XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Thanks melissa!
It was good!
Great job on hs how do u do with the core? I have a hard time so i use to skip it.. Lol now i make myself do some. Ouch.

Today was muscle max... Oh no wonder i wasnt sure i liked it.. I think i did it once all the way then tried premixes cause it was hard for me. But im happy to say i did it all the way. I hate low pulses it hurts my back so i did it til it hurt then i did reg way. I still think it is very hard. I think its harder then sts total body. Im going to go to best buy and return an item i bought .. A sound bar ..mad cause its no louder then my tv! Crap.

Well have a great day all!
Hey Renee,
I have been making myself do core too. I am much stronger ab wise because i can make it thru the wokout with some modifications. However, my stomach still looks like bread dough rising.

I don't have muscle max. I don't like the low pulse lunges either, mostly because sometimes I feel like I won't stand up when low. I like weights without endless reps. I hate when I have to return things too. Waste of time that I didn't get it right the first time.

Headache and stomach ache again today.

Hi girls--

kind of a tough day here. going to mom's memorial at the nursing home was way more difficult then I was prepared for. even walking in to the building just felt surreal. it was four weeks ago today that she passed there, and in so many ways it felt like I was reliving the whole day. anyway, the service was nice and a candle was lit for each person who passed this month, and all three of my sisters were there plus two of my aunts-- so that was nice. I tell you, though, I cried as much today as at her funeral service and was just surprised by how fresh it still feels. anyway, before all of this I did get my workout in-- AOLIH plus burn sets back and then added medicine ball abs from ab circuits. it felt good to actually get some Hiit in and then do a shorter weight session. Oh, and so far only a little snow and ice this morning, but now they are saying we will have 15!! inches by tomorrow night at this time. ugh. spring cannot come soon enough for me so I am hoping it all melts over the weekend. in the meantime, I would love a snow day tomorrow-- will have to see if that happens. not going to drive alec off in the morning if it is super scary out there, though.

Melissa-- I am sorry you aren't feeling well!! I had the stomach bug a couple weeks ago and it was such a bummer. hope you get better soon!

renee-- great job on muscle max! I actually do not have that one-- sounds intense! way to go for making it through! wonder if you will have DOMS tomorrow... glad to hear that you are sleeping! I am interested in your eye mask, too-- anyplace I can get one like yours online?

eva-- hope you got some sleep last night! that workout sounds intense, too! how are your arms today?

okay, going to figure out dinner. wish I had gone shopping at the co-op as we are running low on lots of stuff if we are stuck here all day tomorrow:p

have a good night, everyone.

Hi Katie,
The memorial service sounds like it was really special. It is good that you were with your family. I feel like crying with you reading your post.

Your workout sounds like it hit the spot time and energy wise. I remember now tou mentioning the bug you all had. How long did it last? I am off and on 4 days now. It isn't a constant stomach ache, it just comes up on me throughout the day.

Hope your snow turns out to be nothing.

Have a good night Katie.

Hola Everyone,

Melissa, your statement about eating well until you don't does make sense to me. I have struggled with my eating over the years, so I know how hard it is. I do have a bag of tricks that I use at this point, but it is amazing how appealing it is to eat and eat. It's kind of strange actually. I am trying to eat extra well now because I'm on this new rotation and I do want to see if I can get my thighs to budge, so the thing I am doing now is drinking a cup of tea in the evening when I am even thinking about getting munchy. Before I would have an apple, or a few almonds, or some dried fruit. Now I'm trying to not even have that. So far it's going better, but it's still something I have to be mindful of. It does not come as second nature to me either. I hope you find a way to get your eating where you want it to be so that you can get the results you are working so hard for! Bummer about your headache and stomach ache today. Sending you healing energy, and I hope you are feeling tip top tomorrow. About the standing leg and the barre workouts, I have not had that particular issue. It is my working leg that gives out. BUT my standing leg will certainly get fatigued more quickly when I switch over. I think the only thing that makes that better is practice. When I first got Turbo Barre, I could not do all the reps, but after sticking with it once a week for a couple of months, I could do it. I just had to work up to it and I got stronger.

Renee, congrats on Muscle Max. I have that one and I like it. I don't have STS total body, though. I also have Muscle Endurance and Maximum Intensity Strength (on VHS, that was one of my first Cathe purchases a hundred years ago). I have High Reps but I do not like that workout that much, for some reason. I think it's the barbell lunges and squats. I HATE THOSE. I prefer using dumbbells. And that one also has a million low pulses that make my back hurt too, so I tend to stay away from that workout.

Katie, I'm sorry the memorial service for your mom today was so difficult for you, but I had suspected it would be. Four weeks is no time at all to miss someone you have known your whole life, and obviously cherished as much as you did your mom. I'm glad your sisters and your aunts were able to attend with you. I hope you have a nice quiet evening and that you have a low-stress day tomorrow. As always, you are a trooper to get in these insane workouts on top of everything else you have going on. I'm sending you a big hug. I hope Rik and the kids are well. How are the pooches?

Renee, count me in on being interested in your eye patch too! I just bought a new one, and it's too tight. Very uncomfy. My old one is too loose. Now I've got nothin'.:confused:

Today I did Hard Strikes with the conditioning drills but no extra core. I had not done that workout in a while and I did ok. I hate scissors, but I sometimes run in place when they do those. Those really hurt my feet. Other than that, it was a good workout. One day I'll get all the pushups on my toes, but today was not the day.

Take care,
Melissa i hope ur tummy gets better. U make me giggle! Bread dough rising... Hee hee. I know what u mean but i find i am getting tighter but still big ????? Its like was like jello now its like dough so its not thinner just harder version lol.

Katie i know that was strange.. Had to be. I think u r amazing right now.. I mean i jogged but no where did i get up and go to work for,a long time... And workout like u did. But then again my kids were grown when mom past so i guess i was allowed to waller in my self pitty lol. Maybe if they was younger i would have HAD to pull through like u seem to be. Im proud of u... And i know ur your mother would be. I really think u are so strong, reselant. I also know it is a testiment to the way she raised you.
Oh i was wanting to buy abs circuit but wasnt sure if i should. What about it makes it worth buying? Is it doable, fun, hard, i saw it was deal of the day so hope u can talk me into or out of it before its to late. Lol
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Eva i to just jog in place with,scissors cause i hate it on my knees. Well about the eye patch i got mine from cvs it is only 4 or 5 dollars it is black with red on the inside it is silky looking. It has adjustments but i couldnt figure out how to do it so i just tied a knot in the back. Perfect,fit now except makes my eyelashes lay crocked. So instead of spider eyes lashes it looks more like squished spiders lol. But it is small priced to pay for less bags under the eyes. I never tjought it would work but it really blocks out ALL light. Love it.
Also Eva that is really good trick.. Im gonna try tea before bed. I hope i lost more weight but i dont feel like i have.

Oh almost forgot i usualy buy almond milk but i found one thats almond coconut milk! Yummy so good!
Thanks, Renee. That sounds exactly like the one that I have that is too loose now. I guess I should just tie a knot. DUH.

Oh, and no DOMS for me today... Oh well.

Tomorrow is Bikini Bootcamp, whatever that entails. I have not previewed the DVD yet.

Toe update!

I went to see the orthopedic today and he said 4-6 weeks until I can do step or other impact workouts!!! Ugh! That so stinks! I did the first half of CBS yesterday and nothing today, too much running around with classes for the kids and baseball practice. Tomorrow I hope to do something: abs, BS:Bis and Tris or Legs (no standing). I don't have to wear the boot unless it makes me feel better. If I still keep up with weight training tho, I should have really great muscle tone and abs in 4-6 weeks! I may try to alternate abs and wts every other day, just try to get in 15 min. But some days it's just so hard! Like today:

Up at 6:45, out the door 8:15, 30 min drive east to kids' SALT (art, gym music or drama classes) from 9-12 then hung out at church until 1, went to Whole Foods to pick up lunch (caesar salad with extra veggies and a little meat for me, fruit only for breakfast), then to orthopedic by 2 15 min west, then another 15 west to my oldest's science class at 3 only to get home around 5:15 for a quick dinner to head out again for JTrain's baseball practice, then home again to clean up dinner and get everyone showered and to bed. Then I made granola bars and jumped on here. Thankfully tomorrow is just dropping JTrain off 10 min away for science and writing classes for the morning (today was a make up class) and no baseball or anything tomorrow and nothing Friday except baseball practice for B (6yo) and baseball clothing shopping for the rest of us. So not to bad for the next two days, but Saturday will be crazy again with 3 practices, picture day and Bible study for JTrain.

I'm just bummed I can't do much with this toe, it doesn't hurt that much anymore. But I'm going to try to aim for min of 15 daily of something!
Im sorry! I know that stinks.. But u r right to keep doing something. U r gping to b fine.. Keep eating healthy dont overindulge and lift, u should be able keep the 10 pounds off. Good luck and hope we can help u through it.
Hi Ladylep,
Good to hear from you. I was wondering about your toe and how you were doing. I agree with Renee, if you are able to get your upper body workouts in and you are as spot on with your eating as you have been, then you should be in a good place at the end of your convalescence for your toe. I know it's a set back for you, but you will prevail!

Glad to hear your next few days are not as hectic!

Take care,
hi girls-- thank you again for your continued support and kind words. I don't feel very strong, that is for sure:(. especially some days. that being said, I am trying to keep on with all the normal routines again as I think it is good for me and for the kids. I know that's what my mom did when her mom passed. strange to think that she was the same age as me even. I think you may be right about the kids, though. renee. having them forces me to hold it together and keep things steady for them-- that is a good thing. anyway, thanks again everyone. hugs to you guys.

today for me was SC and burn sets bis. again, it I liked the combo of doing both on the same day. tomorrow is just legs, which for me are already feeling fried from all the tabatas/hiit and step this week, so that should be interesting!

ladylep-- so sorry to hear about your toe! I know how frustrating that can be as I have suffered injuries in the past. taking a break from the cardio I think will be fine-- just like eva and renee-- and you will bounce back quickly, I am sure. hope you are doing okay today.

renee and eva-- I used to hate those scissors, but have gotten used to them. think I need to look for a new eye patch, especially if you guys think they are helpful with sleep.

eva- how was bikini bootcamp?

Melissa-- the stomach thing hung around for several days, to one degree or another, I am sorry to say:(. hoping you feel better today! don't overdo anything-- I think that is what gave alec a relapse with the gunk.

well, our snowstorm turned out to be lots of ice and slush with a couple inches of snow. not enough to cancel anything, but to make driving a pain in the rear end. oh well. it is april and will have to get warm soon.

Good afternoon Girls,
I got done bis and tris today, went up in weight. yeah! If only my arms looked as good as they feel when I lift. My stomach is much better today. Thank you all for your thoughts!

Eva, So I did the tea thing, i drank two cups of tea, then ate a pear, then ate peanut butter on whole wheat. Anyhow, my stomach actually felt better after the sandwich. At keast my food choices were healthy. I had been upping the fruit instead of bread or rice, I wonder if this contributed to my stomach problems.

Renee, I am going to get some eyepatches and see how they work. Funny thing is, my 9 year old daughter wears them to bed every night and now she won't go to bed without them. Not good when she can't find them!

Katie, Glad to hear I am at 5 days, so I should be better, today is good so far. SC is fun. tomorrow is tabata. I think I will only do three again and add hip thrusts.

I tried on shirts and shorts at target and was disgusted with myself. I know I am better, but I wish my body would reflect this more. My granny underwear don't help looks either.

Ha ha i almost choked on my water! Melissa u make me laugh... I know this sounds gross but i dont like underware. I hate panties.. If i can get by with not waring them then i wont. Sorry tmi but... Panties make me look worse and i dont like them riding up..

Lol afterburn for me today but i have a freaking headache!!!!! Can u even believe that? I think its sinuses .. I hope. Well ill do it if my head feels bettet.
Hello Everyone,

Melissa, boy oh boy. I can certainly relate to your feelings about trying on clothes. I swear nothing is more depressing than that for me. I mean NOTHING. But, what can you do? I do notice that some lighting is worse than others. I had been looking decent in most dressing rooms lately, but I went to the Macy's a few weeks ago and that was like a horror movie. It set me back quite a bit on the self-esteem-o-meter. Do you think the tea helped you refrain from eating more unhealthy things? The snack line up you mentioned is what I would usually go for, sans the bread. It's a process. You can't stop a habit all of a sudden, you either work at it or you evolve it into a new habit. I evolved my snacking into healthy snacking and now I'm trying to evolve it into something else, but these changes take time and set backs are inevitable. I hope you're back to feeling 100% tomorrow.

Katie, sorry for the icky weather. I was somewhat surprised when you mentioned snow, but then that is probably how it goes that far north. If I still lived in New England, it would certainly not be unheard of to get snow now. The weather here is so crazy. It goes from 50s to 80s almost overnight, which stinks. I hate the heat, and so I'd rather have a month or two of easing into it. One night you've got your heat on, and two days later you're pumping the AC. Glad you got the kids to school safely, and I hope you're having a mellow evening. Did you sleep OK last night?

Renee, hope you are doing well and had a good day. Whatever happened with that trip to the conference with your boss? How did you resolve that? I hope your family is doing OK...you have not mentioned them lately.

I did Bikini Bootcamp today and that was a good workout. I burned 550 calories and I was even holding back a little because I had not done the workout yet and did not want to run out of steam. It was definitely challenging. These workouts are so different than what I'm used to doing, which is good. This one is very kickboxing focused with cardio bursts. If I had realized that I would not have picked Hard Strikes as my cardio yesterday but oh well. Maybe it's good to work those muscles hard two days in a row. My arms and shoulders are definitely tight.

My knee is kind of bugging me, though, so I may just walk for my cardio tomorrow. I need to lay off the squats and lunges for a day methinks. I have to be careful with my right knee because it can get kind of tweaky sometimes. Maybe I'll do a mat workout. Not sure yet...if I was smart I would just go for a walk and call it a day. There's a 3.5 mile loop that I can do that's got a few hills and takes me about 50 minutes. It may rain tomorrow, though.

I'm so tired. TGIF tomorrow! I have been going to bed too late this week and it's catching up with me.

Have a good night.
Hi Girls,

Renee, Sorry about the headache. I am sinusy too, I think it is the warm rainy weather. Hope you got your workout in. I'll tell ya, I could never go commando. I just walk around with panty lines and bulges.

Eva, You are right about the lighting in dressing rooms. I actually went home and tried on a pair of pants I couldn't button in December and they buttoned! So, I have made improvements! My body shape is the exact same lumpiness, but a little smaller. Tonight I will start with the tea again. I still have one snack left, maybe a bowl of kashi cereal. I almost didn't have the bread with the peanut butter, but my queasy stomach needed it. You are right, they were better choices than junk. I wish I had somewhere to walk right out the door. We live on a major roadway, so no walking. But I have walked around the yard, It is pretty big. I will be glad when my 90 days are up, 2 1/2 weeks left. I pulled out my pilates matwork book and have been looking at it, haven't actually done the workout yet. I have all cathe workouts so I don't know what I will do for something different. I was going to do lis but I hink it might be more of the same.

Have a good night!
Thats good melissa ! Id be so happy to butoon some jeans!

Eva ur workouts sound fun.. I will look up bikini bootcamp, who is on it?
No i still feel like crap.. Not sure afterburn is good when i am feelong crappy. It is nice here but pollen every where, its yellow all over the cars. I think thats whats wrong.
I may take a bath.
Core 2 in today!

Just wanted to check in quickly before bed. My eating was oK today:

cantaloupe and banana for breakfast
strawberry/banana/pineapple smoothie, 2 eggs/2 egg yolks (CDawg the 6yo only likes the white, I love the yolk!) egg salad on a bun, carrots for lunch
cantaloupe for snack
Dinner: salad w/ homemade olive oil dressing, steamed artichoke with butter sauce (but by the time I finished feeding the toddler there was barely any sauce left, not a bad thing!) 5 oz BBQ chicken on hamburger roll
I may have 2 small brownies tonight. :)
Ladylep ur meals sound great! How are u feeling eating like that? Pretty good? I have been eating more and more veggies .. Im proud cause now im craving veggies.. Like id get flat pretzels for snack if im hungry but now like yesterday i was hungry and wanted a quick snack on the way home i grabed a bag of veggies from foodlion and a bottle of water and felt it hit the spot. and it was good and i wasnt feeling gjilty.
I still have a headache... Ugg must be hormones this time. I did take a bath with euclyptous last night then yoga.. I think it could be stress to cause yes Eva u asked about things here and it is not god. Thats the stress part. Ill explain more later. I just didnt want to bore you guys with my problems to much. Its everyday something though.
As far as doc trip. Well i told her my hubby had training that week and doesnt want me away from home leaving our son here. That worked cause its true, we really cant trust him here alone. My bosd knows somewhat about that situation. So she seemed nice about it. I think she didnt really care one way or other. Its cheaper for her i not go. She is tight with funds ... Lol.

I work up with headache so i took my magniseum hope maybe i forgot to take it yesterday.. Well see.

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