Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Lady Lep you sound like me! I had a mini blast from sonic Monday! Yum and the night before that I had ice cream [emoji17] !
I was feeling frustrated cause I eat good lost some and medication put it back and I thought what the heck I am gaining anyway! But then I got back on with the health kick again !! [emoji3]. I did Sunday high step training, last night I did ripped with HIT back shoulders and biceps! I upped the weight on bicep bar bell [emoji22]! I am so sore today but I needed a good cardio but no impact so I grabbed the dreaded love hate with my afterburn today! Well! It was actually doable! Now the spider climbers or what ever it is I had to stop a few seconds on it. But used to be I had to stop a lot during this workout but not this time! I didn't dread it so much doing it either! Usually I will dress it all the way through but I found that the ripped with HIIT are faster paced? I think? Tomorrow I plan on chest shoulders tris from ripped series.
I am so sore and my knee still feels strange and my PF boo. But the workout didn't do that actually I didn't feel it at all then.
So I really need to add some stretching tonight maybe a yoga from you tube! It is about 80's here. But I love the heat and simmer I really dread winter! I will have to hear all the Christmas crap and all. [emoji38] I know everyone loves Christmas but I just can not get into it. I never had great Christmas until I had kids and now they suck even more. And the winter gets me so depressed! If I hear dashing though the snow or jingle bells I will barf lol!!
Anyways I am trying to make myself get my workout in even when I am feeling like crap. I figure I got plenty of 30 minute ones if I don't want to exercise and if I think about it 30 minutes goes pretty fast when I sit on my fat butt so why not get in 30 good healthy minutes? Now if I can sow my mouth shut! Ha
Caitlyn I hope u r doing well my lady! I know it was hot in your apartment but I didn't remember if u got air now or not! I hope so. This summer had some hot days.
I wish my son would get up an move you guys! I mean he is getting fat and it is sad to see he just says he can't lose it and he exercise after work. But I don't see it! I don't know pizza and all that doesn't help him. He gave up looking for a girl friend so I think he is giving up on hisself. It is sad. He used to be so handsome and now well you know if a person lets themselves go they just are not as handsome as before. I myself think he is beautiful but will a girl think so if he is over weight and balding and beard getting out of hand!? Hum not so much. I mean he would look cute bald if he was slimmer and beard I just think he needs to keep it groomed he so hairy! But anyway I don't know how to say it but I did tell him he is getting fat! I had to.
Well girls pray for my son Rocky that he will want to lose weight and actually try!

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hi girls! today for me was push/pull plus 30 mins of yoga. that was a nice rest after all the jumping around I have been doing! not sure what I will do tomorrow. was thinking legs and glutes, but my lower body feels fried from impact of yesterday and the leg/glute work today. guess I will see how I feel tomorrow! wish my new dvds would come and maybe I would try one of those!

renee-- you crack me up! sitting on your "fat butt!" I am sure! you workout all of the time:). great job on afterburn! I always dread that workout, too! haven't done it in a while. the music in that series really does bore me to death. I am loving these old workouts and the great music! anyway, it's the spider man disc moves that I hate the most! so sorry about your son-- that can be really tough. somehow, my sons have some kind of super metabolism so far and are little rails! don't know where they get their bodies from as it is not from me! they like to go on walks and alec likes to do weights as he is actually trying to gain some weight (they both could stand to!). imala is more like me and she works out to cathe all of the time. hopefully he will see how hard you work and decide someday soon to get active and take care of himself.

ladylep-- now I am sorry about the scale :-(. I don't even know what I weigh anymore and just keep plugging along anyway. I am sure you look great anyway, and I know you are fit! great job on the workouts and hope you can cut yourself some slack. you are doing a great job!

hello Caitlin!

have a good day all,

Today I didn't hear my alarm go off so I woke up at 7!! I made muffins and did a half day of school (pool party at my parents' for the co op SALT) all in my nightgown! I got my contacts in and made my shake. No wo. [emoji37][emoji37][emoji37]

And with a game tonight, I'm not sure if I will get one in. But I'm not sure how will add in Latin, Spanish and spelling and projects!

Ok, it's later now and I won't get a wo in.[emoji37]

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hi girls! circuit max for me this morning. that felt super tough! at least the hi/lo sections (which are mainly just high). not sure if it is because I didn't sleep well last night at all (got about 3 hours in, tops), or TTOM coming, but it really kicked my butt. I liked the step portions a lot and they were easy to follow, but glad I pushed through the whole thing with the way I was feeling!

sorry about the workout, ladylep! my guess is you probably really needed the sleep! bet you are back on track today :). you teach the kids two foreign languages?? that is fantastic!

hello renee! hope things are going well!

hello Caitlin! hope it has cooled off for you!

Quick update: rwh low impact two plus abs 1, tomorrow I'll try to do total body wts like LIS trisets express or something that is less than an hour. But since we are leaving for the beach Saturday, it will be my last heavy wit workout. I'm bringing my bike and I tend to brink travel fit, LIS (for turbo barre) and CF and TTM. I'm not sure what I'll bring. I tend to bring too much! If I get in total body wts, then I may just bring something for legs and ride my bike daily.

I wish she would list the wts if it's just 5s and 10s, so I know what to pack!

Gotta get some sleep if I want to be up by 6!

Katie- they don't all take both at the same time, some have, some take none. JTRain is finished with Latin and only doing Spanish with our co op. CDawg has done well to do both, I used a DVD course with a workbook and reader. It focuses on grammar as well as speaking. They all have started with Rosetta Stone which is great for speaking but not grammar. So I don't use it much anymore. But B will be using it this year and starting Latin. Little K isn't doing any but I've thought about doing Song School Latin with him, but I doubt it. It's geared for k-2nd grade. I use Classical Academic Press for both languages.

Hi Renee and Caitlin!

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hi girls! today was legs and glutes. that workout fries my legs! I think it's because I don't have a 15 lb dumbbellsso I use two tens instead and put them on my shoulders. i think I will be sore tomorrow! I almost got the whole body blast series in this past week-- just skipped step blast as I thought the choreography might be too tricky for me. will have to watch it first, at least. I got the timesaver and cardio and weights/imax 2 in the mail today! can't wait to use them!

ladylep-- that is still great that your boys do foreign language! we have done it, too, but I find that only French works, since I know that language. they tried german once and it was too tough without me knowing the language to help out. Nygel will do French this year. I think alec signed up for german at the U. have a wonderful vacation! I wish she would list the weights, too! and always tell us what she is using during the workout, as sometimes she neglects to and I am left guessing.

hello renee and Caitlin!
Katie body blast series has the best music in it! I love step jump pump cause of the music! Kung fu fighting! And abracadabra! My ex boyfriend when we were in middle school he had a band a real one well local who played at the swimming pool once sang abracadabra song. I miss those days and how giddy I felt around him! My first love! Gosh I was young to be in love but he was, our song was endless love! Lol
Anyway body blast makes so many great memories for me. That was a time in life I thought cause I lived in foster homes I was and should be so sad, geez if I know what I know now I would have tried to enjoy it and be glad I found at least one good foster home out of it. Well two. One was not good at all but I had stayed in some good ones and a nice group home to. So it is funny to me how as a kid you think the smallest thing is so big. Drama queen I guess. But I had some good times during that life as well so I wish I would have gotten off the pitty pot and tried to enjoy life.
Anyway I love the music in low impact circuit to the one with green clothes, low max, and body max 2! It all makes me more peppy! Yes the music in low impact series is boring! I was so surprised about that. Gosh I hope it isn't like that in the new workouts! Please God speak to Cathe brain and see how we can have abracadabra and all the good songs in the new series! Lol if I was her I'd pay a little extra just to get the good songs or whatever. I know it's something about copyright? But also I do not mind the made up lyrics either cause I know the words so I plug into it in my mind and it sounds like it says the right words sometimes!

Today was burn sets upper body weights from x train series that was 73 minutes of lifting! And I was cooking at same time! I basically did the reps faster then her and had enough time to run to stove and do a lottle here and there and run back and do another set. Lol I loved it the lifting sequence in that is straight forward so I knew what to do. Yesterday was Cathe's greatest hits volumes one. I loved it! It had iMax 2 in it I love the music in that as well! So I got in 6 days this week! Finally! I did it!

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Lady Leo that is awesome about the language! I wish I knew some. Other language! Nice job on your workouts!
By the way !! When are we going to get the new workouts! ? I am anxious again! I try so hard to just not think about them but gosh I'd love to hear more! I wish she would share her ideas and music with us! I know it will be good! Well maybe the music lol!! I think if she does music from low impact I'll throw up. I'd rather do a root canal then to hear that on my new workouts now! I am being mean arn't ?!

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Katie, I love step blast! You should try it! I never pre watch them, but I do watch a All the intros and clips on the web site. I have timesaver and IMAP 2, step blast and imax2 got me into Cathe! But I've done them so much I'm tired of them,maybe not the leg one on timesaver because I just got KPC a while ago. I hope you enjoy them!

Renee, so fun remembering old crushes! I love that sone endless love too! I've done that lone premix too and love it when I have the time! Funny that you were able to cook at the same time!

Today I did LIS trisets total upper body express about 50 min.

Soooooo, I COMPLETELY forgot to pick up travel fit from my mom today! I had lent it to her because I never use it and I thought it would be good for her to do something. Now I need to know what I should take for strength training??? Something where I'm using the band mostly and maybe I can sneak in 1 pair of moderate Dumbbells or 2 pairs of light. Ideas?? I'm not really a big fan of planks and push ups right now because of my shoulders, do most on my knees except the up/down ones on RWH core 1 I think, the one with wts. So I will have my bike and I would like to not take my step if I can swing it. But I X10 has some good ones with light wts (but I don't know which ones) and same with TTM and CF, I tend to like those 2 for vacation because of the short premixes. I'll probably want to take LIS for the turbo barre, what wts does she use with that one? I think it's light? I would like to 1 wo during vacation that is strength.

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Lady Leo I only did turbo barre once but I do not think it uses weights. It may use a 3 pound or five for floor work. I think it has floor work! Lol

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PRS1 this morning! I wanted something fun and using my step since I won't be taking it. I couldn't get it all today but still fun!

So I finally figured out what I'm taking:

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hi girls! rest day for me today, thank goodness! I am sore from this past week-- mainly in my feet from all of the impact :-(.

ladylep-- you probably already left, but I was thinking slide and glide with the discs if you have them. that one just uses a firewalker band for all of the toning...I think you have it? that is good to know about the step workouts! I will have to suck it up and try them-- sometimes if I can't follow well I get so frustrated. SJP was easy to follow though, and the circuit max from last week, the step was my favorite part. have a wonderful vacation!

renee-- I love the music in that series! love the songs you mentioned. in supersets, too, there is a move that always kills me, but she has Michael Jackson's "you are not alone" on and that helps me push through it :). I am keeping my fingers crossed with you that she uses something like if for the ICE workouts. I am with you on the root canal thing, too-- hate the music in LIS. the total body trisets is the worst, and it's too bad as it is a great workout. that music definitely brings back memories! sometimes I wish I could go back in time just for a day, to be that young again and be more grateful for what I had (and get to see mom and dad again). time marches on, though. that is hysterical that you got dinner made while working out! way to go! I can never do anything other than the workout I am focused on, and I always hate it if Rik tries to talk to me and ask me questions when I am focused on my sweat lol.

have to bring the kids to chamber music again today-- back to that every Saturday! they are happy, though! I am just not ready for school to start on Monday :-(. I want more summer!

happy weekend,

Katie yes I do not like to talk during a workout! Like if I am doing step or a real intense one with cardio I get so irritated when anyone comes in and ask me questions cause I can think of what they are saying! I remember when kids was really young they would exercise with me and it was fun but they got older and would not do it with me they would wait till I started then come ask me 20 questions! But the other day it was just lifting and it was burn sets so I knew 10 reps three times and the third was a burn set you go till u burn! I made weights heavy so the burn was there at 10 but pushed to 12 or 14 if possible and I am sore !! But it was pork chops for them and all I had to do was shake then go do a set and bake do more sets, boil water do 10 reps and more then check on water and so on. Lol it was cool I love burn sets for that. So we had a pasta salad with peas in it, and broccoli boiled, and veggie medley with yellow and red and green bell peppers and baked beans and pork chops. I had everything but the pork chops! I try not to eat that junk but they like it yuk. Lol i am so sore to! I love that song you are talking about ! You are not alone isn't that a wonderful song! I love Michael Jackson! Everything he did! I love him and Paul McCartney singing together to. And man in the mirror was sweet and I remember my sisters played rock with you and for years I didn't even know that was Michael lol I miss those songs! I hate rap and now days rap even more ! But pop back on the 80's and the disco of my sisters time was so awesome and funk? Oh how great! Then I like the old rock even the classics like a zombie top, Boston, white snake, guns and roses, Bon jovi! Gosh i should have been born a dancer because I love to dance to! The music speaks to me so much! Now days I listen to pop and country cause music isn't like it was at all!
Okay I put on a pair of jeans that have no stretch in them and I could not get them on last year! Size 6 and I am so happy cause for 8 years now I been trying to get down to that with out having belly overhang! Lol and last year I could not get them over my thighs! Today I got them up and buttoned and no fat over hang! What?!!! I was so happy. Cause I had a six on with stretch in them and they are irritating cause they fall down once they stretch out and I thought if only I could get into the ones I had for years with no stretch then I don't have to worry about them baggy out and pockets end up on my hamstrings not on my butt! [emoji57] so yes I pulled them up praying just MAYBE and wha la it worked they slid up and buttoned! To freaking happy! Then we went to a BD party for one of hubby's workers! And I ate way to much! [emoji29] but tomorrow is another day and I will start off with a good workout to battle the meal I ate!
Lady Lep I think to the max you need a stepper in it!! You may have left and its to late to tell you. Anyway how is the workout that you were talking about taking!? The one with just the. And? Travel for is what I think you called it? I don't have that one and I may get it. Gosh I have all of her workouts now except that one and I think the compilation ones! I was looking and I am disappointed that I already have them and think geez now what will I get? Gosh I must have been on a shopping binge for Cathe since 2010 lol. Oh well some women love jewelry? I love DVDs and do not wear jewelry. DVDs are cheaper really lol

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hi girls! today for me was muscle endurance-- what a workout! I really liked it! I was a little nervous about using six risers on the high step, but did it anyway. that workout got my heart rate up and fried my muscles. so glad I bought it! tomorrow I may actually try imax 2-- we'll see if I chicken out on the choreography lol. the plan for this week is to do the intensity series. I keep switching things up as much as I can to keep my muscles confused and guessing. the kids are out at yet another chamber rehearsal. this time rik brought them. yesterday was so crazy driving out there, as there is all sorts of construction. my old car did not appreciate all of the stop and go traffic and I was afraid it may overheat, so I turned the heat on (and is was in the 80s and humid already!). anyway, hoping the construction gets completed soon or I will dread that drive every Saturday! I got really sad news this morning from my niece. a friend of hers since 1st grade just passed away this morning. she was an alcoholic and my niece and her friends had tried to get her help several times in the past, but i guess her liver shut down and then so did everything else. so, so sad and tragic. she was a beautiful girl and only 26 years old. addiction is so horrible. i feel so much for her family. anyway, will be attending the funeral sometime soon, i suppose.

renee-- i love rock with you! that's from the off the wall album, and that was my favorite! i am with you on the music. today's stuff can just be awful and even scary. i like old rock-- pink Floyd, david bowie, the eagles, etc. and singers like james taylor and carol king, dan fogelberg. music was so much better in the 70s and 80s, i think! of course, i listen to all kinds of classical now because of the kids, but i just can't listen to most of the current stuff out there. that is so fantastic about your pants!! woo hoo! you look fantastic (saw you on fb)! i don't think you need to lose anymore! i am the same way with the dvds, though i didn't have a lot of cathe's older workouts, that's why it is so fun now to have them all and keep switching up the rotations. don't think there are many that she has that i don't own now, though, so it's not as fun looking at the daily deal ;-).

ladylep-- i hope you are having a relaxing vacation and that the weather is nice!

school tomorrow-- boo!! i am not ready at all!

Dan fogelberg! Yes love him! We are the same on the music. I have actually been listening to binaural beats from you tube not for exercise but headache relief and some for hypnosis to relax. Some had classical music with it. But I am not in a hypnotic state at all just try to relax. Some of them even supposed to help with brain power! Lol I need all the help I can get. I am having a toss up between muscles max or muscle endurance. How many sets of the step ups in muscle endurance cause I don't want. To do to many [emoji53]! I am scared of them as well.
Caitlyn hope u are doing good! Hello
Lady Lep enjoy your vacation

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Renee-- she does two sets of twelve reps per leg three different times in the workout, so a total of 72 reps per leg in the workout! I know I am going to be feeling this one tomorrow! It was fun, though, and the music is pretty good! Hoping you and I get our wish for the new dvds' music! It would make the workouts so much better!
I figured it out lol oh my gosh!! Today I tried muscle endurance and I was wondering why I kept having to do those pesky leg presses on six riser's! ouch so i finally had to take it lower! lol But i kept going and at one point I did have to stop a few seconds, and Cathe said okay riser's this feel good? I am like um NO geez how many reps are there, and sets? Then I thought it was it and we went on to more exercises upper and all that she said leg presses again. Geez lady. She did two more sets and then back to more or other body parts.. and then the third time two more sets! I was like what really? Are you joking Cathe My leg is bout to fall off. I was not even using big weights lol. reason high reps so not sure I like that one. Maybe i should try again soon but i dont think so lol. I love heavy weights and low reps to get in it and out. Tomorrow I am not sure what it will be, I have to work so it may be a short cardio, a HIIT maybe. I will report. Oh my !! What workout are you planning tomorrow?

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Yes, that was so many leg presses! I think she does as many in high step training, but not on the six risers! My heart rate was way up there! I am thinking of Imax 2 for tomorrow, then will try to get in the pyramid weights, bootcamp and the cardio and weights the other days. That's the plan anyway! Will see if I make it! Let me know what you end up doing-- wonder if we will both be sore tomorrow!
hi girls. ugh. barely any sleep at all last night. :-( then got up super early anyway to bring imala off to school, came home and did IMAX 2. I sweat buckets on that! pushed through even though I felt fried out by about the 7th interval. glad I did it all. what a great workout that is! the step moves were fine, too, which was very sweet for my two left feet. love the music in it, too. tomorrow I am thinking pyramid upper body. hoping the day goes well for imala. plowed though most of nygel's schoolwork so he could get to his cello, but still need to do more French tonight as tomorrow I take he and alec for dr. appts which will throw the whole day off.

are you sore today, renee? what did you end up doing today?

hello ladylep and Caitlin!


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