XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Oh Renee, I am so sorry for what you are going through, and I second Eva on saying how horrible and difficult it must be to have to wait. Love and prayers are with you right now and any other way I can help, please let me know. I also can see that you are a strong woman and even in the worse case scenario, you will pull through it with grace. That being said, I have faith that all will be well and your tests will come back okay. Hugs.
Hi All,

Renee, I hope you were able to get some rest last night. I am praying for you. You are not alone.

I did cbs burn sets no add ons. I am doing stupid stuff at home today, cleaned out freezer, cleaned out office, someone here (not me) holds onto every scrap of paper for dear life.

Hope you are all ok.

Hi u guys..

Well im gonna try not think about anything till i get tested again. It has kinda been a thought in the back of my mind anyway. I just pray if its true i can stay healthy as long as i can. And mmaybe if its true plan for the future of how to cope, deal, and make my life quality better.. I need to put pplans in place in case it geys really bad that ill have the means to take care of myself as long,as i can. Til then im gonna pretend i dont know nothing, do my Cathe workouts and enjoy life best i can.
People just dont get how RA can be. Its sad not more has been done for a cure. I pray God gives me strength. I appriciate all the thoughts and prayers and understanding.

Ok enough for now. I did AT cardio leg premix gonna eat then do gym syles back, shoulders, bis. I eas supose to do AT last night but i qas to drained to try.
hi girls--

renee- I think that is a great idea-- let it go until you know what you are dealing with. you are strong and you have all of our support. great job on the workout. you know, I still feel like I am dragging since mom died and I know part of it has to do with the lack of sleep, but all the emotional stuff definitely takes a toll and makes everything feel different. hugs.

Melissa-- sounds like you are getting some spring cleaning done:). can you believe, we have another winter storm watch for tomorrow into friday:mad:. I guess at least the snow from last week melted before we get dumped on again-- they are saying 4 inches. blech.

eva-- how are you doing today?

ladylep--sounds like a busy day! good for you still getting workouts in! hope your toe is healing well.

well, today for me was AOLIH to which I added core 1 and then about 20 minutes of yoga. my body is feeling somewhat fried from this rotation and crappy sleep and-- hopefully not too much info-- but my period, too. it is so bizarre. I get it about every 3 months typically, but got it when mom died and had it for over a week. now its back again:confused:. stranger still, all three of my sisters got it when mom died, too, and now my sister closest in age has it again as well-- she is on the pill and shouldn't have it now either. guess losing your mom does all kinds of weird stuff to your body and spirit.

okay, better get busy. I work tonight and am hoping to nap for a few before then so I don't fall asleep working on my clients!:eek:

take care everyone,
Katie what kind of pill is that? Wow i got my tubes tied at 25 ,so i havnt used the pill for along time! So im not sure how it works anymore. I remember i still got my totm every month. Is it supose to be every three months? .. Well i got in my exercise too. So that is good.
Katie, I can't believe you are going to get more snow. Yuck! I hope they are wrong. I agree stress will change my cycle. I have had it and wish I would be done with monthly visitor. It is bizarre you all had it the same week. I have an app to keep track because mine is so off schedule. Sounds like you had a good workout today!

Renee, You have a great attitude. Any time you need to vent, feel free. Good job with our workout. It has to help to be in shape.

Hi Eva and Ladylep, hope you are well!

talk to you tomorrow.


Yesterday I did a DB workout - Tabata and Toning. It was good to workout after missing two days. Now I'm back on track. This week is a toughie because both Jeremy and I have birthdays (Tuesday and yesterday), so there's a lot of eating out and junk for the week. Dinner with my family, dinner with his family, and I'm determined to make a cake for us on Saturday since I look forward to making cakes so much and cake is my ultimate food weakness. But, I'm trying not to go overboard in the food department and I need to try to get my workouts in. I may be able to double up tomorrow, but we'll see. Today I'm scheduled for a Tonique workout.

Katie, that is interesting that your cycle has changed in the last couple of months. Wow. That is very intriguing. I did not really realize that stress would have that kind of effect on our body, but I'm not really surprised. It does seem like our emotional state is so connected to our body. That never ceases to fascinate me for some reason. I'm glad you were able to get some yoga in. I would probably have opted for a much easier rotation this month if I was you, so I commend you for forging ahead. You said you feel kind of fried, though, so I wonder if you should not consider dialing it back a little bit...I hope you slept ok last night.

Melissa, are you still reading that bread book? I probably read most of it, but I get impatient to just focus in on the recipes. You are good to read through the intro and other stuff, since I think it will give you a good foundation of information to work with once you get into the recipes. I find myself trying to go back to it here and there because I have questions or am trying to get more info that I carelessly skimmed the first time around. I did buy the 12 qt containers and you are right, you have to buy the lids separately. For some weird (and aggravating) reason, the lids are almost as expensive as the containers, so I did not buy them. I just use plastic wrap. I may break down and get them at some point because I feel bad using wrap when I could be using something more environmentally friendly, but my cheapskate won out in the short term. I also bought the proofing baskets, but since I make other types of artisan bread, that was a good investment. I bought banneton's which are the traditional French bread basket, but any basket that has the same dimensions would be fine. The only thing to be aware of is whether or not the basket is treated, or you can line it with a heavily floured linen towel. Bannetons are not treated, so you can flour them and add the bread directly to them.

Renee, your plan regarding next steps for your test are absolutely on point. There's no use worrying about something that you cannot impact right now, and as we were just saying, stress has an impact on your body, so try not to get all stressed out about it. I hope you're getting support from your family and friends there, and you have us too!

Ladylep, I hope you are well and are squeezing in your workouts! Are you back on cooked foods for now, or are you still doing a lot of raw foods?

Take care,
hi girls--
writing from another snowy mess today:(. winter storm warning through tomorrow and right now the snow is coming down hard out there. I wouldn't mind as much if I didn't have to run with the kids a bunch of places and then be at a recital late tonight. thank goodness I at least have new tires, but still hate to be out and about in it. part of me wishes they would cancel the concert, but I doubt that will happen. anyway, this morning I just did bis and tris. still slept poorly last night and am just feeling worn out, so figured this could be a more mellow day before tabatacise is on tap for tomorrow.

eva-- happy birthday!!! I would have cake, too! whole foods sells a vegan carrot cake from the Chicago diner that I could inhale. nice that you and Jeremy get to celebrate so close together. enjoy your time with family-- sounds like you have some good days ahead!

Melissa-- how are you doing today?

renee-- hope you are hanging in there:)

yeah, so the period thing is very odd. I am on the pill, and I tricycle, which means I take it for three months, then off for a week-- my sister does the same thing. so truly, we should only get it every three months, and I think with all the working out we both do, three months sometimes doesn't even happen. not so now, though! and strange that all the girls got it, but then I was talking to a friend who lost both her parents in a car accident and she told me that she got her period at the time, and then again every three weeks for several months-- then she found out from her sister that the same was the case with her. the human body is a pretty amazing thing, and I am guessing for a woman there is something about losing your mom that must change it for a time...who knows. I sure could do with out it right now, though. oh well. sigh.

hope everyone has a good day and some good workouts.
Happy birthday Eva, Enjoy your day, cake and all! What did you make? I am still reading and I guess I will order the container. I will not get the lid. You are right about the cost. Shipping is high too for an empty container. I am hoping to be baking next week.

Katie, Unbelieveable about the snow. Be careful. Eva said what I was thinking, take it easy. I am glad you did just bis and Tris today. You have been going nonstop basically. Cut yourself some slack. Hope the snow lets up. It is 90 here. Nice with the windows open. It will be in the 30° again by the weekend. I don't want to put the heat on again.

Hi Rened and ladylep.
Eva happy birthday girl! I truly hope u have a fun day! Thanks eva for ur encouragement!

Ladylep thanks for ur words. I do appriciate it.

I dont undetstand ur weather! Man that is depressing! Id mind it,vety much! And exspecialy so at night. I cant stand coldness anyway.
I seem to recall me and one of my sisters had a problem to, not really problem just was alot sooner then we should have, and like flow was way more heavey. But not the other three sisters .. It is strange cause that other sister and i was the only two that was consistant in mommys life, we were the closest to her. So it must be the stress of it all. Thanks for ur kind words to. Im not gonna lie to u guys the doctors voice pops in,my head many times a day. And i feel more pains even.. That has to be in my mind. I just have to learn to stop thinking.
Tonight for me is gym style legs. I hops i got the gumtion to do it. We r working late yet again. Grrr lol
GS legs is good because If short on time, just do standing portio, it is great even without the dreaded floor section.

Lol u r so funny. I actualy am starting to like the ball part.. I remember i only done it2 times hated it mad at Cathe cause i couldnt do even one roll in now after xtrain i can do more! Yah lol
Hello Everyone,

Thank you for the birthday wishes. It is funny that my birthday and Jeremy's are so close together. His is the 16th and mine is the 17th. I'm a textbook Aries personality...him, not so much.

Today I did part 1 of CF and then Tonique 1.1 That has no warm up and I don't like the cardio portion at the beginning, so piecing them together made for a good mix. I burned about 560 calories so I was happy. I'm definitely getting better at getting through Tonique, so it's nice to see some progress in my endurance.

Melissa, I have not made our cake yet, I plan to do so tomorrow. I will make a coconut cream cake, but I have a low-fat version of it that is delicious and rich without as much fat as a regular cake. It's one of my favorite cakes to make.

Katie, I hope you had safe travels today. I'm sorry you got even more snow. Melissa, I cannot believe you were in the 90s today! It was in the low to mid 70s today, which was perfect. i went out for a walk during lunch today. I'll try to do that a few times a week until it gets too hot, which will be in about a month. I'm hoping for some good weather this weekend because I have some plants to put in. We've been getting some rain here and there which is nice. Things are blooming here! It's cherry blossom time.

Renee, hopefully as time passes your thoughts about your doctor's conversation will recede a little bit and it won't be on the tip of your brain as much. I hope you got your workout in. You're very intrepid to workout late at night. If I'm not started by 5 or so, that's pretty much a rest day for me. :)

Has anyone heard of Top of the Lake? It's a new series by Jane Campion, who is a movie director, but she's done a TV miniseries. It's on the Sundance channel and is now on Netflix on demand. It's supposed to be like the Killing, which I've never seen, but I'm kind of interested in seeing this. I'm going to try to watch one of the episodes this evening.

Ahh, I am *so* ready for Friday.

Coconut creame pie! Yummy yummy for my tummy! Lol that is neat u and ur honey has almost the same BD!

I did buts and guts and yes it was 10 pm.. I know i dont like it but dont like even more getting up to early to. I was supose to do GS legs but BN G came in the mail today.,had to try it.. Wow amazing what five pounds can do. This put me in the mind of xtrain legs some and gym style legs together mishmoshed. I did not do it,all i got to the all fours raise leg behind and over part. Couldnt go more. So dont know how much lpnger i had left. I am doing the abs part tomorrow.
Renee, kudos to you for getting B&G in late night. It think the ab section is another 20 minutes or so, It's a good workout!

This morning I did 30 minutes of Tracy Anderson, mostly toning for arms, abs and legs (floor work on all fours, Melissa...your favorite!). My legs are kind of sore from Tonique yesterday, but nothing crazy. Later today I am going to do another DB workout. We're going out for dinner again and I'll have cake tonight, so I'm trying to stockpile a few extra burned calories for that, thus the two workouts.


Great job on butts and guts! I would have done that too! Sometimes I get energy and do it at night too. Usually I am too wiped out. Hope you slpet well.

Eva, Coconut, delicious! I was looking AGAIN at the dream body series. I have many cathe dvds that I have hardly done, so I am going to resist the urge and use those first. Also, I just spent more money on amazon to get the bread basket and 12 quart container. The baskets say 28 days for delivery. Yuck, well, I am now to the chapter on how ro make the bread. I think it will be very fun. I commend you for working out on all 4's! Do you think I am missing out on a lot of toning because I don't do those exercises? I do the ball work on the floor.

I did Hs and core 1. I am getting pretty good at core 1. There are abs somewhere under my belly flab.

Katie, Are the kids one with testing? Hopefully you will get a regular schedule back.

Happy Friday

Hello Hello!

I just finished up DB Fusion Mix. Have you ever had your legs actually start to get DOMS as you were working out?? That is how I feel today. I think I'm going to be in big trouble tomorrow, but we will see. I had to split the DB workout into two parts because I was starting to feel really weird and lightheaded, but I'm glad I finished the whole thing. I had something to eat in between, and then had a meeting, so I was feeling better for the second time. I am modifying a lot of those moves, but it will get easier...

Melissa, I hear you about not wanting to spend more money on workouts when you have some that you have barely done. I want those Pump it Up workouts, but I still have Toniques that are unopened, and I just got these other workouts, so I'm going to hang in there for a bit. They're not going anywhere, so when you want to try something new, just get them then. I branched out because I was getting bored with my regular workouts, and wasn't really getting results, but you are getting good results with Cathe and it sounds like you're enjoying them. I've been doing Cathe workouts since 2004, so it was just time to mix it up a little bit. I'm sorry your baskets are going to take so long! You can still make the pizza without them, though, so once you get your 12 qt. bucket, you could get started on something from the book if you wanted to...and you can always line a regular basket with a floured tea towel if you feel like just jumping in!

I'm not sure about the four on the floor leg work vs. other types. I think that there are many ways to work legs, so I don't know if I think one way is better than the next. I guess that must be effective or we would not have those exercises, but I am so new to doing them consistently that I don't have any "proof" either way. If I had to guess, I would say that the thousands of squats and lunges I'm doing with Tonique are probably more effective in the long run, because they also burn fat and get my heart rate up. However, I think floor work may be the same as doing the standing leg work, if that makes any sense, so if you're doing one, you may be working your muscles the same way. They both use gravity to add resistance to work your muscles on perpendicular planes, so they are probably equally effective....at least that's my take on it. I *hate* floor work, but I hate standing leg work too.
Ok, cakes are made. I forgot to get the cream cheese for the frosting (DUH), so I'm going to run out now and get it. I'm trying to get this done before I head out for a few appointments this evening.

Hi Ladylep!

Katie, hope you are well and that you got some rest last night. How was the recital?

Take care,

hi girls! super quick post as we are headed to yet another performance tonight-- alec is playing a solo at a variety show at his school. the whole weekend is crazy as tomorrow the kids are in a performance class and then sunday imala plays with the trio at a church in st. paul. last night's concert was great! lots of people, including players, didn't make it there as we had a major winter storm (8+inches here:eek:). anyway, alec ended up playing in nygel's quartet on the fly and it was great.

so today for me was tabatacise plus I added medicine ball abs. slept better last night for a change, so it felt good:)

eva-- hope you have fun this weekend! sounds like your legs could use some rest;). hope you can take it easy for a day or two-- great jobs on the wo's.

Melissa- great job on your wo, too-- glad to hear core 1 is getting better! no more state testing for the kids, yay!

renee-- I ended up ordering B&G yesterday or the day before when it was on sale:). I could never work out that late, as I am normally falling asleep by then!

hope I am not forgetting people! just in a rush. will try and check back in tomorrow, but busy day and rik and I have a date night planned;). anyway, enjoy your evening--

Hi girls i did cardio kicks instead of low max today.. I wanted to try my new dvd.. it was fun. I was not to sore from butts and guts!!! I dont understand why, i mean my hammies are sore but not anything else so that is good? I dont know i was hoping to get major DOMS in the legs lol

O Katie i did watch forks over knifes!! Awesome and an eye opener.. i listen to stuff like this on a raido program in the evenings and now i can let people see what i have been hearing!! I am going to make DH watch it tonight..
Hi all! I got a workout in this afternoon! I out in low impact circuit and did the upper body premix. Was very careful on the step workout warm up, it hurt my toe a little but not too much. But the upper body stuff, wow! I feel like such a wimp but I had a tough time! The pt exercises I started yesterday are making my shoulder and elbow worse... Maybe I'll just try some lower body something like B&G or gym style legs or drill max. Thanks to whoever mentioned B&G I had forgotten about that one!

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