XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Hi Lady Lep, Happy birthday! and have fun skiing. I am pretty good at getting in the workouts, but eating is the issue. Also, my kids are gone at school all day. When they have a day of or on the weekend, I have a harder time. You would think at 9 and 11, I could get 45 minutes without an issue. You are doing great!

Eva, Is low impact circuit part of the low impact series? I have this and never really did much with it. Have a good night and sleep.

Renee, I get your drift. i just want to be left alone. Isn't that terrible? Hope your day was good.

Katie, That is wonderful news about the scholarship. Sorry about the competition, but in the big picture he sure did win. What a savings and to be ahead with credits!Have a nice night.

hi girls! hope everyone is having a good day! it has been snowing and snowing here-- i think we have about 10-11 inches so far. i didnt bring alec to school, even though they still kept it is session-- with a winter storm warning!-- decided all the other schools were closing and we would hang here today. going to try and dig my car out (we dont have a garage:() in a few minutes. so ready for spring already!

i did BS bis and tris today. added core 1 and 100 rep challenges for bis and tris. did not add any cardio/legs as my lower body feels fried. i did use 20 and 25 lbs for CLB yesterday and i think that and the hip thrusts got me! anyway, was able to go up in weight some today, so that felt good (and get thru all those tricep presses at the end with the blue tubing). tomorrow is aolih.

melissa-- i used to feel like you told renee you feel *all the time* when i was married. thanks for the congrats for alec! this is a great opportunity and i am so happy for him.

how is everyone else doing? renee? eva? oh, and yes! happy birthday ladylep! hope it is a great day!

okay, headed into the snow soon...

take care everybody
Hi Katie, Just incase you didn't know, Cathe is answering questions now under ask Cathe!

I think all of the workouts allow us to fry our legs. I have been trying to go as deep as I can on any squats. I don't have doms, but I am more aware of my behind and thighs.

Our BIG snowstorm will bring 5-8 inches. You would think it wouldn't be a problem, but we are all hills here and they don't know how to clean the roads. Hope you are having fun on your snowday. I have kept the kids home before too because of the snow. Better be safe than sorry.

Have a good day,
shoot! i missed it! went and checked it out now and you had some good questions! so sweet that cathe takes the time to answer all our questions! that was fun to read.

the snow was super heavy on the car-- my forearms are feeling all the shoveling and workout from today:p

good luck with your snow! hopefully you can stay home for a snow day, too!
Hi Katie,
It was fun to chat. I can't beleive she answered both of my questions. I hope she realized I meant one 20lb dumbbell for tricep extensions.

I love shoveling snow. We get the kids to do it now. The neighbor will come with his plow and do the driveway. So, I don't do it too often. I like cutting the grass too, but we have an acre and it is a riding mower. I like to use the regular mower, however, my husband uses the tractor. So many excuses!

Take it easy. I would be happy with a delay. We are big on 2 hour delays in PA. So, since I drive the kids to school, we can leave at 9:40 instead of 7:40.

Head ache , no wo.. Quick check in. Ill bbl to get into personals. My eyes just cant take reading now. So sorry guys.
Hello All,
Happy Birthday, Lady Lep. I hope you were able to get some "me" time today and squeeze in your workouts...but even if you did not, I hope you had a lovely day. Have fun skiiing tomorrow!

Katie, congrats to Alec on his admission to U of M. That is so wonderful! He must be so excited. Does he have any friends who were admitted into the program as well. I am sorry he did not place in the competition as he had hoped, but this certainly seems like a very nice consolation prize. Kudos to him!

Renee, I am sorry that you have another headache coming on. That really stinks. Hopefully an evening of taking it easy will get you back on track. I am starting to wonder if your headaches are caused by all of the stress you're dealing with. :( I certainly hope not, but that thought just crossed my mind for a bit. I wish you could just take a vacation and get away for a few days. Like a nice spa or beach weekend...that might work wonders for you and you certainly deserve some time away from all that you're handling at work and at home. I'm sending you hugs and good vibes, although that does not help much, unfortunately.

Melissa, sounds like you're in the path of the storm that is due here in Virginia? We've had such a lame winter, but it sounds like we're finally going to get some snow. Low Impact Circuit is not an LIS workout. It came out a few years ago. I'm not sure if it was part of a series or just a one-off. It's a step workout mixed with weight circuits. Kind of like Body Max, but shorter (66 minutes) and low impact. The step combos end with a blast, and then you move into a few weighted moves, and you repeat that five times, I think. It's a nice full-body workout with cardio and weights, which is efficient.

Katie, it snows there all the time! I lived in North Dakota for one winter and was kind of surprised at how little it snowed, but you're farther east and it's not as dry there, so you must get more snow in Minnesota. I had moved there from New England, and I missed the snow a lot. It certainly was cold though, way colder than Vermont and Maine.

I'm praying for a snow day tomorrow! I should be in bed now, but I guess I'm gambling that it will snow and I can work from home. I just got this book from the library called "Gone Girl" that's sucking me in for the evening. It's nice to curl up with the Kindle for the night. Hopefully I won't regret staying up late.

Today I did Cardio Super Sets and added on the bonus. This one is a part of the LIS. I burned 650 calories. I had not done that workout in forever, so it was actually nice to revisit it. It started off kind of "easy" (for a Cathe workout), but about halfway through it picked up some steam and I was huffing and puffing. I think I'm going to sub the leg workouts for this rotation with Tonique, and that will give me the best of both worlds. I cannot remember when, but Low Max is scheduled for this week and I *hate* that workout for some reason. I'll sub a Tonique for that day too.

I did not know Cathe was doing a Q & A today. I'll have to peek and see what was said. It's cool that you got to ask some questions, Melissa. I got to ask her about the 100 rep challenges when she did her last one and it was so exciting!

Stay warm and be safe in the snow, everyone.

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Me again. We got a snow day today. YEAH! I'm enjoying it. I still have to work, but it's nice to be home. I used my lunch break to workout, so I just finished up Tonique Premier. This was my first time with this particular workout and I liked it. Very tough stuff, but not impossible. I missed a few reps here and there so I have something to work up to. I burned about 550 calories. I subbed the Legs and Glutes workout that was scheduled today for the March rotation. This one definitely burns more calories, and is also low impact.

I hope you are all having a good day!

Hi Girls,
Our snow storm is about 4 inches. WOW. They make a big deal of nothing here. We did get a2 hour school delay. Nice because I did not sleep last night. Today I got in bi and tri burn sets, seems like the day is wasted with too many small things that take a lot of time.

eva, hope you got your snow day. I don't like lomax either. I don't know why, I think because it is suppose to help legs and I never feel it after. I think it is monotonous from what I can remember.

renee, hope your headache is better! Take it easy and rest. The workouts will be there.

Katie, hope your arms are ok from all the shoveling! With our measely few inches, it will probably melt by Saturday.

You are so right. Low Max is soooooo boring!

I'm not sure how much snow we've gotten here, but four inches definitely shuts schools down for the entire day here, not just a two hour delay, so it could be worse. ;)
hi girls!

melissa and eva-- good to hear that you guys got what you were hoping for with the snow!:D late starts and snow days are great. the problem for us is that minneapolis *barely ever* actually declares a snow day. in fact, we had none last year and none this year-- i just gave alec one anyway;). it is ridiculous, in my opinion, as the roads were horrible yesterday and there were many, many accidents. why send kids out into that? i bet the teachers wish the same thing! anyway, glad you guys got to hang at home a little longer.

eva-- your workouts sound great! i love cardio supersets-- just wish there was better music in that and afterburn-- my two favorites from the LIS. thanks for the congrats to alec-- i am so happy for him!

melissa-- well, i do not mind shoveling snow if it is decent temperature wise outside, which it actually has been here. in fact, i think it is melting today. my forearms are sore today, but no biggie. i did manage to wreck my windshield wiper blade, though, so off to the car shop for me today:p. probably from all my heavy scraping:eek: sorry to hear you didnt sleep last night!! i know all too well how that goes:(. hope you can catch a nap today.

renee-- so sorry for your headache! i agree with eva, and wonder if they are stress related. hope you are taking care of yourself and feeling better today.

well today for me was AOLIH plus core 1. i added 100 rep scarecrows and the rear delt bonus, so burned 554 calories.

hope everyone is staying safe in the snow! will check in later!
Hey yall,
I still have had a head ache. I have been reading some post and i still cant stand to type to long. I got up this morning felt weak but my headache was better. I did supercuts, tryn to back track since i had calf hurting sat. I am going to do legs and back back shoulders tomorrow to catch up if my head is good.
Any how i did supercuts and yoga.. I had to go to funeral, a neighbor.. Sad.. Then i got home my headache started again.. I continued to function keep pushing on made chilli for family i ate bowel of beans. Then i couldnt take it anymore i went to try the shower thing to help. It did help some, then i took more excedrine. I feel ok now but eyes feel strange and my head feels like i have a helmet on.. Ugh.. Im sick of it .. I used to have them anyhow but they were tolerable but now it is crazy.
Enough of me. I just wanted to get on and let you all know im herd still. I will read and catch up tomorrow!
Glad to hear from you, started to get worried. I sent you an email.
Take care of yourself. Maybe a nice rest/nap if you can do it would help.
Hope your head is better soon.
Melissa what email did u send it to? I stil havnt gotten it.

I did a yoga this morning before i went to work. It was elements yoga flow bt Tamal Dodge. I think he is good. I heard someone say they didnt like doing his because he is so young. At first it did seem strange but once i do it, i really like it. He is soothing. I feel stretched and tension free after. I wish i can carry that feeling around with me all day.
Im thinking i am either getting to much or something or not enough or hormones, or tension. I hope thats all.
Anyway, ladylap im so sorry i didnt tell ya , happy birghday! I hope u had a fun day!

I am so proud of ur son. Well i told ya on fb. Lol good job on workouts!

How are u doing? How is the workouts ? Whats ur fav so far?

Eva hi sorry ive been unsocial! So how was the tonique the last one u did? Was it premier? I have that one but havnt been able to do it.

I am going to do legs and arms when i get home again i have to double up. I have really been sucking the last three weeks. It eems there is one or two days ive had to double up to get caught up. No wonder im not losing.
My head today is feeling like i have a hat on..
Just did tabata 1-5. I haven't felt this exhausted since I don't know when. Half way thru the fifth I thought There was no more air in the room. Have to sit now.

Renee, I sent it to the email link under your name here.

So, I have to get another new tire, there is a nail in the sidewall. I've had it with tires.

Have a good day. Going to see the Harlem Globetrotters tonight.

hi girls! crazy running around day here (what else is new?) but wanted to check in with you all.

today was HS for me. i added the conditioning and core 1. my body seems to finally not be sore anywhere today, so i figured the toning would be fine, though SC is on for tomorrow with that band work and all the push ups/sit ups again. anyway, would have liked to have added even more, but no time for it today. still burned 511 calories, so at least i hit the 500 mark.

melissa-- way to go! you did all 5! it is intense, right? though i think the last tabata is not as bad as i think it is the 2nd or the 4th-- which ever one has all the split lunges. i think my favorite move is the apple picker one. anyway, congrats and hope you have fun tonight! sorry about your tire:(. guess you know i have been there, done that this year! not from nails, though, which is a big pain in the rear.

renee-- thank you! good to see you back on here! was wondering how you were doing! so sorry you are dealing with so many headaches:(. they really can be so debilitating. i hope you can find the cause of yours and i am glad you practiced some yoga-- that is probably what you need right now. hope you give yourself a chance to rest if you are not feeling up to sweating it out-- in know that is really hard for me to do, but i think it's what your body may need. maybe some more yoga and a massage? sending healing vibes your way.

eva-- are you back at the office today? hope you are having a good one!

ladylep-- hope your birthday was fun!

yes, and rainaries, what are you up to? hope you are doing well!

okay, off to run to various ends of town for the next few hours:p. hoping traffic isn't awful for all my driving around.

have a good day everyone! will try to check in tonight if i get a chance.
Greetings, Everyone,

Today I did Supercuts for the first time. I subbed this instead of Low Max, which was scheduled for my rotation today. It was kind of "easy" except for that part at the end which was fine with me. I am actually kind of sore today, which is nice. It's been ages since I was sore. I did a new Tonique workout (I finally did Premier yesterday, Renee), and she got me pretty good. DOMS in my inner thighs, hamstrings and my lats primarily (which I think is from CSS). Tomorrow is Muscle Max and I'll probably try to add on some cardio. I only burned 400 calories today, but I kind of enjoyed not dying for 50 minutes, so I'm not going to complain too much.

MELISSA!!! Congratulations on doing all of those Tabatas! You trained like a warrior today, Cathe-style. You should be sooooo proud of yourself. That workout is serious business and to finish the whole thing is freaking awesome. I'm sending you a high-five!

Renee, good to hear from you! I hope you had a good day today. Did you end up doubling up or did you decide to take it easy. Hopefully you're listening to your body and doing what is best. The rotation is not going anywhere. :)

Katie, glad you are doing well. Yes, I was back at work today. Only a few inches of snow here so we only got one snow day. It sounds like Minnesota is like Vermont, where they rarely cancel schools because of the snow. They may be a little more inclined to do so in the really rural areas, but life goes on when it snows there, because they get so much of it.

I am off to read my addictive book (I'm reading Gone Girl, has anyone heard of that?). Have a great evening!

Hi all
I am so behind that i may do week 10 over. I did burn sets upoer body premiix but i stopped after the biceps. So ill do tri cep burnsets tomorrow with legs or cardio leg bladt. Because legs was supose to be for wed and bin tris today but i still needed to fit in cbs bs.. So i just did ub premix and will do whatever i want for the rest of the week i think. I am not sure yet. I started gettn a head ache again thats why i stopped plus my triceps are sore.. From what, i dont know.
Yoga? I doubt it. Hum
I heard magnesium is good for headaches so i will try this soon.

Hope u guys are doing good.
It sounds like we r chugging right along.
Just got back from The Globetrotters. What fun! The kids really laughed too. Mu daughter really wanted the one players autograph, but they shut the line down right when we got there. She has a meltdown right there crying her head off (she is 9). The guy still wouldn't let her in the line. I was so ticked off. Anyhow, besides that, it was lots of laughs.

Your body knows what to do, so don't feel bad about not doing the workouts. I believe I read in the manual that if you have to skip, to keep with the schedule because of the way the rotstion is set up. you are doing great.

Eva, Thanks for the hi fives! Hi fives to you too and to katie and renee this rotation is good for me because I don't have the feel like dying feeling everyday.

Katie, HS is the best. I really like the conditioning, it gives me an extra day of abs.

Well, off to bed, one good thing of being gone at night is no temptation to eat.



Thanks for the bday wishes!! Unfortunately I didn't get my Legs workout in, but I did enjoy my steak, sweet potatoes, Caesar salad and chocolate silk pie!

Skiing was great! I took Keegan, 2 years, on the bunny hill for the first time, he went down about 4-5 times and then he went into childcare for the afternoon.

Today I was only planning on doing BS: Chest, but it went so fast that I did the whole workout! I hope to get one in tomorrow, but we need to head to the library (after schoolwork is finished) because my 6th grader has research to do for his paper. I know I'm not doing the rotation perfectly, I would be setting myself up for failure if I did. I aim for doing at least 2 weight days and 2 cardio days a week doing something from the suggested DVD on the day I have time to workout. I've tried to double up on few, but that doesn't always work. And abs once a week would be great....

I'm seriously struggling with food stuff. I need to get back to my WW meetings and track what I eat. Chocolate is my favorite thing... :)

Renee-hope your headache goes away! I'm blessed that I typically don't get them but I know my stepfather used to until he changed his diet- a lot of raw fruits & veggies esp. kale and (IMO) nasty greens, all organic, including organic grass fed/pastured meat, poultry, eggs, etc. Not sure if you have looked into foodstuff....

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