XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Protein on a raw vegan diet

I found these sites, but my gut tells me that we really can't get enough protein from plants and nuts alone. I guess tofu and other processed veg proteins are OK, but they are processed. I stay away from any soy products, if I can.

Protein Sources on a Vegan Raw Food Diet | Incredible Smoothies

Avocados also have a good amount of protein.

Here is the link to the plan B diet which I think is great.
Hallelujah Acres Research Casts Doubt On "Ideal Diet" | Natural Solutions Radio

I wish I could find the link that had his When Hallelujah became what happened. I have it printed out in a binder but haven't seen it online in years. I've even emailed Chet Day (former Hallelujah Diet guy) who knew Greg and he hadn't heard anything either and that was a bunch of years ago too.
Wow ladylep u realy have done alot of research! I am for sure going to sit and read these tomorrow! Thanks for sharing! I am trying to eat no meat except chicken once in a while and eggs. Dont know what thats called. I just dont want to eat things like that. Eeew.. Lol
Hi Melissa,
Here is the cast iron pot that you would need to make that bread, Amazon.com: Lodge Pro-Logic P10D3 Cast Iron Dutch Oven, Black, 4-Quart: Kitchen & Dining. The one I have is slightly different, but I like this one better. The price is about the same. The recipes make two loaves, so I actually bought two and bake them at the same time, but if you only want to invest in one to get started, then he gives you instructions on how to keep the other loaf while you bake one, and you can just bake them in succession.

I wonder if the workout you found was from BodyRock TV? I do those workouts sometimes and they are killer. They are a little burpee crazy for me, I get so tired of those, but they are effective. There's also a woman name Zuzka who used to do them but is now on her own. The foreign lady with a killer workout sounds like one of them. One of them is Eastern European, the other one is English.

Ladylep, thanks for all the info that you shared. I look forward to checking it all out. I am certainly not able to stick to that kind of diet, but I do like to eat a healthy diet with little processed foods, and I don't eat red meat.
I'm glad you were able to get your workout in today. It sounds like you had a really good day today. Very productive, and you're still feeling well. Glad to hear that.

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Thanks melissa! Lol i feel better latly! .

Katie i didnt do cf i changed my mind and did to the max... Wow i used to do it , it was hard but doable for some reason it was harder.. I had to stop, sooner then 30 sec lol. I thought .. Why cant i keep up? Strange.. Maybe cause i had to wait til 800pm to do it?

Eva man u really did do some dvd shoping! That is exciting! I am excited for you. Please let me know how u like them.. You seem to give great reviews. Eva sorry u you said before i dont remember, did u say you dont have kids? Im trying to get everyone right in my mind.
Have a great night everyone.!
Thanks for sharing about your endo. I used to get terrible pain, now it is just heavy. I am going to take time over the weekend to peruse the sites you mentioned. I could never give up meat but maybe try no meat on some days. I need to do something different. You got a lot done today! Congrats.

Eva, I just ordered the book and that exact pot. I can't wait to read! I didn't get the clear container or bread proofing baskets. Maybe I already have something that will work. Thanks again. Yes, it was bodyrocks! That lady is fit!

Good night again!
Just wanted to check in quickly and say that I got in my workout already this morning! BS: Bis and Tris.

Enjoy your day!
hi girls-- pretty quick check in from me as the kids and I are going to visit one of my aunts this morning (she is 93!) and then nygel has a cello lesson. also need to run a bunch of errands. I am so happy for nygel. last night at his chamber practice and groups lessons, his teacher came in and asked if he knew what his car looked like and where he parks it. I thought what a strange question! anyway, nygel said yes, and then he told him to take his keys and go outside to it, as his new full size cello was in the back seat! his teacher had a former student donate a cello to nygel (guess he no longer plays and they are well off-- cellos are so expensive!). anyway, cannot believe the kindness in the world and nygel is beaming to have a full size cello (he was on 3/4's before). so that is my happy story for the day. one of the other cello moms also brought me a very thoughtful gift-- it is a garden stone that says "forever in our hearts" along with a packet of forget-me-nots. so thoughtful.

so, I got burn sets Bis and tris in-- same workout as you ladylep! may try for an add on later, but too little time this morning.

as far as vegan diets and protein goes, I think our ideas about protein are pretty off. a good movie to watch is "forks over knives" if you have the chance-- that completely challenges our ideas about protein, dairy and diet in this country. not to start a debate, but I find it interesting. also, a good book is "fit for life" and also "eating animals". both good reads.

ladylep-- congrats on a productive day!:D

eva-- glad you got to have some quality time with Jeremy. workouts are always waiting for us, and now you have a whole new set of them! how exciting!! looking forward to hearing all about them! I will have to check out that author and book. I was an English major and so used to read all the time, and now things are so hectic, I miss it. that book sounds intriguing, though.

Melissa-- hope you have fun with all your new cooking products:D

renee-- CF felt pretty dang brutal, too:p. I guess xtrain is not as difficult as CF and TTM maybe? I had done that rotation before xtrain and am now wondering how the heck I am going to do it again:eek:. one day at a time, I guess.

sorry if I am missing anyone! better run as we have to leave in a few minutes.
love and peace,
Hi Girls,
I did Hs with conditioning, I didn't do dips or pushups as I just did tris yestday and have chest tomorrow. I subbed planks and sit ups to make a fuller ab workout.

Ladylep, great job on your early workout!

Katie, what a great gift for Nygel! That is awesome, as is the stepping stone and flowers. Have a fun visit with hour aunt. I placed a hold for the forks over knives book at our library.Someone already has it out. Looking forward to reading it, as I said, I love meat and sometimes crave it, however I would be open to subbing some no fork days to see how my system responds.

Off to a short visit at the casino with my parents! Only play slots and only a few dollars! Id I win the jackpot, I will share with you all!

Low impact circuit for me, iim gonna do march rotation. If i miss my xtrain ill throw it in here and there. I think ill do april rotation next. I like someone telling me what workout to do next. I got to go get tires on my car today and if they get done in time got to take my little girl ( mydog) to vet she has something on her lip. Yes i said lip cause she is strange, she looks like she has lips to me, well now it looks like a cold sore in front of her " lip" i wasnt worried but irs getting bigger. I hope its nothing. It is strange... Can a dog have herpies? Lol oh my. .. Have great day. Bbl for personals.
hi girls--

hope you had fun at the casino, Melissa! it was a nice visit, though we have been running ever since! no extra workouts for me today and tomorrow is rest day, but I think I could use it:p oh, and forks over knives is a film-- you can actually stream it on Netflix, if you have that.

renee-- I sure hope there is nothing wrong with your little guy! lots of good thoughts your way! I like low impact circuit-- has been a long time since I have done that. love drill max, too.

ordered a salad for dinner with tofu skewers. then may turn in early-- it is dreary here today and has me feeling like getting in my pjs early.:cool:

have a good night everyone!
Melissa! Hope u won the jackpot i sure could use it! :)
I, hope u have a good day with ur parents!

Katie i want to watch that movie .. Im afraid to. I hate srring any animals get hurt. Or anything gross lol but my family may need to see it for sure as well.

Eva did u try any new workouts yet?

Vet said he never has seen such a leision on a dog before. He said he can not say whst it is. He dont think its a tumor, he did a slide to see if he sees anything .. It has bacteria but not unusual from all dogs. He thinks watch it if it gets any bigger then we may need to biopsy to be sure. But as long as its not bothering her leave it for now.
Then i got my tires put on my car finaly! Got a good deal since my son works there, got the tires,and got oil change and alignment free. Oh a discount on the tires to. Yaah!
Well, I am not a millionaire. I did win about 100.00 on the slots. That was exciting! I bought 25 pound dumbbells. I have the olympic kind that you have to clip on but am always afraid the weights will fall off onto me, so I am excited about my purchase. I did good eating since Tues. night with the pretzel episode, tonight I had buttered popcorn, I will eat less tomorrow on m free day.

Katie, I did end up with the video, I didn't see it at first, there is also a book with that title, I wonder if it is based on the movie.

Hope you doggy is ok! Your pic. is pretty!

Tomorrow is cbs.

Have a good night!
Hello Everyone,
Just a quick check in from me this evening...

I did get a new workout in today and it was very challenging. I did the Dream Body Fusion workout. Very hard, lots of new moves that I found very difficult. I got through the workout, but it was tough going at times. There's a lot of work on the stability ball and I'm just not very facile with that. This is a five CD set and I think the idea is to do them alternating with cardio. Tomorrow I will do Tonique Premier.

Melissa, I'm making pizza now for tomorrow night!:) I need to give it one more fold and then I'm done. This will make sense once you get the book. I'm excited that you'll be getting it too. Congrats for getting HS in today. Do you do all of the jumping jacks in that workout? They really add up! It's nice to get some free money, isn't it? I'd be using it on workout stuff too!

Renee, I hope your pup is OK, and that the tests come back negative. Sending good vibes to your dog and hope that thing goes away quickly. I think you are really going to like the March rotation, at least I did. It was nice to have a month of low impact, and revisiting some of the LIS workouts was refreshing. When I got that series I did them so much that I got sick of them, but revisiting them here and there is nice. Your post reminds me that I need to take my car in for an oil change and I need some new tires too, but I hate spending money on my car. I'll just get the oil change for now.:confused:

Katie, what wonderful acts of kindness and generosity were visited upon you and Nygel yesterday. It's so nice to hear some good news about people being kind to one another for a change.:) That totally made my day. Thank you for sharing that!

Ladylep, I'm glad you got your workout in this morning. It sounds like you are really on a roll this week. That's awesome!;)

Ok, my quick posts are never quick. I'm such a blabbermouth.

Take care,
Hello Ladies,

Well I've really done it now, I bent my pinky you back yesterday on the corner of the sofa and I think I may have broken it. I'm headed to the emergency care place later this morning after my hubby takes the 3 older boys to baseball practice. It I'm still going to do my best to keep working out wi stuff that I can do. Like I never did CBS or any abs this week so while they are at practice I'm going to try to do that, hopefully my 2yo will stay busy with the trains and other toys in the basement. Not sure what next week will look like. But I will not be doing any cardio this weekend. :(

Also not monthly buddy yet, probably due to breast feeding. So I had some cooked asparagus on my salad last night. Not sure where I'm going with that either but I will have to be super careful with what I eat now since I won't be able to workout hard, but I have lost around 10 pound in the last week and a half and that will all come back in a heartbeat when I add back cooked food if I'm not extremely good, which I can be.
Ladylep, Sorry about the accident with your finger. I hope it's nothing serious and that it only takes a few days to heal. And, congratulations on your weight loss!

hi girls--
thankful that today is a rest day as last night I did not get much rest at all:(. this insomnia thing is really a pain in the rear. went to bed at 11:00, woke at 12:30 and used the bathroom. back to bed, fell asleep until 3:00 and then was awake til sometime after 5:00. then up at 7:00. blech. at least I may be able to pass out for awhile after I get back from taking alec and imala to their lessons, but then supposed to have my sister over here for an early dinner and a movie. may opt for take out and skip cooking today.

ladylep-- I was wondering if you meant your pinky toe? so sorry about that! I hope it's not broken and that it heals quickly! injuries are no fun at all. wow! you have had some serious weight loss! congrats to you:)

eva-- I felt the same way on Thursday-- glad you did as well:). that workout sounds intense. I did go to their website and look at them-- am interested but haven't spent the money yet. and you are not a blabbermouth! love your posts!

hi to Melissa and renee as well!

off to lessons with me. will try and check in later if I am awake:rolleyes:

Hi girls,

Ladylep, I hope your pinky is ok too! I thought you meant finger, but toe makes more sense when you mentioned no cardio. Good that your hubby can help today! You are doing so good!

Eva, the body fusion looks like fun! I will be glad to be done with 90 days, 3 more weeks left. Today is cbs. Your pizza will be delicious! I like reading your posts too.

Katie, Sorry you didn't sleep, I vote take out for you. You deserve a restdul evening.

Off to the dungeon (yucky basement) to workout!

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday!

I just finished my workout for the day. I am going to try to get back in the habit of at least one long workout day on the weekend. Today I did 90 minutes. I did Tonique Premier and between the sections did the cardio drills from CCC. I tacked those on earlier this week to a Tonique workout and I like that combo. Tonique is all about endurance, and the drills spike my heart rate. Me likey. I burned 710 calories. Tomorrow I'm going to try to do one of the intro workouts to HC which is about 20 minutes and a Dream Body workout. The one for tomorrow is Tabata and Toning and it's only 45 minutes, so that should work well. I usually rest on Sundays, but since I skipped Thursday, I plan to workout tomorrow.

I'm planning pizza for dinner tonight, so that's another good reason for an extra oomph in my workouts today. ;)

Katie, I'm sorry you had such a poopy night last night. I agree with your earlier statement that when you have a lot going on mentally or emotionally, sleep can be very elusive, or disrupted at best. When I was getting divorced, which was the most stressful thing I've ever dealt with, my sleep was wrecked for months. You just have to take it easy and be kind to yourself; you may not be operating always at full capacity and that's ok.

Melissa, I hope you got your CBS in today. Did you use your new dumbbells?

Renee, I hope you're having a good day.

It's quite nice out here today. It's about 55 degrees or so. I went to the plant nursery today and bought some azaleas and hellebores. I have a landscaping project in the front of my house that I have planned for this year, and I'm constantly tweaking my backyard too. I'm an avid gardener and a plant junkie. I will probably spend some time outside tomorrow getting those early weeds up and OUT OF HERE!

Ladylep, I hope your trip to the emergency room was not too horrible and that you're doing ok. I had a booboo with one of my toes a few months ago and it's still a little sore...probably because I was too lazy and too chicken to go see about it. I'm glad you've got more sense than I do. ;)

Take care all!

Yes, my toe, I just reread my post and the auto check thing must have changed it. It took so long to post I thought I was going to lose it especially when I hit cancel and was ready to type a shortened post again And it is broken in htree places. I have a boot and am walking around. But I may have overdone done it a bit as I was in the emerg, care place for a while and then walked next door to Kimberton whole foods, then home to nurse the toddler, have an avocado for lunch and then went out again driving the 3 older boy's to various places. I'm resting my foot elevated at my mom's with the oldest and youngest until I need to pick up the 6yo 10 min away, then to pick up the 9yo 30 min from there than 20 min, home. I hope my hubby has gotten a lot of the stripes painted for the 11yo! Horizontal stripes but the taping and measuring is the worst.

I won't be getting in CBS today maybe tomorrow though. It will be a mad dash on I get home to have dinner and get a game in before we put the kids to bed (game night tonight), thank goodness I put some beef cubes in the crock pot before I left!! I will still have to boil pasta, make a salad (probably just lettuce and carrots) and a quick veggie like broccoli or asparagus.

So, I think the last week of the rotation has 2 weight days, which I can so and legs, which I think I'll be able to do mostly, maybe not the standing, but the ball and barr. Maybe I'll be able to do a modified hard strikes by the end of the week. So if I can get in 3-4 of the workouts in, I'll still consider it completing the rotation. I can't beat myself up about not doing it perfectly.

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