XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Katie, My heart hurts for you and your mom. I am so sorry she is in such pain and you are right for whatever reason, your mom doesn't want to let go. You are doing everything you can do. Renee is right about the last breath. I know this is terrible to talk about, but maybe it will help. When my grandmother was dying, the hospice told us about the last breath. I tell ya, I almost wish we didn't know becuase every loud breath she took, we just froze. Then after, I felt so relieved for my grandmother because of the pain she had been in. I am praying all the time for your mom.

I am sorry for your loss of your mother. I am lucky to have both of my parents. I tell ya this is making me appreciate my time with them more. I am sorry your husband is being deployed. You have a lot to cope with. Eva, it really would be great to take a vacation. Only if everything would be resolved when you return! Cardio and weights is fun. I am glad to follow a rotation, but it will be nice to go back to some of the other workouts. By the way, you will definitely be able to handle total body.

Did clb today.

Hi all!
Today i looked at the workouts i was behind on. Well, i saw i had hs and legs last week i didnt get to do! So i put in kCP with premix of legs the ankle weights. That seemed close. That was fun. I knew i couldnt jump all the way through hs yet and legs was way too long to add to a cardio so i found tnis little gym it was 54 minutes long i burned 469 calories. My calf was good and my head was good and my cold made my nose run. But hey thats what i wanted. It was not as high impact all the way but just enough.
I am starting on week 10 i think eek. Not sure what week it is really til i look at cal again.

Yes melissa i have some stuff to deal with but honestly it isnt as much as i had to deal with before for and as long as i had crap slung at us.. So im thankful for the stuff i have now, because it isnt as bad as it could be. Thank you.
Hope everyone has a great day.
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Your workout sounds great, good subs! Also I like your idea about surround sound when working out!
mom passed away today with family surrounding her. after struggling to breathe she suddenly became very quiet, peaceful and calm. she never gasped for air, she just seemed to listen to us all and finally let go. i am so grateful she had such a peaceful passing and i could still feel her energy in the room for quite some time. it all still feels surreal, though, and i cannot imagine how hard the next few days are going to be. i told her she will always be in my heart, and that she will. i may be absent from here for a few days as we all as a family process and grieve, but i wanted to come on and thank you all again. i hope you all keep pushing along with your workouts, and i will be back as soon as it doesnt hurt as much. i will look forward to checking in with you all soon and in the meantime, bless you all.

deep peace,
Please accept my condolences on the passing of your mother. Know that you and your whole family are in my thoughts and my prayers. Hugs to all of you.

Well, a jaunty post seems out of place right now, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Did AOLIIH today instead of Low Max, which was on the rotation today. I added Scarecrows and core 1 and burned about 500 calories. My legs are still sore from Tonique on Monday.

Have a good evening.

Katie ((((((hugs)))))).
Take ur time.. Now im crying for u,it brings back so many emotions seeing n my minds eye gou all around her. I cry cause i hate you had to lose ur mom and the pain u r going thru and cause i still miss my mom. I think we never get over we just learn to live till we see them again.
no workout

Katie- condolences to you on the loss of your mom. :(

No workout today or yesterday or Monday. Just checking in, went to bed early last night, not tonight. My second child's bday is tomorrow. Hopefully I won't eat myself into oblivion with coffee cake for breakfast, mac and cheese for lunch and seafood for dinner and ice cream for dessert!

I need to get back to going to bed at 9:30 and getting up at 5 to workout.
hi Girls,
Ladylep, ahhh the food sounds so good. now I want coffee cake. I am having yougurt and hard boiled egg, still tasty. Have fun with tour daughter, happy birthday to her.

Eva, I have'nt done aoli for awhile on rotation. It is def. more fun than low max. Giod job witht he add ons. Tonique does seem like it will fry the legs.

Katie, Take care and God Bless!

Renee, Glad you are all better with cold and calf. What ever happened with the dental conference?

Doing bis and tris today. I have to work in the cafe at kids school today. Time flies, last month was mynstupid uti and I couldn't go, lots of work to do tonight.

I have not actually done my workout yet, but will be heading out to a corporate event later and home late so I am checking in now...

I will be doing my workout at the gym today as I won't be home until super late. I plan to walk on the treadmill for 45-60 minutes. I forgot my ear buds, so I'll probably be super bored but we'll see how it goes.

Take care,
Fit n fabulous ladies ! Lol
I can tell ya im feeling any but fit or fab. But i was so busy at work! I didnt get home til 700 then i had to throw stuff together for family to eat. I was determined to do cbs but to late now.. I just sit down. Its 959 not gonba wo now. I will double up tomorrow.
Eva i hate doing treamil with out music... Good luck!
I did not manage to get out of my office in time to do my workout today. Since I'm never there this late, I had a lot of unexpected visitors who took the opportunity to come visit me today...good news is I got a lot done. Bad news is, no workout today. :( Tomorrow will be better since I work from home. I think I'll do today's workout tomorrow, which is the cardio sections from Slide and Glide and Athletic Training. I've not done either of those in a while.

Renee, we'll both make it up on Friday! Sometimes life gets in the way...

I just finished doing the workout scheduled for yesterday...the cardio portions of Slide and Glide and Athletic Training. The AT one was not as brutal as I remember it being, but that S&G one really sneaks up on you. At one point my heart rate was up to 180.

I am going to try to do another 20 minutes or so of upper body later today, but if that doesn't happen, at least I got my main workout out of the way. I missed yesterday, so I wanted to double up at least a little, but I have a lot of appointments today so we'll see.

Hope you are all well. Happy Friday!

Katie, I'm thinking of you and your family. Sending you hugs.

Hi Renee,
Not feeling fit and fab here.

Eva, I haven't done athletic training in a while. I am starting to think of what I will do after my 90 days.

getting a late start today. Just gor back from mammogram and pelvic ultrasound. Everything is fine. Thank God. Anyhow, now I have a headache. I am going to do Hs which is on for today. don't think I will add on anything.

Also, is it possible to hurt your back in warmup? I did something to mine yesterday warming up for bis and tris. Uggh.

Have a food weeked, oh my, isn't that a slip of the tongue, I meant to say, have a GOOD weekend. LOL.

Katie, Thinking of you often.

Melissa hi!
I am so glad everything turned ouf good. I had my doctor apt today... They did blood work, and am scredualed for my next apt soon. I am going ot ortho about my wrist. He wants me on prozac for a few months he thinks .. Surprise... Im depressed. Hum lol well he was very nice. Thats a good thing.
I went for a jog today then i tried sts TB ub premix! I liked it ...im afraid of the lower body lol. But i am going to get back to xtrain on tuesday.. Im so far behind im just going to a get the two weeks in.
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I hope your bloodwork is good. Hopefully the prozac will help. I am sorry you are having a hard time. Good luck with the wrist too. It seems like things are either really good or really bad. I think you will like tb lower. Because of my shoulder, I used a 10 pound weight in a backpack and held dumbbells. I can't put a lot of weight on barbell anymore. Well, a lot of weight for me. I think I had the pack adjusted to not hurt my lower back. Anyhow, it is good that you are plugging away with you routine.

Have a good night.

Good Saturday!
I cbs. I felt really off muscle wise.
Anyhow, we are goubg to a wild game feast today. Looking foeward to trying different foods. My contribution is peach praline pie. maybe I will just eat pie.

Hope you are all well.


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