Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

hi girls! me again! quick post from me as wifi has been slow, school is crazy busy with Nygel doing high school curriculum, and the boys have doctor appts today. did pyramid UB. that shoulder and bicep work is killer, as are the pikes on the ball! tired again today as something (spider? centipede?ewww!!) crawled/scurried across my chest at around 4am and completely freaked me out. used my cell phone to try to see what it was, but to no avail. told rik he might have whatever it was scurrying across him, but he just rolled over and kept sleeping. there was no way I was sleeping after that! the spiders have been awful here lately. thinking I will spray my whole room and sheets with peppermint essential oils today. :eek:

hope you girls all have a great day!!

great job on the workouts, renee! how are your feet doing these days?

today I did pyramid LB after another night of very crummy sleep. just can't fall back asleep after waking at around 2:30. I think it's just taking me time to shift back to another school year. having that alarm go off at 5:30 just makes me more anxious to sleep, which ends up keeping me awake. blech. plus, it is so sticky and humid here. yesterday I walked bugsy and then had to come home and put an ice pack on my head to cool off! the dewpoints are in the 70s which is about as bad as it gets here. supposed to stay this way until sunday night, and of course we have a houseful of people coming here on Friday to celebrate alec's birthday. I am still in disbelief that he is turning 19 tomorrow! where do the years go?

hello ladylep and Caitlin!

Hi all! Quick check in here from Ocean City, NJ!

I've been biking every day, first day was with three kids: 1 hr 25 min: 520 or so calories burned, included a 40 min stop at the arcade. Yesterday was alone: 53 min, 334 cal burned. Today 48 min 450 cal burned. For the last 15-20 min or so I would go as fast as I could for a block or two, then slow down for s block and then pick it up again.. We are on 39th street and I ride in the street until the boardwalk starts at 23rd and the boardwalk goes all the way to first. The board walk is a little over 2.5 miles and my total ride is 8.8 miles.

Recommendations on making it more hiit like? I figure 1-4 blocks as fast as I can then down to steady state for a block.

Yesterday we did the watermark so so walked up tons of stairs. But I didn't have my fit bit on so I don't know how many. I know the middle height slide was 39 steps! There are 3 and the lazy river and a place for little ones there.

I'm off to the beach! I miss doing my arms, I did the core with upper body focus2 days ago from TTM, but haven't used my DVDs since then.

I saw a thread about girl strength training, I can't remember what it's called 16 weeks, not Cathe, on sale for $59 until September 4? Anyone know about it?

Hi Renee and Katie!

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great job on the workouts, renee! how are your feet doing these days?

today I did pyramid LB after another night of very crummy sleep. just can't fall back asleep after waking at around 2:30. I think it's just taking me time to shift back to another school year. having that alarm go off at 5:30 just makes me more anxious to sleep, which ends up keeping me awake. blech. plus, it is so sticky and humid here. yesterday I walked bugsy and then had to come home and put an ice pack on my head to cool off! the dewpoints are in the 70s which is about as bad as it gets here. supposed to stay this way until sunday night, and of course we have a houseful of people coming here on Friday to celebrate alec's birthday. I am still in disbelief that he is turning 19 tomorrow! where do the years go?

hello ladylep and Caitlin!

Wow 19 that is exciting for him! Not u in some ways. Time they say marches on I say time runs on. No marching to it.[emoji19]
Weather here is about 75 80 but not humid and it feels great!
My feet hurt some in rock out knock out but I switch shoes and then when I do pendulums my left knee has a pain still so I have to watch how I land on that leg. Same leg as my foot is on. I wish I never did that surgery. It Eason both feet by the problems arise on the left all the time. But if it bothers me a lot on a day I did jumping I make sure to weights the next day to give it a brake.

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Hi all! Quick check in here from Ocean City, NJ!

I've been biking every day, first day was with three kids: 1 hr 25 min: 520 or so calories burned, included a 40 min stop at the arcade. Yesterday was alone: 53 min, 334 cal burned. Today 48 min 450 cal burned. For the last 15-20 min or so I would go as fast as I could for a block or two, then slow down for s block and then pick it up again.. We are on 39th street and I ride in the street until the boardwalk starts at 23rd and the boardwalk goes all the way to first. The board walk is a little over 2.5 miles and my total ride is 8.8 miles.

Recommendations on making it more hiit like? I figure 1-4 blocks as fast as I can then down to steady state for a block.

Yesterday we did the watermark so so walked up tons of stairs. But I didn't have my fit bit on so I don't know how many. I know the middle height slide was 39 steps! There are 3 and the lazy river and a place for little ones there.

I'm off to the beach! I miss doing my arms, I did the core with upper body focus2 days ago from TTM, but haven't used my DVDs since then.

I saw a thread about girl strength training, I can't remember what it's called 16 weeks, not Cathe, on sale for $59 until September 4? Anyone know about it?

Hi Renee and Katie!

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You are doing great on the bike rides! I am sure that is fun for a change. I'd say what you are doing now is an interval workout so only way I know to make it HIIT is make the intervals by seconds and rest by seconds? There is no hills there so you can't do that but is say turn up the gear to make it harder to pedal? And do that for 40 to 50 seconds then back off the gears to not be as hard to peddle and slow down for 20 seconds? Cause I imagine it is hard to change gears so fast ? I mean I have not ridden a bike outside for ages so If I can remember it takes the bike a minute to get into a gear u put it in?
Girl strength I have NOT heard of it. What have u heard? Who does it? You are going to get me to want it. I am already curious lol
Not sure what I'll do tonight I may do low impact hit from ripped with HIIT.

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Girls gone strong. That's what it's called. There is a thread in the forums by that title. Sounds like you are doing full body heavy wts 2 or 3 times a week.

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hi girls! cardio and weights today- such a fun workout! though, I am really sore! think from the pyramid workouts (and maybe started off with muscle endurance!). anyway, not sure what to do tomorrow. had been planning on bootcamp to finish the series off, but if I am this sore, will have to do straight cardio or maybe legs.

renee-- your weather sounds perfect! it is absolutely miserable here-- dewpoints in the mid70s again today with highs around 90, which makes the heat index in the 100s. blech. I always have to watch my feet with step and impact-- sounds like you know how to keep them from hurting too badly. my knees used to bother me, but after my years of ashtanga practice, they improved-- not sure how or why, but hoping they stay that way!

ladylep-- sounds like you have been getting great workouts in! sounds like you guys are having a great vacation! I always thought that if you pushed yourself to 90-95% of your cardio threshold that you were doing hiit? so it sounds to me like, if you are able to push to the point of breathlessness in your bike rides, you are adding hiits in there. I may be wrong, though! that is what I do when I am on vacation and go running-- I sprint every few minutes or so and sustain that fast pace for about 25-30 seconds, then take it to a regular pace run. enjoy the rest of your vacation!

I got alec a vegan cake from the Chicago diner (sold at whole foods). it is a caramel crunch torte. hope I can keep from eating too much tonight! will be more cake again tomorrow night with family coming to celebrate. :oops:

have a good day all!

hi girls. me again. this insomnia is really kicking my butt :-(. last night I woke up when rik came to bed at 1:30 and I couldn't fall back asleep. then I was thinking I would still do a short workout, so pulled out crosstrain express and did the kickboxing one-- well, that one is still 58 minutes :p. it was a great workout, though, and I am glad I still did it. it didn't feel as difficult as many of cathe's other workouts, but was still plenty intense. will have to check out the other workouts on those discs.

tonight is alec's bday party. brought Nygel to cello lesson and then through crazy traffic to our co-op to pick up his cake and some vegan sliders, through more crazy traffic to get home in a car with no a/c and it is so hot here again. blech. don't mean to complain so much, but I am definitely ready for fall (but not winter! lol).

hope you girls have a nice evening!

Hello to all your wonderful ladies,

I have brand new running shoes, so I broke them in today. The jogging was so hard for me that my pulse went over 160. Sometimes it does that when I do a hard step workout on an eight inch step. I came home and did my legs freestyle. My HRM said I burned close to 400 calories.

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Girls hey, I had to skip my workout Thursday but I did do a workout Friday kick punch crunch I wanted to do a premix of cardio portion and ankle weights but the one I thought was cardio was not it was more the combos so stopped it after 25 minutes and did the chapter on higher intensity drill I guess that was it it didn't feel as if I got a good cardio still because it hurt my foot to jump again. [emoji22] so today is Sabbath a rest day again. Tomorrow I will start my week again. I will do a total body weight and a low impact cardio I hope. We will see cause my best friend came in again she has a NC trip planned for me for something! She is so sweet! I don't have many friends but at least the one I do have is a good one. She is more better friend then I am. I wish I thoughts of all she does. She is always doing nice things and I sure don't deserve it.
I hope I am as good a friend to her as she is me.

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Whoops didn't mean to post yet. Anyway I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! Caitlyn I can't seem to get my HR up lately myself cause if my feet at times. But isn't it fun to get new shoes?! [emoji39]
Katied is the workout that is kickbox one does it make u jump a lot? Anyway sounds like we are all trying to keep going on the workouts. So that is cool !

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Hello, Lady Lep, Katied, Renee and all you wonderful ladies,

Today I did Cross Train Hard Strikes with two pound weighted gloved, and the legs from High Reps. Sometimes, I think High Reps will never end. I am only using thirty pounds for squats and lunges so I am a bit out of shape. My doctor also told me never to do shoulders and chest, because of the herniated discs in my neck and back. I am just grateful that I can still work out.
Katied, you mentioned your insomnia. I am a chronic insomniac, but I take non addictive prescriptive meds to help me sleep, and they are seroquel and trazadone. I don't know what I would do without them; I would be up all night all the time.

I have some exciting news; in December, I will be moving to the Catskills to live with my beloved friend Frank. I know Frank for over fifteen years, and he is in a bad situation now. The women he is staying with has physically attacked him, and she left bruises and terrible wounds all over his body; he e-mailed me the photos. We both think she is a borderline personality which is very bad. He went to the police station yesterday, and he is also trying to get an order of protection against her. She is short about 5'2" but heavier than I am, and Frank does not dare retaliate as he stands at over six feet tall and 200 pounds. I really hope he gets this order of protection; I have more to write about this situation, but I don't want to bore you all.
hi girls! today was bootcamp-- talk about a beast of a workout in this heat! the exterminator lunges were the most intense, I think, but the whole workout felt on the same level as crossfire or to the max, to me. an intense way to start the workout week, that is for sure. I also did 25 minutes of gentle yoga. managed to get better sleep last night and Friday-- it helps when I don't have to be up at 5:00 the next day.

Caitlin-- I am so sorry to hear about your friend and his situation! I hope that everything works out! Don't worry about boring me-- I feel like we are all here to support each other in whatever our lives bring us. it sounds like you will be moving to a beautiful place! how exciting! I have a physical coming up in a little over a month and will ask my doc about those meds you mentioned-- thanks for the tip! are there any weird side effects listed? great job on your workouts, too!

renee-- I am so sorry about your foot :-( I hate it when an injury keeps me from getting my workouts in, so I know exactly how you feel! hopefully you are getting some good time with your friend today to take your mind off of it and let it heal up some. did you try arnica gel yet? it is really helpful! that and icing it. the kickbox did have some impact it in, but you could also modify, and there are plenty of upper body drills that crank your heart rate up, that I think it might be a good choice for you:). hope you feel better soon!

hello ladylep! guessing you all are enjoying the last few days of your vacation. hope you are having a wonderful, relaxing time!

off to clean the house some and do some laundry. I will be so happy when this muggy, sticky weather is out of here! it's supposed to finally drop into the 60s tonight with dew points in the 50s by tomorrow morning! cannot wait! last night our low temp was 79 and the dewpoints are in the mid 70s. it's like living (and working out in!) a sauna. blech.

have a nice sunday girls,

Katied, there are no side affects to these drugs, and you cannot become addicted to them. I also sometimes take Klonopin for anxiety. Today I was tired, but I was planning to do some hi low anyway, but it was so boring and my heart rate went nowhere.
I thought it might be my Heart Rate Monitor, so I put in HIIT, and my heart rate did go high.

My dear friend Frank sent me some videos of what this crazy woman was doing, and she was screeching right over anything he said. It is a nice apartment, and both their names are on the lease. From what I have seen of this woman, she is severely mentally disturbed, probably bipolar and borderline personality disorder. Don't mind me, I have 60 grad credits in Psychology, and I looked up everything in my books.

I hope you all are having a great weekend. Renee, I hope your foot gets better.
hi girls-- today for me was step blast (I finally tried it! all the step combos were very manageable except for the last one which seemed way trickier to me) and B&G stability ball abs. it is finally nice here today! I had a cool breeze for my workout, which always makes things better! :) enjoying this three day weekend, but back to reality tomorrow!

Caitlin-- thanks so much for that info! at least the HiiT worked for you ;-). it sounds like an awful situation with your friend. we have a friend of ours who is bipolar and she is becoming increasingly more difficult to deal with. she attempted suicide a year ago, and now she has once again not been taking her meds and it is just a very sad situation. not sure what will become of her. I wish all the best to Frank and you and hope that this friend of his doesn't cause any trouble for you!

hello renee and ladylep!

I think I am here a bit too much, but my dear friend Frank, who also produced two cult horror films, took some videos of what was going on. The woman looked absolutely deranged, and, in my opinion, she should be in the psych ward of a hospital. I know I just have the credits and a degree, and I am not equipped to diagnose anybody, but I almost wish I would post those videos for you to see. The police were also there yesterday, and they issued a warning to here. The wounds on Frank's body looked awful to me, but the police said it was not abuse, but only harrassment. Tomorrow Frank is going to try to get an order of protection from her. I also told Frank that she should be on lithium, which is a strong drug for bipolar disorder. He even took her to his therapist, and the therapist had to remove her from the room for fifteen minutes because she was screaming so much.
Caitlin! Be careful please! I would hate for you to go there and get in the middle if all ! I just am such an untrusting person that I would be cautious as to is Frank telling you the truth like I know u saw video but what if he drove her nuts? Lol I know it may not be but I am just never trusting with people anymore that is think of what if all the time. And if he is telling the truth and he is not the but then if she is the but you may have to watch your back from her. Just keep us posted and I pray it is going to workout for you.
I have to say also you are really doing great on your workouts! U r doing way more then u was doing! That is good!
Katie I agree with step last it is fun and easy till the last combo! Then u have to put it all together! I am doing that tomorrow!
Today I did push pull but did two sets of everything and it was good but there is a pause between each group and it is what makes it easy. I mean I think pause is to long. So I may try to make my own in workout blender somehow. But I did that and tomorrow is step blast and then the next day I am hoping to do HiT 30/30. Then the next day low impact hit then Friday muscle max.
Lady Lep hope u r enjoying your time

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Caitin that is funny you are not here to much. And we are here for each other! I really love coming here to vent lol. I really love to talk to you and Katie and lady Lep . I may not get on every day but I do enjoy reading the post and learning more about you and Katie and lady Lep! Also I have one friend and she is far away so you guys are my cyber friends I can come to everyday if I need. I thank you all for listening to me at times.
Oh yes today was Ryan's angel date and it has been a hard day but I slept a lot through it and I have my friend here still she is leaving tomorrow. Tomorrow is my BD so it is strange well not as strange as the day they told me. Cause my goodness I felt as if I was floating through life not touching the ground it seemed just going around trying to keep from losing my mind.
Now it seems just like yesterday yet the pain seems to have been an eternity.
Anyway I tried to have a regular day. As much as possible except the sleeping all day.

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