XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

hi girls-- just checking in quick to say I got CF done plus STS ab circuits pilates-- burned 645 calories:D. I actually felt pretty good for CF today-- much better than last week.

Melissa-- I think either of those sounds good. I don't think LIS is too much like xtrain-- at least not in my opinion. I do agree with renee, though, that it could use better music, but maybe you can play your own and just do the voice only version?

renee-- I am going to have to check the march rotation-- why am I thinking that is what I was doing and yet it couldn't be, since mine feels like major impact..hmmm..

okay, gotta run!
Ha ha
I dont know katie lol.. But i had to give my body low impact for a while .. I do miss xtrain now lol.. Im never satisfied ...
Renee, and Katie,

Maybe I will try it with different music. I have never done it before. The March rotation, I don't have a few of the workouts. It was nice with the 90 days because it plugged right into the calendar. Thanks for the tips.

Hello Everyone!
I hope you gals had a good day today.

Katie, good work on the CF and abs added on. That's a doozy. The March rotation was low-impact (that's why I chose it last month, it was a nice reprieve), so I think you're doing another one. Maybe the one that came out in February?

Renee, I hope your headaches are fading away. Do you take allergy medication or shots? The shots seem to be a godsend for folks who have allergies really badly. I used to as a teenager and young adult, but I seem to have outgrown them when I hit thirty. One of the few perks of getting a little older. ;)

Melissa, if you're in the mood for a low-impact rotation, the March one was good. I really liked it. I don't think anything magical happened for me as far as results, but it was challenging and kept me busy for the month, and had good variety. I would just sub what you do have for the ones that you don't that are in the rotation. Do you remember which ones you are missing?

Renee, BUTI does not burn a ton of calories, you are correct about that, but it is challenging. I liken it to yoga in that respect. I try to focus on getting other things out of it, like flexibility, and the variety is nice. Those workouts are definitely unique. I am really enjoying the workouts I have now as they are working my body in such a different way. By yesterday, I had DOMS deep in my abs and in my obliques, my glutes and hamstrings...a different kind of DOMS, somehow they felt like they were deeper in the muscle. I've never gotten DOMS in my obliques before, so I was actually impressed. I think it's those Dream Body workouts, but my whole regimen is different right now, so I cannot say for sure.

I think I'm going to send back that Aerobic Dance workout I got. The camera shots are kind of crappy...it's complex dancing and the camera spends too much time away from his feet. I just don't have the patience for that. I'm just going to buy those Pump it Up videos as they are easy to follow and still dance cardio. That will suffice for me.

Today I missed my workout because of Jeremy...but I will work out tomorrow.

Take care!
workout update!

Hi all!

Friday: core 2
Saturday: Bis and Tris
Sunday: Hard Strikes (15 min and modified) and Core 1

Today I didn't get any workout in.

So now that I've finished the 90 day rotation, I'm at a loss of what to do since I can't do much and only modified low impact stuff. I have actually liked having a "rotation" to guide me even though I didn't follow it perfectly.

Any recommendations?? I was going to start the April rotation this week, but I think that's out. I was able to do Hard Strikes OK yesterday with sneakers, but after 15 min I had to take them off.
Unfortunately, no, I would list them all but I did that on my user page or whatever it's called. The only thing I haven't added was the xtrain minus ride.
Happy Tuesday (so far),

I just finished aoli and am sweating buckets. This is killer for the legs when you go deep with the moves.

Eva, I think I am missing at least 3 of the dvds. I will probably start lis and see what happens. I am going to check put the dream body discs again, although I shouldn't be spending money on more workouts. That is great you are feeling the workouts, change is good. You deserve a day off, I hope you enjoyed it!

hi Katie and Ladylep!

Hello all!
Im excited, i just purchased butts and guts... I wasnt going to but, i read reviews from even people not real familiar with Cathe and it is rave reviews!!. Only bad review was one was one and it was three out of five stars, she said only because it was hard and she couldnt walk for a couple days.... ,cool... So i got that, and core max, and the circuit max/ cardio kicks dvd... Hope it comes in mail not truck. Lol if the ups brings stuff my hubby,sees it, cant hide a truck. I think it is sent by post office so i should be safe. Lol shhh!

Has any of u tried any of these? If so what do u like/ not like about them? Gotta hear
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Renee, Lol, your secret is safe with me! I haven't done butts n guts in a long time. It is actually one that I will do the floor work, it is not monotonous from what I recall and there aren't endless reps on all 4's. Hope they come soon!

Hi Renee,
I have Butts and Guts and while I think it is a good workout, it did not click with me. I prefer the plyo leg work. This is more of an endless reps kind of workout, I think it also has a barbell, and I just get super bored doing this workout. I prefer CLB and Plyo Legs from STS Meso 3 or even the new legs workout in XTrain. It does seem like an effective workout, but I just could not incorporate it enough. I may come back to it at some point, but this is how I feel about it now. Your mileage may vary, though. Let us know how you like it!

I did have a nice rest day yesterday but now I'm bummed about it because it turns out I will have to work late today, which means no workout. I know this is not the end of the world, but I'm actually annoyed about it...I should have stuck with my schedule yesterday. This is why I don't let folks get me off track. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Ok, enough fussing. Today is Jeremy's birthday, so I'm looking forward to a nice evening regardless. Maybe I'll try to double up later this week. I did double up both Saturday and Sunday of last weekend, so all in all it's probably fine.

I'm very compulsive about things, so this really annoys me off more than it should...I realize that.:D

I totaly understand where u are coming from! I hate to take a rest day simly because life happens and you have to take a rest day and that means two rest days and if ir not careful more .. It is frustrating. I used to hear my sisters complain after i lost weight years ago about me exercising alot and i need to rest but i tried to explain i did take a day off two days ago and im not getti.g sife tracked i do whatever woth u after i get it in... But because it really made me feel guilty or strange aftwr a while i tried to slow down so theyd stopped talking about me... Fast forward five years after i relaxed more about it i am 35 pounds heavier.
Thats the thing people dont realize .. I have to workout, to look even normal if i didnt workout id balloon up to be way bigger then average. I think its good we like to keep going. I like to get six days in then rest.. Regardless and if its four or five i get crabby. Lol
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Oo i am used to seeing Kpc for kick punch crunch but is KCM to i know it is kelly coffee dvd but i always read it kick crunch n munch. Lol y do i think about crunch and munch lol
I totaly understand where u are coming from! I hate to take a rest day simly because life happens and you have to take a rest day and that means two rest days and if ir not careful more .. It is frustrating. I used to hear my sisters complain after i lost weight years ago about me exercising alot and i need to rest but i tried to explain i did take a day off two days ago and im not getti.g sife tracked i do whatever woth u after i get it in... But because it really made me feel guilty or strange aftwr a while i tried to slow down so theyd stopped talking about me... Fast forward five years after i relaxed more about it i am 35 pounds heavier.
Thats the thing people dont realize .. I have to workout, to look even normal if i didnt workout id balloon up to be way bigger then average. I think its good we like to keep going. I like to get six days in then rest.. Regardless and if its four or five i get crabby. Lol

Renee, your thoughts are exactly mine on this topic. I have the same issues at home, Jeremy thinks I work out too much, but what he does not realize is that if I don't workout, I will start gaining weight very easily, or I have to eat like a bird. It's one or the other for me. I know this by experience. But, because some people really don't have that problem, they will never understand what it is like for a person who does. Jeremy is blessed to be pretty trim, whether he works out or not, and that is not the case for me. I wish it was, but it's not. Oh well. It's nice to talk to someone who understands where I'm coming from since it seems a little over the top to most people. Thanks, Renee!

I used to be able to eat nonstop. Although I have worked out since probably 6th grade. After I turned 38 and had the abdominal surgery, I have put on weight easily. Every year I add 5 pounds to the amount I would like to loose to feel comfortable. Alot of this is because for various reasons, I would stop exercising and eat like I did when I was younger. i have people tell me I look fine and thin, however, I feel like a blubbery mess. Partly I think because I am 5'8". Anyhow, I am thankful for you all for the support to help me stick with this for the last "almost" 90 days.

Anyhow, you are very dedicated and I think that is great.

I am reading flour, water, salt, yeast. I am curious if you purchased the 12 quart container and the proofing basket. I could probably improvise the basket. When I looked on amazon, none of the containers looked like they came with lids. This book is a good read. His story of wanting to start in his backyard was funny with the neighbors complaints.

Talk to you soon,
hi girls-- first day of state testing done for the kids but it screwed with my wo schedule, too:mad:. I did get in CBS but no extras, which I had hoped for. had to get it in in between bringing alec to school and then nygel and imala to their testing site, so just not enough time.also, I was just exhausted as the last two nights I have really been off with sleep-- waking at around 3am:(. testing was a bore, but at least half way done now! tomorrow is AOLIH and I hope I can add in some core or something.

eva- I completely get where you are coming from as well. since I turned 40 my body does not burn calories like it used to, and I have to keep working out hard or I know I would balloon out and feel like crud. so, I get totally frustrated when my wo plans change. hope you enjoy Jeremy's bday, though, and sorry you have to work late!

renee-- I don't have B&G either but have looked at it before. I hope the dvds are delivered by mail;). I think that is normally the case, though, so you should be safe!

ladylep-- great job on still getting wo's in even with an injury! hope you find a new rotation that will work!

Melissa--I feel the same way about AOLIH. it seems like, since I have been doing CF and TTM again, that everything is making me sweat more:eek:-- don't even know if that makes sense!

I am doing the February rotation-- thanks for figuring that out for me guys!

oh, and a good thing here-- the sun is shining for the first day in who knows how long! I hear it is more rain and flurries tomorrow, but 60s are on the way next week-- so they say-- I cant wait!

love and peace,
Katie, so glad you are having a nice day for weather!! about time i know!!

You are welcome Eva I can relate for sure..

I am asking for yalls prayers, i was told by a Doctor today he wants me to see a ruematogist, cant even spell it, he thinks my wrist problems i have off and on may be Ruematoid Arthrisis.. and i tell you i dont want that,, it can be crippiling auto immune disease. My mother had it.. i am to young to live like that. I have cried all the way home.. It cant be happening. My mom was in such pain with this disease.. I cant have it, i just cant pray hard for me... I will not be able to see anyone for three months they are that full. But id rather not know really.. i dont know..
Hi Renee, I am praying for you. I am so sorry you have this to deal with. And that you have to wait 3 months. Maybe they will have a cancellation. Also, if they catch it early, does it help with treatment? How bad does your wrist hurt? Do you have pain other places? I really am rooting for you to be ok. Hopefully your good fitness level helps. I agree that sometimes not knowing is better, IF there is nothing that can be done.

Katie, Well at least you got cbs in. Too bad you can't workout while you are waiting. Wouldn't the other peolple get a nice show! I sometimes think I may bring a dumbbell and do walking lunges when ai am waiting for the kids, but I have never done it! Glad the sun is shining.

Have a good night, I just had my last snack and hopefully I won't start thinking about eating at 10. Also, I got on the scale and it is not my friend.

I got in 23 min of intensity today: warm up (w/o step, tried and it's just too hard), lo hiit and stretch, modified where needed. Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow, something with weights.

If I can fit it in, I need to be out in the morning for my 3 older boys homeschool classes by 9 and we won't be back until 1:30/2ish, and I'll be bringing another boy (13/14) home with me to spend the night. :) and I start PT for my left shoulder and right elbow, I have tendinitis, that's at 4:30, then I have a Weight watchers meeting at 6:30 after running some errands. But depending on how Hubby does with all 5 (or 4 or 6, depending on if B goes to a friend's and/or the overnight boy's brother comes to play) :) No baseball tomorrow night. :)

Sorry to hear about Renee (?) who might have rheumatoid arthritis (I hope I read that right) I was tested for that 2 times and thankfully both were negative. I hope yours is negative too!
I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I am very sorry to hear about the news you got from your doctor. And, having to stew on that for three months is hard...but I hope you don't let it drive you bonkers. If that is going to be a huge issue for you, maybe you can look around to see if you can find another specialist to do the test. Having it sooner may give you a little more peace of mind.

Please hang in there, Renee. I know you have a lot going on right now, and I imagine it's starting to pile up on you. But I know you are a woman of faith and that you are strong. God only gives us what we can handle, so he knows you're a strong woman and that you are going to be ok.


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