XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

I had been eyeing michelle D dvds for a while. That is awesome on the calorie burn. I cant ever seem to burn 500 cal in one workout. I wish so..

My DH is wanting me to get a new vehicle! He has been paying payments on a truck he deosnt like anyhow so he wants to trade it in for me a kia but has to be cheap one. Lol well we were wanting the sorento but i feel its to big for me and price is 22 to 26
We are cheap lol, we saw the souls for 18 and ar first its a little ugly but if its brand new for 18 ill take ugly. He wants to do it so when he goes overseas ill have a new dependable car nd incase he doesnt make it back God forbid he wants me to have something will last several yrs. Idk u guys hear of how KIAs are ? Reliable? I want a sorta suv type so this is as close as i can get for that price. Ill make it cute somehow lol
Allright Eva, you are the queen of the noncathe workouts. Good thing I don't have money to burn or you would be getting me to spend. Although, I did cave with the bread stuff! Good for you to have someone clean sometimes.

Renee, You are right about organzizng. Part of the reason I don't like to clean is putting everyone's crap away so that I can clean. Anyhow, I figure if I get the bathrooms clean and sheets changed once a week, I am doing great.

Ladylep, Supercuts I would say not to with hour foot problem. Alot of balance required and I didn't realize it is low impact. Maybe I am jumping and shouldn't be. I love this workout though.

I am on my last week of 90 days! Yeah. I used cathe's workout manager to set up my own month rotation. Boy is her xtrain book nice with the workouts broken down. It sure is time consuming making my own breakdown for weights, but fun too. Anyhow, I am going to do pyramids for weights and add another leg day for my third weight day. Then, I am putting in cardio I haven't done in ages. So, I am excited. My first week is mma fusion, hit 30/30 and cardio core circuit with butts and guts for second leg day. Also, I will try to add one rep challenge for bis and tris to get another upper in.

Katie, I hope you got some rest and are ok.

hi girls--

well, I did manage to do TTM extreme-- no solid step and Burn sets bis and tris. I know I could have taken the day off, but then I think I would feel even worse, in some ways-- at least I got things moving for a time (and burned 651 calories:)). I did take a 15 minute nap this afternoon. it is snowing out there pretty heavily right now-- they said we may get "thunder snow" again which we had last Thursday. so incredibly bizarre. when spring finally arrives here-- which it is supposed to be near 70 on sunday-- I think it will make everything feel so much easier. at least if I am not sleeping well a bright sunny sky feels good during the day vs. all these grey, cold days. rik was sweet and told me that he went to the cemetery today to see mom-- felt like he needed to as he was worried about me. he said he sat there for quite some time and then he swears he felt mom tell him that we all are going to be okay and he describes it as her giving our family a big hug. he told me about it, and of course it made me cry. I could see and hear my mom saying that exact thing.

eva-- that is the crummy part, too. I have been trying melatonin and it just doesn't seem to be helping:(. I also am all crampy from my period, so that doesn't help. I am trying to just breathe through this, and yes, if we do get major snow, call tomorrow a snow day for all of us:) that workout sounds great! I have looked at her dvds on collage before, but haven't purchased any-- good idea for the future.

renee-- my B&G dvd came today! do you like yours? was thinking of maybe trying it tomorrow or turbobarre-- or I may just do yoga, haven't decided. will see how tonight goes. I am not sure about cars as I am even cheaper! I drive an old buick century:rolleyes:

Melissa--sorry you are feeling punky, and I hate laundry:p. one of my least favorite chores around the house-- especially as there is always so much of it! hope you are feeling better tonight.

ladylep-- I like supercuts-- it kind of reminds me of cardio supersets in a way. I have done the extreme version before, which is a nice calorie burn and yes low impact. not sure how your toe would feel on some of the moves-- like the push ups on discs and sit outs. I do enjoy the workout, though!

alright, hoping for a relaxing night of watching the snow fall. I told alec I refuse to shovel off my car in the morning if the snow is deep! we'll be sticking at home then.
Crap im sorry ladylep i was gonna tell u my take on supercuts.. I loove it! It does feel like a moderate wo some days but other days harder then moderate. Like yesterday i feelt it,was hard buy i was making sure i was squating low and making all moves more intense that way. I really felt it too in my belly and low back. There was some luunges but i tjink u can mpddify it to be more fiting to what u can do plus i like the music in it. I think it reminds me of cardio supersets like Katie said butt funnner because the music helps but also nothing is reapeated so it goes byy fast. I feel it is not as harrd as afterburn kinda one step harder then cardio supersets.i hope that helps.

Katie i do hope u sleep well.
Yes i loved butts and guts but i wasnt as sore as i thought i would be, during the workout i was on fire but nothing to bad the next day...
I ordered three shirts one was xtrain shirt and they came in ...minus my xtrain shirt! It said on the envoiice has it on there but it WASNT in there i sent an email to customer service. Maybe its in a seperate box but it should have said that if itt was, wouldnt it?
Ok im going to watch the voice ..have a gpod night Eva, Ladylep, Melissa, and Katie
Hi All

I got done legs standing, barre, ball. Did a lot better with barre this time. My standing leg sure does hurt though. Also did shoulder from burn sets. My schedule will be difficult this week, so I am trying to fit all workouts in by moving things around. I am psyched to do MMA Fusion Monday.

Katie, That is wonderful that Rik is so supportive and in touch with your feelings. Hope you had a better night.

Off to eat lunch and get a lot of stuff done today, laundry, work, nothing fun. Nothing bad tough either.

hi girls--

well, the snow came, but it is already almost completely melted out there. I did have to scrape the car yet again, which I am so tired of:mad:. anyway, it's supposed to be 70 here by the weekend, so the snow will be forgotten til next winter (I hope!).

today I did turbobarre the second express premix-- has all the barre work and core but no upper body weights. man, that fried my legs and butt good-- forgot how intense that was! I added the core with ball from B&G. tomorrow is supposed to be CF so I was hoping for a lighter day today-- not sure my legs would say it was, though!

Melissa-- thank you for that and congrats on finishing up the rotation soon!! looks like we both fried our legs today;). I hate the part of cleaning where I am figuring out what to do with everyone's junk, too!! here, though, it is also instruments and music stands! I have five cases in my dining room right now along with two stands-- makes wanting to clean a challenge. would be so easy to clean an empty space:rolleyes:;).

renee and eva-- how are you both? hope you have sunshine today!

ladylep-- how did your busy day go?

will try and check in again later.
love and hugs,
Katie hi lady, i sure hope YOU have sunshine and warmth soon. What state did u say you live in? Geez thats along time for snow. Holy cow. I know what you mean abot trying to figrure out what to do with other peoples stuff. Totaly agree. But i have trouble with my stuff too! Like my kitchen i have bills maiil and then a box of papers afrad to throw away but it is aweful i domt know whhat to doo with ot.. I have a file cabinet for important papers but even that is a mess, i will be looking for lets say ryans birth certificate, i do not know if i filed it in R for ryan oor B for birth orC for certifiicate! Lol see im so awefuly unorganized lol. Way to go on barre work. It is a hard one i think.

I am supose to do pyramid lower body. Im not sure ill liike it because i here alot of equipment change, and i have never done the lower body portion. Plus barbells are used eek.
Melissa what workout did u do? Xtrain legs?

I havnt heard from customer service about my xtrain shirrt yet. Im getting frustrated. I cant beeleive they left it ouut. How do i prove that?
Renee, Yes I did xtrain legs. I wouldn't worry about the shirt. I don't think they will hassle you.

I will be using pyramids next week, I will not be able to use barbell because of my shoulder. So, dumbbells it is for me. We shall see how heavy I can go. My heaviest db is 30 and I could wear 10 lbs in backpack, so that is 70 pounds. My issue will be holding the dumbells.

Katie, I am so glad your snow is melting. It is ridiculous to scrape snow off your car in April!

Eva, My 12 quart container came today! It is giant. I did get the lid. I can see why shipping is high. The box it came in was large and the container is heavier than I thought it would be. Hopefully I will be making bread by next week.

renee-- I am in in Minneapolis and this weather is bizarre, even for us. last year in march we were in the 60s and 70s and even 80s by april. 4 inches of snow one day, and hot the next is the way it can go around here:p. I think the they will ship you the shirt, no problem-- at least I hope so!!

Melissa--I don't have pyramid wo's. do you like them? baking bread sounds like fun-- at least for the family. I only eat the sprouted kind. my mom used to bake bread and made these amazing cinnamon rolls from scratch (totally non vegan!). anyway, happy baking!!

going to take the dogs for a walk while the sun is shining!
Katie, what is sprouted kind? I am trying to eat plant based but I want some bread and thought bread was considered plant, ? I am looking on amazon for some good vegan books or vegetarian at least, I watched forks over knifes, I loved it and this is how my Doctor eats as well.
I did Tabata 1-3 with burn sets back. I am going to have short time tomorrow so I will just have chest to do for burn sets cbs.

Off to do more laundry.

Hope you all have a great day.

hi girls--

sunny day here today-- so grateful! I actually slept somewhat decently last night, too:). today for me is CF, so it's good I have some energy for it. will be doing it shortly. last night rik and the kids and I went out for thai food-- was nice to have a night out during the workweek.

renee-- I will copy and paste some info on sprouted bread: The majority of bread items on grocery store shelves are either of the white or whole wheat variety, gaining their distinction from the flour used in the dough. But sprouted grain breads are not made from traditional flour at all. Here are the key distinctions:

Wheat Bread: Made with whole wheat flour that has been ground using the entire wheat berry or wheat kernel, including the vitamin-rich germ and the protein and carb-dense bran.

White Bread: Made with white flour that has been created by removing both the germ and the bran from the wheat berry before grinding. White bread lacks the nutritional value that both whole wheat and sprouted grains breads provide.

Sprouted Grain Bread: Made from wheat berries that are allowed to sprout before being ground up and made into bread. (Note: Although most sprouted grain bakery items are considered ""flourless,"" they can still contain wheat glutens or even flour as an additional ingredient; so those with gluten intolerance should exercise caution and thoroughly read the labels.)

The sprouting process essentially turns the grain into a tiny plant, so when eaten, the grain is treated as a vegetable rather than a starch, thus making it easy to digest. The grains can come from a variety of sprout sources, including millet, barley, oat, rye and even lentils.

Sprouted grains are packed with fiber and are considered "whole grain" because they include both the bran and germ. While most breads are vegetarian-friendly, sprouted grain breads are especially healthful, because they can provide a complete set of amino acids, the building blocks of protein, making them a great option for those who avoid meat.

The sprouted baked goods such as bread, bagels and tortillas boast a nutty taste and a denser, chewier texture than regular breads.

I buy Ezekiel bread or French meadow-- which is a local restaurant/bakery but I think they sell their breads nationally, too. hope that was helpful!

better get busy! will check in later...
good job on the workout, Melissa! I have tabatas on for Friday, which seems unfair after just finishing crossfire today!:p anyway, got it in plus the core section-- was a sweaty mess (actually changed my tee shirt before doing the core section). anyway, burn sets tomorrow so no jumping around for a day at least.

good luck with the laundry, Melissa-- off to make lunch and then hopefully take the dogs for a walk. there is one single pile of snow right outside our house-- in my parking space actually (seems as if they plowed it straight up to the end of my car!). my fingers are crossed that that thing is gone by the end of the day-- no more white stuff, please.

have a good day everybody!

My allergies and sinuses are really bothering me today, so this is just a quick check in. Today I did Ultimate Yogi Crosstrain for the above noted reason. I wanted to do something, but I did not feel like doing anything.:) My body definitely felt better afterwards, but my head and sinuses were the same.

Yesterday was my scheduled rest day but I went for a walk for about 90 minutes at a local botanical garden, so that was nice.

Katie, good job on the workouts today. I hope your pile of snow is gone by now!

Melissa, sounds like you are a busy lady this week, but kudos for getting your workouts in as well. I'm excited that your container arrived. Keep me posted!! I am going to make some bread this weekend, so maybe we'll be making it together virtually. :)

Hi Renee and Ladylep.

Ok, off to veg out with a movie. Headaches are really so annoying for me.

Eva oh boo headaches suck! I'm sorry ur head hurts really! I got UY starter one or beginner one, I need to do them I really liked him and felt relaxed after.

Katie thanks for the info it is all so confusing and sounds like I may be in kitchen a lot? I went out and got me a couple of cookbooks one of which is a smaller revised of forks over knifes, and a couple others. I am trying to find basic recipes that do not call for a ton of ingredients and cheap and not to exotic yet. I really want to lean to eat vegan the best way I can. I don't think paleo is for me at all. I can do vegetarian, and leaning to vegan if I can find food lol. With on ur wo! Crossfire is a beast.

Mellissa good job on tabata ! I still haven't tried three I'm scared lol.

I did HIIT today and it was good, hard and one I problem could do only once a week due to the impact that one and tabata has lots of bouncing, Eekk.

Hi ladylep! Hope u got in your wo!

Eva, Walking the botanical garden sounds lovely. Oddly enough, I have been fighting a sinus headache today too. Did the botanicals help with the headache?.

Katie, How aggravating about the plow. We have lost two mailboxes from plows here. Walking the dog sounds like a nice way to spend some time. How is Henri doing? I keep forgetting to ask and he has been on my mind for some reason. Funny about the shirt, I leave a spare in my workout room aka basement because I am a heavy sweater.

Renee, I'll tell ya, I have done all 5 tabatas and for me 3 is plenty. After 5 I didn't feel energized, I wanted to crawl in a dark hole and lay on the ground.

Hope you all have a goo night. We just watched men in black 3. Funny and sad at the end.

Eva, Walking the botanical garden sounds lovely. Oddly enough, I have been fighting a sinus headache today too. Did the botanicals help with the headache?.

Katie, How aggravating about the plow. We have lost two mailboxes from plows here. Walking the dog sounds like a nice way to spend some time. How is Henri doing? I keep forgetting to ask and he has been on my mind for some reason. Funny about the shirt, I leave a spare in my workout room aka basement because I am a heavy sweater.

Renee, I'll tell ya, I have done all 5 tabatas and for me 3 is plenty. After 5 I didn't feel energized, I wanted to crawl in a dark hole and lay on the ground.

Hope you all have a goo night. We just watched men in black 3. Funny and sad at the end.


Lol I know if I do 3 id want to crawl in a whole I MIGHT try to thou I really need to any how. I wonder how many times I should do HIIT or afterburn till I can get better at it. I still can't get it. On HIIT I had to stop almost all drill earlier then I was suppose to I had 5 or 6 seconds left but couldn't push through. I think I'm gonna pull it out every week. I'd do more but it would kill my feet and knees if I did it more, my lungs n heart was ok but feet was burning Grr.
Hi Renee,
I say just go as long as you can. Write down how far you get and I'll bet in no time, you will have gone further. Also, pause the dvd and take a longer break between intervals. It is hard when a body part hurts and that is why you have to stop (toe, quads). Next week I start with other workouts, I am a little anxious to see how well/poorly I will do.

Pop I bet you are excited to do others now! I needed thus time away from xtrain but I am starting to miss it, next rotation I will do is march one or April one I think the one that has intensity first, another hard one. Thanks for the tip!

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