XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Ladylep I hope u enjoyed your pedi!! I remember those days when the boys were real young and full of energy!! Oh gosh my oldest was so so hyper! I don't know how I or he survived ha ha.
I had vanilla ice cream last night!!!
Oh sorry me again!! Yes Eva I love that I didn't see that posted taking it to the max? I like it Melissa I am sorry I didn't see that! U did good! Lol
hi girls-- quick post from me as I am watching my niece's kids today and then taking nygel to his private lesson and after that have clients this evening. anyway, got up and did intensity premix hi and low Hiit plus bootcamp. that felt much easier then when you do the whole step section, but was still a nice sweat for the time I had. another sunny day here before a weekend of supposed clouds and rain...

eva-- you'll have to let me know if you end up trying bryan kest. I really love his dvds:) I would have mailed back the wo's, too, when they are that expensive and you don't love them. happy Friday to you, too and thank you for the prayers for my niece. I am thinking positive and imagining a healthy little boy born at the time he is ready.

Melissa-- thank you as well for the prayers. how did you like afterburn? it is a sweaty one, that is for sure, and my hips and rear end are still sore...:eek:

renee-- hope you got to soak up some sun and also that you have a good trip and your MIL takes the news okay. I have to workout before roadtrips, too! always on the agenda:). thank you as well for the thoughts and prayers.

ladylep--glad you got some time for you! I wouldn't worry about the cookies after TTM, either!;)

better run-- so much to do, and so little time:p. happy Friday everyone!

Happy Friday,

Katie, I did do afterburn today. I really liked it. I will probably be sore in the hip area tomorrow too as I can already feel my hips. I was going to do core, but skipped since there were many different core moves and I tried to pay attention to them for the burn. i haven't done intensity in ages, I will have to try it.

As I am going thru some of the newer workouts pre xtrain, I can see where cathe utilized some of the same moves. I think xtrain was good for me because the workouts were not dreadful at all. I think I skimped out on finishing my last week of the pyramids because I did the, every week for a few weeks.

After MIS upper yesterday, my back is pleasantly sore. I haven't had that in a while. My copy is also vhs! Until it dies, I will not get the dvd.

Eva, Ad far as the pyramids, I like them alot, but upper more so. i did have pleasant soreness after the lower body portion. I will continue to use them, just not every week,

Renee, Safe travels to you! I hear you on working out first. It is much better driving knowing you did something productive already.

Hi Ladylep!

As far as names, We could do an open ended name like 'I commit to....' and pick a different goal each week or month. So mine may be I commit to wait 5 minutes before eating junk. Or I commit to 5 minutes of exercise when I am not feeling motivated.

Thanks for your support!

Safe travels, Renee!

I will check in again later after I workout. All the ideas I had today about what to do are gone, so I guess I'll just see what's talking to me when I get home.

hey girls--

looong day and I am worn out-- thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day!

Melissa-- glad you liked AB. yeah, I am still sore today, truly. I like intensity, too-- it's nice to have the different premix options for when time is short, too:)

eva-- what did you end up doing, I wonder?

I need to plan out my next rotation and am still not sure what I will be up to. I do think I need to keep up with more yoga, but am also thinking of adding my slow and heavy dvd to see what that does for my strength.

okay, heading to watch monk with rik and the kids now. wanted to post a link from one of alec's recent concerts at school that I just saw on youtube:

Mr. McFarlane and Alastair Witherspoon April No Shame - YouTube

two more weeks of school and then a week off before their intense program starts. oh, and thanks for asking, eva! alec did get a 500 dollar scholarship from one organization, and all three kids just got awarded $250 scholarships for their studies at the U of M. so grateful!

good night everyone! when should we start a new thread? maybe sunday? first day of the week?
Greetings, Everyone!

Katie, I am not surprised that you are nursing some DOMS after doing AB. I think that is probably one of Cathe's most effective workouts, and it always gives me DOMS after I revisit it after a long absence. Maybe I'll put that in my queue for this weekend...that's a great workout, it may be one of my favorites, now that I think about it.

Melissa, thanks for the feedback on the Pyramid. I might go ahead and get the upper, since I feel like I have plenty of other workouts that are just lower body focused, but not as many that work all of the upper body. I think the only one I have is the LIS Upper. Otherwise upper body is divided into two workouts, or a part of an alternating full body workout, and I could probably get a lot of use out of just UB.

Ladylep, I hope you are doing OK today and that you're not feeling ok. I also hope your boys had a better day today!

Katie, sounds like you had another busy day in the works today. I hope you're doing OK. Has Rik every gone to to doctor about his snoring? My ex was a huge snorer, and he actually ended up having a minor procedure that made the problem much better. He had some kind of nasal blockage that caused the snoring, and once they addressed that it was not nearly as horrible. It went from a freight train to a loud purr, which was bearable. Would Rik be willing to see if there's something to be done to address his snoring? I'm always amazed at your perseverance in the face of such a lack of sleep. I seem to be sleeping much better than usual lately, since my vacation, although the cat has developed this horrible habit of whining at 5 am. I could just kill him!

Today I was having a serious workout conundrum. I started off with a DB workout, but just was not in the mood, then I moved on to my Pump It Up workout on YouTube, which always saves the day since it's fun. Well, I did the first 20 minutes, but the rest of it had gotten all warped somehow. Then I moved on to Tonique Sculpt Dynamics, and I did that for about 45 minutes. I worked out for about 70 minutes and burned over 600 calories. I was happy about that! It's always nice when a workout that starts off really blah has a happy ending. :D:D:D:D

Now I'm making granola and I'm going to hang out with Jeremy, whose watching the basketball game.

Renee, I recommend Michelle Dozois. Her workouts are top quality, she has creative and solid moves and good cuing, and she's definitely top notch. I've been buying my workouts from Collage and Total Fitness, and they both have great return policies, so I never get stuck with a dud. It's not as cheap as finding stuff on e-bay, but it has saved me money over the years because I can always send the workout back if I don't like it.

Take care,
Katie, congrats on the scholarships! I am going to start a new rotation too. Maybe I will do slow and heavy with you. I liked strain upoer because it alternated two diff. workouts. Maybe I will do that also. Maybe there are premixes.

Okay ladies I ended up jogging today!! I loved it, nice a warm but cool breeze! I then did buts and guts for legs. Now I need to figure what to do in the morning. I wanted to do plyo legs cause it is both cardio n weights but I just did legs. So not gonna do legs again. Maybe burn sets but shoulders back and chest and add tris but I need a cardio too before I jump in for a long drive. What do you guys think would be good to do before driving along way? Intensity? To the max? Crossfire? Or hard strikes and burn sets for weights? I want something that makes me appreciate sitting long time. If I don't workout also before I tend to be more stiff in the knees and back but when I exercise good it makes my body feel better. Any ideas??
Katie!!! Congrats on the scholarships! That is awesome!

I'm up for a slow and heavy rotation if you gals are. Maybe I'll look back at the old rotations and see what is there. I will probably do non-Cathe cardio, though.

Hi Renee,
I say a short cardio with weights. Maybe Hs and BS. I don't think I would like a long drive after crossfire or anything as intense. Plus, your legs may be sore. Good job on the run!

Safe travels!
Renee, I vote for TTM or CF. Whatever you decide will be better than nothing, so you could just play it by ear when you get up tomorrow.

Here is the slow and heavy rotation, from October 2007:


Mon: Slow & Heavy Back and Chest

Tues: Slow & Heavy Legs

Wed: Step Blast and stretch

Thurs: Slow & Heavy Bi and Tri

Fri: 50 minutes steady state run and Abs only from Butts and Guts (no ball)

Sat: Slow and Heavy Shoulders plus 50 minute indoor or outdoor Bike Ride plus Stretch

Sun: segment one Stretch max


Mon: Slow & Heavy Legs/Shoulders

Tues: KPC

Wed: Slow & Heavy Back and Chest

Thurs: Imax 3

Fri: Slow & Heavy Bi & Tri

Sat: 30 minute steady state run plus stretching

Sun: OFF


Mon: Gym Style Legs plus 10 minutes of your favorite Ab work

Tues: 60 minute all step workout of choice

Wed: Gym Style Back, Shoulders, Biceps

Thurs: Kick Max

Fri: Ten minutes of your favorite Abs and 30 minute of your favorite stretching

Sat: Gym Style Chest and Triceps

Sun: Imax 2 plus Segment three Core Max


Mon: Off

Tues: Gym Style Back, Shoulders, Biceps

Wed: Gym Style Legs plus ten minutes of your favorite Ab work

Thurs: 50 minutes indoor or outdoor biking plus stretch

Fri: Gym Style Chest and Triceps plus Butts and Guts stability ball abs only

Sat: 60 minute all step workout of choice

Sun: 30 minute interval treadmill or outdoor interval run plus 10 minute abs from Ab Hits plus 10 minute stretching
LOL, Melissa! That just shows how tough you've become the last few months doing XTrain! I am previewing those workouts now and I'm interested. I've seen the clips before but have not taken the leap, but this might feed my need for more weight lifting right now. I'm going to get the downloads.:p

There's not a lot of cardio, which always makes me nervous, but Cathe's a genius and I have faith in her rotations.

Eva, I would say I would get the slow and heavy over the pyramids. I just cheecked and there are no premixes. However, I recall when I did them in the past, I would change the count pattern. I recall posting a thread with this in it. i think the reps are 6 up 3 down or something, and would alternate them, 3 up 6 down. Which website allows you to return workouts? I guess you wouldn't do this with downloads.

I think it is appealing to me becasuee I like a weight day without a ton of sweating.

I am off to bed now, hopefully I won't be up in 4 hours!!Ha Ha.

Nighty night!
Thanks for the suggestion, Melissa. I will take your advice and get the slow and heavy series and see how I like it.

When I get DVDs from other instructors (not Cathe), I buy them from collagevideo.com and totalfitnessdvds.com. I have 10% discount code at the later because I'm a video fitness member which is 10OFF, so that helps. Mary, the lady who runs that site, has awesome customer service, and also does free shipping on any order over $19.00, and her selection is second to none, and a 60 day return policy, whether the workout is open or not.

Collage also has a return policy, I think there's is 30 days, open or unopened. You can't beat that.

I pretty much buy Cathe workouts from Cathe, so that I can support her directly.

I hope you get/got a good night's sleep!!
Hello we have not left yet.. Hubby had a few inspections to do in our town.. He is an inspector and zone administrator for our tiny town we live in as we'll. basically that is his weekend job. So I have time to post before my workout. I think I'll do HS since it is fun !! I don't know why but I have to be mentally prepared in a way for ttm and cf !! Lol and I guess feeling like i need to hurry isn't gonna do. So I will do HS if I have time ill do some burn sets to top it off. I will have to do cardios while I'm gone cause I don't want to take my weights and end up leaving them. So I am taking kick max, KPC, and HS then some yoga. So I'll be walking as well to brake up the kick boxing.

Question for you all who are eating vegan or vegetarian, I like to call it neutratarian!! Lol I heard that in a book by Dr. Burnard. Anyway what is a good dressing or dip I can make that is relatively low in fats that is vegan? I don't want to use a lot of oil either. But I guess I may have to. I thought of a yogurt dressing to try to make but, not good cause yogurt is animal product , I am trying to get away from them. I do love my cheeses though I can't seem to do away with those!!! I love melted cheese on a mini whole wheat pita and pizza sauce!! Yum
Hi all!

I like taking it to the max too for a title. I'm ok with having a new one every month, but weekly I might miss it. But am willing to try.

Yesterday was are ally bad food and exercise day for me. No exercise and I ate way too much.

Breakfast: 3 pieces butter raisin toast and 3 chicken sausage, cantaloupe
Lunch: roast beef sandwich and finished half of Little K's, which means 3 slices whole wheat bread, 3 oz lean roast beef, 2 asparagus spears, plum tomato, 1.5 pz havarti cheese, 1.5 T light mayo, strawberry banana smoothie
Dinner: green salad w/ 1T Caesar dressing, ~1/2C corn w/ butter, 2 fried chicken thighs (I ate the skin), 2 mini corn breads with butter, 2 bites ice cream sandwich and a milky way chocolate ice cream bar.


But I've gotten in burn sets bis and tris with core 1 already and measured my breakfast. But we have a kid but whole family invited bday party tonight and I don't know what they are serving. Hopefully I can say no to the dessert as I've almost used but all my WW weekly allowance points (49) I do have some activity points but not a ton.

Last night we were at a friend's house for dinner and I brought the salad and ice cream sandwiches.

I think I'm getting tired of burn sets so I think I going to switch to the other upper body work outs in XTrain for the April rotation.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Forgot that I ALSO had 2 helpings of Mac and cheese the deluxe box kind. It was so yummy!! By I did track everything from yesterday and I ate 80 points! Well, I should go add the 2 bites of ice cream sandwich, :( and I had 80 points plus value WW. My daily allowance is 34, 7 more for my part time breast feeding....1 more because of my weight. By my BMI I am technically in the overweight category with a BMI of 25.4.
Ladylep, ALL of the food you ate sounds delicious. I can't remember the last time i had raisin toast with butter. I don't feel as guilty when I overindulge on weight days.

Renee, Yeah for HS. At least the kickbox workouts and the hiit you don't need equipment. Don't forget about CCC! Just kidding, it is not a going away workout. I have to psyche myself up for those workouts too.

Today I did slide and glide cardio only. I still sweat buckets. The sweat drips made plopping sound on my discs.

Then my daughter wanted to know what the bump was on the back of my thigh. Lovely, cellulite. I guess it isn't any better. Every year, it creeps lower and lower. I did leaner legs and xtrain and you would think it would be less. Anyhow, I was a little discouraged, but I am ok now. Oddly, I can' think of any female in my family with it.

Happy Saturday Katie.

Eva, To bad Cathe isn't on fit tv anymore. I think I originally recorded slow and heavy from that.


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