XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

hi girls--

still have the gunk over here. last night my throat was very sore and so congested that it made sleep awfully difficult. after I brought alec this morning, I came back and crashed on the couch for a half hour:p. then I did slow and heavy chest, back and planks and a 20 minute flow yoga from shiva rea. I really like her, too-- maybe I can find a youtube clip...

found it! Shiva Rea: Earth Flow Practice (30 min) - YouTube

it is a nice, short and mellow practice for when you want something easy but also to stretch and move your body. anyway, tomorrow I will try and do the last slow and heavy wo for this week and then aim for TTM on Friday-- if I am feeling like I can...hopefully this cold will be gone.

eva-- thanks for the healing energy:). sounds like the thing with the kettlebell guy went great! I will be excited to hear how you like the class! which barre/fusion wo's did you get?

Melissa-- so sorry you are dealing with such bad cramps:(. hoping you are feeling better and that the quilt work is relaxing. I hear you on the tired of typing thing!

renee-- sounds like you had a great time! working out with kids is fun, when they are old enough to not be underfoot;). I always planned wo times for when they were napping up until they knew how to give me space to do my thing:p. I am wondering if your lats are sore at all from the boxing? I do think those are all lighter workouts, but man did I fry my lats on that-- didn't realize it til I woke up yesterday. mind you, I am achey from this cold but I do think it got in there good! I also used the gloves. I think the kickboxing one is actually even easier then the boxing and when I do it, I typically repeat the cardio section-- it feels that light to me. will be curious what you think. I do not have the fusion one, so can't say what that one is like. I do much prefer HS, actually, or kick max-- that one is an intense workout.

ladylep-- how are you doing?

well, the sun was out for a bit this morning but now I think we are due for more thunderstorms. I am hoping they hold off long enough to walk the dogs this afternoon. seems like all he have are clouds and rain lately:confused:

hope everyone is having a nice day!

Hi Girls,

The quilt is done! My first quilt ever. It came out better than I could expect. I do have a good sewing machine. It was relaxing. I was glad to be near the bathroom. I don't know what my problem is this month. I feel like a was hit by a truck. Well, not that bad.hank you for the kind thoughts. My hubby isn't one for female talk.

Eva, You meeting sounds great. I think that is a unique and refreshing approach.

Katie, I hope you are better! You have mire stamina than me! Good for you. I see Minneapolis is the healthiest city in the country.

Renee, Great job with the gloves. Mine are only 14ounces.

Off to take my kids to the park. There is a creek with minnows. I will sit in a beach chair like a big oaf.


Melissa, I am glad your quilt came out well! What kind of machine do you have? Do you usually use it to sew clothes? I'm sorry you are not feeling any better, but I'm glad you were able to have a relatively low-key day today...the park near your house sounds lovely. :D

Katie, I'm sorry you are also feeling icky still, but I commend you for working out even though you're not well. I wonder if you should rest, though...maybe you could get your bearings more quickly if you took it easy for a few days? Thanks for posting the Shiva Rea link. I will definitely check that out.

Renee, how are you doing today? What workout did you have on tap?

Today I did my new BodyFit 360 workout, and I liked it a lot. It's hard to describe...it's got some elements of yoga, barre and pilates. I also tacked on about 15 minutes of Tonique Born to Move just to get my calorie burn up a bit for the day.

Tomorrow I have a class at the kettlebell place. I have a seven day class, so I'm going to try to take two over the next week to see how I like it.

Take care,
Can't post much I am so sick!! After my workouts I had to go to hospital. Had kidney stone !! Still do andim still hurting. They can take up a week to pass mine is still high too! :(.
My urine was bloody I was. Throwing up and shaking u thought a heart attack cause jaw was righting. Pain in my lower right abdominal area and back. Please pray for me!
renee-- I posted on fb, but you know I will be praying for you! that is so horrible, I cannot believe it! know that we are all thinking of you and praying you pass this quickly. love and hugs.
Gosh Renee, I am so sorry. I will pray for you. I hope you get home and get some rest.

My sewing machine is a janome. I really like it. I have made a few things from clothing to curtains. I have some patterns for shirts and skirts, but can never find afbric I like. our fabric stores here are slim pickins.

So Eva, You are the healthy one here! Enjoy it!

Off to bed. Tomorrow will be a better day.

hi Melissa and eva-- missed your posts!

Melissa-- mpls is the healthiest city? the sewing sounds like it was what you needed:). glad the quilt got done but sorry you are still dealing with gunk.

eva--hope the kettlebell class goes well. I am so behind on workouts, haven't heard of that one, either. I am hoping that by just doing weights again tomorrow I am in shape for some tabatas/hiit on friday:)

going to watch monk now with rik and the kids. have a good night everyone and renee hope you get some rest!
H Melissa, Eva, Renee, Katie and all!

I hope I get the right names with the right activity/life stuff!

Renee- sorry to hear you are sick, I fear I maybe fight something, but hoping my rawness will prevent it. And sorry to the other lady who is having cramps, I forget who that is.

Eva- your kettle balls workouts sound.fun, I've always wanted to try those.

We, tuesday was supposed to be the day I go raw because I think my period will come Sunday/Monday, but I only got through being raw through breakfast. no cramps yet. I also had 2 desserts! I did get chest back and shoulders in, but only the first 4 rounds. My emotions were running so high that my oldest had me in tears and I had to take all 4 boys to PT which sent me over the edge and I told my PT that I wouldn't be coming back unless I had someone to watch the kids. I only had the middle two in there at first since the toddler was sleeping in the car with the oldest, but when he woke and came inside crying, it was too much esp. Since it was really crowded and my oldest want fooling a great job keeping an eye him. I had to tell him several times to get him before he went out the door!! So I went home in tears, frustrated, angry and embarrassed. Although, maybe they really weren't that bad and it was mostly the PMS talking because an older man grandparent age, came by to tell me I has a beautiful family and that his mom ( or was it wife?) had 6 boys and 4 girls? Whatever it was it was a huge number.

Looking back I def. think it was the PMS talking because I think they were fairly well behaved. Yesterday was a MUCH better day emotionally. I was back to my normal self, was able to be raw through dinner, but then had chicken stir fry with veggies and brown rice. I did have 3 ghiradelli chocolate squares and a few handfuls of ghiradelli semi sweet chocolate chips after dinner!

BUT for the first time I was able to do level 2 of tabatacise!!! I had sweat dripping off my nose during the cool down! Today will be bis and tris, actually I hope to do it before breakfast as the kids are still asleep. :). Tomorrow is super cuts, is that considered metabolic? And what a the benefits of metabolic workouts? BM2 is Saturday but we have 4 baseball games (9,11w/ lunch, 3 and 3:30). So I may try to get up early(Little K has had me up by 5 most mornings, but I don't always get moving until 6!) and do half the work out then and the other half Sunday. I've always loved that one! But Sunday our church has its vision day and annual picnic, we have around 1400 regular attenders, so it is huge! And fun. But JTrain has a make up game (the reason we have 4 games on Saturday) at 1 or 2 so I'm not sure how that is all going to work. Then playoffs begin Monday for about 2 weeks, then tryouts for the tournament team at some point. But school is really minimal now, just finishing up things. They all watched the inn of Sixth Happinesses, the true story of Gladys Aylward yesterday afternoon because we had just finished reading the book, great book, the second time I had read it out loud, even JTrain listened in for the end. She was declared unqualified to be a missionary in China, but went there anyway, helped start the in, unbound little China girls' feet, and helped a hundred children escape the war to get to Sian only to find they were full of refugees and then had to keep walking to another town all the while spreading the gospel, durning the war against the Japanese and communism. Great adventurer story that all my boys enjoyed. Ok, I really didn't meant to share all that, but it was such a great true story and I don't like non fiction, I'm a Percy Jackson, scifi fantasy kinda girl. :).

Ok, I think I'm just stalling now, everyone is awake and I haven't showered or worked out, just made beds and had some cantaloupe
hi girls-- another miserable night here. so stuffed up could not breathe-- even with one of rik's snoring strips/breathe rights on:mad:. this cold is a pain in the rear. my body is feeling super achey again but I think that is major DOMS from slow and heavy again-- this series really is socking it to me-- never had this much DOMS even from xtrain. it is really in my chest and back now from yesterday's wo. today I am planning on legs and shoulders but wondering if I want to be that sore tomorrow on top of the aches and pains of this virus. at least the sore throat is gone. okay, enough complaining! sorry, girls! just hate getting/being sick.

renee-- thinking of you today and hoping you get some relief soon!!

Melissa-- that is nice to know about minneapolis:). I guess it reminds me why I live here-- this past winter really had me fed up and these unending days of rain have been a drag, but there are so many good things, too. hope you are feeling better today!

ladylep-- congrats on tabatacise! sorry for your rough day at the PT. I think as moms we all feel that way on occasion. hope things go smoothly today and this weekend-- sounds like you run around with the boys sports like I do with my kids music:)

eva-- hope you are having a good day!!

getting ready to workout in a few. we'll see how today goes...

Hi Girls,

Renee, Hope you have some relief by now. I am so sorry,

Katie, Sorry about your cold lingering. I am eager to start slow and heavy next week. I think i will alternate counts each week to change it up, do 6 up and two down, then 2 up and 6 down. Hopefully I will be rested and energetic by then.

Ladylep, Sorry about the mess at pt. I have been in similar situations. It isn't fun.

Eva, How are you, we can live healthily thru you!

I am now fighting stomach bug. I am so glad I don't have to go anywhere today until later. The bathroom is my friend again,

ladylep-- no worries! actually, as Melissa said, the only one healthy among us-- besides you-- is eva! poor renee has a kidney stone, Melissa now has a stomach bug (oh no!) and I have a miserable cold. we make quite the healthy bunch of cathletes!:rolleyes::p

Melissa-- say it isn't so! a stomach bug on top of your period! blech! hope you feel better soon! imala was saying how she would prefer a stomach flu to this cold as it is lasting so long, but I said I would still take the cold! stomach stuff is the worst (I say while I struggle to breathe and chew my lunch at the same time!)

I did do slow and heavy legs and shoulders. the shoulder work really stings! wow! I bet I am in for even more DOMS tomorrow. I added in the low impact tabata from CF to get my heartrate up a little. funny how my nose is clear (but running) during workouts-- I can actually even breathe clearly in plow position-- but as soon as I start to go on with my day it is completely plugged up again.:confused:

hope everyone who isn't well feels better soon and those who are healthy continue that way!


Katie, Thanks for the words of encouragement. Glad you got in your workouts. Sorry about the breathing. Your cold really seems to be ,lingering, yucky!

I think I would rather have the cold than the stomach issues. I have been doing better this afternnon, I am glad to be in for the rest of the day.

Hi girls I have not read all your post yet but wanted to say hi.
I am miserable!! no stone yet, I have been using a funnel so they can analyze it when it passes. I took a pill called Flomax and it helps a lot it opens up the urethra but I can take it only once a day and if I take it in the morning by 6 n evening it is not good so no sleep at all.. last night I could not hold water or pills down at all. they gave me pain pills but the Flomax works better. I was thinking today it was over but no here it comes again it does feel like a baby but stranger..
I don't know how to explain it.. I wonder if I bite the bullet and jump up and down would it loosen it up? I tried to drink some vinegar and water to.. I am not sure that was a good thing or not. I just wanted to say I missed checking in here!! I missed weekend and now this.. This is my vacation time and I have to spend it sick yuck.. oh well I guess it could be worse.. I must stop being a baby and learn to suck it up as Cathe says air is free so suck it up lol oh well I am going to go lay down now because it is staring to hurt again
Man, I am so bummed for you guys, Renee, Katie and Melissa. I wish you were all feeling a million times better. Renee, I will be keeping you in my prayers. My understanding is that kidney stones are excruciating. I imagine you have some painkillers. Don't worry about posting here if you're not feeling well. Just take care of yourself.

Melissa and Katie, I'm sorry you guys are nursing your respective colds too. There's something about feeling unwell in the summer time that I find particularly irksome for some reason, so I'm doubly aggravated for you both. Please take care and take it easy...I hope you're able to get some rest and some extra help at home while you're trying to recover. Katie, you're killing me with those workouts, but I'm glad they are bringing you a little relief in regards to your congestion.

Ladylep, here is an article that Cathe published on metabolic workouts and their advantages, Cathe Friedrich - The Benefits of Metabolic Training, and here's one she specifically wrote on SuperCuts...which is in that category as well, you are correct: Cathe Friedrich - What Type of a Workout is SuperCuts?. I'm sorry you had such a frustrating time at the doctor's office. :( Congratulations for getting through the second level of Tabatacise. That workout is no joke, and that's no small feat! Thanks for sharing the story about Gladys Aylward. What an amazing and inspirational woman.I'm always intrigued by the amazing and fearless things that people do for the sake of others...although it always makes me feel like I'm not really doing much to contribute to the world at large. I hope the next couple of days go smoothly for you... you have a lot on your plate coming up.

Today was my first kettlebell class. I did not really get to do a full workout...but I learned a lot about form and how to do a swing. I liked it. However, the place does not have a/c. We live in Virginia...everyone has a/c here, so that was kind of weird. It was 92 degrees today and all they had were fans. I am not going to be able to workout there if they don't have a/c. I am going to go back on Saturday for another class, and see how it goes. All in all, I did like it though.

I hope you guys are feeling better tomorrow...

hi girls. well, I am finally calling "uncle" today and taking a rest day. yesterday in the evening I spiked a temperature and felt absolutely miserable. crawled into bed and slept fitfully. now I have a brother visiting today and nygel has a cello lesson this afternoon so I decided I am resting today and tomorrow, with the hopes of coming back strong on sunday. I have serious DOMS in my shoulders and legs today, too, just as I thought I would. all in all, I am happy I got through the whole slow and heavy series this week with two days of HiiT/tabata and one steady state cardio. I know when my body needs a break and this is it, though.

renee-- so, so sorry for what you are going through! I hope last night was better and that the stone passed. also hoping your meds are giving you some relief.

Melissa-- hoping you are feeling much better today!!

eva-- that sounds bizarre that they wouldn't have a/c. I did an ashtanga yoga teacher training back in 2006 with david Swenson in a small studio with 40 other people and no a/c. that was in august and that is a hot month. some days I felt like I was going to pass out by midday. I remember one day in particular when it was super humid and we had gone through 3 hours of morning practice and someone in the class turned a fan on. david came over and shut it off and said: "it's not good to have a fan on you when you are sweating." I was like, "yes that is exactly why we want it on us!:p:rolleyes:" anyway, maybe your instructor has a similar philosophy...;)

ladylep-- hope your day is off to a good start.

will try and check in later. so ready to have this crud out of my body...


Hi girls I got a question, how long are the sts dvd? I hear they are long, but I have been wanting it I think, for a while but was afraid I don't like lifting for over an hour on one body part. I don't know how it goes. So can you tell me what the program will do for me that the other weight lifting dvds cant do? I am interested but I don't want to spend that much on it if I don't like it.. It is deal of the day

I also wish I can exercise today, I am finally able to hold y pills down so my pain is minimal now except when the pain pills wares off. But I do feel headachy and weak, but I feel if I try to do some type of exercise it may make me feel better, and help me breath better and maybe move the stupid stone out. They say it may take five days!! this is the third day and I am so sick of water!! I cant believe they doctor says I was dehydrated as well that is why I was throwing up and diarrhea. Man I wonder if yoga will help me move my body easy and help me feel better ? What would you guys do>??? So now I have two questions for you guys I guess lol Okay back to bed again. I will wait on your reply about sts I am sure offer is good til tonight.. thanks girls..

Melissa I hope you feel better soon! And Katie you to oh my goodness

Eva thank you for your words you are so sweet.
Lady lep I understand about the situation of kids, my son used to embarrass me so bad, but I think it was worse in my mind then what others saw, I tended to want them to be quite in from of others cause I thought that proved they were well behaved.. but if I had it to do over and know what I know now I would have had more patience with my boys,.. but hind site you know.. I am sure you are a good mom well a great mom and your kids are wonderful!! Hope that helps you some.

Now back to bed ladies
Hi Girls,
Well, I am a little better, however I am still having bouts of intestinal cramping. Geeze Renee, nothing like you. I am glad the pills are working.

Renee, My thoughts are too rest since you are dehydrated. I would take it easy and drink plenty of fluids.

Katie, I am glad you decided you will take two rest days. And sorry about your fever. Too bad you can't hyberbate in bed for two days.

Really, I think I am the only one that takes rest time longer than 2 days. I couldn't have picked a better week as I can't imagine jumping up and down.

Eva, I would not be able to tolerate the class without ac either. That is too bad. I wonder if Katie is right and they have a reason for it.

Well, I have to get run errands for work. I am not liking leaving my home with private bathroom.

Happy Friday

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