XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Renee, I'm glad you had a productive trip to your doctor. I hope your bloodwork comes back fine and that the Prozac is going to help you feel better. You mentioned in an earlier email that your hubby is going to be deployed soon. When is he leaving and where is he heading? I am sure that impending separation is adding even more stress to all of you at home.

Melissa, I'm glad you got a clean bill of health from your annual visit as well. That's always a good confirmation that things are doing fine. I like your idea of loading some weight in a backpack. That probably is the same as using a weighted vest; I've never tried either. You are very intrepid to find ways to maximize your workouts while still working within your body's preferences.

Yesterday I did manage to add on another 30 minutes of upper body from Tonique Sculpt Dynamics. It's hard to even describe what that workout is like..it's high rep, very free form upper body workout. It's more about endurance and is kind of zany, but I am growing to like it. It's definitely a departure from the heavy weight approach.

Today I did Tonique Premier again. I've not been very consistent, but I really want to try to add that in twice a week. I'm going to shoot to do that from now until my birthday, which is in mid-April. Having a finite goal will hopefully encourage me to be more consistent. I am wearing a pair jeans today that is usually pretty snug, so hopefully that will motivate me as well.

Melissa, what week are you on now?

Take care all,
Melissa hope u enjoyed the feast! Yum ur pie sounds wonderful.. Ya id eat that. Lol hopefuly it was just an off day on the muscle factor!

Sounds like u r enjoying ur tonique. I need to figure how to do a rotation of one week cathe and combat another week of cathe and tonique then a week of combat and tonique. That would keep bordom down! I really want to add low impact andcold step to the mix.. Ggeez so many wo and so little time! I need to insert low impact to pervent injury.

I still have a cold mostly sinus and throat, hard to breathe at night. Grr hate it. I managed to do tb sts low body premix only 22 minutes! But i loved it. Straight forward. I like that. I am doing smaller wo this week and hope by tuesday ill feel better and pivk back up on my rotation.. I hate not finishing so i will continue . But im resting when i need to and doing short wos til this cold goes away to hard to breathe. Have a good night all.

Katie sending u hugs!
Hi Girls,

Eva, I just realized I never answered your question about Gone Girl. It has been so long since I read it. I think both main characters were so unlikable. At first I felt bad for the husband, only to find he was as messed up as the wife. I was so mad at the ending, i remember thinking about it for weeks after, then i was glad they were together because they deserved each other in their messed up ways.

I am starting week 8 this week. Today is a rest day. I took a long time to review tonique clips on youtube. I am wondering if I will get bored with the repetition. I think part of the reason I didn't get too much into cathe's low intensity series is how everything repeated. Anyhow, I am starting to think of what to do after 90 days.

Renee, The feast was pretty good. we ate squirrel jumbalaya. It was really good. I know it sounds gross, but I had tot ry it. Anyhow, I will be sticking with beef cow and pig. The pie and coffee was good! I hope I am back to normal muscle wise tomorrow. I am thinking about throwing in a few more rest days next week if I am still off. I will take a rest week after 90 days to refuel.

Talk to you later.
hi girls--

checking in with you all. thank you again for your continued support. this is truly the most difficult thing i have ever gone through and i can't believe all the planning involved in mom's funeral. thursday was at funeral home, friday at cemetery and chapel, yesterday the kids tried out the space's acoustics as they are playing for mom. today the family is getting together to work on the eulogy and tomorrow we meet with the chaplain/presider. tuesday is the visitation and wednesday is the funeral. i hope i have the strength to get through it all. haven't been sleeping much at all-- neither has imala or my three sisters. i have still been keeping with the rotation, but everything feels strange. thursday was especially hard, but i will hit times where i feel like i have to keep things somewhat normal while i can around here. anyway, i have been thinking of you all and checking in to read when i can. love and hugs to all of you.

melissa-- i am glad your dr appt went well-- that must be a relief. congratulations on week 8.

renee-- sorry you haven't been feeling well. and so sorry to hear about your husband being deployed. that is so awful. i hope you kick your cold soon and good job on still getting some workouts in. i havent been adding many extras to my wos this week and i am letting myself just do the straight rotation with no guilt. glad to hear your dr appts went well, too.

eva-- you always do such a good job on your workouts. you are an inspiration.

take care of yourselves everyone. will check in again when i can.
Good to hear from you Katie. Take care of yourself. I will be praying for you and thinking of you this week.

Finally a workout in!!

After not working out for a week, I finally got in a workout today! I did Tabatacise premix 1. Nothing out of the ordinary, just lots of stuff going on. I know that if I don't go to bed early (by 10) I won't be able to get up early and workout. I'm out to night at a homeschool book sale (selling and shopping) so I won't be working out in the evening.

It was supposed to be week 11 this week, but since I didn't get a single workout in, I'm going with week 10 (unless I'm wrong and it was 10 I'm supposed to be on..) I started the 90 day the first Monday in January.
I was so excited i had to tell u .... Coming to SC is Trader Joes! Yaaaah i have been waiting for it but never thought it really would hapen. Humm
Katie, It is good to hear from you. I cannot even imagine how surreal the coming days will be for you and your family, but just know that I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. You are *my* inspiration for keeping up with your workouts given all that you have going on right now. I don't know how you juggle all that you do, but you are very impressive. Thanks for sharing that photo of your mom and your kids in your avatar. They're adorable!

Yesterday was a rest day for me. Today I am scheduled for Low Max but I hate that workout so I'm going to sub...not sure with what. Maybe I'll do Supercuts again, or Les Mills Combat, since I have not done one of those in a while.

LadyLep, good to hear from you. Glad you managed to get a workout in last week!

Melissa, your wild game party sounds interesting. Did you try any other new foods aside from the squirrel dish? I'm glad your pie came out well. I have not made a pie in forever! Thanks for your comments on Gone, Girl. I know what you mean about the hatefulness of the characters. That's a good point. They truly did deserve each other. I hope you're feeling a little more in synch than you have been the last few days...

Renee, we have Trader Joe's here and they are great! They certainly don't have food you cannot live without, but they are a good stop for cheeses and packaged foods and their prices are awesome for those things. If you mostly eat whole, unprocessed or fresh foods, then I don't think they'll offer you too much.

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Hi Girls,

I am scheduled for aoli, this hasn't been on the schedule in awhile. I am eager to see how i will do.

My kids have a 2 hour delay for ice this morning, nice to relax. They are off tomorrow and wed. as well. I will have to be motivated to get my workout in. Although, it is easier now that they are older.

Renee, We have trader joes here.. I always forget about it. Ours does have tons of fresh produce whcih is why I would go. Also, the cheese is good. The prices are a little better than our main grocery chain. I like one sytop shopping and usually only go to the main store. I want to try the tea that katie recommended from there. Hope your nose congestion is better. Nothing like having to stop and blow your nose while doing cardio.

Eva, I wish I could say I made the pie, but I didn't. I used to make everything, now I am too lazy. There were a lot of deer dishes at the party. There was to be boar, but I did't see it.
I say do supercuts. I don't know that I will ever do lomax again. Maybe one more time to see if I still don't like it. I need to check out combat. I think there is an open discussion about.

Ladylep, At least you are still working out when you can. Way to go! Tabata is a goody.

talk later,
Hi girls!
Eva thats disappointing! I thought trader joes was a health food place! Crap lol oh i need to do combat but i want the music loud but if i do i cant tell whats next if i turn it voice louder option the music isnt loud enough.

Michelle u r so funny! I juckle everytime u post stuff. Lol i am to lazy to cook a pie to!

Today is rest day. I love lo max, what abbout it do u guys not like? Curious.
Renee, maybe your TJ will be more like Melissa's. The ones here do have some produce, but they are mostly packaged food. They do have a lot of cheese and good deals on dairy products, and things like baking supplies, nuts and dried fruits too. They also have a lot of cereals, grains, things like that. I do like them, but like Melissa said, you cannot do all your shopping there and I hate making multiple stops. I think of TJs as a good place to buy "nice to have" things, but not "must have" things. Their prices are very good though, so whatever you get there is a good deal.

Today I did Les Mills Combat. I did Power Kata 45 and then tacked on another segment from another LM cardio video. I worked out for 62 minutes and burned 500 calories, so I was happy. Those workouts are not impossible, but they do give you a good calorie burn. I'm scheduled for Pyramid Upper Body tomorrow but I don't have that workout, so I am going to sub Upper Body Trisets from LIS.

Eva how are u picking what wo to do? R u making it up as whatever u feel like? Or are u trying to follow a pattern? Like weights how many times and cardio how many a week? Geez see it takes me a paragraph to ask one question! Lol
Hi Renee,
Well, right now I am loosely following Cathe's March rotation, which was Low Impact. This was good for me as I was tired of banging around and so when I saw that option, I jumped on it. I don't have all the workouts in the series, so when it comes to one I don't have (like PUB which is today), I sub something that I do have. I'm also trying to do Tonique 2x per week and so I am putting that into the rotation. I sub the one lower body workout each week with Tonique, and then I sub another one depending on what is in the queue. So, that's how I get my workouts in, for the most part. On Monday, Cathe had cardio scheduled, but instead of doing a LIS, I did Combat since I was in a funk yesterday and I knew that workout would cheer me up.

You also asked why I don't like Low Max. I don't like it because I find it to be terribly boring. I don't know if it is the moves, or the repetition, or the pacing. I think it's all of the above. I just do not like that workout. I've tried it several times and I just cannot get through it without getting cranky.

Melissa, how did you like AOLI?

Hi Eva, I ended up swirching my week around and did tabata 1-5. I took three short breaks. I am wondering if I should use it as a whole or use it as an add on. Ehile I did finish, I think I would have felt better with less. Anyhow, next time, I may do it backwards and start with 5. I think I am going to do the low intensity series next. I never actual did the rotation. I still have 4 more weeks of 90 days. I am doing good, but could be great if I stopped eating garbage. I will probably do what you do and sub in different workouts. I am stuck on cathe though, so I like your posts because I check out your instructors. What combat version did you get? I wonder what the upper and lower body discs are like. And, I don't think I would need the gloves unless they are weighted. Thanks for the tips.

Hi Renee, Hope you have a good workout today.

Katie, In case you are checking in, I miss your posts. Take care of yourself and your family. This is a tough week. God Bless. Melissa

I am to do legs. The long version, although I don't do floor work. Still long. I have never been a proponent of longer than 60 min. workout because for me, after about 45 minutes, I am not giving it my all.

I am schedualed for disk 1 cbs... I dont llike that one as much as burn sets. I dont feel it is as challenging, i will up the weight today.

This is tuesday so it is beginning of my week for my rotation meaning im starting back on the rotation. Im so frustrated even though i kept exercising it wasnt xtrain but i hate getting off track, to far because i never know how or where to pick it back up again, shouldnt be that confusing lol. Thats why i asked about Evas rotation.

Eva is the march rotation pretty fun? Is it burning good calories.. And i got the combat but not the gloves. I was gonna buy a set of weighted gloves from sports academy. Im surpiise theres isnt weighted it looks like it is . I wonder if i can use boxing gloves instead.. I used the pink boxing gloves for KPC last week. It was good in some places. Lol when u did combat did u have to do it with music low option to get the moves? Thats what i have to do and i dont like that part cause the music is so cool and i want to blast it. I guess i need to do the 30 minutes after a harder wo cause i hate wasging my wo time learning a move. Lol
Hi Girls!

So i am in a slump. I am not too upset because I just don't have it in me to do anything. Last night I woke up with a weird nausea shaking that only lasted a few minutes. All day I feel "off", If you know what I mean. Anyhow, I hope you are all good.

Hi Melissa,
I'm sorry you're still feeling a little off. Do you think it was something that you ate that was causing your nausea? I hope you're feeling better soon; hopefully taking a day or two off will be just the thing you need. Maybe you've been pushing yourself too hard? You've been very diligent with your workouts and they are pretty challenging.

Renee, I use 1 lb. weighted gloves that I bought at Amazon, Amazon.com: Valeo Women's Weighted Power Gloves (Gray, one Size): Sports & Outdoors. I really like these. They fit well and stay in place. They definitely up the intensity. I don't have the pink gloves, but these are a little heavier. Either one would be fine, I'm sure. I don't listen to the music loud option, but I could I kind of like their encouraging talk, but I like that the workout has the option. I am sure that once I have it long enough and have done those workouts a bunch, I'll opt to not hear the talking any more.

The rotation I'm doing now is burning a decent amount of calories, since it's still mostly Cathe workouts and even her low-impact ones are challenging. The Tonique workout is mostly low impact and I can burn a little over 500 calories doing that one. The weight ones don't burn as much, but that's always the case, so I would say this rotation is as good as any other. You have the LIS right? Those workouts are pretty challenging and they are featured in this rotation. I try to burn at least 500 calories in each cardio workout, and I'll add on something if I don't quite make it doing the scheduled workout. That's why I add on some days. I would say you could pick up your rotation wherever you left off when you dropped off last week and just keep going. Did you get CBS done today?

Katie, I am thinking of you and sending you prayers this week.

Take care,
Thanks for the information! I think im going to order those gloves!

Miiss u sending hugs ur way!

Sorry u arnt feeling well.. Wonder whats wrong?

I did get cbs disk 1 in, and wow i takee what i said back, i went heavier, and it was challangjng for sure! It felt good. But im still coughing my head off. Grr..
Excited to say that I got 2 more workouts in! Yesterday I did CBS and tonight I did Cardio Leg Blast premix all the leg blasts and then core 2. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get up at 6 tomorrow, but that will by my only opportunity to exercise.

Gotta get to bed, just wanted to check in quickly.

Ps: no chocolate for 2 day, completely unintentional!

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