Greetings everyone,
Katie, welcome back. It's good to hear from you. I would imagine at least a day or two of R&R would be good for you to both give you a chance to fend off the ick that you guys have come down with and for your own mental well-being, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Maybe a day or two of yoga instead of XTrain would be a nice compromise.
I have not lost a parent but lost my grandmother several years ago, and we were very close. I still get choked up just thinking about her. We are just going to miss the ones we love when they are gone, and I just accept and try to live in that space. Even now as I type this I'm getting choked up about my grandma! I guess it's just the price we pay of loving and being close to one's the human condition, so to speak.
All I can say is be kind to yourself as you move through this. That's all you can do. I hope the kids are hanging in there. It sounds like they are just as strong as their mom and they are just forging ahead. I'm in awe of you and your family, Katie. You are all just amazing people, and are a living testament to how wonderful your mom must have been as well. Awesomeness is not an accident!
Melissa, I hope you had a good trip to your sister's place. We got about 3 inches of snow here in DC, but no snow day this time around. They have cancelled the last two times only to have virtually no snow show up, so the government was very conservative this time around. Since I work and live in the DC area, most of us shut down with the Feds shut down. Most of the kids here are on spring break, which I think is one of the reasons they did not buses to really worry about. I like your idea of tacking on the week that you missed at the end. You're in the last month, home stretch! What are you thinking about doing next?
Renee, how are you doing? Are you still fighting that cold or are you feeling fine these days? You'll have to let me know how you're doing with your 500 calorie workouts! The only drawback to that approach is that some days it can make your workout times much longer depending on what your main one is for the day. Also, if I have a hard workout that does not burn enough (like the 40/20 one), then I try to make my add on less brutal, just like you did.
Today I'm scheduled for slide and glide, which is usually not quite 500 calories for me. If I add on the low impact section from Intensity and one of the core workouts, though, I can probably get it up there. Or maybe I'll add on a floor section from Tonique. I am coming to the end of the Low Impact March rotation and it's been a good one. I'm feeling pretty good and the break from high impact has been nice.
I have not ordered any of the new workouts, but I will. I always wait until the last minute but I always order them!
I've been eyeing the Dream Body set that's out too, I'm going to see if I can get that for my birthday.
Take care,