XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Hi y'all
Ill b b for personals i just had to say, i lost 4 pounds! Holy crap.. I been trying for a yr and kept sering the scale go up. Now only difference is im sleeping better! Ear plugs eye patch, whatever its working. I know 4 pounds isnt much but it is when u been at it so long. Something kept telling me dont give up. It sure takes time to get your body in the correct alignment l.
hi again! I got in HS, both cardio and conditioning and then added pilates ab circuits. i did not get my whole primary series in, which is a bummer, but i can live with it.

renee-- that is so great! congrats to you!!

Melissa-- you don't look pregnant to me!! i meant to say i love your profile pic-- wish i could open it bigger. glad the core work is getting easier. pilates ab circuits actually felt pretty easy to me today:)

off to work. have a good night everyone
Hi Eva, Katie and all-

Much better today all around. Yesterday I was terribly angry (yelled a lot at my boys) and sad and felt like a failure. I didn't exercise at all but I did stay raw and today as well. I will stick with the 90 day rotation and pick up the April rotation in 2 weeks. When I get everyone into bed tonight, I'm going to try to get day 2 of week 11 or 10 which ever week I'm on. All I remember is that it's not legs or cardio leg blast. I think it's one of the shorter cardio ones, exactly what I feel like doing. :). Thanks for the encouragement. And your story too 2121 I'm sorry I don't remember your name at the bottom or the exact number.

No hubby to night, batting practice for my 6th grade son and then to the library since he has a paper on baseball. :) but I have all four boys with me (of course) :)

U r doing great i think! ur almost finished to! Great.. U have four,boyss.. U really have ur hands full
hi again! I got in HS, both cardio and conditioning and then added pilates ab circuits. i did not get my whole primary series in, which is a bummer, but i can live with it.

renee-- that is so great! congrats to you!!

Melissa-- you don't look pregnant to me!! i meant to say i love your profile pic-- wish i could open it bigger. glad the core work is getting easier. pilates ab circuits actually felt pretty easy to me today:)

off to work. have a good night everyone

I did HS too! Plus the conditioning.
I love that workout! Thanks for the congrats..

Renee, CONGRATULATIONS on losing four pounds!! That is so awesome, especially since it seemed to come as a surprise for you!!! I would say that your weight loss, coupled with the other results that you shared from doing XTrain have made this rotation an unbridled success for you. I hope you're giving yourself a big pat on a back!! What a motivator that is!! WOW!:D:D:D:D:D

Today I did another YouTube workout, Jessica Smith sculpt. It was a good mix of upper and body work. It was more like a circuit weight workout, higher rep and definitely got the heart rate up a little bit. I then added on about 10 minutes of tabatas from another workout and called it a day. I did not get my new workouts today so I was kind of bummed about that. If I don't get them tomorrow, I'll do Tonique Sculpt Dynamics, which is a high impact aerobics workout. I'll probably modify it to be high/low.

Katie, kudos on your workout today! I forgot that you mentioned earlier you were going to keep doing the Xtrain workouts but add in TTM and CF. That pilates abs circuit is the most challenging of those STS abs for me. I cannot do those sitting/cross legged lifts to save my life. :( Glad you were able to get a little bit of extra sleep this morning. I hope you sleep well tonight.

Melissa, I'll have to post my pizza recipe for you, but I'll do it tomorrow evening. The recipe alone is not that illuminating though, because there's a whole "methodology" that goes along with the pizza that makes it work really well. In a nutshell it has a biga, or a starter that sits overnight and ferments, which gives the dough good flavor, and then the main dough is mixed in the next day and then you make the pizza the second day. I did find an abbreviated same day version here, Sauce Magazine Blog » Blog Archive » By the Book: Ken Forkish. The book that I use for this recipe is by Ken Forkish and the recipe is absolutely brilliant. It's worth buying the book, Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast, IMHO, if you really love pizza and want to make your own.

Ok, I'm off to curl up with a book. It feels like it's been a long day.

Take care,
Eva, You do not need to post the recipe, I am going to buy the book. One of the reviews on amazon said it requires a cast iron pot. Do you use this? Now I want homemade pizza!
Thanks, Melissa
Eva, You do not need to post the recipe, I am going to buy the book. One of the reviews on amazon said it requires a cast iron pot. Do you use this? Now I want homemade pizza!
Thanks, Melissa

Katie, I look preggers in the stomach.

Oo Eva i was wondering, have u tried tracy anderson? I saw one cardio dance at best buy and got it. I like to dance and i thought i heard u say u did to. So just checking.. U might like it i did 15 min of it got frustrated lol. I am gonna try again i will like it once i get the moves right.
So I did get Tabatacise in last night but only level 1. My plan was to do 15 min and since it was 18 it was perfect. I was going to do the same with Hardstrikes tonight, but by the time I finished "stuff" it was 10:30. I need to get up earlier to do them.

Congrats on losing 4 pounds, Katie! (I really hope I have the right person. I've lost 6 this week, but it's due to being raw vegan since Monday morning. Still no monthly friend yet. I'm actually hoping it will come tomorrow so I can get back to my cooked food-ness. But I may try to stay raw until at least lunch and not eat after 8 unless it's fruit or nuts. But I am feeling really good (I did start a long post on my iPhone about my whole switch to raw foods and back again. Hopefully I'll get back to it before the end of the week. :) ) today I had a sliced apple, banana, some raisins and cinnamon, lunch was a big (3 cups about) salad with an avocado, dinner, well, I had my Weight Watchers meeting so I only had 3 dates with raw almond butter and then 3 more this evening. I will start juicing or switch to smoothies as soon as my monthly buddy shows. But I'm not sure if I'll stay juicing for the whole time that it's going on or slowly go back to raw and add cooked to dinner when it's finished or almost finished. I also started using lavender oil on my lower abdomen and lower back.
Id love to do vegan like i said before, ive been trying to do it.. And alot of raw veggies but i get like " what do i eat" lol i eat lots of salad spinach, cranberries,carrots, brocolli, celery and then im stumped. Lol .. I am trying. I did come up with a cooked veggie dish , bake squash mash it out, and add speggitti sauce. It is good.
Hope u get a workout in tomorrow!
hi girls-- today is CF for me. interested to see how that goes after being away from those workouts for a while. not really looking forward to the tabatas with the blue band:eek:-- especially after using the green one only throughout xtrain. oh well-- wish me luck! tonight is lessons and chamber music at the church so I am running around til late, but hopefully can check in once I get my wo in.

ladylep-- I think it is so great you are doing raw. do you think you are getting enough calories? I have been vegan for almost eight years now, and starting out that used to be an issue when I switched over from vegetarian, and still sometimes is now if I am running all day-- I notice it if my energy is really low. anyway, great job on getting a workout in! hope your period hurries up and comes already;)

eva-- hope your workouts come today! still sleeping pretty badly, but I think that is normal after losing someone so close, at least from what I hear. it is frustrating, though. it seems I am always up for at least an hour or two in the middle of the night, which really cuts into my 7 hours:( what book are you reading?

Melissa-- I have extra skin on my stomach and that will never go away, I think:confused:. my skin is not very elastic, and having three kids really did it in-- looks like a giant prune! anyway, it is frustrating but I always say the kids were worth it-- though I know some women who have kids and they still have nice, tight skin and flat stomachs. in the grand scheme of things, I guess I will survive never wearing a bikini again:p. I bet you are just being hard on yourself, like we all tend to do.

better get busy with the day. will bbl, I hope.
Hi! I have to say u r right it is hard to sleep . I went two yrs now. It seemed at night i was anixous or waiting on sometbing. Or think way to much.. Had paniac attacks, thjnk about life and the here after at night that made me freak out. But it fiinaly supsided after ttwo yrs! Now i guess time has helped, plus i started usi.g eyepatch to block out all light, n ear plugs.. And i have to say i have not had headache since i take magniseum pills. Plus i hate it but the prozac to has helped with the anixity. So i guess what im saying is try all the above to see if it helps so u dont have to wait two yrs like i did. I am not saying prozac but the other things might help. I may do CF with u today! Im at work right now. Have a good day even if u do have to run alot. Close ur eyes and breathe deep breathe three big inhales whiile u are stopped to pick up or,drop off. Lol
Oh about the stomach i look prggie to! Ive never had a flat belly, and when i lost that 70 pounds iiiiii wow lose skin for sure but everything else was tiight cause i lifted weights too. Not heavy but moderate so my legs arms n butt came tight but my belly was a little like a leather bag... Yep now it dont ccause i filled it back out lol. Id rather have my lose skin back.

Ooh also i got my shoes i ordered. Brroks defyance! Love them. The only shoes i can ware is brooks defyamce 5 but they dont have my size so i gkt these they feel like the fives. I love them no pf hurting. But they are mesh so it iisnt stable enough for lateral movement. Good cuhioning for my runs or high impact. I wish brooks made a crosstrainer. They would b perfect. I use asics for lateral movement.
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Aloha! From 21° Pennsylvania! It may get up to 56° though.

I did clb and felt really strong doing it! I noticed this time, there is one song in the middle about fire that really got on my nerves, very grinding noise. Anyhow, I hope to do trixeps later since I skipped Monday. Ahh yes, my stomach is definitely looking like preggers. If I were bold, I would post a pic. of it. Even witht the c section and surgery, it never looked this bad. Well, it should be motivating to help me not eat junk. I amde it to. 10:15pm then got out the pretzels, they are now going in the garbage.

Katie and Renee, Hope Cf goes well. I am probably foing to do lis after 90 days to give my body a break because my right knee and hip are getting twingey.

Ladylep, Raw food diet sounds interesting. Are there any proteins that are raw? I wonder if smoked salmon would count.

Kids have a half day today. We are going to lunch. I am getting the salad bar.

hi girls-- got CF in plus the core. I have to say, I think I sweat more with today then I have for a long time-- CF is a major calorie burner. today was 650 for me. my legs felt like jello on the air jacks with the blue firewalker and that first fitness blast is always intense to me. anyway, glad I got it done. tomorrow is BS bis and tris so a break for my legs.

renee-- I am glad you found something that helps with sleep! yes, that is how I feel. if I do earplugs, though, I don't hear my alarm:(. I will try an eye mask and magnesium. it seems like so many in my family-- the women in particular-- have not been sleeping well since mom passed. I have another friend who lost both parents in a car accident six years ago and she also said about two years of rough sleep and now again each year around the time they died. I hear you on the hanging/wrinkly skin-- if I am heavier it fills out, but even when I lose, it is not a pretty sight, whereas every other part of me bounces back. how did CF go for you?

Melissa-- lunch with the kids sounds fun! we are still on spring break. not looking forward to back to school and early morning drives next week. it is always chilly here in the mornings, too-- I think in the teens. but 50 feels pretty good for daytime highs with sunny skies-- especially since I guess we had the coldest march in 17 years. it was pretty brutal. way to go on CLB. I am not sure which music you are referring to as lots of times I am not paying attention...will have to make note of it next time I do that one.

alright, off for the day. take care everyone.
Hello Everyone!

Well, no workout for me today. I got home and Jeremy was itching to hang out, which happens some days, so I blew off my workout to spend time with him. He's usually low maintenance for the most part, so when that happens, I'll usually yield, unless he gets on a run with it, then I have to get stingy again with my workout time.

I was sort of bummed as I got a ton of new workouts today, but there's always tomorrow. I accidentally opened up one of the envelopes that came for me for my birthday and he ordered my Dream Body set! I am so stoked. We had ordered videos from the same place, and my other envelope came today from them too, so I got my Peak Fitness workouts as well. That's 7 new workouts. I also ordered a bunch of new Tonique workouts so now I will have almost all of those, and this Patrick Goudreau cardio dance one. I ordered these from totalfitnessdvds.com. She's having her annual sale and I am a VF board member so she gives us a 10% of code we can always use, including with her sales, so I've been going a little crazy this week on buying workouts. This should keep me busy until summer, at the least, so I'm excited to have some new workouts. I get bored so easily, I lose motivation if I'm not always trying something new.

Renee, I have heard of those Tracy Anderson Dance Cardio workouts and I had that one a couple of years ago. It was way to high impact for me so I only did it once or twice. I just could not survive that much bouncing. I now know that people do some of those on a rebounder, which seems like a good solution, but I don't really have enough room for those. I still think about getting one though. :)

Katie, congrats on getting through CF today! I have not done that workout in at least two months, but I do love it. I try to do all of my band work with the blue band now, ever since I started using it for CF. I figured if I could get through that with it, I could get through anything, especially for lower body work. :) That one is a scorcher indeed. I'm so impressed that you were able to commit and get through that with the fitful nights you have been having lately. I'm so proud of you! I'm glad you guys have had a quiet(er) week at your house. It's been so hectic for you all lately. I hope you and the kids are enjoying having some down time....although you still sound plenty busy. I am reading a book called Germinal by Emile Zola. He's a 19th century French author that I really love.

Melissa, there are two types of recipes that he features in that bread book. The first are these no knead bread recipes that are used to make round loves, and those use the 4 qt. cast iron pans. I'm a dork so I did go out and buy them when I got the book. It helps keep the shape of the bread, since it is a relatively slack dough, but it also helps create a mini steam oven, which is important to get that crust that you find on artisan breads. The pizzas are also featured in that book, but they are made on a pizza stone. Do you have one of those? You could probably also use a pizza pan too. If you end up getting the book, let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts about it.

Ladylep, I hope you had a good day today and that you're feeling ok.

Take care,

Eva, That is nice that you spent your time with Jeremy, and exciting about all of your new workouts. You will have fun doing new routines. I found a Jessica Smith youtube site with a 30min. barre workout. I may try that, She is pleasant. I was looking at her on amazon and she has a look good naked or something like that. I thought I found it on youtube, but it was some foreign girl with underwear on, and boy was her workout tough. Just watching her made my lungs and shoulders hurt. Is your cast iron pot 4 quart? I want to order a pot with the book. Also, is it an actual pot or more of a skillet with a lid? I do have a pizza stone. Thanks for all of your help.

Renee, You look great, def. not preggers!

Good night.
Raw food stuff!

OK, so I lost my entire post that I had started on my iPhone. But I will try to redo it. I'm not going vegan for life. I don't believe you can get enough protein and b12 on the diet. My oldest son, now almost 12, was conceived on a vegan diet (but I couldn't keep up veganism while pregnant) and was raw vegan for 1.5 years and I was trying to be the same but still was eating some cooked and fish/seafood. I read about this family who failed on the raw vegan diet and eventually went to the "Plan B" diet.

Losing Your Mind to the Genesis 1:29 Diet
Genesis 1:29 Diet Deficiencies and How to Overcome Them

BUT, I think it's great temporarily for healing.

OK, I have some time, I'll try to remember what I typed before that I lost. I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 1991 after having the laparoscopy, then I tried the Pill only to bleed every day of the month, then to various shots to stop my cycle until I had some abnormal paps (which were always very painful) and had a cervical cancer scare (my mom's mom's diet of it) and had a LEEP and my cervical cells were fine. But I was recommended to get off of all the shots, because my endometrial lining was so thin. So I did and my cycle came back with a vengeance and I was taking so many over the counter pain killers then to Tylenol with Codeine and I had a script for percaset in my hand, but was afraid of my hulicinating possiblities and never filled it. So a friend told me about Fit for Life by the Diamonds (basically nothing but fruit in the AM, don't mix proteins and starches). So I did that for a while, lost weight and felt great. I was also doing Weight Watchers, this was around 1998 and WW was great for telling me how much to eat but I didn't believe what they said I should eat, FFL did that for me. By the time I got married in July of 1999, I was mostly raw until dinner, mostly vegetarian will seafood and cheese. And then went completely vegan (The Hallelujah Diet - God's Way to Ultimate Health) the Hallelujah diet is vegan and 85% raw. I was looking into Natural Hygiene and wanted to go 100% but never got there. These websites were of great help: Living and Raw Foods: The largest community on the internet for living and raw food information, Raw Food, Organic Food, Non-GMO Superfood | Sunfood.com, Dr. David Klein’s Self Healing Empowerment Home Page. The last website, is new but I talked to Dave Klien on the phone a few times. He has been mostly raw but 100% vegan since 1984. I really liked talking to him, he was not judgmental about me still eating cooked foods, while some of the other raw foodists seemed harsh and so "cooked food is poison!". If any of you have an interest in trying to do 100% raw vegan, I would suggest talking to him and making sure you do get enough calories and the vitamins you need. Personally, I do so much food research all the time and food prep/shopping that I can't be worrying about getting all the right nutrients living in PA. Maybe if I lived in CA on a farm, grew my own food and it never got colder than 60º, maybe that could work.

But for now, I will try to be 3 days all raw before my scheduled period, then juice or have smoothies or maybe just stay raw, I haven't decided yet. Then go back to a day or so raw and slowly add back cooked. That is what I did before every month and it really helped with the pain. Today is day 4 an no period yet, and I'm really wanting my meat back. I grilled burgers tonight and boy they looked good!!

OK, if you've made it through my post this far, wow! I just kind of went off, since I've planned school and meals for tomorrow, vacuumed the house (minus basement) and the kids are in bed, so I had time. :) And I also got a nice workout in this morning. I did AOLIH, I was looking at the wrong rotation, I wasn't supposed to do that until Saturday. But I'll sub something else out on that day, HS was supposed to be today so maybe that one.

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