XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Hi Girls,

Renee, I really hope your headache goes away! I was wondering what happened with the work trip, thanks for the update. At least you could tell her the truth. Praying that things get easier for you Renee. I am not to the point where I crave veggies. I did good last night, had a small bowl of kashi cereal.

Katie, i watched about half of forks over knives, I didn't realize it meant knife as in surgery. It really puts eating garbage into perspective. I went to a website called rawfoods. or something like that to get a rebuttal of the ideas discussed. It is amazing to me that both of those doctors went from being dairy/meat farmers to where they are today. I am trying to be open minded and see different sides to the studies they showed.

Eva, I got my book and pot today. When I ordered, there was a special and I got a free kitchen scale. It is great. I am using it to track how many ounces I think I should be eating, so far, I am on the mark! I can't wait to read the book and start baking bread.

I did tabs 1-3 today and core 2. Feeling good overall!

Hi Girls!

I have had a busy day. I took my mom to the hospital this am for outpatient procedure. She has a bad back and got a spinal nerve block. Evidently she has had herniated discs and stenosis but it wasn't hurting her until she fell a few weeks ago.

Anyhow, I managed to get in legs, only standing and ball and chair and did rear delts too. Better than nothing.

Kaite, I can't believe you are getting that much snow. We actual have 80° here today with the windows open the breeze is great.

Eva, I would love to take a class with cathe you are lucky to live close! My order from amazon shipped today! Yeah.

Renee, How did lomax go? I just don't like it. I see you and Katie are doing some cf and ttm. I wonder how I would make out with those now.

I have decided my problem is food. After working out consistently for months, I see progress with endurance and strength, but clothes only fit a little better. I need to quit eating like I will never get my hands on another cookie.

Have a good rest of the day.


Hi Melissa how you mom doing, I find out I do have stenosis, how bad is?
Hi Mariposa,
Thanks for asking about my mom.

She got the spinal nerve block and she said it did wonders for her. She is able to walk and move with minimal pain now. The doctor said she could get the injections three times a year, she needs to avoid heavy lifting and motions you woukd use to rake or shovel snow. Anyhow, I am happy she got relief because she is not one to sit around all day.

Hope you are well!

Afterburn done!!! finaly lol, I feel better today i guess i wont stop all headaches i am thinkful i went five weeks without one!! So i think it is the pollen in the air.. it was greenish yellow stuff all over the place!!
Any how I think later i am going to do the dvd i was supose to do today but had to get caught up on, it is low impact step adn abs from sts.. i dont have abs from sts so i will have to do xtrain abs i think. I may not do it if i dont feel like it, if i dont ill do it tomorrow when i do tris anc chest from Gym styles, i dont have that one either so i may have to play around with xtrain to find a premix with tris and chest or maybe slow and heavey has one.. im not sure.. i am going to wathc forks over knifs here in a bit.. is it gonna make me cry for the animals? I hate when animals are mistreated..
I on,y watched half. There is no animal mistreatment. Glad you got your workout in! 5 weeks is great without a headache.

Melissa, I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better. Enjoy your goodies from Amazon; a free scale is awesome. I found that measuring my food made a big difference for me, so I'd be interested in hearing how you like having that handy. What kind of scale did they send you? You will definitely use that for your bread recipes, as he works in baker's formulas and prefers to measure ingredients by weight. Congratulations on the shrinkage!! Isn't that motivating? Screw those crappy dressing room lights!!:mad:
Good work on Tabatacise. I may do that

Renee, I am sorry to hear that your headaches are back. You should be very proud of yourself for pushing through and getting Afterburn in. That workout is hard even when you're firing on all cylinders.

Katie, how was your day? I hope you are all doing well. The Bikini Bootcamp DVD was pretty good. It had 40 minutes or so of cardio, and 15-20 of toning. I was sore today. I think it was the floor work that got me. There are some horrible (I mean awesome) bridge exercises for hammys. I can barely do a few reps of those, and various leg lifts, which I'm pretty decent at, but today my outer things is sore which is a very rare occurrence.

My knee has been a little tweaky so I chose the walk as my cardio today. I was supposed to do Tonique. :-( Tomorrow is the 5th and last disc in my DB series, Fusion Mix. I may try to do at least one section of Tonique tomorrow. It's Saturday so I hope to get in 90 minutes, even if that means two workouts.

Hi Ladylep and Mariposa!!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend. The weather here is beautiful.

Today I got in two workouts. First was Tonique Energy Mat. It's mostly floor work with some cardio here and there, but that's mostly on the floor too. Lot of all-fours work. Then I took a break and ran errands. I just finished up Dream Body Fusion workout. This was a mix of yoga, pilates and floor work. Little cardio bursts here and there as well, but both of these workouts are about toning.

I am finally starting to a wee bit of shrinkage in the thighs. Just a smidgen mind you, but changes are starting to happen. I hope they continue.:D

Take care,
Hi Eva,
The scale i think is call cuisaid, It is nice because it lets you deduct the weight of the bowl/plate. I have't read my book yet. I will do it tonight as there is nothing on tv. Thank God I like to read!

Great job on the shrinkage! You desreve it with all of your hard work! If I hadn't put on the pants I couldn't button, I would have felt I didn't get amaller. My mind plays tricks on me.

I did cbs today. Today is my free day, so I am not feeling gulity. I avoid all fours moves like the plague. I think partly becuase of my shouder and partly because I don't like working one leg at a time with endless reps. I think I mentioned this before, sorry. I don't like doing arms one at a time either because all the while I am thinking about the other side needing done.

Glad your weather is nice.

Hey Renee, Katie, Ladylep and Mariposa, hope you all are having a good Saturday.

Eva ur workouts sound hard.. I dont mind floor work just not alot. Lol thats cute u see a smidgin of loss.. Im glad u are seeinga shrinkage as well.

Melissa i see u have loset pants! Wtg... Ur scales sound intresting.. I wanted to get one but never kbow what to get or how to use it. I mean lay ur food on it,and weigh it but, does that tell calories?

Katie, ladylep hope,ur having a lovly weekend.

I did low impact step.. And i did bis n tris burnsets now im caught up on my rotation. Tomorrow,is spin but since,it is,nice,out i may go to the dirt one mile track and jog for three or four miles.
U guys have a great day!
hi girls-- sorry I was MIA yesterday! just super busy with work and the kids' schedules-- this time of year heading up to the end of school is always especially crazy. yesterday I got in legs. had no time to add any extras, though. today was my day off. tomorrow it is TTM less impact premix and toning from S&G. it has been super dreary here-- happy that some of you are having nice weather. I am sure it will get here eventually, but in the meantime, we have snow on the ground (about an inch and a half still) and flurries and freezing rain in the skies. I walked bugsy for a long walk today, anyway, though:) he didn't seem to mind the weather.

melisssa-- congrats to you on the lost inches! way to go! imala and I tried on clothes at target recently for mom's funeral and it was not a pleasant experience to say the least. I think the lighting in those fitting rooms absolutely stinks. glad to hear your mom is doing okay and so sorry I missed that in your previous post! hope she continues to feel better and heal.

eva-- those workouts sound super intense and yay to you on leg shrinkage! I know you have been working so hard-- you truly deserve it! hope you are having a good weekend!

renee-- did you finish FoverK? hope you liked it. sorry to hear your headaches have returned and way to power through AB:). sorry also to hear that things are tough at home. if you need an ear, I am here.

hope I am not forgetting anyone! I have a couple things to get done here tonight and the kids and I were going to watch some Monk-- does anyone else ever watch that show? my mom loved it and my sister gave us all these DVDs, so we have been watching. pretty fun show.

okay, will be back tomorrow. enjoy your evening everyone--

Hi Everyone,

Today is my rest day, yeah!

Renee, The scale can measure weight. So I was using it to figure out what 4 ounces of meat is.
I don't think it does calories. I think the bread book I bought uses it to weigh out the ingredients.

Katie, Good job on keeping up with your workouts. Hopefully the snow will melt soon. It is back to 36° today, but will warm up this afternoon. We have't turned the heat back on, so it is a little chilly yet inside. Burning more calories? I watched Monk after it was over on the reruns, very funny. I don't think it is on now. I have been watching Mary Tyker Moore, it restarted from epiosed one.

Not planning on much today. My son has a mass and basketball banquet this evening. Other than that, lazy day for me.
Melissa enjoy your rest day. Will u be going to the banquet as well?
You know wouldnt that be cool a scale that will tell u calories that u r putting on the scale? Hum lol sounds like i need a patent..

Today i have spin on calendar..but i am going to go jogging i think. It is so nice outside..

Katie how is the weather your way? And how was ttm low impact? I like that one myself. I understand u r busy no problem. Hope u r having a great day.

Ladylep how are u doing today? Whats on ur agenda?
Waving hi to u all !!!!!
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Happy Sunday, Everyone!

Katie and Melissa, sorry you guys have such non-Springy weather your respective ways. I'm with Renee, it's another beauty here today. I am planning to spend some time sitting out back, as soon as I wrap up my inside chores (which seem neverending, unfortunately). ;) I'm making bread, as I do most Sundays, and yogurt (but that makes itself, for the most part).

I also made this very yummy lunch that's a cauliflower, tuna and white bean salad and I'm munching on that now.

Today is usually a rest day for me, but I know I'll be taking a rest day on Tuesday because it's Jeremy's birthday, so I did workout today. I was going to do yoga, so instead I did 35 minutes of Zumba and then another 35 minutes of BUTI. I burned about 450 calories which is not bad, since I would not have burned that much doing 70 minutes of yoga, and I did not have to kill myself with a hard workout, so I'm happy. I feel refreshed and energetic. I am definitely feeling some light DOMS in the lower body after DB this week. I am really liking my new rotation, so far. Hopefully I can stick with it. I'm scheduled through the end of April, so I think I can hang in there for a couple more weeks. I just get so bored so quickly. :p

Melissa, have fun at the banquet this evening.

Renee, enjoy the warm weather.

Katie, sending you some virtual sunshine!

Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Eva i tell ya Buti looks intersting lol.. I didnt think it would burn that many calories, but cool if it does.. I would like to try them ! Different for sure.

I did three mile jog. Wow i really love to jog. I just wish i was faster and my foot allowed for lonver milage. Oh well, i love whatever my body allows for, lol
It was beautiful today.. I got a headache. It must be the alergies cause its in front around eyes and under eyes. It happened after i was raking leaves. So maybe allergies.
Hi Eva,

Your lunch sounds really good. Your workouts sound like a nice mix for no boredome.

Renee, Great job on the run. it would be nice if the scale counted caloreis. I did myfitness pal for a while to get a feel for how much to eat. I am not big on counting calories. When I did Body For Life, protein was the size of the hand, carb the size of your fist. I try to use that when I eat an actual meal.

I did better overall with eating this weekend, so I will not feel like a stuffed pig tomorrow morning. Two moer weeks left of my 90 days! I was set on lis, but wonder if it is basically the same as the workouts in 90 days except low impact. What do you all think?

Have a good night.

I too think that about lis.. Thats y i am doing march rotation cause it has oldrr ones in it.a nice mix and no xtrain. But im missing xtrain already! Lol. I will do feb or april next. Then i may,try lis xtrain rotation. With lis i use my own music.
Rest day for me. I did not sleep well! First night in six weeks... I had a headache again. J am going to buy zertec today to see if that will help. I think it is alergies cause my nose runs to. We will see. I still take my magnessium. I think there diff reasons to have a HA so i cant stop all of them. I sure was enjoying life without it.
hi girls-- tried to get on yesterday but I was running around with the kids all day. in a rain and ice storm, no less:eek:. it was pretty awful. today the skies are at least clear right now, but I heard more flurries in the forecast this week. and it's state testing for imala and nygel this week, so I have to drive them to their testing location and hang out for three hours each day. blech. oh well. it will be good to get that over with and hopefully it will be spring time here soon. yesterday I did TTM less impact plus added on the step tabata, then the conditioning from S&G. it actually felt like a pretty tough workout-- I don't care for the solid step from TTM so much (which is why I normally do the extreme version without it), but did it yest and it really fries my legs. today is CF, which I hope goes okay as my legs are super tired. a LIS rotation might be in store for me after I make it through the next two weeks, will see.

renee-- so sorry you didn't sleep well and also that you are having headaches:(. sleep is always trouble for me, as you know, since mom died so I know how you are feeling. last night I went to bed at 10:30 but was up twice in the night before waking at 4:15. it is a drag but I am trying to remain calm and positive about it that it will get better soon. In the meantime, I try to catch a nap when I can-- hope you can today!

eva-- glad you had a nice sunday and a feel good workout! how is your knee holding up these days? do you have big plans for Jeremy's bday?

Melissa-- sounds like you had plans for a nice sunday, too:D two weeks left! that is fantastic! are you thinking of xtrain/lis rotation, or just LIS? I was looking at this month's rotation for when I am done with my current one, but it is lots of xtrain/impact, too. wondering if I will feel up for it after all these CF/TTM/tabatacise days-- so leg intensive. I guess if I am seeing results, I may try or will do some LIS too.

okay, better get moving on schoolwork with the kids. will have to get CF in soon...

will check in later I hope!

Hi Renee, Sorry you didn't sleep, I'll bet it is your allergies! Theynmake it difficult to sleep with running nose and post nasal drip. Hope you rest well today.

Hi Katie, Maybe it will nice to rest while waiting for the kids during their tests. Your workout sounds tough but fun. Sorry about the ice! It has been a long winter, especially for you with the car and everything. I was thinking of doing just the month lis rotation. Do you think it is too similar to xtrain? I want to do something different. Then, Iwas thinking of cross train express, or doing a rotation with pyramid upper, lower and buts and guts for the three weight days and doing random cardio. It is fun to think of what to do, but also not fun.

I did supercuts and core 2 today. I am much better with the kick outs. Core 2 is hard on my shoulder and back for some reason, I did make it theough with modifications.

Hi Eva and Ladylep, hope you are having a good Monday!


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