XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Hi Girls,

I did Tabatas 1-3 and bicep burn sets. I am planning on doing tabs 3-5 and tris on Saturday. Don't know what I will get in tomorrow. I decided to make the bread today. kneading dough should count for something, right lol?

I have a hard time sleeping too. I run a fan on low to med. speed to drown out noise. Although, if I wake up at 3am, it is difficult to get back to sleep. I am so glad to hear you are starting to feel better. What I will do with the pie and cupcakes if there are left overs is freeze them to have on cheat day. Out of sight out of mind. I do good with eating all day Nd by 10pm, my mind is racing with what I can munch on. I think you mentioned you eat late at might too.

It is nice when the weather is pleasant. I will be glad when we can open the windows. Enjoy your weekend free of workouts. I usually go about 8 weeks and take a week off. This is the longest I have worked out consistently in ages.

Have a great day.

Sounds like everyone had a productive day today.
Katie, I am glad you got some much needed sleep last night. Not getting sufficient sleep makes everything else so much more laborious. I have been sleeping better the last couple of nights too. I am going to try to stay off the computer for 30-60 minutes before bed time as I have read several times that can make it harder to get to sleep, which is my biggest problem. Once I get to sleep, I can usually stay asleep, but I am awake for at least an hour after I go to bed which really eats into my 7-8 hours a night. I hope you enjoyed the Spring weather there. It's warming up here too; it was in the low '50s today, which was nice.

Melissa, your menu for Easter dinner sounds delicious. It sounds like you're making your bread from scratch, which is awesome. I make most of our sandwich bread from scratch, two loaves every other Sunday, and even though I hardly ever eat bread, I like making it for Jeremy, who eats a sandwich every day. Homemade bread is hard to beat...

Renee, it sounds like you've gotten good results from doing the rotation. That does not surprise me, really, as Cathe's workouts do deliver! I also use an eye mask and ear plugs to sleep sometimes, and I use a humidifier in the winter, which doubles as a white noise machine, and that helps me sleep in on the weekends. I'm glad you are feeling better with your meds and that you are also getting more rest. Again, that makes a huge difference!

Today I chickened out on Tonique again. I did Cardio Leg Blast instead. I actually got home late because I had to stay an extra hour at work, and started doing CLB Express 1-6, which is only 30 minutes. I figured since I only had 30 minutes I would do weighted legs and cardio to get more bang for my buck, but I ended up doing the whole thing, as Jeremy was napping and that bought me a little more time to prep for dinner. I'm glad I managed to squeeze in an entire workout today. That was a bonus. :)

Have a good evening!

hi girls-- can't believe it, but I finished the 90 day rotation today! today was HS plus core 1 and I added 100 scarecrows. my energy is still low:(. talked to my sister who is closest in age to me, and she has experienced the same thing-- said she is just dragging through her workouts most days. I think it is just going to take a long time for it to feel normal again, but I will keep plugging along. hopefully the weekend off will help. I had one of my falling apart moments today. was out running errands for easter and on the way home, passed mom's nursing home. I looked over at it and was feeling super sad and then noticed this herring standing alone out on the lake. it just made me cry. anyway, back home again now and trying to pull it together. alec is performing at good Friday services today, but nygel and I will probably skip and color eggs at home. it is such a heavy, dark service that I don't think I can do it this year with mom's passing so fresh with me. will miss hearing him play, but he is performing again on easter and we will all go to that.

eva-- glad to hear you got your full workout in! cardio leg blast is a super sweaty one for me-- don't know how it compares with tonique, but with the heavy weights, I definitely feel it in my legs. hope your nice weather is still sticking around. it is still warm here today, but very dreary and with showers.

Melissa-- kneading bread should count for something! so does housework, right?;) those tabatas are great, though, and I think they will rev up your metabolism even if you only do one or two, so way to go on three. good luck with all your easter plans.

renee-- how are your final days of the rotation going?

I can definitely say that I have gotten stronger on this rotation and I notice way more definition in my body then before. I don't know if I lost any weight, but I will take the gains in strength. hopefully if I do the CF/TTM/Xtrain rotation for the next 30 days I will lean out a little more, and not lose any of the new muscle mass I gained.

hope to check in tomorrow. happy Friday everyone,
Katie congrats on 90 days!
I am doing well, i did cardio leg blast and tomorrow will be bis n tris. Im not sure what ill do next... Stil thinking, i hear lis had great results, and i bought speakers for my mp3 player so i may do xtrain and lis rofatuon and use my music with lis when it is on calendar. We will see.
Hi ladies. :)

Still doing Xtrain LIS/90 day rotation. I've been really good on my workouts. The least I've workout in a week was 4 days. I'm on week 11 :)

Sorry I haven't check in consistently. But I'm still in :)
Hi Girls.

I did a lot of running around today getting ready for Easter. I had to work in the office and then took the kids bowling and for yogurt. Anyhow, no workout for me today. Tomorrow I will try to do tabs 3-5 and tris.

Katie, I really can't imagine what it would be like to loose a parent. My nana died 2 years ago. I still get upset sometimes, but I have so many fond memories that I talk about with my parents and kids. i am not comparing our situations because nana was 95, although she did have dementia. I would not have gone to the service either. No reason to being sadness on on purpose.
You are so lucky to be done with your 90 days. If I weren't such a poor eater with terrible willpower, I think I would loose more pounds. Like you, I am def. stronger and I think leaner by the way some pants fit. I am starting to get some pain in outer upper thigh and right knee, so maybe all of the high impact is taking its tole.

Eva, It is great you got your workout in. The later it gets in the day, the less likely I am to workout, unless it is weights.

Renee, Clb is best of both worlds. Good job!

I don't know if I will checkin tomorrow, last min. stuff for dinner on Sunday, putting up tables, cooking, cleaning, last min. shopping. My husband said he would wash the windows and vacuum one room. Wow. I am better doing things on my own anyhow.

Happy Saturday and Easter
Hi Terina,
It's good to hear from you! Glad to see that you're still doing a great job with the rotation! Congratulations on sticking with it. If you have time to post about your results with the LIS/XTrain rotation, I think we'd all be interested in hearing about your progress.

Katie, congratulations on finishing up today. If I knew how to post high fives like Melissa does, I would put one here...!...You certainly have managed to overcome some significant obstacles to finish the rotation. I am so proud of you!! I am so happy we "met" on these forums. I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for you. I hope you'll keep checking in with us. I guess when all the regular folks who check in are done (Melissa and Renee), maybe we can start another group that's not XTrain related per se, and then other folks who are doing that rotation in the future can take over this thread. I'm glad you have support from your sisters as you are all mourning and missing your mom. I also have two sisters and it's just such a unique relationship to have people who can truly relate to and understand what you are going through with your mom. You guys will be one another's lifeblood over the coming months, I'm sure, and it sounds like you have a good relationship with them. Another thing to be grateful for...:)
I wish you and your family a very blessed Easter.

Renee, what do you have planned for the holiday? Whatever you do I hope you have a blessed holiday.

Melissa, good luck with your big family dinner this weekend! Enjoy your family and have a great time together. A blessed Easter to you as well.

We usually get together with Jeremy's family for Easter dinner, as they are local, but that does not seem to be the case this year, so it will just be us. We're not a religious family, so we don't celebrate Easter per se, so we're fine having just a nice quiet Sunday afternoon at home.

Today I did a weird hodge podge of workouts. I had to work late again, and did not work from home as I usually do, so I was kind of out of whack today. I started off with Level 1 from the Butt Bible, which is only about 20 minutes. Then I did a few minutes of cardio dance from Jessica Smith's YouTube channel. A lot of ladies on the VF boards have been raving about that, so I thought I would try it. It was too unstructured and not very challenging for me, so after 15 minutes or so I jumped ship. Then I did this video, which I turn to sometimes because it's this ridiculous '80s style retro aerobics workout THAT I LOVE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=507P9YJWeTg&list=PLpte6aP69A2PcaYCO2-_u09V-_IlmqPl1. I can always do this workout because it is so fun for me. Then I did 10 more minutes of kickboxing drills. I worked out for 85 minutes. I had to so I could get to my 500 calories. I just felt like something different today. Sometimes I just troll around on You Tube looking for workouts to do something new, so today was that kind of day.

Take care and have a good weekend!

Lol Eva thats funny.. I was on youtube today looking for work out and all i found was booty drop lol so i did booty drop and booty bounce lol.. I love 80 aerobics lol. Well i hope we all continue to keep talking.
Katie i to am so proud u kept pushing through. I have wanted to give up on it but when i saw u r sti pushing i realize i cant i have no excuse. Well i am very respectful of ur perserverance.

Eva we dont really plan for Easter now. Its just me and hubby and the older kids they have otner things to do. We use to go to my moms.... But thats no longer an.op tion so we havnt come up with anything else to do yet. Church mostly.

Hope everyone has a great night!
hi girls. hope everyone is having a nice weekend. the kids were back at lessons today, so a bit of driving around, but then came home and walked the dogs-- it is so nice outside-- and then decided to do some bryan kest power yoga. I think my body really needed it. this is the one I did:http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY5qGREnUi0

it is the first one in his series of three and is pretty tame for me after all the years of ashtanga practice, but it felt good to still move my body on a weekend off. I know there will be no time for anything tomorrow as alec has to be out at his church gig by 9 in the morning and it is quite a drive.

eva-- thank you so much again for your kind words. it has been a very challenging 90 days-- can't believe what a winter it has been. I wouldn't have believed someone had they told me all that would happen since January. I am trying to be like my mom and keep going and be there for the kids while processing it all and still trying to take care of myself. I really appreciate you and all the others on here. I think keeping in touch with a new thread sounds wonderful. I hope that you have a blessed easter as well. it will be nice to be with the family tomorrow, that is for sure. what a fun workout you had yesterday! I am always impressed by all the workouts you find!

renee-- hope you have a nice easter as well! it is hard not having a mom to go visit:(. hope you have some nice quality time with your husband. you must be almost finished now with 90 days as well!

Melissa-- hope everything is going smoothly for you and all of your plans! have a wonderful day tomorrow!

terina-- good to see you on here-- great job with your workouts!

I am blessed this easter to have such amazing cathlete friends in addition to my family and friends here. love and peace to all of you!

To steal a phrase from Eva,


I hope you all had a good Saturday. Renee, booty drop sounds like fun. I looked to see if the 20 min. workout was there, and yes it was! Maybe I will do an episode for old rimes sake.

Eva, The clip you posted looks good. I may try that, minus the leg warmers. As far as the high fives, my daughter dound me this free emoji app that extends my keyboard on my ipad. There are some cute/fun pictures.

Katie, Thanks for the yoga link. I will try that definitely.

You guys are all great to post these clips. I always forget to look at youtube for free workouts.

I agree that it would be nice to start another thread, I really appreciate all of your support and look forward to reading your posts.

I did tabs 3 and 4 and bs tris. Once again, my problem is food.

Happy, Blessed Easter to all of you!

2121 lol i love when Eva says that ! Greetings.... It reminds me of old star trac that i love!

Katie love some yoga. I wish in a perfect world id love to wake up do a 30 minute cardio then at night id do my reg hour of Cathe then before bed yoga lol

I did bis n tris today HS tomorrow. Then,,, what to do? Heelp i really like being told what wo to do lol
Eva, I checked out that YouTube video and I have too say it look like fun!!! Is there a site where we can watch the whole thing?
Last day of xtrain! I actualy finished a rotation! HS today after dinner... It was so nice today, i did a mile walk and three mile jog it was so fun.
I dont know what to do now, i wish i can think of a rotation of jog weights, step, kickbox , cf, ttm. Lol so many fav i cant decide!

I laid on patio in the sun reading some today. My big dog has to lay with me everytime lol he is a hudge lab and a big baby! If i move he moves with me .. He has to b touching me lol sweet baby!
Happy Easter!

Congrats Renee on finishing up the XTrain rotation. That is super awesome!! I know how satisfying it is to finish one of those long rotations up as I remember how ecstatic I was when I finished STS. I felt very proud of myself, and I hope you feel the same way. I'm certainly proud of you!

I also know the lost feeling of not knowing what to focus on next. For me, I started doing Les Mills Combat for two weeks, and then I went on to do that 30 days of XTrain.

I just finished up the March rotation and it was a good one. There was a good amount of variety, and it was nice to have a low-impact month. I'm eyeballing the April rotation, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do that or not. I just ordered two new DVDs today and so when those get here, I'm going to do those. I ordered these, Total Fitness DVDs - Your Total Source for Fitness.

I'm probably going to do Tonique today. I really need a break from my Cathe workouts overall, so I think I might make April a month where I do other instructors. I'm dying for some new moves and just a totally different approach to fitness as I am getting very bored, so I need to completely shake it up I think. As I am typing this and formulating my thoughts, I think that's going to be a much better plan for me. I'm desperately hoping to get this for my birthday, Dream Body Workout Series 5 DVD Set, so once that arrives, I'll be focusing on that for a while, I think.

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter. Ours was just a typical Sunday,which was fine with me. :) Katie, how was the performance and the pot luck? Melissa, I hope your big family dinner was a blast! All that yummy food sounded amazing!

Terina, you can actually order those DVDs on Amazon. I did not realize that until this weekend. Amazon.com: Pump It Up: the Ultimate Dance Workout: Movies & TV. Apparently there are a few in this series; I think they are produced in the UK. I have since added these to my workout wish list. The entire workout is on YouTube, but it's broken up into sections. If you click on the link that I had posted, I think the other sections pop up in the list of related videos to the right, or at least they do for me. You can also do a search for them and the other sections will pop up. The entire video is there, but if you're looking for an unbroken version, unfortunately that is not available via YouTube.

I have taken to looking there for workouts a lot lately since I'm bored with my usual suspects and am trying to stay focused. I'm happy to workout and have the motivation to do so, I'm just in desperate need of some new options.

Take care everyone!
Hello! I am proud i did it, mad at myself i didnt eat right.
I wanted to try Michelle Dozier.. Spelling ? Let me know how u like it.
I know what u mean by different appoach. I was looking at a thread about JNL fousion. I was gonna try it too but it seems like the same things we r doing now. I have to look at them more.
I miss good ol fashion dance aerobics and a lower body tonibg at the end or upper body at end. Do u remember what im talking about? I remember sweating and fun then toning lol. I love the way it is now but once in a while i just dont want weights during my cardio.
Bored at work.. Lol bbl to talk more lol
Hi Girls,

Renee, Congratulations on finishing the 90 days! That is awesome. I have 4 weeks to go. I really need to clean up my eating, so I will really focus on this in my last 4 weeks. I can't wait to have nice sit outside weather. It is flurrying here today and it rained all day yesterday.

Eva, The dinner went well. I was on my feet all day, I feel like I did cardio and weights and am foing to take another rest day and get back at it tomorrow with enthusiasm. The 5 disc series looks interesting. I too would like a break from the same moves and will be glad when the 90 days are up. I was thinking of doing LIS, but may do the Body for Life workout for a month first just for a change. I had great results with that the first time I did it. 20 minute hiit running 3 times per week. 3 weights per week alternating upper and lower, so one gtes done twice per week. I just have to eat great. The 5 disv series looks fun, do you think the moves are different from cathe? I played some of the clips and I wonder if they are too similar.

Katie, I did 3 minutes of the Bryan Kest today and quit at the holding pushup move. I hadn't planned on doing anyhting since my body actually feels like I workouted for 4 hours.

Hope you are all well

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