry your little one has been sick! I worked out so hard today and then ate a good lunch-- seaweed salad from the co-op, but then later while cleaning had some of a vegan german chocolate cookie-- now I am feeling kind of like crud:(. story of my life, I guess. thank goodness I do workout all the time, or I would really be in trouble! you'll have to let me know what you think if you try poweryoga; I really think it is what I am needing right now.

tomorrow is a rest day for me. I am hoping next week to keep up the same pattern-- did three days of Hiit/tabatas this week, 1 of upper body toning, 1 circuit workout (drillmax) and 2 days of power yoga. I think if I keep the HiiTs plus the yoga I may lean out a little, plus keep in at least one upper body weights to keep my strength up. I am not as worried about days of leg toning, as I think the Hiit/tabatas are super tough on my lower body. we shall see what happens, I guess...;)

eva and ladylep-- hello to you both! hope you are having a nice end of the workweek!

off I go.

love and peace,

I did Imax 2 intervals 1-5 (the first premix) today! I was sweating bullets! And my toe was fine, even after one of my boys kicked it earlier today.

Out for a date with Hubby as all kids are split up at grandparents.

Probably no check in tomorrow as I'll be in Harrisburg at CHAP.

Hi- Melissa, Katie, Eva and all!
Hey Renee, Body for life is 6 days a week. You do three days of 20 min. hiit alternated with an upper body and a lower body workout. Each week you alternate whicjph is done twice upper or lower. So I will do hiit run, upper, hiit run, lower, hiit run, upper. The next week, lower will get done twice. There is a method for what weights to use, but I will use Cathe weights. Anyhow, the first time i did this, I lost two pants sizes in 8 weeks. The next time I did it, I didn't feel any difference after 3 weeks so I quit. I think it takes at least 4 weeks to start dropping weight. Anyhow, I will do this to save time in the summer. It is so hard for me to wokout when the kids are home. It is amazing how hard it is to get 45 min. without some type of fight.

Hi Katie, Have a nice dinner tonight, Also it is great that you are getting together with your family on Sunday. I can't imagine how hard it must be. Prayers to you all.

Ladylep, Have a good date night and weekend!

Katie great idea on a drab book! Hope u had a nice evening!

Melissa that sounds like a good rotation for summer! Love it. I am gonna try to get evening walks in in addition to my DVDs and my once a week run! I need to run more times but I got so many things I want to do! Plus knees can't run more then two a week but I'm praying once I drop some weight I will take pressure off my knees.

Today I did pure cardio insanity and Sts upper body. Got a lot done in a little time. This insanity is advanced but not any more harder then Cathes DVDs, I still have to stop early and walk around a few seconds a lot with Cathes TTM and cf and HIIT and tabatacize and a few others I can't remember but with insanity so far I take less brakes and I keep up still. So maybe when I do the ones totaled the max it will get harder. I think one thing I do like about these workouts is I don't think much and I modify some moves that are to high of jumps. I don't like that the warm ups are all the same and drills are reacted two or three times then move on to three more moves for three rounds. I don't like one girl on there always pouching her mouth out lol!
I am not sure if I will be able to keep it up if this gets to boring, but the workouts so far are not long at all. One other thing that may be nice is no equipment so they will travel well if I go on vacation or dare I say, work lol.

Today we are visiting the Kia store DH wants to trade in his truck for me a vehicle before he goes over seas. Isn't that sweet!!! I am hoping we can get financed, I mean my credits okay but I'm sure I have so many bills the may say income to dept ratio I'm not sure. Wish me luck. The cheapest was souls I thought they were ugly but I saw a creame color one and I think it's cute. I think I'll get that one you can't beat the price of them since they will be new!!
Hi Renee,

Great job with your workouts. I think anything combined with sts would be hard in one day. Have fun and good luck car shopping. Cream would be a nice color. My car is an ugly blue, it was the last one on the lot and last one that was being made, so I got it. It is a 2010 explorer. They don't make them the same anymore. And it is a gas guzzler. I got it in 2012 and already have almost 50,000 miles on it. We live in a rural area, lots of hills.

I did pyramid lower with the ball work too. Feeling good, but still giant stomach.

Katie, I did about 3 minutes of the yoga. Yoga is not for me. I wish it were. It is like floorwork for me on all 4's.
Happy Saturday.

Ok got my Kia,my siblings act mad about it. You know I have one sister who is supportive but the other two always acts snarky. I hate that because I would and am happy for them when something good happens but they are not. There the ones that would make fun of me when I lost weight said my but. To flat my hair bigger then my body. Just rude. I had never been that way and I'm glad I didn't grow up around them. I never want to be negotiable or coveted ness or envy or whatever it is. They should be happy for me. Oh we'll, that is first new car I have ever had!!!

Well got my workout in and going to bed now. Thanks guys for listening!!

Congratulations! Having your first new car is a memorable event. Just wait until you have to get rid of it. I drove by the car lot my first new car was on after I traded it in just to see it. Good for you. You are right, I never understand why people are snarky when good things happen. They are probably jealous that you are doing good and that you are taking care of yourself. Don't listen to them!

happy mother's day, everyone! hope you all have a wonderful day. we are headed out to brunch in a bit, then to the cemetery, then home for a bit before a cook-out this evening-- our dogs will probably hate us today as we will be gone so much. anyway, got up and did CF extreme. the sun is shining but it is cold! about 34 degrees out there-- think it will be in the 60s though today and 90 by Tuesday.

renee-- congrats on your new car!! yay! I still have yet to get an actual "new" car-- my new car is a 1999! :rolleyes: anyway, I think that is great and I am really happy for you.

Melissa--sorry you didn't like the yoga-- it definitely is not for everyone. there are so many different styles of yoga-- wonder if something else might be more to your liking. I found ashtanga and was hooked because I like how physical it is. there are other styles that I really dislike, though-- e.g. bikram where the room is heated and you repeat moves again and again. some people love it, though.

better get moving. hope you all enjoy your sunday!

love and hugs,
Hi Girls,

So I did crossfire today. I eded up doing all but the plyo tabata and added core. I do not think i like crossfire. For me, it seems like too many types of high impact workouts built into one. So, when I do this, it will be with either the beginning or ending tabata, but not both, I just couldn't wait to get done. I did like the core.

Katie, You day sounds like it was really nice. I love grilled food. We have 30° weather today too. So, what is crossfire extreme like?

He Renee and Ladylep!

hello girls--

today for me was AT plus medicine ball abs. AT sure is a tough workout! I forgot how intense it was-- especially the first step portion. anyway, glad that is over with! tomorrow I will do power yoga and then more HiiT on Wednesday. It was cool here this morning, now the sun is out and it's supposed to be 95 tomorrow. crazy, crazy weather.

yesterday was very nice. had brunch with the family, then we all headed over to the cemetery. I brought mom sunflowers. then back home for a bit and a nice walk with rik, the kids and both dogs (through a place called the "quaking bog"-- very beautiful spot right in Minneapolis. completely forested and wildlife everywhere; we heard wild turkeys yesterday. after that, we headed over to my niece's for the cookout. we brought vegan boca burgers to grill and vegan potato salad. it was a really nice day.

Melissa-- sorry you didn't like CF:(. I like the serious calorie burn I get on that one, though I don't necessarily love all the work involved, if you know what I mean. the extreme version throws in the slide and glide tabata, has you repeat the high impact tabata twice, and ends out with the firewalker tabata before core. I wonder if you tried the less impact premix if you would like it better? I did that when my hip or knee,, can't remember which, was bugging me, and it was still a nice, sweaty workout. are you guys heating up tomorrow, too?

renee, eva and ladylep-- hello to you all! hope you had a good weekend.

going to make an early dinner as I have clients tonight, so better get busy.

I saw videos on FB of that little boy!!! To cute I had to share! Your cookout sounds lovely, I to have vegan boco burglars!!

Melissa I did the low impact cf mostly it is a lot better!!! I do both kinds but mostly low impact. I sure cant wait for the new workouts!

Eva hi girl hope u r doing good. Ladylep hope ur toe is even better!!
Oh anyone think of a group name yet? Lets all come up with one name then vote on it or two names.. For the life of me I can't think of any yet lol
Well I wonder what we all have in common?are age is not all close is it? I thought we could use are age but I think we are not all in our 40s, lol
Lets see, we aren't all vegans or vegetarians I'm trying to be lol.
How about "Healthy living lady's " or something like that?cause we are basically trying to be healthy, 40s and healthy, happy and healthy? Healthy hippos ha ha. Joking
Healthy buddies, workout buddies, ?
Hi everyone!

I don't have any workouts to report. But I did walk around the Farm Complex for 5 hours on Saturday getting my supplies for school next year. My toe did great but starting to ache at the end of the day. And I filled my garden with dirt and planted on Mother's Day and hurt my elbow a bunch. But it's feeling better today.

I've been eating terrible. Friday my kids surprised me with chocolate cake for teacher's appreciation week and we had that left over but also got cheesecake for Mother's Day. I had another piece of the cheesecake yesterday. And JTrain's 12th birthday is Thursday so I'll be making all sorts of goodies for that. I don't know where I'll have time to workout at all this week,just time to make cake and cupcakes and taste too much of it all while baking. I have a sweet spot for icing!

I've been pretty faithful with my pt exercises and with my abs. I've only missed 2 days in the last 2 weeks for both.

Ok, need to go start the day, JTrain made waffles. That's not going to help my weight problem! But I am down to 168.1 now.

As for name for the group, I'm 42 and a mom, if that helps with names, but I'm not really mentally ready to be in a group with "40s" in there!!

One last thing, I'd love to hear peolpe's top 3 Dave workouts and why. And then I'd like to hear what you all think of the low impact series. I just watched turbo barre, low impact challenge and athletic challenge. I think ac and tb looked really good but tb looked similar to xtrain's legs barre section.

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