Where does everyone live???

Hello Kel... I'm in NC close to Hickory (the Piedmont bordering on the Foothills)

SunnyD - I saw you are in Winston-Salem.... we are not too far apart!
I'm in Southern Vermont.
I grew up in a suburb outside of Chicago (Oak Park).
Vermont's way better. But I do miss the access to great health clubs or indoor tracks to run on. Stuff you just can't get in rural areas.
I have lived in California my whole life.Born in San Francisco, grew up in Sonoma County ,moved down to the central coast for a few years(loved it) and now we are in the first week of our move from Windsor to Novato ,CA.
>This has probably been asked before but I was wondering where
>everyone lives? I live in Northeast Tennessee and nobody I
>know is interested in fitness. Sometimes I feel so alone
>where that part of my life is concerned. I just don't have
>anyone I can talk to about Cathe, or even fitness in general.
>So I get on this forum, just to feel connected to a community
>of people who would understand. It's such an important part
>of my life & I feel so connected to many of you, even though I
>haven't posted very many times myself. I've read things that
>have made me laugh, cry, & inspired me. So I just want to
>thank you all for being here for each other. This is truly a
>wonderful group of people & I'm glad to have found you!
>Thanks again!
Beautiful, historic Kingston (aka 'The Limesone City'), Ontario Canada. Where Lake Ontario meets the mighty St. Lawrence River. Gorgeous city!

Take Care
I'm an every day lurker so this is my first post. :) Just wanted to add another Kentucky girl to the list.
San Diego, California!

Lived many other places (like Hawaii and Maine...two of THE MOST beautiful places I've ever been!) but San Diego is home.

:D Nicole
Phoenix, Arizona

Grew up in Munich, Germany and Stockholm, Sweden and moved to Arizona over 10 years ago. Glad I did, I wouldn't want to live in Germany or Sweden again.

RE: Carol!

>You got moved!!! I didn't think you had left yet. I am almost
>cetain Dave has/had relatives in Murfreesboro! Hope you like
>your new home.
Hi Debbie! We moved in June. It's nice here and we're slowly setting in. Thanks for asking!

>Hi Carol,
>I read the forums quite frequently but don't post much. I saw
>that you live in Murfreesboro. I was there 2 weeks ago for a
>week. Have you ever danced at the Stampede club?
>I country dance so we also went to Nashville's Wildhorse
>Saloon too. Murfreesboro seems like it would be a nice place
>to live.
Hi Patti, Nope, haven't been to either of those places but I know where they are. Murfreesboro is a very nice place to live!


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