Where does everyone live???

Bend is gorgeous! My grandfather owns a summer cabin nearby and that is where we vacation every year. The hiking is outstanding, if outdoorsy stuff is your thing. Anyway, just my $.02:)

like anyone's going to scroll down this far:p

Little Moscow on the Willamette--Portland, Oregon

Kinda late here but I live in NWPA just over the NY State line.

Have y'all ever heard of Ralph "Bucky" Phillips??? *hehehe* Yep, right there in the middle of that whole mess!
"like anyone's going to scroll down this far:p "

I did :) :) Had to check to see if there were any other Wisconsinites and the answer is NO :eek: But a lot of Ohioans. I grew up in suburbs of Cleveland and did my undergrad at OSU. Still am a diehard Indians fan and one of my favorite movies is Major League:D does art imitate life or does life imitate art?:eek:
"like anyone's going to scroll down this far "

I did Had to check to see if there were any other Wisconsinites and the answer is NO But a lot of Ohioans. I grew up in suburbs of Cleveland and did my undergrad at OSU. Still am a diehard Indians fan and one of my favorite movies is Major League. does art imitate life or does life imitate art?
>"like anyone's going to scroll down this far "
>I did too!! But I wonder the same question... :)

Mission Viejo California - I was born in Pasadena (1960) and have stayed in Southern California my whole life - I love it here but the over-crowding is starting to get to my family - we'll get out of here some day... just hate to leave the weather.
>Bend is gorgeous! My grandfather owns a summer cabin nearby
>and that is where we vacation every year. The hiking is
>outstanding, if outdoorsy stuff is your thing. Anyway, just my

Thanks Maggie. When we went there all we did was hike. It was absolutely beautiful!! So I am very excited about the prospect of moving there. Thanks for your $.02 :)!!

I live in Northeast Wisconsin. I too have a problem finding others who are into fitness. Especially those who exercise at home. Most people just think I am an odd one! I have tried to convert many to Cathe. Alas, she just seems "too hard" for them!

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