What is your Favorite Stretch and/or Yoga Move?


My all time favorite stretch is Child's Pose, extended or regular. It always feels so good on my back! I get so relaxed in this, I seriously almost fall asleep.

My second favorite is Downward Dog... I feel EVERYTHING stretch with that one!
I'm with Tami on this one. I love pigeon pose. I find it so relazing, and it gives me a great glute stretch.
There are too many... I am going to do this by category:

Forward bend - Forward bend from Cobbler
Back Bend - Bow
Twist - Seated Sage Pose
Inversion - Plough
Sides - Extended Side Angle

I need me some yoga now!
Inversion - Plough

OOOHHH I forgot about plough pose, I love this one too. Great when my back is feeling tight. Sometimes I do stretches with my daycare kids (4 yr olds) & they all know this is my favorite. It was so funny the first time they did it one little boy is holding the pose & says "I can smell my butt". That's when I lost the pose from laughing!! :eek:
For me it's the pigeon pose as well. In my case I like it because it's one of the few moves where I'm flexible enough to go deeper. My PT last year told me I had flexible hips--the first time I ever thought anything of mine was flexible.
I love them all, at least the ones I can do. The ones I can't do I keep trying. If I have to pick then perhaps the shoulder stand, but also the downward dog, also the one that you balance on one leg then bend your torso and arms and stretch straight ahead. This one is challenging to me. Sorry I just couldn't pick one.

I don't know if there's a name for it, but laying down on my back, I take my right leg over to my left side and put the knee down as far as it'll go while also pulling it up toward my left shoulder and then switch sides of course. You know that one, right? Good glute stretch. Pigeon is a close second, in any variation.

But I'm with Vrinda.... now I feel like I need to do some yoga.....

My favourite poses usually change depending on how my practice is going at any given time or what state my mind is in. Right now, one of my favourites is Chakrasana (the wheel) because it really gives the most full backward bend to the spine.
1. child's pose
2. downward dog, especially when I can get my golden retriever to stretch with me!

My golden's favorite pose: laying across my stomach and smiling in my face when I'm trying to do floor ab work.

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