XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Hi Katie, Eva and everyone!

Last day of my business this week! Yay! Hubby is out, so I need to get JTrain and B to their baseball games tonight. I'm on snack and bench duty for B's game. Hopefully Hubby will show up shortly after the game starts. Hell be at the Phillies afternoon game. And he and B were on TV Monday night! So fun!

Yesterday I got in the warm up, low impact SLide and Glide tabata and stretch from to the max, at10:15pm!! My toe did ok. I don't know if I'll get in any weight work. But my PT is having me do 20 min or so of exercises and some are with the band that Cathe does in her videos.

I guess I was wrong abut wheat bread. At whole foods market in Devon they told me that what and white bread are Pretty much the same. And when I look at the ingredients for some wheat bread, it isn't 100% whole wheat, but sometimes it has some whole wheat flour. I guess it really pays off to read ingredients! :). I've had the Ezekiel bread and am not a fan. The wraps are passable if you fill it with enough yummy stuff! The cin. Raisin English muffins are ok.

Gotta run! JTrain is presenting his pulley/elevator that he made in physics class today!
hi girls! what a difference a week can make here! today it is sunny and in the 50's, tomorrow in the 70s, and last week on this day was our big blizzard. happy it is this week and not last, that is for sure! another recital tonight, too-- this time for nygel. he is playing the haydn cello concerto this evening-- he never got his rehearsal in with the pianist last week because of the snow, so hopefully all goes well tonight! today was burn sets chest, shoulders and triceps for me and I added ab circuits no equipment. tomorrow is more tabatas. then I think I will take a look at the next rotation and maybe tweak it quite a bit. I think I need even more yoga these days and may take a week where I focus on that, not sure. I do think I need a little change here, though. wondering if we should start out some other thread now that each of us will be pretty much out of the xtrain rotation?

hi ladylep-- what a late workout! hope you got some great sleep afterward! I don't think I could ever move my body that much at that hour;), so great job! I guess maybe the Ezekiel is an acquired taste:p. have you tried the English muffins? wonder if they sell French meadow breads by you? they make a great hemp bread and also a bread made just for women, which is super yummy.

renee-- I know you said you have a trader joes by you-- they actually sell their own brand of sprouted bread, too! and it is pretty reasonable, too. I was thinking of that rotation that starts with intensity, too, but wondering if I need to shake things up a bit more-- lots of xtrain in that rotation with burn sets every week. I am thinking about going back to maybe some of the 4 day split weights and the sts total body...not sure, though. hopefully I figure out by sunday, when I will have to start something new!

Melissa-- good to know someone else is as sweaty as me!;). thanks for asking about henri! he is doing really well. he has cataracts and so cannot see much at all, but as far as the rest of him goes, he has put on weight and has a great appetite and all of his spunk back. after losing mom, I am especially grateful for this-- glad he gets to enjoy some spring like weather finally!

eva-- hope your allergies/sinuses are feeling better today! (and yours, too, Melissa!). that workout sounds like the perfect thing for when you are having one of those days. bryan kest has a yoga cd called "long, slow and deep" where you basically don't get off your butt the whole time, but you really hold each pose for a long time and stretch everything out. that's what I reach for on those kind of days:). the snow pile is gone! yay! I think it was gone by yesterday afternoon.

have a good afternoon/evening everyone!
Katie, I am so happy for Henri! Great about the weather too! We have about 50 today. I say go with the yoga to give yourself a break from the hi impact.

Renee, Wow, I read my post to you and I hope I didn't come across as a know it all.

Hope you are feeling better today!

Ladylep, Good luck at the snack counter. I always dreaded working the snack bar at games because I suddenly forget how to add in front of people

I am all for a thread change! I am the last of the 90 dayers here! I am super busy today, so I only had chest bs left as I divided the other two on other days.

Hi all,

Just a quick update, I did core max #2 tonight and pushed in the stroller or chased the toddler around before and after the elevator presentation and during the baseball games. So that counts as a bunch of exercise, right?!

Also, I guess I should have clarified, snack duty meant that I brought, actually I made granola bars for snack. :). I had to be in the bench keeping the k-1 graders in line. :)

Now I'm staying up too late with cookie dough and an old episode of Sliders!
Hi Girls,

Well, one more day left of my 90 days. Today I did a hiit run ob the treadmill instead of regular scheduled workout to save time. This is my first run since the 90 days. I'll tell ya, I went a lot faster on my fast intervals and felt great. So, my endurance sure has improved and my legs are't tired at all. Yeah!

Hope you all have a good day.

I don't have any name change ideas yet.



Wow, Ladylep, you are on a roll. Congrats to you.:) I'm glad you've been able to get some workouts in the last few days. How is your toe doing? Sounds like you are as busy as ever, and you probably have another marathon weekend planned with activities, baseball, and all that you juggle. How did the science fair experiment turn out?

Katie, how are you doing? Glad you have *finally* gotten some Spring weather. Sunshine does wonders for the soul, especially after a long drab winter. You, too, are surely swamped this weekend, but I hope you're doing ok. Did you sleep last night? I, too, have tried melatonin but it does not do much for me either. I actually take a sleeping pill almost every night because it's the only way I can stay asleep all night and has been for years. After a couple years of going without a good night's sleep, I finally broke down and started taking them. It literally went on for two years and I just could not take it any more. I don't like that I have to take them, but even now I don't sleep that well. It's interesting that so many suffer from insomnia or fitful sleep. Since our bodies need sleep so much, why is it so hard for some of us to get the sleep we need? Anybazoos, I hope you are all well and that Nygel's recital went well. You must be so well versed in classical music with the kids. I wish I was...I like it, but it seems so overwhelming to try to tap in to. I do like the Haydn pieces that I've heard so far.

Melissa! Are you making bread this weekend??? Congrats to you on the run you had today and the progress you have made. Isn't that the most motivating thing ever? I am always so excited when I revisit a workout that used to be hard and I can see I've made progress. That is worth celebrating! I'm sending you a virtual High Five! What's your last workout scheduled for tomorrow? Are you looking forward to being done with this rotation?

Renee, I hope all is well with you. I think I recall you asking for some recommendations for cookbooks for veggie or vegan foods on this thread or another one. I also think I might have posted some earlier, but here goes...Nava Atlas, Deborah Madison, Molly Katzen. Those are my go to favorites. There's also a great Mark Bittman one (he's the food guy for the NY Times) called How to Cook Everything Vegetarian that is good. And, I bought the Meatless cookbook from Martha Stewart that has some excellent, doable recipes that are not as "exotic" as a lot of vegetarian recipes are. They are recipes that are very family friendly. Ones you could probably make for your son and husband as a side dish with their meat, and then you can eat it as an entree.

I just finished doing about an hour of Tonique Premier. I stopped to eat lunch though because I was running out of time and fuel. I have about 15-20 minutes of floor work left so I'll do that later this afternoon....and that will get me to about 550 cals today.

I also cannot think of another name for our check in either, but I agree we should branch off and start a new thread. I also am having a hard time coming up with a good recommendation. Maybe something about "getting lean"? For some reason that's what's coming to mind (maybe because that's what *I'm* trying to do!). I will keep mulling it over to see if I can come up with a suggestion.

Take care!
hi girls! hope everyone is having a good day! I woke up way too early this morning-- around 3:45-- after being up too late (11- which is way past when I normally do). anyway, I am dragging a bit today, but the sun is shining and it's supposed to be 70, so that makes lack of sleep much easier to deal with. I actually cleaned some windows and have the screens on downstairs which feels great. this morning was tabatacise. I did only 3 rounds-- legs were feeling like cement blocks:eek:. then did burn sets back and core 1. that officially ends this month's rotation, so I guess I will figure out what's next on my rest day tomorrow. nygel's recital was great last night-- too bad the flipcam quit working in the middle of it:mad:. I still have some of it, though-- maybe can try to get on here if I get the chance.

eva-- sounds like a busy day for you and still you get a great wo in!:D I am so with you on the sleep thing. I am wondering how long I struggle through this before I go in and get something, but also hate the idea. since I think so much of it has to do with losing mom and it's only been a little over a month, I am going to give myself a little more time. I hate it, though-- it really messes with the rest of your day/life in a negative way. and it is so true that it is a very common thing-- I am a thai yoga bodywork therapist and I would say that at least 60-70% of my clients struggle with sleep issues:(. hope you have a good weekend!

Melissa-- way to go on the 90 days!! and how great to see your progress!:D hope you have a nice weekend as well!!

renee-- how are you doing? hope your headaches are better and things with the family are going well!!

ladylep-- great job on getting the wo in! I don't know that show as I don't have tv-- we just stream through the kids' Wii on Netflix-- but sounds like a mellow night;)

have been putting off errands I had planned on doing today-- it is just too nice! may leave them for tonight or tomorrow. in the meantime, I am headed up to the park with nygel, imala and the dogs:)

happy Friday everyone!
Hi all, thankfully this isn't a marathon weekend. Nothing tonight except a talent show with the ehs kids and I'm staying home with baby and hopefully a workout.

Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut and highlighted. :) and I'm dripping off the oldest and youngest at my moms since Hubby has to he the other two to baseball stuff in the afternoon.

But my biggest issue is that I've gained weight. :(. I've been enjoying soft whole wheat bread with butter and peanut butter !! So I'm up 2-4#. I'm 2 pounds up (in the morning) from my last weight watchers weigh in in the evening. :(. I need my toe to heal. I keep going back and forth from my size 8 and 10 jeans!! I haven't been tracking much either. My only saving grace is my period is coming in a week and a half or so. So I will switch to all raw early next week. Hopefully I can do the all raw for 5-7 days.

I'm procrastinating putting the baby down for a nap. Beautiful Friday afternoon and I still have reading and science experiments to do with middle two and a few other things to do with the 1st grader, he is so distractible! I think I'm going to fall asleep too, I normally do!
Sorry y'all, I'll be back to add more personals later, I jogged two and a half miles today 73 degrees! Yesterday I did low impact circuit.
Sorry y'all, I'll be back to add more personals later, I jogged two and a half miles today 73 degrees! Yesterday I did low impact circuit.

Oh also no Melissa,what are u talking about? You'd never sound like a know it all! u r so sweet. To sweet to sound like that
Hi Eva,

Just wanted to let you know I'm just about done with 1st week rotation of Rock Bottom Rotation.
Enjoying it but legs are fatigued...... Lol.
Hi everyone I haven't had a chance to read all the longer post and I appologize for that, busy today I clean my house did cloths and my Ds 2 had an issue today, I tell ya he drains me, I feel so bad for him but it is his own doing and it's hard to do tuff love but I'm doing it and it brakes my heart, just don't think it's working much. I then got finished here and decided to go to DS 1 house it is his first place, he has not moved in yet so I went in and helped him clean. He and I both worked on making it clean and hint. He is excited but scared to. I'm proud he is trying to make it on his own. Anyway I got in a jog today.
Good Morning Girls,

I have bis and tris scheduled for my last workout!

Eva, I will be glad to be done so I can try my older workouts that I never really did too much. I do have to say though, even after 90 days, these workouts still seem new dor some reason. I am not making bread yet. I think by next week will be. I got sidetracked. You are very committed. If I stopped to eat lunch, I would not get back to the floorwork. How did it go.

Katie, Sorry about the camera. Electronics are great until they don't work! Going to the park sounds refreshing. Hoping you got some better sleep last night.

Renee, You are nice! I am paranoid. I was thinking back to the few times I did cf and ttm. I remember only doing certain segments because the entire workouts seemed too long. I am of the school that believes 45 min. is plenty cardio. For me, after a certain time, I am not giving it my all anyhow. And the workout becomes dread.

Terina, I have looked at the rockbottom rotation and have never had the guts to do it. some of the days are just too long for me.


Teri, thanks so much for checking in here to let me know about that rotation. I am so eager to see what your results are when you're done. I bet it's exhausting! I am very intrigued...:)

I just finished my DB Fusion workout. I was not very energetic today so I did not do all of it high impact. I also added on about 15 minutes of Tonique arms because I felt like I really needed to do a little something extra. I burned about 435 calories. Kind of lame for me on a Saturday, but I was pretty miserable mentally doing my workouts today. I may try to tack on something later, but it's highly doubtful. I also did about an hour of gardening today.

Melissa, I am glad to hear you are not bored with the XTrain workouts. You clearly don't have the short attention span that I do when it comes to workouts. I am one of those folks who have "workout ADD". I was amazed that I managed to get through STS, but I never got bored with that for some reason. That was the exception, though. Although, I'm not bored with my current Dream Body rotation yet, but these workouts are so new to me, and these are new instructors, so the whole thing has an air of freshness to it. I'm almost done with my first month of that rotation and I am liking it so far.

Renee, that was very sweet of you to go over and help your son get situated in his new apartment. How exciting that he is off on his own now, although I am sure that causes some anxiety for you and his dad, and for him too, even if he won't admit it. I'm sure he'll be fine. It's exciting to be out on your own!!! I moved out of my parent's house a week after high school and never went back!

Katie, I will have to do some research on what a Thai yoga bodywork therapist is. I have to say I'm drawing a total blank on what that means. I am familiar with Thai massage, but it sounds like your practice might encompass more than that. Either way, I'm intrigued. :) I hope you got a decent night of sleep last night. I managed to get in 9 hours last night, which was awesome. That's probably because I only got 4 hours the night before, though. :confused:

Ladylep, I hope you're having a good weekend. Sounds like a snoozer for you, compared to your usual schedule! I'm sorry the scale is creeping up on you a little bit, but you'll drop that pretty easily when you do your week or two of raw foods, I imagine. I was pretty blown away by how much you lost last month doing that. Is it possible to keep that weight off when you're eating a non-raw diet and exercising, or does it only work to maintain that loss if you are eating raw?

Take care everyone...
i AM DONE WITh 90 DAYS!!!!!

Renee, Hope cleaning went well! That is exciting for your son. I remember my mom helping me move into my own place, and my second place, and my third place.

Eva, Good jon on your workout when you didin't "feel" it.

I Katie and Ladylep, hope your Saturday is treating you well.

Still no ideas for names. I am looking forward to mma fusion on Monday.

Tomorrow is a rest day for me.

Melissa great job on finishing! I miss some xtrain lol , so what's next?

Eva you always doing good and sticking it out even when u don't feel it and that's what keeps me going! What an inspiration u r!

Katie hi how are u today? Hoping you have a sunny day!

Ladylep how is ur workouts?

I was to do in Tri sets but gave not yet. If I don't tonight I nay do it tomorrow, It was sabbath for us and we had church then came home for family time reading and naps, a day of rest and I rested alright I usually get in a wo on sabbath anyway cause its calming. But I work Monday alone and that is usually a rest from wo but since ill be working alone again I'm taking yoga and HS to work. So today will be rest day for wo to.

Yes my son is scared he is the one with learning disabilities (slow) but he has over come a lot. I'm lucky he has cheap rent. I want him to learn to be independent so if something happens to me he can live alone, he will be three minutes away. That's it thank God! I am glad because I will be close enough to help if need be, but I won't be over baring. I'm hit like that i want him to see for himself he can do it. I'm proud of him he is 24 he will be 25 in June so it's time for him to try. He got the power on and he is gonna get one month free rent cause they will be doing repairs him and hubby. We are lucky on that . It will give son a chance to learn to save. He has a job that doesn't pay a lot so he really needed cheap rent. Poor fella he is excited but scared and he don't mind telling u that either. Lol he has a good heart to. He is always trying to look out for me always asking how I feel. Love his heart! And he used to be so hyper, he had ADHD or so they said, he was hyper but I think it was other issues that mad him want to play more then read long story. Good thing is he try's and ill be here if he needs but I'm gonna try to let him figure it out first then wait til it's absolutely needed to help. I don't want to make him think for a second I don't think he can do it. I pray and wait and watch.
hi girls-- happy sunday! the weather is great again here today-- highs near 80- and then nice for two more days until Wednesday when I guess it's supposed to be pretty cold again. as long as we get days like these in between the gunk, I am good:). anyway, I was feeling good this morning-- getting to have all the windows open-- so I did CF extreme and burned 740 calories:eek:. was happy with that! I tell you, though, I think I sweat a gallon in the living room:p. glad I had the energy for that, though, and really think the weather helps me with that. tomorrow is going to be way more mellow-- will practice yoga and do some upper body weights and that is it, I think. I am kind of planning my wo's as I go right now...

renee-- congrats to your son and to you, the proud momma:D. I can't imagine what it is going to be like when these guys graduate-- will feel really strange, I think. alec already has plans for either Curtis (a music college on east coast) or juiliiard-- so he will be far away and pretty soon, too. I know I will miss him and imala and nygel when it's time for them to go. they all have big plans, though! hope you got your wo in, or maybe you are doing it today.

Melissa-- congratulations!!! great job with the rotation! enjoy your rest day today! I am clueless on names as well:p

eva-- glad you are still enjoying your new workouts:). it sounds like they give a nice calorie burn. I am looking forward to being outside in the garden as well-- but may have to wait to plant much as it's supposed to be pretty cold here midweek. I do thai yoga bodywork, which is the same as thai massage, but I like to call it what I do as you would not believe how some people (men, really) have this idea of "thai massage" in their heads which is anything but what I do (if you catch my drift). I have had two ask two male clients to leave in the past. one of my previous instructors from north Carolina even calls it "nuad boran" which is the thai name, just to clarify it. anyway, it's a nice compliment to my yoga training, but I tend to like it even more than teaching these days. hope you are having a good sunday!

ladylep-- sorry about the weight gain, but I think eva is right-- you'll probably drop down again when you go raw. hope you are having a good weekend:)

terina-- I am scared of that rotation!:eek:;)

alright, going to clean the house some. we were running all day yesterday with lessons and then a chamber music concert at night. today, rik brought imala to a competition she is in so I could hang here and get some chores done.

will try and check in later,
love and peace,
Hello Hello!

Katie, thanks for the info on your practice. Ok, now I get the moniker that you use, and yes, I totally get the winks. Wow. I can only imagine the stories you have about the two clients you had to ask to leave. I wonder how that line of work has gotten that reputation. Is it really all *that* common an occurrence that it has come to be almost synonymous with an inappropriate rendezvous? We have a few friends who are way in to yoga (one of them is an ashtanga yoga teacher), and they are big proponents of Thai massage. I probably first heard of it through them. There is a very good studio sort of in this area that they go to. I was going to get Jeremy a gift certificate for his birthday because he's been having a lot of issues with his body lately, but my friend recommended something a little less intense, so I got him a Swedish massage instead. Where did you learn how to do that work? I thought of you today because I did To The Max. I did *not* do any extreme versions though! I have not done that workout in a while, but I had a decent amount of energy today...usually Sunday is my rest day. I did notice I was not as strong on the weighted compound moves as I used to be because I'm not lifting much right now, but I got through it.

It's raining here today, but that is a good thing since we've not had much rain this spring. It will be a nice drink for the plants I put in yesterday.

Thanks for your kind words, Renee...I'm in good company here with you girls. I'm probably the slacker here compared to you all. :) I'm amazed at everyone's perseverance about getting their workouts in. It just demonstrates that it really is possible to find the time to workout if you really want to. Working out at 9:30 at night, working out while little people nap, working out with a foot in a boot while recovering from injuries, working out on 3 hours of sleep... YOINKS. You ladies are amazing.:)

Hi all!

We just got home from a 5k to benefit pancreatic research 45 min away and then kept east and then went to visit Hubby's 98 yo grandmother ( who got everyone into the phillies, she went to all the world series games from 1964-2008) and then sat in the car stuck in traffic for more than 2 hours!

So I walked only about a mile with Hubby pushing Little Man in the stroller. But CDog (9) got second place in his age group (13 and under)! 22nd place over all. JTrain (11) finished 32nd and B (6) finished 69th. I would love to start a rotation soon, but I'm not sure I would be able to keep up with something specific. Maybe we can come up with a generic rotation: either set DVDs and we individually choose the amount of time we can do, or something like cardio, wts, cardio, tone/circuit, cardio, etc. maybe if we come up with a framework, we can all come up with what we plan to do for the next 7 days or something... I don't know, but it *sounds* like a good idea to sort of keep each other accountable? Or we aim for a certain number of cardio workouts and a number of wt/toning/leg workouts? What do you all think?

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