XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

hi girls--

don't want to be a big downer today, but dealing with more bad news with my mom:(. she has been vomiting her food up-- even the pureed stuff-- and they think she has taken another turn with this disease. i knew when i saw her sunday she was just so quiet and vacant, pretty much. the nurse yesterday told me that they are basically just keeping her comfortable now, as all she has been doing is sleeping, which sounds like she may not have much time at all. in a way, i feel like i have already lost her over the course of this disease, as we really don't communicate any more and the person she once was has been gone for a while, and yet at least i can still see her and hold her hand. ugh. getting older can really suck sometimes.

so, on that depressing note-- today is SC for me. i may try to add a few bonuses in but nygel has a cello lesson and rehearsal for a big concert tomorrow. will try, though.

ladylep-- i think you are doing great with your workouts! and with all your kids! glad you had a nice birthday. chocolate has always been my downfall, too-- the good part for me is that, being vegan, i stick with the super dark stuff, but still-- i can really eat too much of it.

renee-- i think you are doing the right thing by giving your body a little break. let yourself recover and feel better-- xtrain isn't going anywhere. ;) hope you are feeling better today and i will have to ask my sister about her headaches-- she has been plagued by them before and may have some suggestions.

melissa-- glad you had fun at the game! sorry your daughter didnt get an autograph:(. that sounds like a bummer way to end the game. anyway, good to hear you had a fun night out with the fam.

eva-- SC felt easier to me the first time i did it, and has felt more intense since then-- does that even make sense? anyway, i like it, too. something about it reminds me of cardio supersets-- maybe i have said that before. way to go on the DOMS! glad you had kind of a mellow workout day for a change-- think we need those:). have not heard of that book, but would like to check it out.

okay, better get busy. didnt really sleep last night so it may take me longer to get moving today...

happy friday everybody.
Katie, I am so so sorry about your mom. Getting older and sicker does suck for the person and the family. Watching your mom deteriorate has to be awful. Prayers, thoughts and hugs to you and her. Melissa
Im sorry! I can understand what ur saying. I had a friend said same thing. It is hard though to know like u said u wont hear her voice or hold her hand.that is a disease i feel like they should have had a cure for. That and cancer. I dont understand it. I am thinki.g of u know i think its easier the css or afterburn.. Css is easy to me BUT i have more soreness after sc! I tjink because no repeating anything is y it seems easier.
Im going to attempt cardio leg blast but if i start and dont feel good im gonna try an easy step like low impact step dvd the one Cathe is wareing a red shirt.
Bbl for more.

Eva i agree with katie it was harder second time but
I am so sorry to hear that your mom is not doing well. I will be keeping your family and your mom in my thoughts and prayers. You are blessed and lucky to be spending this time with her, even though it is very difficult. :(

Melissa, I remember seeing the Harlem Globetrotters when I was very little, and it was a blast. I'm glad to hear you guys had a good time too, although I'm sorry your daughter did not get an autograph. :-(

Renee, good to hear from you. Good luck with your workout today.

Good to hear from you too, Lady Lep. Glad you guys had a good time skiing! It seems we are all struggling to keep our diet clean...it is definitely difficult.

I just finished Muscle Max; it was a good workout. Those slow count 4-2 pushups are killer. I can never do them all on my toes.:mad:

I'm curious to hear what you all are struggling with in regards to your diet, if you are up for talking more about it. Is it portion size, or is it the actual food that you're eating? By that, I mean are you eating a lot of junk food, or fatty food, or sweets?

I don't really struggle with my food that much at this point, but I have certainly been there. I had to totally rearrange my eating habits in order to lose and keep my weight off. For me, I found that adding a lot of protein to my diet was key. When I was a vegetarian, I overate constantly. I also find that eating carbs makes me want to eat more carbs, which was also causing me to overeat, so I limit them to once a day, on most days, and I almost always pair them with a protein. Sometimes I eat them twice a day, but very judiciously. Now that I eat some meat, I don't overeat as much. My biggest problem now is snacking on nuts. I really love almonds and I have to try really hard not to eat too many. That sounds kind of small, in the scheme of things, but they add up fast as far as fat and calories are concerned. I've tried not buying them at all, but I like them in my oatmeal and yogurt, so I have to figure out how to eat them in moderation. One thing that also makes it easier for me is that I don't have any kids, which seems to make it easier to not buy treats. Our pantry and fridge are *very* boring!

Take care,
Did legs minus floor added 100 hip thrusts.

Then proceeded to Cracker Barrel and ate fried fish sandwich cole slaw and fries. Now too full.
I will make today my cheat day.

my problem with eating is this, once I have one morsel of bad food, I can't stop. Then I figure, I may as well eat crappy the rest of the day. Very flawed logic. I do so much better when I avoid bad food altogether. I try for 6 small meals, although a meal may only be yogurt with som kashi cereal on top. I have to make myself eat vegetables. Also, I think you are right about the carbs. I used to eat sandwiches every day. Now, I try to eat less bread and it does seem to help curve cravings. I really like meat and would it bacon and delmonico steak everyday if I could.

Renee, hope you did ok with cardio leg blast.

Hope you are all having a good Friday.

I did cardio leg blast.. I love that one but very disapointed witn my output tbe last time i did this wo i went up in weight and risers this time i had to use less eeight and less risers and pause it!!!!! Ooo well i felt like i was doing tabata. I sure hope i get better soon this is frustrateing.. Now my calve was good until i got to the step section ????? .
Ok anyhow
Eva my eating problem is i eat good all day until after i go to sleep when i sleep i wake up at 200am and eat.. I will,eat mostly peanut butter.. Or last night i found bbq chips.. Sometimes i dont remember eating but see evidence other times i can remember and its like i was not thinking anything i was not hungry it is almost like a trance and when i eat i can remember feeling ok now i can sleep and i sleep good then but when i wake i feel aweful with a big belly and hurting. Its aweful. I wish i can be locked in or take a pill to kbock me out. Or an appitite pill or something. Its like am i punishjng my body? I eat good and exercise only to sabotose my efforts at night. ! Discusting!!
Hi ladies! I haven't been in here for 2 weeks at least. I decided to quit at 8 weeks & started doing total body/running rotation.
I received my horizontal conditioning & did volume 1 this am. Oh wow it was so hard that I had to modify with some moves, it was 45 minutes but went so fast! I guess I was so busy focusing on my form & trying to balance myself,LOL! I'm planning to add it once or twice on my rotation.

Keep up the good work ladies!
hi girls. i am sorry but i will have to respond to personal posts later. it has been a very tough day. they are moving my mom to hospice. her pulse has become very weak and rapid. tonight, she knew who i was and i just broke down in front of her. i tell you, as much as you prepare for this, it just is so hard. she looked at me and almost started crying, too. then we just held hands for about an hour. she smiled at imala and nygel (alec is at his musical). ugh. the doctor and staff said it could be anytime and that she is trying to say goodbye. so, anyway, if you dont see me on here for awhile, it is cause i am just a wreck. cant stop crying tonight so i will probably look like i have been in a boxing match at nygels concert tomorrow. then i will drop alec at his show and head over to mom. i am sorry to dump this on you guys, but that is where i am at right now. thanks for all the kind words and support and prayers-- we all need it and will in the days ahead, i know. love and peace to all of you. i did get in SC this morning plus core 2 and 100 rep triceps. at least i can pull it together for that.

good night everyone and take care.

Omg im so glad she knew u! Even if it was an hour she came back to u to say goodbye. Thats so good but i know its so sad at the same time. Oo Katie i just know what this is like to lose ur mother and im sorry u have to go thru this. I trult am sorry, i wish i can hug u. I am in tears now feeling your pain, it brings me back to the night it happened to us. I realy think God is there in the rom and the thing about her knowing u thats him helping u. There are other signs he is there. U will see him. Katire im here for u
renee, thank you and that means so much. it is so, so hard to lose your mom. dont quite know how i am going to do this, but i know i will get thru. thanks for being there, and i wish i could hug you too. love to you. going to get off the computer now. hope you are feeling better. will come back on when i can and will check in with fb some. just wish i could stop crying, but think it will be like this for a while. i am praying for strength and also letting my mom know that it is okay for her to go, even though i wish she could stay.
Thats hard part telling them to let go... I wanted mom out of pain so i prayed for him to take her at same time it ripped my heaft out.
I have to warn u u probly will cry for awhile .. I thought id b ready when it came time because so much pain for so long.. But i wasnt im not sure u ever are ready for it..
Cry as much as u have to and dont lst anyone tell u its time to get over it cause that part of healing....cry when u need to. I cry now, it has been two years.. The first four months i didnt,want to see any one. Then i finaly went out jogging. It was as if the sun was drying my tears i felt as if God was allowing mom to caress my face or even God himself letting me know one day ill be with her again.

I say all of this to say take ur time to get back on here, take ur time to remeber her and honor her and to take care of u. Everyone handles this in a different ways .
Hi Girls! I actually have time to respond! I haven't checked this thread in a while due to grad class and regular life with 3 kids/working full-time craziness (I know....excuses, excuses). You are all still an inspiration to me, and I can relate to all of you in some way. I'm finishing up week 8, yes there a few times I took more than 1 rest day. But I'm proud of myself for not giving up. My DH wakes up with me early in a.m. to workout too, but, he does his own thing. I am still looking for an affordable spin bike recommendation. I saw a star trak pro on Craigslist for $300, but have no clue if that is good. Any suggestions?

Katie- I am so sorry to hear about your mom and what you are going through. I am thinking of you.

Renee- things got so bad with DH that we had to schedule "it" every wed night! We also have this weightloss/fitness competition thing going on too. You can guess what he wants his weekly prize to be! (Insert eye rolling here). Hang in there with the eating. If I have crap food in the house, I eat it. Last week I bought Doritos (family size) for my son, and I devoured a good portion myself, then felt horrible. So, I ate more!

Ladylep, sounds like you had a great birthday!

Melissa- I live in harrisburg, pa. We had a snow day last wed, but we never got snow! So, now we have to make this day up in June. Ahhhhh!

Eva- I love Gone Girl. That was the book I read for last month's book club. Lots of twists and turns. I love to read. I just finished The Traveler's Gift and I'm reading firefly lane.

Bunekek- I'm going to rum in my first 5k in April. It's to raise money and awareness for autism. My school is putting together a team. I just found out about it, so I better get cracking!

Has anyone heard of DDP yoga? My DH is thinking about getting it. It's by diamond Dallas page, retired pro wrestler.

Have a good day and a great workout!
Thats great DH is into fitness to. Im sure that is a blessing. Congratulations on 8 wks so far! Yes u should be proud. Ive had to take a few days here and yhere. But we are still wotrking. Omgoodness! 3 kids is enough of a reason and not really an excuse! U have every reason to be proud.
Oh i have only stumbled upon the clips of the yoga u r talking about. I have a nephew and his wife going to try them... Ill ask if they started yet and tell u what they said. But they had a clip on there fb page and it looked interesting, it had a man who was almost to the point he couldnt walk because of back problems. I was hoping to hear more reviews.

Church today, it is prophacy sabbath. We will be learning more on prophacy.. I get excited when i read about prophacy. After that im gonna try to get in HS and pray my calf goes ok. If i feel a twinge im gonna try an old step wo.

Have a wonderful day, i bbl for details.

Katie praying for u.

Eva hope u r doing good.. I have a question i have premeir is it a little different from the tonique with two dvd in one. I cant remember that name.. Eek.

Ladylep, hi! Hope u r doing well today and getting in a wo.
W/O in already!

Just a quick check in! I got in Legs, premix 2. I just put my workouts for the week in W/O Manager and I've only missed 2 days this week of doing some kind of exercise! Hopefully I'll get in something tomorrow. I'll choose one of the ones I didn't get in from the rotation: AOLIH, SC or Tabatacise. I'm starting to feel a little sick (sniffly and sore throat) so if that continues, I won't be doing Tabatcise.

Food struggles- I'm not sure, portions and sweets. I feel that I eat fairly healthy, I make a lot from scratch, including bread. I shop at Whole Foods Market and try to eat a lot of fruit and veggies, but still eat meat/poultry/seafood.

Renee-so sorry about your mom. A close high school friend of mine just lost his mom to cancer and she was only in her late 60s. So sad. I need to get on the ball and get with my mom to create her life scrapbook, we've been talking about it for a a while but "life" gets in the way. But I want her to write all her stories down...

Not much snow here, even while on the slopes, sleeted a bit and we got a coating yesterday morning. I'm between Lancaster County and Philly.

Two Upward basketball games today (last for the 3rd and 6th graders) and then a date out with Hubby! We will probably go out to Outback, since we have a coupon, lamb sounds good about now. We haven't had a date since our anniversary golf round in July!
Hi Katie,
Sending you hugs and prayers, wish the hugs were real. Know that you are not alone. What a wonderful feeling that your mom recognized you. You are on my mind and prayers in my heart for you and your mom and family. Melissa
Me again. I'll BBL for personals, need to go make dinner now.

Just finished a hodge workout. Did about 30 minutes of this Brazilian be fit dance workout, then added on a bollywood dance number and did low impact hiit from Intensity. I am so tired today as I was up super late with friends and this was all I could muster today. I might have skipped it entirely but today is my cheat day and I always try to workout if I can.

Have to quick reply today. Too much running around, I did up toround 5 in cbs, had to stop twice to leave and take care of family.

Good job w/ workouts. legs is long. Have fun on your date.

Renee, Take care of your leg. Bible sounds like it will be interesting tonight.

Jen, You sound so busy, good for you for keeping up with workouts!

Buneknek, Running is excellent. I wish I didn't get so bored while doing it.

Eva, I read Gone Girl awile ago. I remember thinking it was a hard read, then getting mad at the people. It stayed with me for a long time afterward. I don't think I will read more by this author. Have you read Defending Jacob?

Hope to finish last 2 rounds of cbs.

No wonder ur tired that sounds like a hard workout or a long one. I read Dean Koontz alot.

I love jogging it is fun to me but im slow still. Lol

Melissa u r very busy today as well. That is good u r at trying to get them in, u r doing great..

I was supose to do HS i love that one, but my calve was twingy no jumoing jacks for me. So i pulled out an easy little number, low impact step that is perfect for days u want an easy choreography, light intensity workout. Perfect length.
I wish shed do low imoact step 2 with top 40 music.. That would be great for beginner intermediate as well.

Isn't it funny how we think of some of the workouts as easy? Really they different levels of hard, fun but hard.

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