XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Me again...
I just finished doing Afterburn. I figured I'd try to give a little extra oomph today and did this instead of Slide and Glide. I ate and drank all weekend, so I could use a little extra calorie burn this week.

Off to shower and make dinner; hope you are all well.

Thanks, Renee! I used to feel that way about it too but now it's not so bad. My dread workout these days is Tonique because it's hard, but my endurance is getting better which makes it a little less miserable. :D
Hi Eva, think I am hoing to do the lic rotation, I never actually did it when I got the series. I amy throw in some crossfire and to the max. Was Afterburn repetitive? I still actually am on week 8 and am looking forward to something new, Your weekend sounds like it was fun.

Katie, I hope you all get better soon. Stomach bugs are awful, and on top of everything else you are dealing with.

have a good night.

not getting workouts in

We got a few inches of snow here too, between Philly and Lancaster County is where I am.

I have not beed doing well with workouts. My last one was a week ago. :( But my husband is back from FL and hopefully I'll get back to it today.
Hi all
I have read alot of good things about the LIS rotation. Id like to try it too. Not sure if ill do 90 ,days again more like 30 days, and see where i am or even 60 days.

I really want to add in the dvd cardio n weighfs to it and a spin dvd and to the max n some xtrain l ol see, so hard to decide what to do .. I may pick a few out of lis and xtrain for one month then do a week of old Cathe Wos lol. What to,do! ? Gee i have les mils to try too and tonique! Oh my

Not sure whats up for today til i get home and look at my cal. Its day one week 12! Yaaaa happy to be finished! Lol.
Hi Girls,
I got in cbs. I ended up a couple poinds lower on weigths after my week off. Anyhow, one thing about going lower is I can feel the movement better.

Renee, If i do lis, it will be for one month and I will probably add crossfire and the other one that came out at the same time, i can't remember what it is.

Glad to be back at it after week off, I will probably cut workouts short this week to get ready for Easter. We have about 25 for dinner.

Have a good day
hi girls-- still feeling super tired and very emotional-- I think I lose it and break down at least twice a day or more. talked to my sister and she has been the same way. anyway, I think this stomach bug is at least finally leaving us. alec did such a great job last night at his concert-- played jazz, fusion and metal, if you can believe-- but it really took it out of him and he is home today. I know he didn't want to let his classmates/bandmates down, so I am proud of him for going in yesterday and performing like that. hoping he is better tomorrow (for finals, no less) and that the rest of us are through with this gunk. today I did CBS and added core 1 and 100 rep lat raises. I am thinking that, when I finish the 90 days on Friday, I may take the weekend off to rest. like I said, it has been hard to keep up with it during this emotional and difficult time.

eva-- thank you so much for your incredibly kind words. they mean a lot and are a source of comfort to me. thank you for sharing your experience with your grandma. i look at my kids and i see my mom in them, too, as they are so strong and determined. she was definitely that before Alzheimer's and even was at the end when she decided it was time to go. i am grateful for all the memories of her. i have thought of just having my yoga practice for a while and may end up going that way someday, however, there is still the part of me that obsesses over burning enough calories and what i am eating, that i am not sure how long it would work-- even with this grief we are all going through as a family. i guess some things never change. i like afterburn-- it is such a great workout-- the one move i always dread, though, are those spider man crawls on the discs.

renee-- congrats on week 12! we are both in the final days.

Melissa-- glad it is feeling good to be back at it again! that sounds like quite a crowd for easter! i think i would be cutting the workouts short, too. good luck with that!

well, i have clients tonight so i better get busy with stuff around the house. hope everyone has a good Tuesday!

Katie, it's good to hear from you. I'm glad you're still checking in with us, even though you have so much on your plate right now. I'm so happy to hear that Alec's performance went well last night. What a trooper! I'm also glad to hear that he took the day off today. I hope he's feeling better after having some down time, which seems to be in short supply for all of you.

OK, this is a quickie for me because we're about to start a movie...

I did Upper Body Trisets today as scheduled, and added on two tabatas from Tabatacize. I did those first so I would not chicken out after doing my weights for the day. Tomorrow is a low-impact step workout, but I think I might do Tonique instead.

Renee and Melissa, good job on your workouts! I have had to lower my weights some since I was doing STS so I know what you're saying, Melissa. It's kind of a bummer, but I can always work back to that point if I want to, since I know I can. Some weights I can still do, like back and shoulders, but others, like chest and biceps, I've taken a step back.

I think the LIS rotation was 30 days, but I cannot remember. Whatever it was, I did the entire thing, and I got great results. I really leaned by legs, which is always a struggle for me. I also leaned out a little more when I did the CrossFire and To The Max rotation, so Melissa, you should get awesome results if you do them both in your own rotation.

LadyLep, I'm sorry you did not get your workouts in last week, but hopefully things will settle down for you when your hubby gets home. It's good to hear from you!

Have a good night!

Good to hear from you Lady Lep.
Hi Eva,
I think I will do the 30 day lis. I like this rotation, but 90 days is long, I am starting to feel like I want a change and yet, I know I am still need improving with strength and endurance. I am thinking about the best way to use tabata for me, and it may not be the whole thing, but maybe 3 levels along with something else. Glad you didn't get any snow.

Hi Katie, You deserve a rest. I don't know how you do it. So I guess you and Renee are on your last week of the rotation. That's great. Good too that you guys are feeling better. i'll bet the concert was excellent. You are all still in my prayers and thoughts. God bless you.

Hi Ladylep, I am Southwestern Pa. The snow is almost melted. Don't beat yourself up iver your workouts. You are so busy as it is. I'm glad your husband is back home.

Hi Renee!

Have a good night.

wanted to check in with my wo real fast, I did the super cuts tonight and i did everything no pause and all the reps yaaaaa i am stocked about that!!!! I be back tomorrow for personals !!!:eek:
hi girls. got CLB done this morning with no extras. it actually was a tough one to have to do, as it brings back memories of the day mom passed. it was on my rotation that day, too, and strange how little things like that bring it all back again. anyway, at least it is a beautiful, sunny day here and everyone is feeling better. I only have two more days of the rotation! hard to believe-- and especially how life has changed during these past 90 days. I am looking forward to a weekend off and then will have something planned-- I am thinking the xtrain/crossfire/ttm rotation that I think was on for February.

oh, and here is a link to alec the other night. for those of you who don't like classical as much, there is a bit of everything here-- jazz, fusion, and then metal:

Transformations: Main Street School of Performing Arts Adva - YouTube


hope that works.

Melissa-- I will be curious to see how you like that rotation. that may be on for me soon, too, as I could probably use a break from impact soon.

eva-- you always do so well on your workouts! i think I leaned out on the CF/TTM rotation, too, so am thinking of adding those in for 30 days.

renee-- great job on getting your workout in!

visiting my sister today and driving around for the kids a bit, but very grateful that they are all on spring break next week. hope the weather keeps feeling like spring.
love and peace,
Hey Katie,

I did clb today too. No add ons. I feel less guilty since you didn't add on either.
The concert was dun to watch and listen too. Cool dance moves! The guys looked like they love to perform.


Hi Katie - I am so happy to hear from you. Thanks for sharing the links to Alec's performance. I'm listening to the first one in the background now. :) They sound great...very unique music, which I love. I'm glad you guys are all licking that stomach bug you've had for the past week, and kudos to you for keeping up with your workouts. You certainly should not feel bad about not adding on to it. I'm sorry that doing your workout made you sad, but I know your days are going to be filled with moments like that for a while. You just have to let it happen. Sending you all big hugs.

Renee, good job on getting your workout in last night. You are in the home stretch. Remember when you started this, you were not sure if you could stick with it. Well, you totally did and now you're almost done!!

Katie and Renee, I would be interested in hearing about your results when you get a chance to reflect and post on that. Results are always very motivating to hear about.

Today I decided to do the Low Impact Challenge from LIS. I did not do the bonus because I did not have time, but I burned 490 calories, so I was close to my goal. I just could not face doing Tonique today as I have some soreness for Afterburn on Monday. I'll do it tomorrow and sub it for the lower body trisets workout, which was my initial plan with this, to sub Cathe's lower body days with Tonique. I'm still struggling to get that in twice a week, but I am doing it once a week consistently, so I guess that's something. I just think I'd have better results if I ramped it up, but that workout has a dread factor for me, although once I actually start it, I'm fine. I just hate squats and lunges, but they do work. I just need to buck up.

Melissa, congrats on getting CLB done today! What is on your Easter menu this year?

Take care,
i am on my phone so i cant get to see the videos but when i get to computer ill look. Im so feeling what u are saying about small things brings that day up! It is strange how are lifes can change in the blink of an eye like that. Hugs to u ...
Eva my results are more sttamina i think, muscle definition, and my ryn time got faster even though i wasnt trying to run faster. I think my results would have been better if i had ate better. No snacking

Melissa great job on ur workout. Lol i never do add on with clb it is a heart pounder.

Ok guys i must confess today was supose to be aolih but it was so nice here i wanted to jog so i went to a park and jogged 2.5 miles. I went to academy spoorts too return some shoes and exchanged it for speakers for my mp3 player! Well i got home pluged it in works great so i wanted to try my lis with it so i put in afterburn and i played a playlist of 80 s music and cathe voice only option to see how it would work..
Well i couldnt help it i started swaying with warm up, then more and before i knew it im sweating, and fussing at Cathe. She said half way through... What? Geez half way? Lol i had to finish if i started it. Lol i think im gonna be hurting tomorrow! Tomorow is burn sets chest back shoulders. Ok am now so tired. Going to bed.. Sorry if i left anyone out!
Hey Eva, I am maling leg if lamb and ham, mashed potatoes, cheesey brocolli, Easter bread (yummy yeasty bread), my mom is bringing salad and peirogies. Some years I make my own peiogie, but this year I will just make the Easter bread. For dessert, apple pie, blueberry pie and assorted cupcakes. I used to make the desserts from scratch but now, I buy. I can't wait to eat.

You are great at your workouts. I think I would only do tonique once a week because of all of the squats.

Good job on the run. I never even thought to do what you did with the music! I v
can't wait to try it. I wonder how many workouts have the no music option.

Good Night everyone,
Melisa yum ! I am coming over, for pie lol.

I am doing cbs burrn sets today.
I wanted to say im finaly starting to get some sleep.. The magniseum is helping my headaches so far... My prozac helping me cope and eyepatch and really heavy ear plugs are helping me sleep, ears r a little sore but small price to pay for deep sleep.
hi girls.

hope everyone is having a good day. the sun is shining again here and it is feeling like spring, which makes everything seem so much better. anyway, I got in my bis and tris this morning and added core 2. only one day left of the rotation! I can't believe it, really. it has all gone by really fast. need to figure out what I am doing next week. alec has his last day of finals today, imala and nygel have one more day tomorrow, and then they are off for a week. that will be nice, though I am still working. one big plus is I wont have to get up as early to drive alec in the mornings.

eva-- thanks for the kind words, again. hugs back to you. I do think I will feel like this for a long time, and I am never sure when deep sadness will hit, but I am trying to just let it be and accept it. talked to two of my sisters and I think it is the same for all of us. at least I am sleeping some better-- but still waking up super early and then it is hard to get back to sleep. so glad you liked the music! it actually is the same link, posted twice-- I screwed that up somehow...not very good at all this computer stuff. I so do not like squats and lunges! at least in a total body workout, they are broken up with some u.b. work. not sure I would make it with the tonique wo's. I think you are doing so great! once a week sounds like more then enough, especially with all the other w.o.'s you do!

renee-- being outside sounds great and so does your jog. afterburn is intense, isn't it? it's been awhile for me on any of those. wondering what CF and TTM will feel like after being away from them for so long. hope you got to watch the video:). so happy to hear that you are sleeping better! that is fantastic.

melissa-- sounds like you will be a cooking machine the next few days! alec is playing a gig on easter morning at his teacher's church, but then I think we are headed to my sister's. it is potluck and I have not even thought about what to bring! I still cant believe that easter is in a few days-- need to get something for the kids. with all that has happened the past few weeks, I completely spaced on it, but want to have it be special for them, especially this year.

okay, off to make lunch and then hopefully take the dogs (henri, too, as he seems so much better and likes to get out when it is warmer) for a walk.

love to everybody,

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