XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Ladylep I think that's a great idea, I think that's the hard part making sure I get the right amount of cardio to lose pounds and right amount if weight lifting to jeep muscle definition. I see there's muscle there but kinda looks like a burrito around the muscle! I love following something if I do it alone I do to much and ware myself down,
Forgot to add Katie, cf extreme? ! Wooa. That is great I am afraid to try that! How hard is it and how much longer is it compared to the main workout?
Ok, here's my plan for the week. My framework is: 10-20+ Low impact cardio M-F, 1 upper body part 10-15 min, PT exercises and abs. The abs I will be doing are something I found in the Internet. It's basically a grid with 9 squares and in each square there is 1 type of an exercise that needs to be done 25 times. The last one is lower abs and legs up in the air. I'll try to remember to pass on the link tomorrow. I hope to throw these into my day whenever I can, like I do with my PT exercises. I may or may not do the cardio and wts at the same time or I may not get them in every day, but this is my goal. Everything will be xtrain unless otherwise stated. :)

Monday (out from 1:45-4) kids out for baseball in evening, if I go, I doubt any of this will happen.
15 or so min of HS and chest

Tuesday (home all day!) kids out in evening for Awana, start raw
AOLIH and back

Wednesday (out 8-3 and again 4:45-? Hopefully girls night out!)
TTM: Slide and glide and shoulders

Thursday (out for ice cream-an hour(?) and PT from 4:45-5:45, no Hubby from 3/4pm on, but he's taking off and doing home projects)
Intensity: low impact HiiT and bis

Friday (home all morning, Hubby taking off for home projects for the first half of the day)
Family bike ride/ picnic, in afternoon

Saturday (out 9-5)
Bday party at rock climbing/ bounce activity place in afternoon

I can't remember who said something about my 5k, but I actually only walked about a mile pushing the stroller. But the 3 older boys did the whole 5k. :)
Happy Monday (hopefully),

So, I started my new "rotation". I designed it in the make your own rotation section. Boy was that fun to do. Basically, I will be doing pyramid upper and lower 1 X per week, then another lower body the third weight day and 3 cardios.
This week I am:
MMA Fusion
Butts and guts
Hiit 30/30
Pyramid Upper
Pyramid Lower
I am going to try to do the floor on one of the leg days.

Anyhow, MMA Fusion I am not sure if I liked it. What I did like was I am not exhausted, it is not constant jumping. What I don't like is, some of the moves, I am not agile, so I did the best I could, but looked awful! I will see how I feel tomorrow. It seems to be more of a core/upper body conditioning. Does anyone have thoughts on MMA Fusion? Anyhow, none of my cardio will repeat. I think I will mark this as a workout for a day I don't have a lot of energy.

Ladylep, Your week looks fun, especially Friday. I am curious about the ab workout.

Eva, I think you are very committed and do a lot more workouts than me! I am more of a 45 minute workouter than seeing how much I can do in one day. So, we have lots of rain here today too. At least it will be almost 70.

katie, You are another great exerciser! You fit so much into your day. Well, I have crossfire coming up next week I think, I am eager to see how I make it through.

Renee, how did move in go? Your son will do great and as you said, you are nearby. Hope you had a restful Sunday with your family. So, when you workout at work do you have to worry about someone coming in? HS is great because no equipment and it isn't too long.

Talk to you all later.

Here's the 14 day an challenge I found:


So far I've completed most if my PT exercises and all the abs. But because of the rain, baseball has been cancelled so I didn't make a crockpot meal which means later dinner and not much time for a workout. But it's been a while since I did HS I will really try to get some of it in!

Can someone tell me what the Rick bottom rotation is and how to find it?? Thanks!
I just found and read through rock bottom rotation. Holy cow! I'm so not ready for that!!! Even if I only did the workouts I have I think I would collapse. But I do like some of the non DVD suggestions like 300 walking lunges, since in finding it somewhat easy to throw in exercises like my PT stuff.
Hi Ladylep,

CCC is cardio core circuit. I think it is part of the shock cardio series. I have looked at the rock bottom many times and each time I decide not to do it. I would never do all of the exercises. I do think of adding the walking lunges, but have't done that either. I say Holy Cow too!
hey girls-- I just wrote up a big long post and have no clue where it went:mad:. will try and rewrite most, but short on time. today was a lighter day for me after yesterday-- did back and bis from 4 day split plus bryan kest's power yoga "energize". worked out for about an hour and a half. not a huge calorie burn, but think it's what my body needed. I am planning on alternating high intensity cardio/tabatas with lighter days of extra yoga and toning. seeing if that will lean me out a little before summer. speaking of summer-- today was beautiful here. just got back from a walk with imala and bugsy and highs are in the upper 70s-- heard on the weather though that it is supposed to get cold and snow 3 inches here on thursday:mad:. this is the most bizarre spring I have ever seen here, hands down.

Melissa-- your rotation sounds great! I don't have the fusion dvd but do have boxing and kickboxing and would say that I don't think they are as intense as cathe's other cardio workouts-- the boxing is a little more tough then kickboxing, but I use both when I want a lighter workout. thanks for the sweet compliment! I wish my eating were as good as my working out:p. yesterday I caved and bought a slice of vegan chocolate mousse cake at whole foods-- there went my 740 calories probably!:rolleyes:

ladylep-- your workouts look great, too! I don't think I could do the rockbottom rotation, either. I do like CCC, though-- but for some reason it always seems to tweak my knee so I don't do it that often.

renee-- it wasn't too bad yesterday-- a little over 70 minutes. I like the calorie burn on that for such a relatively short workout, that is for sure. how is your son doing? hoping well, and his momma, too!:)

eva-- hope you are having a good day! what are you up to for a workout?

alright, better run! hope this post actually ends up on the thread!

Katie, I think your alternating high days with low days sounds great. I wonder sometimes if working out high energy every day causes the body to hold on to what it has.

Got in HardStrikes and Burn Sets: Chest! I did HS before dinner and chest after. I just didn't have time today to do them back to back. I just got 25# dumbbells a couple of weeks ago and used them tonight for the first exercise, then 20s for the other 2. I only got 5 push ups on my toes and only 3 more on my knees, it was tough! I haven't done this workout in a month. I guess that makes sense since I broke my toe almost 3.5 weeks ago.
Hello Everyone,
Ladylep, you are on a roll! Congrats on your workout today. Your plan looks solid and it sounds like you are very determined to stick with you. I am rooting for you!! Hard Strikes is a toughy, all those jacks really add up. I like that workout a lot; it has a high fun factor for me. But, Kick Punch Crunch is still my fave. I have not done that in a while; maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Keep us posted on your progress this week...it's nice to get check-ins from you. And, you guys are so lucky to have your hubby's grandmother at 98 years old. What a blessing. All of my grands have passed on and I miss them all the time. Oh, and thanks for the link to the workouts that you're doing.
Are you out of your boot? It kind of sounds like it...

Katie, your day sounds like it hit the spot...and since you got a nice walk in with Imala and Bugsy, I'm sure you burned a good amount of calories over the course of the day. There are plenty of studies that show that a decent amount of moderate exercise is just as beneficial, if not more, than shorter bursts of high-intensity exercise. Of course, you can find a study to support any theory you want to believe, there is so much conflicting information out there. I'm glad you had nice weather today. It rained here again all day but I'm not complaining. The plants are starting to take off!:D We just finished up cherry blossom time here, which is always a nice sign of spring in DC. The rain is also supposed to get rid of the pollen, but I swear I have a little allergy headache this evening.

Melissa, your week looks pretty good too. I guess everyone has officially started planning their own rotations and are not sticking to or are finished with XTrain. WooHoo!! I do like rotations because then I know what to do, but I also find that just having a plan, even if I make it up myself, means I'll do more challenging workouts and that I am more inclined to stick with it. I also love the Workout Manager! Although I don't use it now that I'm doing so many non-Cathe workouts.

Today was a rest day for me. I had a million errands to run. I am going to have a long interruption coming up this week with very little to no access to the internet until the 17th or 18th of May...I'll tell you all about it later, so just a heads up that I'm going to be very quiet starting on May 2nd. Maybe a new thread name will magically appear while I'm gone! :)

Tomorrow I am scheduled for a DB workout, but I may do KPC. We'll see how it goes. KPC burns more calories...

Take care,
Wow my app crashed!!!!

It is late now so can't read all the post! I will tomorrow sorry

I did hard strikes and the timesaver remix of sure cuts together in hour of cardio! Fun workouts

I should have clarified. :). I did a hard strikes premix, the one without conditioning and as for the jacks and scissors (I did heel digs) I did them low impact. I tried to do the jump rope parts as much as i could and did low impact where was afraid of my toe hurting, which it did a little. But I did work up a sweat that I feel like I haven't done in weeks! So that felt good. And yes I'm thankfully out of the boot as of last Wednesday, the doc said I only needed it if I wanted it. But other parts of my foot and knee have been hurting probably due to the fact of me walking funny on it to protect it.
Hello beautiful ladies!

Ladylep I did HS yesterday as well! Holy cow I really love That one! Glad u got your boot off! So wonderful. I hope you can be jumping soon. I understand what u mean about the walking different messes with other things and you are right! I had same issue with my PF awful feeling.

Eva , Katie, melissa
How are you all today ? Hope you guys have a nice day. The weather here is cloudy, yuk. But anyhow I did not do any exercise today yet I and suppose to do trusted lower body tonight
Hey Renee,

I am good so far! I did buts and guts standing and the ball work and the core. I really like this workout. I was able to make it through every rep and managed the 35 lb bar on my shoulders. I can't believe it. Yeah. Also, by the time I got to the second leg on the outer thigh raises, I thought my resting leg was going to explode. Abs I really liked. I was not able to hold the plank for too long.

Yes HS is on one my favorites! Glad you got it in.

Ladylep, way to go! You are doing great with your bad foot and all. Your weight is high for chest too. good job.

Hi Katie and Eva. Hope you are well.

Eva, I think of sometimes shutting off all of my electronic devices, but never have.

We are having beautiful weather today. I may get a chance to clean up some areas in the yard.

hi girls! hope everyone is having a good day. I am feeling kind of woozy/nauseated today...not sure what that is about. I know I didn't get much sleep last night, but this feels like some kind of gunk I am fighting. anyway, I still got my workout in. today was all of HS plus ab circuits weights and plates. it felt pretty tough with me being under the weather, but glad I made it through. grateful I have no clients today, though!

Melissa-- great job on B&G! will have to try that one soon. glad you are having nice weather! it is still mild here today but cloudy, and supposedly will be cold and snowy tomorrow and Wednesday. I wish someone could tell the weather that it is may tomorrow:rolleyes:

renee-- seems like many of us are doing HS lately! it is a fun wo, that is for sure! hope you are having a good day despite the crummy weather. what is that lower body wo you are doing?

eva-- we will miss you on here, that is for sure! I love the cherry blossoms! normally it is lilac time around here by now, but not this year! hope you got your wo in! which did you end up doing?

ladylep-- great job on the workouts and modifying them until you are healed! working up a good sweat does feel nice, doesn't it? I think that's why CF extreme felt so good on sunday-- it was warm enough to have the windows open and really get drenched:p. we'll probably have the heat on tomorrow, though!

will check in with you all later. hoping I knock whatever this is out of my system soon!

I am gonna do the Tri sets lower body from LIS. I hope the bad feeling goes away! Is ab circuits worth getting?

Not sure what new name we would have. And how would you find us! Lol. Maybe we can come up with several names and see what we like from a few?
I will miss hearing from u!

Melissa I love butts and guts to! I may do it instead of trusted humm!!! Trident lower is on schedule but surly buts and guts would suffice?
I was eating so well ! Today was bad! I ate grilled chicken sand which AND waffle fries!!!! O o then I had ice cream !! Ouch why why why did I do it? I wasn't bored or sad .. Humm irritated I think. Idk it wasn't even that good , well the ice cream was lol

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