XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation


Sounds like you all had good workouts yesterday.

Renee, while I'm sorry you did not enjoy your food treat more than you did, don't sweat it. Like you said, you've been eating well lately so a little treat meal here and there keeps us sane. I do get annoyed when I splurge and the food is not awesome, but oh well. Yummier waffle fries next time! I love waffle fries! Did you go to Chik-Fil-A? That sounds like their combo.

Melissa, kudos on B&Gs and the 35# barbell. That is awesome! Is that something you were able to do before, or is that weight the result of your hard work with XTrain? Either way, that's awesome. If I recall, you're matching the weight of Cathe and crew at that rate, which is no easy feat. I'm always happy when I can match (or exceed) Cathe's weight. It tells me I must be in awesome shape. ;)

Katie, I hope you're feeling better today. Jeremy and I also were feeling a little off over the last week. Last week it was me for a couple of days, and this week he was actually sick and had to take a day off of work. I guess it's the last hurrah of bugs until the warm weather gets here. Anyway, I hope it does not linger.

Yesterday I only had about 30 minutes to workout so I did Tabatas 1-3 from Tabatacize. That seemed like plenty. I have not done that one in a while and it definitely crept up on me. Today I have a ton of other stuff plan and no workout since I won't have time.

Ladylep, glad your boot is off, but hopefully you're being careful about using it when you need it. Even if you did one of the HS premixes, you still deserve a high five for getting your workout in, regardless! :D

It's finally going to be nice here again after several days of rain, so hopefully I can get out for a walk at lunch time at least.

Take care,
Hi All,

I just finished 40/20 hiit. I was actually 40/40 on two segments in the middle. Overall, it was a major sweatfest for me.

Eva, I am glad you are feeling better. Hopefully you are right and the bugs are ending. Poor Jeremy. I think when I guy misses work, they must really be feeling awful. You are so right, 3 tabatas make for a thorough workout. Well, I can't remember my exact weight before with buts and guts. I di know that I couldn't lift the barbell over my head because of my shoulder, this time, my shoulder handled it well. Also, I know I didn't do all reps in the past, yesterday I did them all and I did the abs and ball work. I had not been doing either, My abs are much stronger under the flab!

Katie, I am sorry you were feeling yucky, hope all is better today. Good job on the workout. Sometimes the sweating helps me clear things out. I heard on the news you may get 10 inches today, what a weird thingbto happen. Maybe they are wrong. Did you enjoy your day off from clients?

Renee, I think buts and guts would work for trisets. I remember thinking trisets seem to go on and on and on. Don't feel bad about the fries and icecream. Too bad they weren't delicious. My eating last weekend was awful. The scale never budged. I have been getting on after poor eating to see what happens. So far, I have been on track with food since Sunday night. Three days in a row for me is par before I want junk.

I still don't have any name idea.

Have a good day!

hi girls--

feeling pretty worn out today:(. the sick feeling pretty much lingered all day yesterday, and then I had awful insomnia yet again which kept me up pretty much the whole night, so, still feeling nauseated today but not sure if it is from some bug or from lack of sleep. then there is the weather. yes, Melissa, you heard right. I guess we are in for 9 inches of snow here in the city:mad:. what a way to welcome in may. I hope they are wrong, but we have yet another winter warning and the skies are very dark, dreary and the snow is already falling. if that doesn't make we want to puke, I don't know what will:rolleyes:. anyway, I took it fairly easy today, though the weights felt tough (again, probably cause I am tired and fighting something, but who knows). I did chest, shoulders and triceps from 4 day split. I do like that weight work, though. had missed that wo. then I did yoga to shiva rea which was just what I needed-- hopefully I will zen out enough to pass out tonight;).

Melissa-- I think the 40/20 hiit is super tough! I think it is more difficult for me than CF, actually, so way to go! I think I have that on my planner for next week, too.

Eva-- sorry you and Jeremy weren't feeling well! hoping this is the last of winter viruses for everybody! 3 of the tabatas feels like plenty to me, too! though I do like to do all 5 when I can, three is more than enough! enjoy your nice weather today! hope you get out for a walk:). think I will skip a walk today-- way too dreary and wet out there.

Renee-- sorry your junky food didn't taste better! I feel like that all the time-- it's always: "why did I do that?". i would hop right back on eating well and cut yourself some slack-- i think everyone should get to eat some of the bad stuff every once in a while;). i am not so much a fries kind of person as a dark chocolate-- crave that all the time.

ladylep-- hope you are doing well today!

need to get some errands done before i work tonight. hope i don't fall asleep on any clients!

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Katie, Sorry you are still under the weather (health and actual weather). I am doing 4 dat split workouts next week and will add pyramid lower body for 5th day. I am eager to do 4 day split weights.

Hi all!

Yesterday I did a 20 min brisk walk with Hubby and toddler in the stroller, burn sets:back and my pt exercises and abs!

Today I was out most of the day, homeschool classes (SALT) and the the older 2 had piano auditions, which should be called judging, but I digress. I was home long enough to nurse the toddler and then head out to PT, she worked my shoulders enough with the band that I decided to call that my workout for the day. I didn't get any cardio in, but just did my abs.

I've been all raw since yesterday morning except for I broke down at whole foods where they had a sale on the salad bar, so my raw salad had caesar dressing in it. Then I broke down again when e went to Ritas to celebrate good auditions, both boys did really well. I had a small chocolate custard. So I'm right there with you in eating well and then having a slip up!

I hope to get some Cardio and burn sets: bis in tomorrow. But I have PT again at 5 and we at going to a new farmers market before that. So unless I do it in the evening after the kids go to bed I'm not sure it's going to happen!

At work so this is quick... Sorry I didn't check in yesterday I have been so busy this week. I did so Athletic training last night. It was not easy for some reason, eek
I will read all post from two days I missed so sorry you all. I hope all is going well
Hi All,

Renee, Glad you got your workout in. Isn't athletic training a toughy?

Ladylep, Your days sounds nice! Walking counts for something.

Hi Katie and Eva, Hope you are having nice days.

I did pyramid upper. We shall see how I feel tomorrow. I matched cathe on weights and went a little higher on some. I tried to use my highest weight from xtrain, but, the reps were to many and no breaks. Anyhow, I was definitely stronger than the last time i did this workout. Nice sunny day here today. I did a little yard work yesterday, maybe I will clean off the back porch.

Melissa- congrats on matching exceeding Cathe's weight!! Do tell about pyramid upper! I've looked at that a lot but I still don't have it.

Yesterday was a lot of running around. It's nice not to have to leave the house until later. But it will be a zoo with all the kids a PT with me!!

I'm putting little man down for a nap and hope to finish up school stuff and get a workout in before we leave.
hey girls-- super quick check in from me as I have to go with the kids in about 30 minutes. today was pyramid hiit for me plus leg drills from lbb and I added in the step heat ab hit. the pyramid actually felt pretty tame compared to CF and TTM (and tabatacise).

ladylep-- think that is nirvana? the kids play smells like teen spirit on occasion when they aren't doing all classical-- it's pretty fun when they do. my youngest also is doing some coldplay on the cello:). hope you get you your wo while the little guy naps!

Melissa-- enjoy your nice weather! can you believe, the snow missed us by about 20 miles!! nothing to shovel this morning: so grateful! I actually thanked mom for that one!;) great job on PUB and the weights! you are strong!

renee-- athletic training can feel super tough to me, too-- espec the step at the beginning. it has been a long time since I have done that one. hope you are having a good day! oh, and keep forgetting to say that I love ab circuits! think you would like the variety, too!

eva-- hope you are having a good day! what are you up to for today's workout?

okay, better fly! so, so grateful the snow never amounted to anything! it is pretty cool today-- highs in the low 40s-- and pretty cloudy, too, but I will take it!:)

Katie- jealous that you got a workout in! While he napped I worked on classifying sentences (brand new for him) with my 1st grader, checked his math and the 3rd graders math. Then JTrain(6th) needed help with his pre algebra corrections (just show your work!! :). ) which we enjoyed on the deck in the sun. It's 70 and sunny in the Philly 'burbs! And we are going to the local farmers market!

Maybe I'll get a wo in later!
Ladylep, I have no idea what the song is! Pyramid upper is about 45 minutes. Each bodypart has two exercises that is superseted . for example she will do chest fly 12 reps then chest press 12 reps then continue with the pyramid. it is 12/10/8/10/12. Sometimes it does get monotonous, but it is such a great workout. There is little to no rest between any reps. You are super busy!

Katie, So glad the snow missed you. Some got 18'' unbelievable. You are awesome with your workouts. I think I would have called it a day after the hiit. i have on,y did pyramid once. It was kind of like floor work for me, where you have to repeat everything all over again. I forgot to ask, is abs weights and plates done holding weights?

Ok here's another line from the 80s song:

World turns black and white
Pictures in an empty room
Your love starts fallin' down
Better change your tune

This from the beginning if this song. An I showing my age here??? :)
Katie I'm glad you didn't get snow again. Holy cow I still think that it is so strange there is snow in may !! You are doing good on workouts. I think that is cool they play musings like that!

Mellissa wow u are also doing great to have matched Cathe in weights! That has gotta be so fun on so many levels! Geez ! Way to go! I think I'd be walking on cloud 9!

Eva have you thought anymore about a name for are group?
Happy Friday!

So, I woke up at 3am with my monthly visitor, cramps, bloating yuck. I thought for sure I was not woking out today. I figured I would start and see if I felt ok. Anyhow, I did co cardio core circuit. Definitely a toughie. Does anyone have this? I know Ladylep said she doesn't. I just wanted thoughts on it. I thought it was similar to tabata for some reason. Round three for me was the hardest. Glad I finished, sweating buckets.

We have another nice day here. I have a little cleaning and work to do and hauling the kids around.

Hope you all are well.

I should edit, I did NOT work out at 3 am! When i read my post, that is what it sounded like.

OO Melissa sorry you have your visitor!! eek lol
I have CCC, umm i think i did it two times is all, that tells you how much i loved it lol.. not.. it was hard and boring to me.. I dont know why, but no i think Tabata is more fun but more hard.. i can do ccc all the way through although it is boring and i am dying and got a headache if i remember correctly but tabat one i cant do more then three tabatas yet. Im not sure if that is just psycological or what..

I have finished the march rotation, i was going to do april til i read the may one!! that one looks like fun a mix of all the workouts old and new.. i have not tried gym styles in a rotation yet and it has it in there. I heard some good results from Gym styles so i plan on trying this. I have ate like crap but not to to bad since i at the ice cream and chick fil a thing.. yes i forgot who asked me if it was Chick fil a lol i NEVER go to fast food places anymore.. i have no clue why i did that day, Ever since i have been trying to get a hold of my mouth and shut it lol..

So today the May rotation starts off with Gym styles chest and tris, i may add in a tabata for a cardio effect. It is raining here today so no jog outside :(

Ladylep i just cant recall those songs i remember the names of them but not the words, i never listened to Narvana much.. i didnt understand his words. I have and lked some Rob Zombie, and Korn, but that is as hard as i get or got.. I am not even sure if Narva was calssified as hard or more Alternative? I do like the older Rock very much.. white snake, Def Leppard, Journey, and i know Journey isnt hard but that is the classic rock i love.. oh Rat is good lol I miss the old 80's humm

hope you have a great day and an awesome workout!!

I think that is awesome your kids play that kind of music on a Celo!! Is that right or did i read it wrong? I have been behind on the forums so bad, im a bad girl lol I have been busy and i will do better this week i hope

Oh my computer crashed again !! i have to take it back to best buy again this is the forth time.. i will never do business with them again!! they stink
You are right tabs are more fun! I think ccc gets pld fast because everything is repeated. I probably won't do this alot. I like my rotation because I am trying workouts I haven't done a lot and I will make a list of my least favs. This will be up there with lomax! I didn't even put it on my rotation, I should do it incase I lie it now.


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