XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Ladylep im so sorry about ur injury... I know it can be frustrating exspecialy when u have lost 10 pounds! I would be upset to! Prayers ur way.

Katie i hope u get some sleep, maybe u will sleep thru the movie lol.
Eva u have some serious workouts! If, i did tonique im not sure id be able to do more! Very impressive. And i so badly want to grow a garden! In wv we had one every year. Here in Sc we have sand.. Not growing anythjng in that, we even trjed adding,top soil and loads of real dirt. Nothing helps. My mom though she grew a garden.. Have no clue how. Lol she was smart.

Melissa i hope u had a good workout in ur dungeon! Lol i laughed wben i read that cause i can hear u say it... Lol

It is 70 here! So nice! Loved it! Im going back out in a bit. Maybe a walk. I did cardio supersets today had my own music. It went by fast. I still cant do all the moubtain climbers burbees... I wonder if i keep doing this one will i master it? It is easier then afterburn. So i may try this every week and once i get every rep i try afterburn again. Im determained to get to the max n cf and afterburn down dang it!
Have a glorious day all!
Today was legs and glutes i can tell im stronger cause i did mpre reps of everything then before. I did a crpssfiree tabta plyo as add on before i did legs n glutes jjst to add a little cardio factor.
hi girls-- well, I am a bit like a broken record here:confused:. last night I was sooo tired watching the movie that, yes renee, I was actually starting to fall asleep and said I had to call it a night. went to bed around 11 but then, you guessed it, up first around 12:30 but able to fall back asleep, but then up at 2:00 and then up for who knows how long:(.. I think I did sleep sometime around 6 for an hour but then got up. I hope I can kick this insomnia soon. I worked out this morning anyway-- did cardio leg blast extreme repeating rounds 7-12 and core 2; burned 730 calories. I was surprised I made it through. going through the 7-12 the first time had some serious dread factor, knowing they were coming back at me again, but then for whatever reason, the second time through went fine. now, though, I would not mind a nap but we are going to visit my dad-- if you can believe, we have never even been to his house! he has been distant from the family for a while-- some of us have been better about being in contact then others, but he came to mom's funeral and I decided to make an effort while he is here and healthy-- he is 82. so, anyway, will head there with rik and the kids and then hopefully come back home and pass out.

eva-- thanks again for your sweet words and for sharing your experience with me. I do think I will eventually process through this, but for right now, things are tough. what a killer workout you got in!! way to go! that is so amazing how strong you are. hope you get an easy workout day somewhere in here soon-- you earned it:) my mom loved gardening, and I used to plant with her at her place, but we rent now and have loads of shade, so no garden for us:(. have fun with it!

renee-- I am jealous of your warm weather! it has been rainy and cool here. I feel the same way about CF and TTM. I have TTM on for Tuesday and am wondering if that will feel as brutal as CF and if part of it is due to my crummy sleep I am getting. anyway, I know you'll get through them all!:)

Melissa--how did your workout in the dungeon go?;)

ladylep-- so, so sorry to hear about your toe! take it easy and give it plenty of time to heal. hoping you are feeling better today and get some rest in!

okay, better get moving.
love and peace,
Hi All,
Rest day for me today. Thank God. I had some intestinal bug last night and the pain is there a little still, and I have my monthly visitor. Yuck. I took my daughter to a birthday party at a glow in the dark monster mini golf. She had fun, my son and I played arcade games and air hockey, I lost all rounds. We ate at a place called the anoodle Company, never heard of it. Great menu, I had a medditeranean salad, yummy.

Eva, Your workout sounds fun and diverse. I'll bet your yard is beautiful. I forgot to say, yes I do all of the jumping jacks, my big issue with those is, I feel like I need to use the bathroom, not nice feeling. I did use my 25 lbs. It was nice not to worry about the wieghts falling off the olympic bumbbell bar. Anyhowm I was more confident holding the hex and my form was much better.

Ladylep, ayour scedule sounds crazy, that has to burn some calories! I love asparagus. What is your recovery suppose to be for your toe?

Renee, Great job on your workouts. It is all paying off with your strength gains. 70° sounds lovely. We are actually 70 here too, but it is drizzly. The mountainvpclimbers with the discs make me nervous because I am afraid my right shoulder will give put and I will end up on my face!

Katie, The dungeon workout went well. I am using heavier weights. Also I like cbs because it uses a bench and not the ball. When I am on the ball with heavy weights, there is always a second when Getting up that I am going ro land on my but with the weights on top of me. orry about the insomnia, that happens to me sometimes where I wakeup and can't back to sleep until right before the alarm goes off. I hope you got a nap in after your workout. That is good that you are seeing your dad with Rik and the kids.

Have a good Sunday!


Hello Everyone,
Sounds like there were some great workouts today!

Katie, enjoy your visit with your dad. I hope that went smoothly and that it was stress free. I commend you on having an open heart for your dad. It's much easier to hold grudges and to be angry than to be open and forgiving (in theory, I find the former takes more real energy). I hope this is the beginning of a healing process for all of you.

Melissa, wow, all of the jacks!?!? I have to really push myself to do them all, and I remember being relieved whenever we get a break from them. I do like that workout, though. I'll probably use it on one of my cardio days while I alternate DB workouts.

Renee, congrats on getting increasing your stamina in Legs and Glutes. I don't have that workout. How does it compare to CLB and LBB? To answer your question about the mountain climbers, I think you will find your stamina for those increases if you do them frequently. That was my experience. I can pretty much do them now, but they are still HORRIBLE.

Ladylep, I hope you're doing OK today.

Today I did DB Tabata and Toninng. It alternated cardio with toning exercises. Another toughie. I did not add on HC, I decided to spend that time in my yard and did about 90 minutes of weeding/organizing. That was a much more pleasant way to spend the time. Then I spent another hour back just enjoying the warm weather and knitting. My garden is still a work in progress, that's for sure. It's mostly flowery things, but I do grow some food, like tomatoes and herbs in pots. We have a lot of clay soil here, so it's hard to garden.

Renee, you could grow blueberries in your sandy soil, maybe. They are one of the few plants that like that kind of soil. Of course the birds will get them if you don't cover them with a net. ;)

Sigh, where as the weekend gone? I've got to go to bed and then get up for work again soon.:(

I got the rest of my workouts yesterday. Tomorrow is a cardio day so I will do the dance workout that I bought, PATRICK GOUDEAU AEROBIC DANCE WORKOUT DVD. It's kind of ridiculous, but I think it's going to be fun.:D I might try to add on to this, since it's only 45 minutes, but we'll see how that goes.

Enjoy what's left of your weekends!
Thanks for all the thoughts and stuff. I'm ok, didn't get CBS in yesterday, I'm hoping to today. Light day today just school, piano at 2:15 and then my Weight Watchers meeting.

Yesterday was kinda crazy: after church 30 min away, we had a quick "left overs" lunch, then my hubby too the oldest, well call him JTrain to baseball practice while I put the 2yo down for a nap and the middles played outside. Hubby worked at little on JTrain's room and by the time I finished with the baby (2yo, I tend to fall asleep too) he had already brought back Jtrain. But I only had about 5 min to myself, getting really to plan school for the week, when e baby woke up. :(. So Hubby was painting all 3 older boys were outside and I inside chasing the baby and trying to plan school, which I started around 3 and finished at 8:30. With so many interruptions and dinner and a family game, it's not that surprising it took me forever and my printer connection decided to go away AGAIN, from the virtual machine on my Mac. I finally gave up and saved the assignment sheets as .pdfs and printed them from my Mac side. But the good news is I was finished everything by the time the kids went to bed so I could just lift my leg and watch Touch with Hubby.

I finally got my monthly buddy yesterday, of course after I've added some meat back in. Saturday I did, and also yesterday I had:

Breakfast: 1.5 eggs with cheese, almost a whole chicken sausage and fruit
Lunch: banana, strawberries and 5 oz chicken, homemade some with homemade breadcrumbs some w/o
Dinner: spinach strawberry salad with bottled poppy seed dressing, cooked asparagus with home made olive oil based dressing, 4 oz same chicken as from lunch
Dessert: small amount of homemade apple crisp, first dessert in a week!

Ok some other stats about me: I'm 5'9" and at the moment I'm 163.3' I was down to 153.3 last May, stayed the same all through summer, but then I put it back on. My WW goal is 152, I'd like to be 145.

Gotta start school! Have a great day!
Hi Girls,

I got in aoli. Great fun!

Eva, It sounds like a nice day for you! I don't mind the jacks, unless I need to use the bathroom.
Sorry, thread posted early.

Anyhow, Ladylep, your breakfast sounds good.

not too chatty today, at least my workout is done! Nice day here with the windows open! Yeah.

Hi ladies!
Today is a rest day.
Ladylep ur food looks yummy and healthy, makes me want to eat good today!

Melissa it is so nice here as well... I am however in my office, no windows, and no people! Bored yet again waiting for five.

Eva i dont mind jacks either but to many makes my left foot burn. It serms hs stops rt before it strats to hurt.
Oo well and the having to go pee isnt my problem.. Its number 2! Lol TMI sorry! :)
But it is that way when i jog also ! Thats why i have to jog around a bathroom near by... It got real bad when i drank shakology.. I loved that stuff but who can afford that every month! ? It sure kept my bowels smooth lol

Hello hope u slept good last night!
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Hello Mariposa, welcome to the check in.

Today was a cardio day for me (DB alternates their workouts with Cardio workouts). I tried to do this new dance workout I got but it was complicated and I was having a hard time learning it, so I bailed and did my Pump It Up workout off of Youtube. Tomorrow is Dream Body Barre.

I have some DOMS today and yesterday from these workouts, which is a good thing. I rarely get DOMS in my legs but these are getting me good, which is awesome. Even Tonique does not really give me DOMS the next day. I did those back to back which is also probably causing the soreness.

Melissa, I hear you on the weighted work on the ball. I always go a little lighter on the ball, and I think Cathe recommends that in CBS too. AOLIH is one of my favorites, I have to put that on my list for a cardio day soon. On the one hand, I keep telling myself to take a break from my Cathe workouts because I am kind of burned out on them, but on the other hand, I miss them already!

Renee, exercise can sometimes get my insides moving around too, so I know what you mean. ;)

Katie, I hope you are doing well.

I have been thinking of going to Glassboro to take a class with Cathe soon. It's only about two and a half hours from my house, and it dawned on me that anyone can just go and buy a day pass and take one of her classes. Their schedule is online. I think I'm going to try to do that at some point this summer.

Hi Ladylep. I'm tired just reading about your day. I don't know how you folks with kids do it. I don't have any, and I can barely keep up with the things I need to do. I have so much admiration for you guys! Sounds like you had good eating days and are on track with your food. Congratulations. I hope you continue to feel good now that its that TOTM.

Ok, off to do some chores.

Take care,
hi girls-- late post for me and need to get off the computer for alec to do some homework, so I will have to be quick. yesterday was actually very nice seeing my dad, his partner and also my brother and his gf who joined us out there. my dad seemed really happy to see the kids and has invited them back to teach them golf-- something he actually tried with my sister and I but neither of us ever had any interest in it. anyway, it was good for them to get to know their grampa better. he was unfaithful to my mom way back when we were young and they never actually divorced, even though he has been with the same woman for years and years.. I had never met her before until now, which felt a little strange to also see my dad and this life he has had-- without any of us. anyway, I know he has many regrets and I am letting it go as I know now time is short and nothing is guaranteed. I think mom would want that, actually. I used to always tell her to divorce him and she could meet someone else, but she would say she wasn't interested in being with any "silly man". okay, short post has turned long!

Melissa-- I am the same way with all the jacks-- like them unless I have drank too much water!:eek: renee, you are too funny!

eva-- glad you got some DOMS:D. you are always so good with your workouts! taking a class with cathe sounds like such fun! excited to hear about it when you do.

hello mariposa!

renee-- hope you got to enjoy some of the nice weather after work!

ladylep-- hope you had a less busy day with some time for you!

okay, better go. today for me, btw, was burn sets-- chest, shoulders and triceps, plus I did the yoga ab circuit. tomorrow is TTM:eek:

have a good night everyone!
Low max today..

Eva do u still have DOMS today?

Katie i love that attitude about ur dad. So many people hkld grudges not rsizing it zaps ur energy and makes u end up with regret or bitterness. Good job. U will be blessed..
Ladylep did u get a workout in today? Or did u get to rest? I am glad some days im not running around so busy but other times id sure do it all over again because i miss tbose days my kids was younger. I think it went by so fast.

At work now bbl after i get home and get my wo finished ... I cant wait! I love working out lol
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Renee, I do not not have DOMS today, so I'm back in the saddle. I previewed my barre workout last night and it looks like a doozy, so this may be a temporary reprieve. We shall see.

Katie, I am so happy that your visit with your dad went well and that it was drama-free. I agree with Renee, you will be blessed for your generosity of spirit and deed. It's not easy to forgive someone for what you and your family went through. How lovely that he is trying to connect with the kids as well. :D I imagine it was not easy for him to come to your mother's funeral either, so he took a big step in humbling himself to do that. I hope you had "fun" with TTM today!

Melissa, did you get the bread book and pot yet?

hi girls:). very dreary day here today with a winter storm warning:mad: from tonight through Thursday. we are supposed to be getting around 8 inches of snow plus ice before that. so far, it has just been raining. the weather makes me tired, though, especially since I am still not sleeping well. wish I could curl up and take a nap right about now. I did get TTM done, though-- I did the extreme version with no solid step (my least favorite part of the wo). I sweat a ton and burned 560 calories. it didn't feel as intense as CF to me, but it sure is tough. tomorrow my mom's old nursing home is having a memorial for her, so I am grateful to have a shorter workout on schedule-- AOLIH plus burn sets back.

renee and eva-- thank you for saying that. I do think it is a good thing and I am just grateful he is willing as well.

renee-- love your enthusiasm for working out! I did not have that this morning, but pushed through. I think I have only done low max once-- do you like it?

eva-- barre workouts really get me:D. I gave my sister turbobarre for her bday and she loves it and the DOMS. anyway, curious to see how that one goes for you.

ladylep and Melissa-- what are you two up to?

time to go do laundry-- the excitement of an afternoon at home:rolleyes:

will try and check in again later.
Hi Girls!

I have had a busy day. I took my mom to the hospital this am for outpatient procedure. She has a bad back and got a spinal nerve block. Evidently she has had herniated discs and stenosis but it wasn't hurting her until she fell a few weeks ago.

Anyhow, I managed to get in legs, only standing and ball and chair and did rear delts too. Better than nothing.

Kaite, I can't believe you are getting that much snow. We actual have 80° here today with the windows open the breeze is great.

Eva, I would love to take a class with cathe you are lucky to live close! My order from amazon shipped today! Yeah.

Renee, How did lomax go? I just don't like it. I see you and Katie are doing some cf and ttm. I wonder how I would make out with those now.

I have decided my problem is food. After working out consistently for months, I see progress with endurance and strength, but clothes only fit a little better. I need to quit eating like I will never get my hands on another cookie.

Have a good rest of the day.

Hello Everyone,
Long day today. I did not sleep that great today and I'm heading to bed for an early night soon, but wanted to check in beforehand.

Today I did DB Barre workout. This was another toughie. It starts off with some interesting cardio and then moves into barre work at the end. I did ok at that, since I had been doing the standing Cathe leg work off and on for the last couple of years, but there is definitely room for improvement. What got me was the cardio and toning. They have some very unique moves and my poor little arms were BURNING. I don't think I'll have DOMS tomorrow, but it was awful at the time.

Tomorrow I've scheduled myself to do Hard Strikes. I put together my own rotation for the month so I don't have to decide what to do every day. I plan on doing all the jacks. :D

Melissa, glad your shipment is on the way. I think I'm going to start a sourdough culture this week. I've never tried that before but I'm intrigued. You mention that your eating is still your hard part...have you tried to log your food using MyFitnessPal or something like that? That was very helpful to me, although it also means you start weighing/measuring your food, which may be more neurotic than you really want or need to be about it. I did find that helped me a lot. Sometimes when I look at my calories for the day and know I'm at my limit, its easier for me to stop eating than if I did not know exactly where I stand.

Renee, I hope you got your workout in today!

Katie, sorry you had poopy weather today. You guys must be ready for spring already. Like Melissa, I had 80 degrees today. Had the top down on my car! I love this time of year. How are you all doing getting back into the swing of school. Will the kids be home tomorrow with that much snow.
I hope you sleep well tonight.

Hi Ladylep...I hope that you had a good day. How did the stripes come out? My soon-to-be sister-in-law has stripes in one of her rooms and it looks really cool. They also painted them themselves.

Good night,
Hey Eva,

This is my food problem, I do good all day until about 10pm. Then, I want to eat junk and usually I have no willpower, Now, the more days i get in without night eating, the more I am able to stick with it. Also, unfortunately when I see the scale move, I eat less because there is motivation. I did get on this am and was down another pound, I have tried fitness pal and calorie counting, however, I eat the way I should until I don't if that makes any sense. When I did Body for life the first time, I really did well withonly having one cheat day. Now that I am older (this is my blaming age for lack of weight loss), I do not see the results I did during that first round of bfl. Sorry for being long winded about this.

Anyhow, When you do barre, does your standing leg shake, last time I did barre during legs workout, I had to miss a few reps because the support leg was giving out, not the working leg. Any tips for this?

Have a food night.

Okay it is late! I came home late made dinner.. I bake a squash then scraped it in a bowel then heated some speg sauce.. Made me think i was eating speg... I also had sweet potatoe.. Of course hubby wanted meat so i madr hamburgar helper lol. I think watvh the voice love that show. Got up did lowmax at 9 ,then after 10 i cleaned my kitchen. Now time for bed but i ate a cup of 1/2 the fat ice cream...:)
I do good til night to ... Lol
Im doing better then i was i think. Im just so shocked i havnt had a headache and i actualy am sleeping once i do sleep. I love my eyepatch.
I know u guys was saying low max is boring.. I guess it can get boring if i did jt alot.. But i find myself sweating.. And im not thinking to much about the steps except on the blast and then i concentrate on getting low lol ouch. I think what might make it more challanging (if thats what u mean) wonder if u ware 2 pound gloves would it help? It was fun to me. But like i said i dont do it alot anyhow.
Well personals tomorrow. Ineed to sleep
Hi Girls, I just finished Hs with core 1. So far so good with food.

Renee, i am glad you are sleeping again. What kind of eyepatch do you wear? Your spag squash sounds delish!

Good weather again here today. Katie, what happened with the snow storm? Hope you are snowed in.


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