XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Hi LadyLep,
Congratulations on getting in two workouts this week AND on the chocolate avoidance for two days in a row. Giving up those little munchies is hard, so kudos to you!! :D
Hi Ladylep, Way to go. Good job with the chocolate too.

Good job upping the weights. That is always a good feeling.

Eva, I may take another rest day. Hopefully not. I was planning on taking a rest week after 8 weeks, so I may just do it now. I just have to make sure I don't eat poorly.

Hope ypu all have a good day.


Melissa, did you end up taking another day off today? Whatever you ended up doing, I hope you're feeling better.

Renee, I hope you're feeling better too! Are you still nursing that cough.

Katie, I know today and tomorrow are going to especially difficult for you and your family. You are all first and foremost in my thoughts and prayers right now.

I did Tonique V.1 today. I did *not* want to work out but I did it. Took a few extra breaks, but I did the entire thing and burned about 550 calories, so I'm glad I did. Then I went to buy some sneakers as I am going to NYC this weekend and needed some walking shoes. :)

I'm exhausted and heading to bed. Tomorrow I'm scheduled for Cardio SuperSets but I may do Athletic Training instead. We'll see how motivated I feel.

Take care,
Im hoping u feel better soon. Ur posts usualy gives me a chuckle and keepps me going.

good job on calorie burn. I like cardio supersets it is easier then afterburn. I think supersets is alittle more fun cause the music. Id love LIS if the music was better. Im gonna have to use my own music to it.

Today i jogged three miles in 32 minutes and i wasnt even trying to go faster. I was so surprised. I went to a one mile dirt course to be easier on the knees, and went three times. Fun stuff now if i could do that for three to four times a week id lose but my body probly cant handle it.. I am happy to add once in a while i guess.
Hi Girls,
Renee, great job on the run! 10min. miles, excellent.
Eva, You did good too! I think making it throug tonique would fry my legs.

Well, I did nothing workout wise today. I won't be able to do anything tomorrow unless I get up early, and that isn't happening. Friday I am going to Ohio to help my sister with some stuff she is going throug, so I think I will call this my rest week. I just hope I cane eat good. Today I just ate like a pig. We went to see the Oz movie 3d. It was ok. Too long though. my kids are 9 and 11 and they almost didn't follow the plot.

I will keep checking in even though I am off.

Katie. Hope you are ok today.

Good Night,
Just checking in.

I am off today. So far eating is good. I hope you all are feeling energetic and healthy.

Eating is good for me today as well i think, i had a zone bar 180 cal
Then a small flat bread sub from subway it was just turkey and cheese w mustard n spinach leaves 280 , then a snack of fruit 120 cal so far ... And HS was on the cal for today so i did it at work to keep the bordom down.
Good job on eating. Are u feeling better?
Hi Renee,
I am feeling ok. Just really tired and headachy. how about you? The turkey sounds good.
It is nice to rest and bot hurry to get a workout in. Hopefully I will be energized for Monday when I get back to it.

Hope you all had a good day today.

Katie, I hope you survived the day and that you were all able to have some time thinking about and sharing your wonderful memories of your mom.

Although I was kind of dragging today (I have not been getting to sleep on time which is really eating into my rest time), I did do Athletic Training today instead of CSS, which was on the schedule. I survived. I'm getting better at the cardio section up front which used to slay me, but those drills afterward are still kind of challenging. I did them on three risers instead of two, so I think that did it (I used to do the workout on two risers). I find some of those movements really bother my back, so sometimes I have to take a break to stretch it out. I have that problem doing Tonique as well.

Tomorrow I am heading to NYC for the weekend and I probably won't have time to check in...nor will I be doing any Cathe. I am going to try to workout tomorrow morning before I leave and I should really do a Tonique to get my second one in for the week.

Melissa, I hope you have safe travels and a nice visit with your sister. Hope that's not too stressful.:)

Renee, I agree that CSS is definitely easier than Afterburn. It's the easiest one of the workouts, sort of, although I always say that until I do it, and then I remember that it creeps up on you! I know that everyone hates the music in LIS, but I'm so busy huffing and puffing I don't think about it. I do notice that the XTrain music is more inspirational, but the LIS music does not detract from the workouts per se. Your jog sounds awesome! Congrats on doing three miles. I wish I could run but I both hate it and it hurts my feet.

So, I think my thighs are finally starting to budge a little bit, which I attribute to the Tonique workouts. I just need to be more consistent with those.

Take care all,
Today ill do bi n tris and a cardio whatever i was supose to do. I am doubling uupp today since i didnt get it in yesterday. I think im supose to have legs uup for today so i may be doing leg and bis n tris. Thats nott too bad just long.
Ok today i did sts total body weights! I was supose to do bis n tris n legs today but had company. So i did something too mix it. Boy ouch! But i loved it!
I did need to say i feel i didnt get enough bis n tris in this so i may do a short premix later for burn sets bis n tris.
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Hey Rene
Great job with total body. I have only done it as a split. How long is it?
I am still resting. It will be good to get back on track Monday. Hope you are having a good weekend. Melissa
hi girls. eva, renee, and Melissa-- thank you so much for all your prayers and kind words. these past few days have been an emotional roller coaster. mom had a beautiful service on Wednesday-- I was so proud of my entire family for coming together in the planning. imala wrote a poem for my mom and she read it-- very tearfully. my sister and my brother spoke. and the kids played for mom. I don't know if you guys know the adagio for strings by barber-- it gets played in movies a lot as it is very sorrowful and beautiful; they used it in platoon, I know-- but alec arranged it so the three of them could play it and there truly was not a dry eye in the chapel. it feels so strange now, getting back to everything...work, school, family back to their home states. in some ways, I wish I could stay in a cocoon for a while with all of us mourning mom. but real life doesn't happen that way. I have kept up with the rotation-- I doubled up wo's the day before the funeral so that I had the funeral day off. working out feels strange, though. I am really exhausted-- emotionally and physically. now, to top it off, the kids have all come down with some weird stomach bug which it feels like I have a hint of or are fighting off. I am hoping I can get up and do supercuts tomorrow and then go to mom's grave with the kids and rik, if they are better. get some quiet and peace before a full work week starts on Monday.

renee-- great job on your workouts. thanks for your support on fb, too. hugs.

Melissa-- I am glad you are getting a nice week off. I have considered it, believe me. glad you are still checking in, though. hugs to you as well.

eva-- I hope you are having a great time in new York. that is where my brother just headed home to. a big hug to you as well.

I hope I am not neglecting anyone! I will try to check in more this week. things are strange and I still feel off-- think that will be the case for a long while-- but it is nice to reach out to you all, fellow cathletes, and keep the friendships we are building.

love and peace, everyone,

Hi Katie,
Love and peace to you too. Take care of yourself when you are exhausted. You are so strong. The service sounds lovely. Your kids are strong too to be able to play and read poetry. That is saying something about what a good mom and role model you are. It was good to hear from you.

Thank you to all of you for keeping this thread going because I don't know that I would have made it through this far witout the support. Also, checking in with you all has made the weeks fly.

thank you, Melissa. i have not felt very strong these past days, and have cried and fallen apart so many times, but i try my best to keep it together. i know mom would tell us all to keep on and do good-- so hopefully that's what we all do. i feel the same way about this thread, and am grateful for each one of you.

so, i did supercuts plus core 2 and burn set bis. i felt dizzy on the sit-outs, so i do think i have a touch of whatever the kids have had. hoping i never get as bad as they have been. anyway, i can't believe this is the very last week of xtrain rotation for me-- will have to figure out what comes next.

hope everyone else enjoys their sunday,

Awh melissa i think that to. I love getting on the forums and i know u guys are doing the same workouts,as i am so it gets me going. Thanks

Katie i know its hard for u. I still cry lol. I mean for awhile i felt i was a hot mess. I have a hard time with death anyway so when it was my mom it killed me. But for a little while i tbought i was gonna be ready when it happened cause we knew for so long it,was coming but once she was gone i realized i was lying to myself. I was not ready to let go. Well apart of me was because of her pain but the other part just felt it was not time yet. I miss her so bad to this day... So i say u never get over it u,just learn to swallow hard and try to think of good stuff but when it gets to much i have to think of something totaly different and with time im getting better at it. But there are times like hearing a song she loved or,a song i played at her funeral thats hard.
But i thiink its times like this that causes gray hair!

Okay i had AOLIH on tap and i really am growing to like this one. At first it was so so .. HS was my fav but now im liking AOLIH almost as much lol. I also added step moves for only 25 minutes.. I am trying to do what Eva does make my goal be to burn 500 calories.
That step moves really is fun if i could get it i think. Lol i love the music and once i get the move it moves on to some tbing else. Complex choreography that one but not a heart pounder. So id love to learn it so i can have an easier workout once in a while. I dont need High intensity everyday.

Eva thanks for the idea .. Im gonna try to add onto my wo to burn 500 as often as i can .. Hope ur doing well.
Oo not sure if i asked yet but did u guys order her new upcoming workouts? I did! Cant wait.. Im also am looking forward to the greatest hits dvd.! I wonder whos idea she is gonna use?
Good Monday.

We actually got about 5 inches of snow last night. Kids had a two hour delay

I am back on schedule, did aoli. I went to week 8 and will aff week 7 on at the end of the 90 days to stay on track.

Hope you are all well.

renee-- that is how I feel. I don't think I will ever be "over" losing my mom, and even though I told her she should go, I wasn't ready to say goodbye either. I think we probably never are. I did order the new dvds at the very end of February, I think. they look great.

Melissa-- snow? I hope we are done with snow and the cold. last week at the cemetery it was so cold-- about 15 below windchill. this week it is supposed to get into the 40s I think by Wednesday.

today was AOLIH for me, too. I added core 1 and 100 rep triceps but am really kind of feeling like crud and I was super shaky afterwards stretching in my down dogs. it's all the emotional exhaustion and now whatever stomach gunk the whole family-- extended and cousins, even-- has come down with. this morning alec was sick in the bathroom and yet he insisted on going to school as he has a performance tonight of music he composed with friends, and they wont let you perform if you are not at school that day. I am wondering how he is doing...

hope everyone has a good day,

Greetings everyone,

Katie, welcome back. It's good to hear from you. I would imagine at least a day or two of R&R would be good for you to both give you a chance to fend off the ick that you guys have come down with and for your own mental well-being, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Maybe a day or two of yoga instead of XTrain would be a nice compromise.

I have not lost a parent but lost my grandmother several years ago, and we were very close. I still get choked up just thinking about her. We are just going to miss the ones we love when they are gone, and I just accept and try to live in that space. Even now as I type this I'm getting choked up about my grandma! I guess it's just the price we pay of loving and being close to one another...it's the human condition, so to speak. :( All I can say is be kind to yourself as you move through this. That's all you can do. I hope the kids are hanging in there. It sounds like they are just as strong as their mom and they are just forging ahead. I'm in awe of you and your family, Katie. You are all just amazing people, and are a living testament to how wonderful your mom must have been as well. Awesomeness is not an accident!

Melissa, I hope you had a good trip to your sister's place. We got about 3 inches of snow here in DC, but no snow day this time around. They have cancelled the last two times only to have virtually no snow show up, so the government was very conservative this time around. Since I work and live in the DC area, most of us shut down with the Feds shut down. Most of the kids here are on spring break, which I think is one of the reasons they did not close...no buses to really worry about. I like your idea of tacking on the week that you missed at the end. You're in the last month, home stretch! What are you thinking about doing next?

Renee, how are you doing? Are you still fighting that cold or are you feeling fine these days? You'll have to let me know how you're doing with your 500 calorie workouts! The only drawback to that approach is that some days it can make your workout times much longer depending on what your main one is for the day. Also, if I have a hard workout that does not burn enough (like the 40/20 one), then I try to make my add on less brutal, just like you did.

Today I'm scheduled for slide and glide, which is usually not quite 500 calories for me. If I add on the low impact section from Intensity and one of the core workouts, though, I can probably get it up there. Or maybe I'll add on a floor section from Tonique. I am coming to the end of the Low Impact March rotation and it's been a good one. I'm feeling pretty good and the break from high impact has been nice.

I have not ordered any of the new workouts, but I will. I always wait until the last minute but I always order them!

I've been eyeing the Dream Body set that's out too, I'm going to see if I can get that for my birthday. ;)
Take care,

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