XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

What is the insanity rotation?

In 40/20 there were at least 2 that I either did at my own pace (the one with the push up, I did it modified) or just modified (last one kick over the step?).

Oh I am sorry It is the beach body workout with Shawn T, I really got it for my son cause he wanted it but, he has not done it yet. I am hoping if I do it and he sees results he will try. I am not a fan if BB workouts usually but I can't even get him to consider Cathe so I got les miills combat and I got insanity and I think combat is way to easy but good for days I don't feel like working out and insanity is lots of cardio. I go at my own pace, and I am mixing Cathe in with it, they are tuff but if u can do HIIT and Cf you can do insanity. It is a lot of jumping but I try to land soft and I go at my own pace. I hope I can stick to to because it is rather boring to me. I mean drills repeated three times like three sets of three drills then three more, I count it so I think okay almost done!! Plus I use my own music from rock my run
Oh I think I am gonna do step blast today!! Looks like one ill have a ball with it gas been awhile since I did it. I wish the blast was in the middle not the end when I am so tired. I wonder if my endurance is better revisiting this one! ? I'll bbl
Renee ,
I hear ya about wanting a break from high energy/hi impact moves. Everyday of my rotation is a tough workout. Although the 4 day split cardio was nice and short.

I am probably taking a rest day today, too much driving and back and forth from home. So far I have eaten good today! But, the day is young.

Katie, Hope you enjoyed the recitals. It must be satisfying and comforting too see your kids hard work pay off.

Eva, Hope you are back soon.

Ladylep, Hope you are well!

Happy Friday,

I have no thought on names. i wonder if we should pick another common goal for our thread title instead of a 'catch all' type phrase.

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you have all been well the last two weeks since I've been MIA.

I am back from my honeymoon to Greece, which is why I have not been online for two weeks. I've gotten kind of weird about posting online that I'm going to be out of town for extended periods, as I've heard lots of stories about how this gets around now on social media. So, that's why I was so vague about not being online.

We had a lovely time there, neither of us had been before, and I studied Classics in college, so this truly was a dream come true for me. We spent 10 days on the island of Lesvos and 4 days in Athens...we just got back this afternoon. We had lovely weather most of the time and got around quite a bit. What a beautiful country with very friendly people, especially on the island. We could not have asked for a more perfect experience.

I am behind on posts and I will check in again tomorrow. I did not do any workouts, but we walked our butts off, literally, so I felt pretty active in general. The one town we stayed in had two huge hills that we walked up and down several times a day! I was getting a great workout on the quads, glutes and good cardio. I'm going to miss that, actually. :)

Missed you guys and I look forward to getting back in the swing with you!

Congratulatons! What wonderful news. Your honeymoon sounds lovely!

You have been missed. I feel the same way about not posting when I go anywhere too.
hi girls-- running again today. think this whole weekend will be the same story. anyway, did pyramid HiiT, an ab hit and then 20 minutes of vinyasa yoga with shiva rea. it all took a little over an hour, but I was a sweaty mess, so think it was a good wo. I do think the pyramid HiiT is my favorite one-- the 40/20 feels brutal somehow, and even the 30/30 did this week, but then again, that was on no sleep.

eva-- so good to hear from you! what a wonderful vacation it sounds like you had! I have never been to Greece-- I imagine it was beautiful. I haven't even been aboard for over a decade; last place I went far away was to france. now we mainly travel to the north shore. I also love quebec. anyway, so glad you and Jeremy had the time away together. it sounds perfect:D

Melissa--great job on the eating today! hope it continued for you;). I have felt more fried on the high impact lately too, and so the couple days each week of just yoga. I am curious how my body will react, but would have a better idea if this would be a good plan for leaning out if I wasn't having so many treats all the time:eek:. maybe eva will have some ideas for names...

renee-- the insanity stuff sounds like it would get on my nerves. I did watch a few clips and just think it's not for me. I think it's great you are doing it, though, and trying to get your son to join in! hope the yoga helped your back.

ladylep-- hope you are having a good day!

it is raining here with some thunderstorms, so getting to the recital will probably be a traffic nightmare. oh well. and the wildlife in the city has not let up. birds are building nests in my hanging flower baskets, which is sweet in a way, but bums me out as I am wondering how the heck I will water the things with them nesting there? then this morning I had a horrible surprise. came downstairs and the placemats were knocked off the dining room table and alec's sunglasses were in the middle of the floor. didn't think too much of it, until I came into the living room to put on my shoes. the cat was going crazy, jumping and rolling about on the Persian rug. I said, "riley what is your deal?' and then saw a dead mouse:eek::eek:on the rug! I had to call alec to hurry downstairs to get it. nygel and imala plan on burying him when the rain stops. the better question is where he came from. our dryer broke and so the repairman was down the basement with the back door open two days ago, and hoping that's when he came in. have never seen others, so hope this was it!

alright, better get moving so we leave in time for traffic.

Welcome back, Eva!

Got in Legs premix standing today. It felt good! I've kept up with my PT exercises and abs. But I just remembered 2 PT exercises that I forgot. Blah. Busy day tomorrow with 3 baseball games, Bible study for JTrain and then his party in the evening. So no workout will I get in tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend all!
hi girls-- thunderstorms and up early for work on a saturday:(. oh well. this is the one day when I normally get to sleep in a bit, but was up at 5:30 this morning for an early appt. thank goodness it is a rest day! hope you all enjoy your Saturday!

ladylep-- great job on the workout! hope you have fun today with all your goings on with the kids!

hello to renee, Melissa and eva!

will try and check in later!

Eva, did I miss something? You just got married? I was gonna say that is wonderful GREECE!? That had to have been something to behold! I'm happy for you! But I must have missed the married part before, have you mentioned that? I don't recall reading that at all. I just read honeymoon!!! If so I apologize for not catching it before! I think it is wonderful!

What are you doing with your workout today?

Have a happy rest day!! Even though u r so busy!! it seems strange to call it a rest day even lol

Yesterday I did step blast!! I got further then I had before but HAD to rest one the last blast !! I used to could not make it to the challenge, that is a fun workout. It seems to flow well, music is fun. I had a ball and was sweaty!! I hope the next step she does is easy flowing and long enough to burn calories but not to complex that I trip lol.
Today is church then bible study after. I will get in a workout but I need to do stretches again. Back is sore today for some reason. It was twingy feeling like in the bones it felt like a couple days ago and I did yoga and now it is pain it is more sore in the lower muscles. I hope it's the muscles. I may do a low impact workout first then yoga. No jumping today I don't think.
hi girls! hoping everyone is having a nice weekend! man, it was so humid working out this morning! I am not acclimated to this weather at all. anyway, did TTM extreme, no solid step, and sweat buckets. then added on an ab hit. I am also a little tired as rik's snoring and thunder woke me just before 5. nygel has his festival/end of the year concert at a local college today, so that will keep me busy from early afternoon through the evening. it should be a fun concert-- they are even playing some coldplay:). it will be good to be in a/c as it is so sticky here today.

renee-- sorry your back is bugging you:(. I had similar issues during xtrain and now still sometimes when I wake my low back bugs me. yesterday it felt like I tweaked something, but I cleaned house like crazy and flipped the mattresses over, so I think that was the reason. sounds like you had fun with your workout anyway, though:)

hello to Melissa, eva and ladylep! hope you guys are doing well!

might check in again tonight, but depends on how worn out I am. happy sunday everyone!

Hi Renee Katie and all!

Well, last week when I said I would push Little K around in the stroller, I never did it. But yesterday I did! I even timed myself and made sure I did 30 min. It was 6 times around the baseball field. :) I didn't really work up a sweat or get out of breath but I got a little winded. I was really sore yesterday too between legs:standing and HiiT the day before.

Super tired today with all our activities. Probably wont get a workout in. Eating terrible too. :(
Lol that sounded funny, I never did lol

Well but you did yesterday!! That's good I think if you enjoy that and that's a way to be with kids that may be what you need to do more often. And don't worry if u don't get in harder workouts til u have more time. There is one lady on here that is what she does, walk a lot and the Cathe workouts are weight lifting two or three times a week and it works for her. So maybe try that??

I did all out HIIT today because it is low impact better for my back. I did every rep everything on the same amount of risers as Cathe but I used 3 pounds instead of five. I figured I don't want to irritate the back. Then I did express premix 1 of yoga relax to stretch it out more. I know my plans was insanity or jog or plyo legs but either of them would NOT be good for my back yet. I may rest tomorrow. I have not had a ready day since last Sunday so tomorrow will be one and hopefully I can resume my insanity a couple of days. And the weights.
Hi Girls,
Sorry I have been MIA. Yesterday I ended up doing no workout, it ws to be pyramid legs. I think I had a little dread factor. I had a lot of yardwork and trimming to do. I was not feeling too energetic after that. Today is a scheduled rest day. Eating has been outrageous. I will be glad for Monday and a fresh start. I have to make sure I plan a fun workout on Saturdays.

Katie, That is crazy about the cat and mouse! Hopefully it was just the one. Are you sure you don't live in the woods? We live near woods, luckily we have only had a couple mice in years, and like you, it was when someone was doung work and left the door open.

Ladylep, I think there is something to be said for doing low to moderate exercise. I sometimes wonder if I do too much high and that is why I am not dropping weight. Although, I know mostly it is food.

Renee, Good old Stepblast. I did it so many times when I got it years ago. Then I got tired of all the repetition. I think I will have to put that on my agenda soon.

I am glad my porch is finally cleaned up and i can sit outside.

Hello Everyone,

I'm still catching up on posts, sorry I've been so quiet. I've been trying to get my routine back and get ready for work tomorrow. A lot of laundry, cleaning, and getting the house back in order.

Yesterday I did Supercuts and I was sore today! Today I did about 30 minutes of Travel Fit and 30 minutes of floor work from Tonique. I'm having a hard time getting around this evening, so the Tonique was probably a bad/good idea.

I'm going to do whatever workouts float my boat for the next few days and then start my Dream Body rotation again on June 1.

Renee, yes, I did get married before we went on our honeymoon. :D While we did not quite elope, we just had a courthouse ceremony the day before we left and then we took off for two weeks. I did not know you were doing Insanity. Sorry you are having back troubles. I hope having a light day and/or a rest day gives you some relief from that. I have some lower back issues too and it's a bummer.

Katie, eek about that mouse! Luckily the cat got to it before you guys saw it, although that is not a very pleasant thing to experience either. My cat is not much of a hunter these days, but we when we lived in the woods up north (and he was younger), he used to leave little presents at the door. Sometimes it was just so disgusting.

Ladylep, hope you are doing well. Sounds like you've gotten some good workouts in the last week or so...congratulations! I hope your PT sessions are going OK.

Melissa, did you start playing around with your bread project yet?

OK, off to relish the last 2 hours of my weekend! :confused: I don't really mind going back to work tomorrow, but it has been so nice to be away for such a long time.

Take care,
Hi Everyone,

Eva, I am impressed you did a workout already. I would still be in Greece mode. Good luck with your first day back. I hope your work didn't pile up. Ad you can see, we are stuck in the name mode, I am trying to think of something else that would be foal oriented. Alas, no luck.

I did To The Max, what fun. I did take a little longer breaks here and there, but this is one fun workout. I like it much better than crossfire.

I think I will do a simple cardio tomorrow maybe rythmic step.

Katie, Renee, and ladylep, How are you?!
hi girls--

rainy, humid weather here again today and I think I am coming down with a cold:(. feeling achey and my throat is tight and working out this morning felt pretty rough-- with the humidity and the cold. I did low impact circuit. I only had my blue band out and so used that and had the barbell at 28 lbs, which seemed okay for most of it, but the bicep curls had me fried. just low energy, I guess. that is a fun workout, though, and hadn't done it in a long time. tomorrow I will probably just do yoga, depending on how I am feeling with this gunk. we will be out late tonight, as alec is performing in the a cappella choir and then also a string ensemble, followed by steel drums, so I probably will be short on sleep again...

Melissa-- I like TTM, too! I don't like the first step section, though! think it fries my legs too much. that's why I like doing the extreme version that subs in the fitness tabata and s&g disc section. glad you had fun!

eva-- congratulations to you and Jeremy! I am a space case and somehow missed out on that one, too! hope work wasn't too crazy on your first day back!

renee-- what are you up to today? hope you are having a good one!

hello to ladylep as well!

no more mice here but imala got barely any sleep the night before last as the ceiling in her bedroom was leaking (mind you this house is 115 years old!) but I wondered what the heck was going on. turns out the mom raccoon who came and nested here a year ago (total nightmare which I wont even get into now) is back and trying to get in the roof/crawlspace again:eek:. she has ripped shingles straight off the roof. my niece joked and said all the wildlife is here because they know I am vegan!:p hoping we can deal with this quicker then last year which was a few months ordeal. oh, and the birds made a nest in my hanging plant outside! today there were three eggs inside it. yep, life in the cities-- crazy! I am literally three minutes from downtown, but we are near a creek and there are several parks nearby, but this is really incredible.

okay, going to make an early dinner before it's time to head to the concert.

Rest day for me I need it. Emotional right now.
I been trying to post on Cathe. Com all day!! But since I got a new phone I have had to uninstall the app and reinstall three times already! It wouldn't let me on!! Now I'm to tired!!i will check up on you girls tomorrow!!
hi girls--

renee, are you okay? thinking of you and hoping all is well.

last night's concert was great, but also emotional. I don't have video of the choir singing, but this was a song on the program: Wanting Memories by Sweet Honey in the Rock - YouTube

it had me tearing up and thinking about mom. what a beautiful song. I had never heard it before. anyway, the concert was great. alec played violin, sang a cappella and then played steel drums. two of my sisters came as did rik's mom and stepdad. today is a very dreary one here and I am planning on yoga a little later. then there is another memorial for my mom tonight; this time from the hospice workers. guess I will probably continue to be emotional, too... anyway, hoping you all are well and will try and check in later.


All right Katie, now you have me tearing up, I turned off the song. Very pretty, too tearish for me. Hope you have more energy. I haven't worked out yet, too much stuff to do at home and in the office. I will probably skip. I am feeling a little sluggish and am beginning a headache.

If I don't get my workout in first thing, it doesn't get done. we shall see.

Eva, I haven't tried the bread yet. The bowls finally came, now the book is staring at me daily!

Renee, Hope you get your phone figured out.

Hi Ladylep.

so I ended up doing bryan kest's power yoga "sweat". could have fallen asleep in savasana. then did an ab hit and I am calling it a day. still achey from the cold and just so low energy:(. anyway, I guess at least I got something in.

Melissa-- I am the same way about my workouts-- morning is always best. sorry I made you cry! you should listen to the whole song, because it does end in a very positive way:). hope your headache goes away. what is with the sluggish thing today, I wonder? I don't think I could buy myself energy at this point:p

renee, eva and ladylep-- hope you guys are well!


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