XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

stopping the rotation (maybe)

I would be starting week 11 today, I only got BS:CBS, AOLIH and HS in this week. And I looked at the April rotation not only do I have all but Crossfire of the DVDs but it looks fun and different. But there still is quite a bit of XTrain in there. So it looks like I will get Intensity in today (hopefully!).

I've been really unhappy with not being able to do XTrain as well as I should be and so I'm not seeing any results. I think I need more cardio, more time/days to workout and to eat better. I hate to stop with 2 weeks to go. (Does someone want to try to convince me to finish out the 2 weeks?? :) ) But I feel like I'm ready for a change.... As for the eating, I tracked better the last few days and I'm all raw today and hopefully the next 2 days as well and then juicing (and/or smoothies) since my monthly buddy is due to show up later this week and with my endometriosis the pain is coming back (after a 2 year hiatus due to a baby).
You can preview JNL fusion workouts on YouTube.She is good. I did couple of her you tubes workouts. very different style from Cathe. :) but good
Hi LadyLep,I'm sorry you are having some discomfort monthly. That happens to my sister and it just seems so unpleasant. Do you find your diet helps you manage/mitigate that discomfort? Perhaps Renee and Katie can give you some good incentive to stay on the XTrain. :D I would feel like a hypocrite since I bailed after thirty days! If you think it would be a good mental victory for you to stay on board, then you should definitely do so. If you made a promise to yourself that you were going to finish, then you can certainly find it beneficial to honor that promise. That's what Renee did and she has a lot to be proud of for sticking to it. If, on the other hand, your workouts are causing you dread and you'd rather be doing something else, and that dread may be making it more difficult for you to be consistent, then I say find something that you'd rather do that will make your workout time more enjoyable and more fun. It depends on what your motivating factors are.

Melissa, good to hear from you! I'm glad your dinner went well. I can only imagine that putting on a dinner that size is exhausting, so if you're pooped, then give yourself a break! I've never attempted to feed and entertain that many people at once. Six is my limit! I am hoping the Dream Body workouts will give me a nice challenge, but be different enough that they will seem fresh. The one workout does a million different moves with/on a stability ball, which I thought looked unique. I think there is a lot of bodyweight exercising here, or high rep/low weight work that I'm interested in. It also seems like a little pilates/barre and balance work, which I don't do much of now. I notice several of the workouts are barefoot, and that they are low impact, which I'm also looking forward to. Also, there's no step in any of these, either as a box to jump off and on, or for step aerobics, so there's none of that in this series. I'm hoping that all of those factors will make for a fresh challenge for me for a few months.

There was some chatter on the VF boards about the BFL program, and several of those ladies reported having good results when they did the program. I remember that program, and I feel like I had a book or something about it, but I did not do the routine for long. That was really when I was a Cathe junkie, so I never did anything aside from her workouts back then.

Renee, here is the link to the Dream Body DVDs again if you missed it, Dream Body Workout Series 5 DVD Set. There are clips for all the DVDs here.

I have seen a little of the JNL workouts but *those* seemed very similar to Cathe's workouts to me, so I've not really pursued those. Funny how we all see different things in each of the workouts. :)

Take care,
hi girls. good to see everyone on here posting. I have been running around today and this is my first time on the computer. yesterday was so nice to spend with the family-- I think we all felt mom's energy there. the potluck worked great, though I forgot to bring a kombucha as we headed out the door early for alec's performance (which went great, thanks for asking, eva!) and I was really missing it at lunchtime. does anyone else drink it? anyway, I was so craving something bubbly, but did not want to do the san Pellegrino's my brother brought-- especially when I saw they had over 30 grams of sugar. it was a really nice day, though, and the sun has been shining a lot so I am grateful. today was back to work after 5 rounds of tabatacise and core 1 this morning. it will be good to do crossfire again this week (I think!:p).

renee-- big congratulations to you on finishing out the rotation! so proud of you! hope you find something to keep you busy and motivated now. your dog sounds super sweet.

eva-- glad you had a nice day yesterday-- low key ones can be the best. I will have to check all these workouts you are posting about-- very curious.

Melissa-- sounds like you were going and going yesterday! glad it went well, though! yes, bryan kest and ashtanga yoga are definitely challenging-- not relaxing/restorative but more strength and sweat centered. I think that's why I like them, though. I like to work my body well and then get to quiet/relaxing poses at the end.

terina-- thank you for the hug. it is so helpful to have so many supportive friends and family to get through this.

ladylep-- I agree with what eva said. I will say that finishing the rotation felt like a great accomplishment and I would have felt like crud had I not followed through-- but I am like that and strong minded about things (wish I was that disciplined with my food, though-- your diet sounds fantastic). if you are bored, though, and the fun/motivation isn't there, maybe try something else for a while and come back to it later?

I am probably forgetting someone, but racing a little today. at this moment, imala is busy doing HS-- another cathelete! anyway, will try and check in later.

love and peace,
Hi katie!
Hi ladyllep!
I am forgeting people, not the people just the names when i post! Oops..,
I try to but, on my phone its hard! So i appoligize!
Today I did Jessica Smith's Cardio Sculpt workout on YouTube. It's an hour of basic dance moves (that's an overstatement really) combined with some high rep toning. I did a little over an hour and burned 450 calories. It did not seem like I was working crazy hard the whole time, I would say it is a moderate workout, so I was pleasantly surprised when I checked my HRM and I had a decent burn. I was definitely working, but not dying and panting like Cathe or Tonique. It was nice, actually. OK, tomorrow is Tonique. I swear. I cannot chicken out again. I.cannot.chicken.out.again. OK, now I'm accountable.

Katie! I'm glad you guys had some sunshine today. It got into the '60s here today, which was lovely. Does Imala usually do your Cathe workouts? This is the first time I can recall/noticed that you mentioned that. That is too cool. Did she like it? Congrats on getting Tabatacize in today. There's a lot of chat about that workout on the VF board. Apparently it reminds certain people that they just *don't* want to work that hard. That board has a lot of ladies who just do moderate exercise, so there is a lot of discussion about why some folks bother to do really hard exercises, and there are a lot of recovering Cathletes who do more low-impact and moderate workout there. It's interesting to read their thoughts.

Melissa, I was surprised you had flurries, but hopefully it will be nice up there tomorrow.

Who managed to get their pre-order in for the next series? For the first time in years, I did not pre-order. I am going to wait to see what they are like once they are out. I'm probably most interested in the legs and glute workouts, and the complex step one. Not so interested in the athletic step one, and the Rockout Knockout one I'm torn about. The jumping jacks in Hard Strikes get kind of old for me. I'm more of a Kick Punch Crunch kind of gal. I LOVE that workout. That one never gets old for me. :)

Today I bought 2# weights for my Tonique workouts. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping my balance with the 3 and 5#, weights doing all of her compound moves, so I thought I would see if I am more stable with the lower weights, then I can use them for the entire hour. We shall see.

Have a good evening,
hi girls--
today is CBS burn sets which I will be doing here shortly-- think I will do some add ons but no cardio after all those tabatas yesterday (plus I think it is Hs tomorrow and then CF on thurs). another nice day here, too, though I did not sleep well last night. tonight imala and I are meeting up with my sister and nieces and we are doing some shopping and then dinner. really good to be with family these days.

eva-- I think I have that workout on dvd, but have never tried it. sounds like a good calorie burn. I will admit that there is some dread factor for me and those tabatas-- I think it is either the second one or the fourth that some moves I cant wait to get through. I do like the calorie burn, though, and how I feel afterwards. imala has been doing cathe for a while:). she probably does one of her workouts twice a week. I am happy for her that she likes to wo and be healthy. hope the tonique goes well today! maybe better with the new weights:D. I don't think I could do those workouts. I did preorder and am looking forward to more new workouts.

okay, better get busy.

hope you all are off to a good day,

Good Morning,

Today I did legs premix 2 and added biceps to make up for missed day yesterday. I am really going to buckle down on the food my last 4 weeks. Hopefully the more often I say it, I will do it.

Katie, It is nice you get to spend time with your family. Is your sister nearby. I think it is great too that Imala does the workouts. How old is she? I think I have always been interested in some type of exercise even at a young age when I could eat 24/7 and loose a pound and run fast. Your comment about the pelligrino really made me feel piggish. I am thinking should I eat a cupcake and pie? You are thinking about the sugar in pelligrino. I wish I could be more like you. Any tips?

Hola Eva! I did preorder the new dvds. I almost did't but figured I would end up getting most of them. In the past, I have been on the fence about preorders when it isn't a series like xtrain because I don't think I would get them all. I forgot to ask, what kind of bread do you make? I contemplated getting a bread machine, but did't want to risk the temptation of fresh bread on demand!

I have lots of running around again, I am a chauffeur.

Ok melissa,i didnt realize u cha.ged ur pic! I keep saying i am gonna eat better to. I figure jf i say,it, it will, happen.. Good job on legs, it wont be long and u will be finished!

Ladylep oo u r almost finished! Id like to do april too loooks good but hard. I hope,ur feeling better,soon. Endometriosis is not,fun i hear... :(

Terina how much longer do u have on xtrain? I ordered Cathe new ones. Im lookibg a jln fusion to. Thats expensive. I wanted to pay with pay pal but it is not an option there. Im,wondering if there is music in it. Does.t serm lime it from the clips. I dont like that but u can add my own.

Eva have u heard of JNL fusion? Are u following a rotation now still.? I have to agree tabatasice is so hard for me i dread it . Im thinking i may need to add at least one or two on weight liftinv days to add extra calorie boast. I think i like it but hate it.. Lol,

Katie how r u today? It is nice here today! How many sisters do u have? Any brothers? I have one brother and fohr sisters and they all serm to fight alot lol... I wish tbey were more like ur familh! That would b cool.
Melissa-- don't I know how being a chauffeur goes! don't feel piggish!! believe me, I have sweets and vegan treats way too often, but I don't want to waste the sugar and calories on a soda/beverage, see? I would rather have a piece of vegan cheesecake or something and stick with drinking my kombuchas-- but they don't sell them very many places and I had forgotten to bring one along and sometimes I just crave something bubbly. (kombucha isn't carbonated, but from it being fermented, it is very bubbly). my daughter is 14 and she has always been pretty active, too. my youngest little guy, 11, I have to coax way more to exercise-- he would rather play the cello anyday;).

to both Melissa and renee-- my sister is close-- about 5 minutes away. she is the one closest in age to me. but in total there are 8 of us! I have four brothers-- two of them live in the area and the other two are out of state-- and then I have three sisters (all older than me, I am the youngest). all three live here, though one is also in California part of the time (lucky her! right on the ocean). it is so nice to have them here, especially after losing mom, and that is one thing we all committed to, was making an effort to see each other more since mom passed.

okay, off to walk the dogs and then out for shopping and dinner. glad you are getting nice weather, too, renee and eva. Melissa, hope your weather has improved.

oh, and I did get in Burn sets CBS. added core 1 and 100 rep lateral raises.
Hey, Renee don't worry about not recognizing me. I wondered if that was the case. My other photo is years old. The new one, I had just finished a couple tabata and some weights. Anyhow, I couldn't figure out how to get the pic. any better, so there it is, up close and personal!

Ladylep, I am a terrible skim reader. I missed the whole endo. comment. I feel for you as I suffered with it my whole life, and after my daugher was born by c section, part of my uteran lining was displaced onto other organs. For months they couldn't figure out what the problem was. I ended up having major abdominal surgery to remove a large mass of the tissue that had herniated the area. The doc said he didn't think that was what it was, since only 3% of women suffer from this from having a csec. As soon as he said this, I knew it was this because often, I fall into the small category of thimgs that happen to people. Anyhow, I could go on and on, I really hope yours isn't as bad as before your pregnancy.

Katie, Alright I don't feel as piggish. That drink sounds delish. How nice to have a large family. I have one sister and that has been a somewhat tumultuous relationship, Getting better though. glad you got your workout in. I am writing this as I waste time while my son is at an evening activity, yes, I am in the care stealing wifi from barnes and noble. I refuse to go in because I will buy too many books. I am trying to rely on the library again to save money.

So far so good with food for me! My evil hour starts about 9:30 when the kids are in bed.

Have a good night.
Hi Eva, Katie and all-

Much better today all around. Yesterday I was terribly angry (yelled a lot at my boys) and sad and felt like a failure. I didn't exercise at all but I did stay raw and today as well. I will stick with the 90 day rotation and pick up the April rotation in 2 weeks. When I get everyone into bed tonight, I'm going to try to get day 2 of week 11 or 10 which ever week I'm on. All I remember is that it's not legs or cardio leg blast. I think it's one of the shorter cardio ones, exactly what I feel like doing. :). Thanks for the encouragement. And your story too 2121 I'm sorry I don't remember your name at the bottom or the exact number.

No hubby to night, batting practice for my 6th grade son and then to the library since he has a paper on baseball. :) but I have all four boys with me (of course) :)

Good to hear from you all today!

Today I did get my blasted Tonique workout in. I am very pleased. I used those 2# weights and it actually made it more bearable, and a wee bit easier. Easy is not the right word, but it was easier to keep my balance at least. One pound does not seem like a lot, but I was amazed at the difference it made. I also did the warmup and first circuit from Cardio Core Circuit, as the warm up on the Tonique disc is weird and I don't like it, and the cardio warm up is a lot of jumping things that I also hate. Maybe doing that regularly will also get rid of the dread factor. I know it sounds ridiculous that I keep fixating on this video, but I honestly think this will give me good results if I can be consistent with it.

Anybazoos, it sounds like you all had a good day today.

Katie, kudos on the CBS workout. I must say I think it's interesting that you're still choosing the Xtrain videos even though you're done with the rotation. Whenever I do a rotation, I stay far away from those workouts for at least a few weeks. What other Cathe workouts do you have at home? I hope you had a lovely evening getting out with your family for some shopping and dinner. That sounds lovely.

Melissa, I think your photos both look pretty similar...you certainly have not aged in the time between the two! I should figure out how to put a pic up...I've never looked in to it, but I'll try to post one so that you can guys can see who you are chatting with as well. ;-) Congrats on getting in your workout today. Sounds like you had a good mix on the schedule today, and got in a great workout.

Katie, wow, you come from such a big family. That must be kind of cool. There are three of us, and we're pretty close now, but that was not always the case. I am 8 and 10 years older than my sisters, so when we were little, they were mostly annoying. Once I graduated from college, and as they got older, we were able to start relating to each other again. Melissa, I had sensed a little stress in your post about your sister earlier...not sure what it was. My fiance and his brother are not close at all, and I always feel a little bad for them, because a sibling is a special thing and I guess I wished they got a long better or had more of an appreciation for how special that is. His brother is the hostile one, he's kind of a jerk by nature and even though he's the "baby", he has kind of a superior feeling towards Jeremy. My fiance is the arty and creative one. His brother is a science type, and he just thinks he's smarter than everyone. Family dynamics. What can you do?!

Melissa, you asked about what kind of bread I make...I make a mostly whole wheat sandwich bread that Jeremy uses for his lunch sandwiches every day. I don't have a bread machine, but I do use my Kitchen Aid to do the kneading. I also make ciabatta and other types of free form breads. And I make pizza. I LOVE to bake. I actually don't eat the sandwich bread, so it's possible to make it and not eat it, but I'm pretty disciplined with my carb consumption. But most of the weekly loaves I make I never eat.

Renee, I have heard of JNL and I don't think I'm a fan of hers. Her workouts seem very similar to Cathe's and I'm looking for some variety. I also find her personality to be really grating. I don't think I could do a whole hour of her. Did you try and like her workouts? Terina mentioned that she has a YouTube channel, which I have seen, so you can probably download some workouts there. I'm not following a rotation right now. My only goals are to keep trying to squeeze Tonique workouts into my schedule, and to do some other workouts with new instructors. I'm hoping my new Peak Fitness videos come tomorrow or Thursday so that I can start those.

Take care,
I'm sorry to hear you had a frustrating day. I cannot even imagine what it's like to be so outnumbered by kids! I am sure that for every day when you lose your temper a little bit, there are dozens when you don't, and I'm sure your boys have already forgotten about it. You're only human and you have way more on your plate than a lot of people do.

Congrats on the clean eating today!!! I admire and am in awe; I would never be able to keep up a raw food regimen for more than a day. Your commitment is inspiring.

I hope you got your workout in as you had planned, but even if you did not, tomorrow is another day...

Eva, Conrats on the tonique! Do whatever you have to do to get it done! On legs, the walking lunges, I hold two 8's because it helps me with my balance. I don't know if this interferes with the workout, but it helps me. What is your pizza dough recipe? Mine always tastes like rubber and is small. I am the more easy going of me and my sister. Goodness, I hope she never finds this post. Although I don't think she knows about cathe. i was able to load my photo under avatar. It let me pick a pic. from my camera roll, of course, my head looks giant.

Ladylep, You must be exhausted. Great job on trying to get in a workout. Don't worry about the name. I will answer to anything. The reason my user name is 2121 is because I am a little slow sometimes. When I first oined cathe forums, I thought I had to use a number, I can't remember why. It didn't dawn on me until after that nobody had a number for a user name!

Night night!
Melissa thats so funny about the 2121! Haha it sounds like,something id do. We would get along so well! Or we would be in trouble. I spent two hours once at a mall trying to find my car, so i think wed be in trouble. Lol we would laugh alot i think.
Oh about ur pic, the only reason i didnt know it,was u is cause the other one i saw hair, i cant see the pics at all hardly.. I am on tbe phone so i cant tell what the pics are except dark or light.

Sts total body no abs premix. I like this workout!
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Eva great job on tonique! I may do one this week. I have not tried JNL fusion but i heard good thinvs but i too thought it was the same as Cathes and most all workouts anymore. Thats what im wondwring is it to simialr. And i was wondering is she more like Jillian Micheals, if so i dont like Jillians mouth much.. Even the way she saya her words irritates me . So if she is like that maybe not for me. Lol.
hi girls-- starting my morning off late as I totally overslept this morning. I have been waking every night around the same time-- 3am-- and then not able to fall back asleep. lots of times I am thinking about mom. anyway, last night rik was snoring *so loudly* and I shoved him a few times:rolleyes:-- to no avail, though. I ended up finally putting ear plugs in (which I don't like as I think they are so uncomfortable) and finally did fall asleep, but then did not hear my alarm. when I finally woke up it had been going off for over a half hour. oh well. at least I did fall asleep, but now I have ashtanga practice and my cathe workout to get in today. eva-- yeah, I am still doing lots of xtrain, but adding back in CF and TTM to see what happens;). I have lots of cathe wo's-- the LIS, CF, TTM, shock cardio series, some older step ones, boxing ones. lots to choose from that I will get back to after another 30 days.:)

eva-- your bread sounds great! my mom used to always bake and one of my sisters does, but that gene skipped me:p. I am the same way with carbs and only do sprouted bread. I think it makes a huge difference when I eat too many carbs. glad you got your tonique in and that the new weights helped!

ladylep-- sorry for your rough day:(. I think anyone who is a parent can relate to losing it with their kids. I am lucky and mine are great now, but when they were newborns and throughout each of their first years, I felt like a wreck on many an occasion. they never slept well and wanted to be held most of the time even for that, and I remember all too well how exhausting those days and nights were. you are doing a great job! and sticking with a raw diet through it all! wow! hope you got some time in for you-- workout or no.

Melissa-- that is too funny about your username! I wondered what the numbers stood for:)

renee-- I do not care for jillian, either! one of my sisters gave me two of her workouts and I really can't stand to do them-- a wee too much attitude for me, and I don't feel like they are challenging enough, either. interesting as I know so many people love her.

last night was fun. we went to crave for dinner-- don't know if that is just a local place or if some of you may have them in the area. we got edamame for an appetizer which was super yummy and then I had veggie sushi, which was great. talked a lot about mom and our memories of her and that felt good. then we went shopping-- imala bought herself two new dresses and then my niece bought her a pair of shoes she liked-- so sweet of her. it is really nice because my nieces are all in their 20's and one is early 30's so they are still young and fun for imala to hang around (they are my oldest sister's kids-- one of them lives with the sister who is closest in age to me, so we are all close:)). anyway, it was a good night and hopefully we'll see them again soon. rik and the boys had a guy's night at home and made tacos;)-- thankfully they even did all of their dishes!

okay, better get my butt in gear... will check in later after I get my wo's in.

Hey Girls,
Renee, Do you sweat buckets with sts total body? I sure did. Good job.

Katie, Your night sounds like lots of fun. We don't have that restaurant here. I love sushi. Is veggie sushi, no fish? Sorry you overslept. Hope your day gets back on track.

I did supercuts and core 1. Core is def. getting easier, although I still look 4 months pregnant. It doesn't help that I am bloated from my konthly visitor! Or that I ate everything in sight last week. Well, one good day of eating done!


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