XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Hi Girls,

Everyone's workouts sound great! Good work getting it done.

I have bis and tris today. I like,to,do weights on Saturday, for some reason it is easier for me to do weights than cardio on a Saturday.

Eva, The first time I did CLB, I had the same experience with the doms during the workout. Especially on the last cardio where you are jumping across the step. I honestly felt like my legs were not going to get up and over, mentally I had to make them go if that makes any sense.

Hope you have a good Saturday.

Eva i love CLB.. it is hard but i love love it.. for some reason i love that type of style to work the legs.. i never have done that before Xtrain.

Melissa i to have weights today on the rotation i have Pyrmid upper body. Well I was trying to think of if i like it lol i think i do.. I am delaying it for some reason lol

Katie is it nice there yet? I sure hope so!! it is spring time!!

I have some question i need to ask. i had my follow up at my reg Doctor yesterday.. He wanted to know what the ortho doctor said so i told him he thinks i may have RA, but i cant know for three months cause i have to see a rhumatologist.. I explained i had the blood work two years ago and it came back negitive... so i was scarred cause i know sometimes you can have it yet have a negitive reading.. but my regular Doctor then said he wants to do the blood work there and see anyway.. if it comes out negitive again he thinks i dotn need to see a rhumatologist, keep eating plant based diet and take my vitimins and keep exercising..

I do trust my Doctor and i know i feel better mentaly about it if i do this.. So they did the blood test again yesterday he called me last night to tell me it came back negitive i do nto have RA at this time. He was happy to telll me this.. My question to you ladies, if it was you would you still go to RA doctor to let them domore extensive test? Or would you let it go? And give it more time? Beleive i dont have it and go one like i have been? See i think sometime the power of suggestion is strong. if someone tells you you have something it is like you believe it and it is ... do you understand what i am saying? But i feel better mentaly thinking i dont have it and just keep trying to live normaly.. I dont want to will something on me.. if you know what i mean..

Also i beleive a plant based diet will help alot... i have been reading alot of the bible too, and i know some do not beleive this even among the christains but our diet for humnas at first was fruits nut grains and veggies it was after the flood that meat was allowed and only clean meats like chicken, fish, deer that kind not pig and so forth.. it is funny that thescience backs up what the bible says.. but anyhow.. i am asking your opinion and each may be different.

if it was you guys go on to RA doctor or leave it alone cause my blood work was Negitive? I ask also cause like i said earlier the other doc said the blood can be neg yet you still have it.. confusing but anyhow my reg doctor says not to worry now.. i amconfused as to what i should do.. my hubby says to let it go and keep doing what i have been doing and beleive i dont have it since blood came back negitive.. Plus he thinks some doctors may say you have it to get money lol so what do you think? im so happy the Blood came back negitive that is for sure!!

That is great news about your bloodwork. What a relief.

Now, if it were me, I would keep the appointment and cancel closer to the date if I felt like it, just incase you have other symptoms that arise. Also, are there things the specialist would do for you even if the tests were negative to help with any pain you have? If I didn't have any additional issues and I felt fine, I would not go to the other appointment.

I have yet to do my weights yet today eirher!

Hi Renee,
Firstly, I am relieved to hear that your blood test came back negative for RA. That is awesome news.

Regarding your question, I do have a few more questions of you before I could tell you what I would do in your situation. Was there something in particular that took you to the specialist? If you mentioned this earlier and I missed it, I apologize. Did the specialist discuss any other things that might be causing your symptoms or did he only think it was the RA? What other tests is the specialist going to run aside from the blood test that would enable him to give you a different diagnosis than the blood tests you have already taken twice?

Hi Katie! Good to hear from you. Glad you are well and that the recital went smoothly on Thursday. Although it sounded like things did not quite according to plan, it sounds like it ended happily and led to a surprise performance for those of you who braved the weather to be there. You got a special treat for your efforts. :D Hope you had a nice date night with Rik. You certainly deserve a pleasant evening for just the two of you. It must be nice that your kids are old enough that you can carve out some time like that, especially since you spend so much time running around supporting them with their activities. Speaking of which, I hope you guys are having a good weekend running around. ;-)

Melissa, do you think the preference for your weight workouts has anything to do with the fact that the weekend is family time and you probably have a lot going on because everyone is home all weekend. I don't remember if you mentioned this explicitly, but I think I've deduced that you are a stay at home mom, is that correct? Maybe the weight work is a little less taxing and that gives you the extra energy you need to be with the kids and hubby all day all weekend. During the weekday, you might have just a little more quiet time. I'm just guessing, though.

Ladylep, good to hear from you. I'm sorry your toe is bothering you but based on your note, it sounds like it is getting better. You mentioned you had a harder time during your UB workout (congrats on getting that in yesterday!)...are you ok to do weights right after your PT session? Maybe that's like two UB workouts back to back with no rest, which we would all usually avoid doing so that you have time to rest/heal.

I'm going to do some kind of step workout today; not sure which. Something fun, hopefully...either Rhythmic Step or Step Moves. My legs are sore and I'd like to keep it more low-key today. I just got back from 2 hours volunteering at this plant nursery that I just started supporting...it was so nice to be outside!

Take care,
My reg doc sent me to ortho doc for xray... The ortho doc does not see anything on xray and all he did was turn my wrist forward and ask if my fingers tingled. He said since it doesnt that ruled out carpel tunnel and where it hurts is in the joint at front part. Thats where he says synovial fluid is it can swell, and since my mom had it he ssuspisions RA , but no other tests were done there. So when i went back to my regular doctor he said osteo arthritis causes pain there to. And thats when he did the blood test.
Melissa that is my thoughts at first. I have alot of conversations going on in my hed. Oh also cause i have knee pain n back pain. But the xrays revield osteo arthritis to i forgot to mention that. But anyway im afraid to take the meds to stop the joint damage if i do have it cause it causes organ problems ... But the desease itself cause organ damage to. Grr so complcating.
See i read up on it when mom had it, thats why i know its such a scary thing. Even most people with RA thinks it effects joints is all but it doesnt. It is a systomatic deheneration of joints bones eventualy organs but the meds might kill u first. Hummm
I hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday.

I just finished Cardio Kicks. Thanks for reminding me about that one, Renee. I wanted something fun but sweaty and that was the perfect workout. Burned 530 calories and I feel great.

Renee, thanks for sharing the additional information. Given all of that, I would probably do what Melissa described. But that's me. I don't know anything about RA, and it sounds like you have done a lot of research on it, so you have to do what you think is best given your knowledge and your personal experience. If it is a genetic condition and your mother had it, maybe you would be best suited by going for the additional tests. You and your doctor would have to weigh the pros and cons given what you said about the side effects from treatment and the impact of the disease.

I'm sorry you have to even think about these matters...very stressful. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always.

I've got to check out PUB. I don't have that series....

Take care,
Well it is now 8:12 no exrcise for me. I was going to do it now, but decided to take the day off. Looking back, I think I only missed two workouts. This is not including my rest week. Do, I don't feel TOO guilty. Slthough I think of Renee working her buns at 10pm!

Eva, Yes I am stay at home mom, but I also work part time from home. You are right about the weekend, Weight work is less taxing/sweaty, therefore, I can do it anytime on Saturday. Although today life got in the way and I didn't manage it at all. Glad you got in your cardio.

Renee, I live pub. It is my favorite weight workout. When short on time, I just do the pyramid up part. I have arthritis in my hip and right shoulder. It is ony aggravating to me sometimes in my hip, but my shoulder is wacky. Luckily I haven't had other issues. I agree with you on the meds thing too. Something that helps shouldn't also make other things worse. What a dilema.

Hope you all enjoyed your Saturday.

Hello All,
We are having another lovely day here today...although it is a wee bit chilly, relatively speaking, but it's nicer than if it was too hot!

I did some weeding this morning, but gave up because my hands were cold. Then I did my DB Barre workout. It was a little bit more doable than the first time, which was nice. I added on the last segment from Turbo Barre to round out and get to my 500 calories. It was a good combo.

I am feeling very lazy today and hope to do very little outside of reading. I hope you all have a peaceful day too.

Take care,
hi girls--

hope everyone is having a nice weekend-- sounds like Eva is:). we have had a nice weekend here, but super busy. alec played in concert Friday night and my niece and nephew came. we went out afterwards and everyone had ice cream except for nygel and I-- was totally fine as I don't even crave it anymore-- and was good to laugh and be with family. Saturday, alec and imala had a performance class and then I had shopping and errands to run. rik and I had a nice date night! ordered pizza for the kids and we went to one of our favorite restaurants in town that is organic with lots of vegan and gluten free options. had a piece of vegan red velvet beet cake for dessert and it was incredible:D. now today we were going since early this morning- imala's trio was performing at a church in st. paul and afterwards we all stopped at a great thai restaurant. came home, kids changed and then I drove them to an old neighbor/cellist friend of ours where they played chamber music together. I, meanwhile, came home and cleaned the house and then did SC plus core 1 and 100 reps of tris and scarecrows. glad to finally get it in as I normally wo in the morning.

renee-- I think the advice given by Melissa and Eva sounds dead on. I am so, so grateful to hear that your test came back negative, though! whatever you end up deciding, I am sure it will be the right decision. so sorry that you have to go through all of this. way to keep up with your wo's through it all. hugs.

eva-- I am so jealous of your weather! it was sunny here yesterday and in the 40s, now cloudy and rainy today and they are saying highs in the 30s tomorrow with up to 3 inches of snow tomorrow night:mad::eek:. we have had a looooong winter. anyday now spring would be welcome. hope you got lots of reading in:D

Melissa-- sounds like you had a busy day yesterday! you do great with your wo's so I think it is more than fair to miss a day or two here and there. hope you are having a good sunday.

ladylep-- hope you are having a good day! did you get any more wo's in, or are you resting your toe? hope it's healing nicely.

alright, going to make lentils for dinner with kale. better get busy.

Hi Katie
Wow u guys really was busy! Good job on not caving in on the ice cream! Red velvet cake? Made vegan style? Cool! I want some! Lol

Supercuts today with core 1 i was supose to do cardio supersets i figured that was close. That one functional core move puts me in the mind of when my son wrestled, that ws a move they did but they turned super fast. Anyway i love that one.
Eva i too feel lazy today so i did my sweeping and mopping, i cleaned all floors wshed clotjs i still need to organize annd dust but didnt feel like it. Soo i waas cloths and in between i read in the sun.. Then i got in my wo around five. Now im making supper. I am having spinach salad everyone else wants hamburgars yuk. I never did like hamburgar cause i always eat a crissle. Eeewwe. Lol wennies too! I have tried to eat hotdogs but if i bite a crissle in a wennie?omg yik. Lol. I am rambling arnt i? Sorry.

Melissa did u get ur wo in today? If not or did and u posted i difnt catch it.
Hi Katie, Eva and all!

No workout in today. Not yesterday either. I didn't do my pt exercises yesterday because my arm were hurting so badly. Today they feel much better. I went out to eat with my hubby last night and think I got food poisoning from the clams and/ caesar with shrimp or the way too much movie popcorn with butter or cookie dough. Or some combo. But the only "new" thing was clams (it's been years since I had clams but I love them) and they tasted great but the shrimp were a little "off" so I tried to do a yoga workout (I'm not a yoga fan) from on demand, and it was so dumb that I only got 5 or so min. Into it. But I'm feeling a lot better now and hope to get something in tomorrow, but it's unlikely as Hubby is taking B to the Phillies game and I have to take the other two older boys to baseball stuff in the evening. But hopefully Tuesday night definitely since Hubby will be taking the 3 older boys to Awana. But Wed. And Thurs. nights he is out for work stuff and I'm on baseball driving duty, so unless I go to bed early, (laugh) and get up early to do a workout, it's unlikely I'll get one in.

My toes is feeling better, thanks to all who have been asking, but stiff and still looks swollen. I did wear heeled sandals to dinner but switched back to the boot for the movie. We saw Oblivion with Tom Cruise, I loved it, Hubby thought it was a little weird, but not as weird at the Fifth Element ( anyone remember that one?? Bruce Willis). Tonight we watched Rock of Ages while I scrapbooked(yay!) another Tom Cruise film from the DVR, but the movie was pretty bad, I ft forwarded through much of the singing, we didn't know it was based on a musical?? Ok, so you may as well know, unless you figured it out, Lady Lep is because I'm a die hard Def Leppard fan (I've seen them 10 times! :). ) So this movie should have been right up my alley, but it was so cheesy and full of smut (I can hear Hubby saying,"what did you expect with an 80s heavy metal movie??") :). I'm glad I saw it but it was dumb! I should have watched my reruns of Sliders or new episodes of Once Upon a Time. Ok so that was way more non fitness/food info that anyone really needed! :) must be the long nap I took and the chocolate chips!!

Back to your regular scheduled health and fitness program! I need to go to bed!
hi girls. ugh. horrible insomnia last night:(:confused:. think this was my worst night ever. couldn't fall asleep at all from 10:30 til after 3, then slept in short little spurts and out of bed by 5:30. I have TTM on my calendar, but not sure how that is going to go... guess I will see.

ladylep-- talk about busy days! sorry for your stomach troubles:( I like once upon a time, too! watched last season on Netflix w/rik and the kids, but now waiting for the next season:)

what are you up to today, renee?

alright, will try and check in later. to top off my night, I checked the forecast and we have a winter storm warning AGAIN today! blech! 6-9 inches are forecast starting this afternoon...

sorry for being such a bundle of sunshine this morning,

Hi Girls,

Well, ai am back on track after skipping on Saturday. I did Supercuts today. Why do the sprint shooters have to be right after the kickouts? Glad it is done. I have too much laundry today. i feel bledh for some reason.

Eva, Your weekend sounds nice. I would like to do some planting too, but will wait a few more weeks, we are still going into low 30°. No bread baking yet, still reading.

Katie, Sorry you didn't sleep. That is a dragging feeling all day. Your day Saturday was super busy. I wonder if you could give yourself a day to basically shut down and do the bare necessities. You have had a lot to deal with emotionally and I think it may be catching up with your schedule. You are so dedicated and a hard worker, you deserve to take a break mentally and physically. Anyhow, sorry to sound preachy, it is hard to "talk" on posts.

Ladylep, Glad you are feeling better. Your weekend sounds nice too minus the pains and bad stomach. I remeber 5th element. I like scimdi. Also, I like once upon a time too. Regina gets under my skin sooo much.

Renee, Why don't you come here and mop? LOL. I hate cleaning because it doesn't last.

Sorry u had bad sleep again. I think it is gonna be that way for awhile.. Not good when u are so busy. Im praying for u for sure. Melissa is right , give ur self permission to relax one day.

I hate mopping too! Oh my goodness, i really dont mind cleaning but its the organising i have trouble with. I just kinda move papers one area to thenext to dust. Lol i haveno clue. I wish i cpuld hire someone to help me. Its not to.bad but bad enough it drives me bonkers.

I did supercuts yesterday and today my back andbelly is sore! Oh iwent futher in the core #1 finaly. I actualy mad it ti the planks.. I think that whole workout iscore function and back intensive.. I remember xtrain made my back hurt some. Maybe i need to add SC once a week til i can do everything with great form ?
Today is a rest day, im at work now i just finished a root canal now im back to the front. I have nomore patients scedualed. I did bring my computer and HS in case i have time here by myself. Lol. Dotor still here yet. :(
Someone tell me about super cuts? I've only done part if it once. I saw on Cathe's newsletter that it is low impact. I wonder if I could do that one with my toe issues?? I fear many forward lunges may bother my toe. Not sure I'll get a workout in today. I only got about 3.5 consecutive hours of sleep last night and am sooooo tired. Hubby told me to go to bed at 10 tonight I hope I can. I should be checking school work instead of playing on my iPhone during piano lessons!!
Hello Everyone,

Katie, I am sorry you had such a restless night last night. I know you're not looking forward to more snow, and I certainly don't blame you, but maybe it will result in a day of laying low for you, Rik and the kids tomorrow. I am sure you could all use a nice quiet day for a change. Whatever happens, if you end up having to be out and about, I wish you safe travels. Be careful. I also hope you get some sleep tonight. I wonder if you got some sleepytime tea or some melatonin if that would be a good idea for you just to get a decent night sleep for a change??

Ladylep, sorry about your upset stomach. That STINKS. It sounds like you're feeling better today, which is good. I have only done Supercuts once and I only remember that it was more of a moderate workout, with a lot of functional moves, or so I thought at the time. These other gals can tell you more about it since they did a bunch during the rotation. I bailed before it was on the schedule. :) I hope you also get some rest tonight.

Melissa, I'm with you on the cleaning. This year I finally broke down and sometimes I get someone to come and clean for me. I just have such little downtime, I don't want to spend one of the two days I have off cleaning the house! The bummer is they don't get in all the nooks and crannies like I would, but it still minimizes the amount of cleaning I need to do. That was one of the nicest things I've ever done for myself. I do have some plants in the yard that I have not planted yet, but they are things like azaleas and hellebores, which are out now anyway, so they seem to be ok. It was cold here last night and is supposed to be tonight too. I've been mostly weeding back there, getting ready to do some planting later. Congrats on Supercuts today!!

Today I did this workout, Peak 10, Peak 10 More Cardio Interval Burn DVD - Michelle Dozois. It was a very good workout. I burned 570 calories in 60 minutes, which for me is phenomenal. I will definitely be doing this again soon. It was varied and doable.

Have a good evening,

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