Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Renee- happy you were able to sleep thru Ryan's angel date. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. One year or two? I'm sorry I don't know that. I should. And happy early birthday!

We just got back tonight at 8pm and we just finished unpacking everything, putting the kids to bed and prepping school for tomorrow. Whew! I can't wait to sleep in my own bed. Tomorrow's plan is STS total body, I think, what ever premix puts me at an hour or just under. I think I planned this week to be: total body, HiiT, upper, HiiT, lower. And yoga Sunday. All 60 min or less for wt days and 30ish for HiiT days.

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I just couldn't get up this morning so I did BM2 upper body about 30 min. Tomorrow I hope to do tabatacise 1-2 plus core around 35 min I think.

Hi Renee, Katie and Caitlin!.

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Dearest Renee,

I would not even be able to go there until December, and , of course, I would only go if the crazy woman is not there. From the videos I saw, she looks absolutely deranged. I mentioned to Frank that, if she did her hair, and put a tiny bit of makeup on, she would feel much better about herself. Frank told me she did these things before she became so mentally disturbed. The people downstairs from them called the police because Rita, (that is her name) was stomping very hard while she walked on the wooden floors. All she does is rant, scream, and rage when she is home.
Well good I just care for you and pray that you will be safe. And I have been done dirty many times so I get scared for people. Sorry if I over stepped.
Lady Lep this was the second year. And hard to believe it has been this long but same time the sadness and missing him feels longer !! Hard to explain. But they say my headaches are cause if that pyscosymatic? Not sure how to spell it. So I guess in other words I am going crazy? I don't know.
Good job on workouts

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Tabatacise premix tabata 1 plus core 1 this morning. Wish I could have done 2 tabatas but we start SALT (out co op) this morning so we need to get out the door. I'm sitting in the car waiting for the boys...

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hi girls! sorry i didn't get on here yesterday! i did do supersets, though, and today i meant to do cross train step intervals, but somehow did the step circuit (which was probably a bad idea as it worked my back muscles again after doing the weights yesterday-- oh well!). i also did some jivamukti yoga which felt good.

renee-- i am so sorry i missed your bday and ryan's anniversary on here! anyway, have been thinking of you, and at least i got you a message on facebook! i am happy that you have had family and friends there to support you. i think of all you ladies as my online friends, too, and it is always nice to come on here and see what everyone is up to! maybe someday we will all meet at a road trip! ;-)

ladylep-- great job on getting the workouts in during a crazy schedule! glad you all had a nice vacation!

caitlin-- great job on your workouts, too! will be thinking positive thoughts for your friend!

alright, time to get busy with too much paperwork for the kids and a bunch of different scholarship apps and competition forms...

I just heard from my platonic friend, James, who is such a wonderful pianist that he won highest honors in Carnegie Hall. He is stopping by tomorrow night to cook a nice dinner for me. My stupid hair grows so fast, I have to color it again. James is a platonic friend, and I see him about once a year. I don't love him the way I love my friend Frank, who has that crazy woman living with him.
I did Rock Out, Knock Out today, and my Polar Ft4 was acting up. I eventually need to mail out the HRM, get a refund, and probably buy the FT7. I am a bit obsessive that I am particular about my heart rate monitors. I am still planning to move in with Frank in the Catstkills as I love him so much.
hi girls! quick post as I am short on time and very short on sleep again. blech. this morning I did cardio kicks plus some yoga. I think tomorrow will be push pull or some other weight workout. then a rest day!

Nygel is back to cello choir on Thursday nights again, so more running around for me. there chamber groups on Saturday will also run forever-- from 9 until 3:30. meanwhile, imala is having her first lesson down at the U of M with her new teacher today-- hoping she likes her and it all goes well!

Caitlin-- that is nice that you have such good friends :). I am always coloring my hair, too, but found a product I love that has no harsh chemicals-- naturtint. have you tried it? also, if you like classical music, my boys each have a channel on youtube of their performances (some of imala's/my daughter's are on there, too). if you search Nygel witherspoon or alastair witherspoon on youtube, their channels will come up. Nygel is submitting recordings to from the top this fall and may travel to boston to perform on NPR. :)

renee-- I just love seeing your cute doggies on fb! hope you are doing well!

ladylep-- hope school is going well! and everyone is staying healthy!

I used to use Sanotint, which is sold by Vivisan, USA, but the last time I ordered their one for very sensitive skin, I got a rash all over my head and neck. What I do now is buy a bottle Gold Bond anti itch lotion, and I put it all over my head before I color it. I use Natural Instincts because you only leave it on for 15 minutes.

Today was very light;. I did my upper body and then I did yoga, When I work up my left leg was bothering me, particularly the illiotibial band. I have an Illiotibial band roller, when used and iced. I might put an icy hot sleeve on it.
Renee, I don't think it is psychosomtic at all, and I spelled it wrong too. You have too many points on the stress scale, and I will be praying for you.
STS total body today, but then I skipped the third and las burn and abs, started late. Tomorrow I have Intensity scheduled: premix HiiT(lo) + boot camp 35 min. I am really feeling it from today! I gained about 5 pounds over vacation, I hope to drop those quickly with less snacks and ice cream.

School is rough coming back from vacation. All classes have started except science for the middle two. We will start that next week and I'm teaching the labs with another family with 4 boys and her older 3 will be in the class with them. I am having difficulty keeping the middle boys focused, particularly B.

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I just heard from my platonic friend, James, who is such a wonderful pianist that he won highest honors in Carnegie Hall. He is stopping by tomorrow night to cook a nice dinner for me. My stupid hair grows so fast, I have to color it again. James is a platonic friend, and I see him about once a year. I don't love him the way I love my friend Frank, who has that crazy woman living with him.
I did Rock Out, Knock Out today, and my Polar Ft4 was acting up. I eventually need to mail out the HRM, get a refund, and probably buy the FT7. I am a bit obsessive that I am particular about my heart rate monitors. I am still planning to move in with Frank in the Catstkills as I love him so much.

I sure hope Frank can get that crazy women out! I thought she was going out of there!
That is sad if she is not!
I love Rock out knock out!

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STS total body today, but then I skipped the third and las burn and abs, started late. Tomorrow I have Intensity scheduled: premix HiiT(lo) + boot camp 35 min. I am really feeling it from today! I gained about 5 pounds over vacation, I hope to drop those quickly with less snacks and ice cream.

School is rough coming back from vacation. All classes have started except science for the middle two. We will start that next week and I'm teaching the labs with another family with 4 boys and her older 3 will be in the class with them. I am having difficulty keeping the middle boys focused, particularly B.

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Oh don't I know about the weight gain! Remember my pants I said I got on? That was to tight last year? Well I got them on just two weeks ago and no muffin top at all !! And last year I could not even get them over my hips! Well I was so happy even posted my pic on Fb! Lol well this week I put them on oh I buttoned them but muffin top city! What the heck! Takes me a long time to lose and a week to gain some back ugh !

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Katie I feel as not coming on everyday to! So don't you feel bad cause I am the worst it seems!
I did do a workout but it was body blast step blast step 1 2 and 3 I tell you 3 was hard for me not hard winded but hard I was looking at it more this time lol! I got mad lol
Today I did Lower body Hiit because I needed to really sweat! And I did! That was really hard! I had to take a few brakes! Am I the only one who thinks that one is hard?
Oh the neurologist said she saw nothing in the MRI so brings me back to why am I having headaches. So she says she wants me to see a psychiatrist !! And upped my depression pills and wanted me to take neutron that can cause legs to swell! I am not taking that I will take the depression pills but not the neurotic and not that beta blocker anymore. She said I can get off it since it didn't do any better. I just feel like crap because I feel like she is saying I am crazy. My friend says no she isn't it is just I had a severe loss and it can do a lot but I don't know. How long is this going to be?

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I did some Christi Taylor hi low, and my lower body today. Frank sent me some photos of the place he is trying to get for us, and it looks really nice.
Hi girls. Rest day for me today, which is good, as I am sitting and waiting on the kids all day long during their chamber music rehearsal. Yesterday I did push pull and yoga. The day before I did cardio kicks, which actually gave me some major DOMS in my upper body, sides, lats and even a bit in my legs. Yesterday I ordered the daily deal of the terminator and Imax 3. Guessing I will get my butt kicked by those! Have you girls tried them?

Renee-- I don't think you are crazy or that the doctors think that you are. I wish they could find something that would help! I wouldn't want to take all those drugs, either. Have you tried acupuncture? It helped my brother with migraines after his stroke. Also, aromatherapy/ essential oils can be really helpful. I think being depressed from the loss of your son could be exacerbating it, but I think there must be another cause as well. Have you looked at food allergies/sensitivities? I also find that lower body hiit to be super intense!

Sorry about the weight gain, Ladylep! I know you will be back on track in no time!

Caitlin-- that's exciting about your new place!

Happy Saturday!

Thanks, Katie, and I admit I am looking forward to being with Frank in the Catskills. I know Frank close to 15 years, and he is very smart, and he actually produced and starred in two cult horror films, Street Trash and Spookies. I got rid of my cable TV, and now my bill will be very low. The only series I watch is A Game of Thrones, and Frank gets torrents, and I have no idea what that is, but he can download almost anything from the Internet. When A Game of Thrones goes on again next April, I might ask Frank if we could just get HBO for a few months. George R. R. Martin wrote the books, and I read every book; each novel is 700 to 1000 pages long. Another movie love is The Hunger Games with Jennifer Lawrence.

You can google Frank's movies on the Internet.

Oh,I almost forgot, I did MMA Kickboxing today, and I skipped my upper body as I still feel DOMS in it. I won't take a total rest day tomorrow, and I think I will do Yoga and my upper body.
Renee I forgot to say that that is so cool about your NO muffin top!!

Yesterday I did get in Intensity HiiT lo and boot camp. Today was supposed to be B&G but I was too tired to get up!

Today I'm a sports chauffeur. B had his first soccer game this morning and now I'm at JTrain's baseball tournament. I'm only staying for the 2:45 game and going home. A teammate's dad is driving him home after the 7:15 game. I expect I won't be home until 5:30 and I don't think I'll do a wo after dinner. My body is sore so I guess it's ok. But I really love B&G and I'm not sure if I scheduled any only leg days. This week., I think I set up MWF to be total body wt days, with HiiTs in between.

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Wow, LadyLep, that was some hard workout. Today was kind of a rest day, and all I did was Rainbeau Mars Tranquility Yoga that was half an hour long, and my upper body with High Reps. I wonder if I am allowed to post a link to the place where Frank and I will be living in the Catskills. I am so excited about it.
Hi girls! Today was IMAX 2 and some yoga. That workout felt even more intense the second time doing it. Wondering if I will survive IMAX 3 when I get it! IMAX seems more intense to me then crossfire or to the max, up there with plyo hiit for me!

Great job on the workout, Ladylep! Sounds like you were in need of the rest day, too! Talk about running around with the kids! I don't know if I am ready for another year of this!

Caitlin-- sounds like a nice workout! Will this be a big move for you/many miles/different state? I would be excited, too!

Hello Renee! Hope your weekend has been going well!

Happy Sunday!


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