Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Yesterday I did XTrain bonus barre (15 m) and yoga max express 1 (30 m). Today will be SJP or at least a premix from it it's so long!

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Caitlin I am sorry about your knee! I hope u feel better on it. I know when I have my knee hurting it really bothers me when I have to take a brake ugh.
Good job on keeping going with something else however!
Lady Leo I need to try that barre workout again I think I inly did it once!
I subscribed to Cathe live today and think I may try something. I wanted to see what it is like before buying a cable to go from comp to my tv so I should be able to find some workouts that don't take up a lot of room until I decide if I will keep it or not.
I am sick today however! I woke with a headache made me see blurry. So I may go to doctors this evening of they call me back. I however feel not as bad as I did this morning

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Hello to all you wonderful ladies,

Today I did Low Max most of it on an eight inch step, and all I did was ice my knee, and my knee is not bothering me so much. I did the bi's and tri's from high reps, but I can't do the five pounds with the band, so I use 8 or ten pounts. I hate August because my work is so dead.
Hello, Renee, Lady lep, Katied and all,

I earned a rest day today, and my illiotibial band on left leg is bothering me a bit. I might do some yoga laster on. I have an illiotibial band roller and I might use ir, I can't take any pain pills today as I did take some for two days. It is not good to take them all the time.
No wo for me Monday and yesterday I only had time for the 7 min step blasts from tabatacise. Today I hope to get something it. I may have fallen off of this rotation. Not sure whether to cut my losses and do today's (BM2) or pick up Monday's because I haven't don't that one in eons (SJP) or do whatever strikes my fancy and fits my time and mood when I do wo, which will hopefully be this morning. We are going to the Phillies game tonight as a family! We are season ticket holders (from Hubby's grandmother) and he received 4 more from work!

I still have a ton of school work to organize. But I have ordered almost all of the books I will need this first quarter. I may still need to buy an atlas...

Hi Caitlin, Renee and Katie!

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Did SJP premix 68 min step and wts. I read the premixes wrong and meant to do 45 min step and wts circuit! This was step from step blast. Good workout but bummed I didn't do any step from SJP. I was wondering when I started...

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Okay a real fast update, then tomorrow I will touch base and read all of your posts!! I did turbo fire tonight it was the fire 45. And of course my knee is twirked.. Oh it is the side of the knee but it has been kind of irritated so I had been trying to do different things to find what will not be to bad. Yesterday I did KCM shape I think it is called the one she calls HIITs it is eight cardio drills then eight weight drills and you do that over and over till you are done at 30 minutes I think it has four different types of drills. It went by fast and it isn't as hard as Cathe but I did sweat and that is all I need right now till my knee gets better! I hate falling apart! Will I ever get the weight off and keep it off? I was doing so good with losing my fat and I got taken off one medicine and put on the beta blocker and it is causing me to gain fast! I think that is why my knee is hurt. It don't hurt until I turn or land on it a certain way. Like sitting here it doesn't hurt.
I don't know. I am sorry I can't get into personals yet. I have to take a shower now and TRY to sleep. I have had a hard time sleeping lately too!

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Gotta get to sleep earlier, so this will a quick check in. I did Hard Strikes today and boy I was really into it! I even did all the sit ups and push ups at the end at her speed! I did all the push ups on my knees because I wanted to keep up. I normally do the first set on my toes and then slow down. Tomorrow on tap is BM2, it will depend on timing if I will do a premix or brave the whole thing.

Renee, I feel the same way! And my feet were getting a little tingly during HS! How do you like Turbo fire? Chalene has intrigued me!

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hi girls! I am back from the north shore. what a nice vacation! I love it up there so much, I wish we could have stayed longer. anyway, while I was away, I ran most every day with some sprinting thrown in for cardio blasts. the one day I didn't run, we hiked the devil's kettle, which has 13 sets of 11 steps to climb once you come out of it! and bugsy would not climb them, so I carried him. that was a great workout, and what a beautiful sight to see! anyway, I also did some yoga each day which I really needed, as running on the pavement was murder on my thighs and calves. somehow my feet fared okay. Here is a picture of the kids from outside our cabin-- :)


renee-- I am sorry you are dealing with knee pain! you know, the arnica spray that I bought from whole foods has been a miracle for my shoulder! it has capsicum in it and some other homeopathic drugs as well, and it is amazing how effective it is! my shoulder feels completely back to normal. my niece also used it when we were up north on her sore arm and it completely healed it. lmk if you want the brand name, etc., and I will post it. I am guessing you could find it online.

ladylep-- great job on HS! I am not ready to start school again! boo! :-(

Caitlin-- glad you are taking care of yourself and letting your body rest when it needs it!

today for me was supersets. I got crosstrain express in the mail while I was gone. trying to figure out what I will do for next week with all of these new cathe workouts (new for me, that is!).

happy Friday all!

Did SJP premix 68 min step and wts. I read the premixes wrong and meant to do 45 min step and wts circuit! This was step from step blast. Good workout but bummed I didn't do any step from SJP. I was wondering when I started...

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I love SjP step segment I noticed on the greatest hits it lists SJP also but I do not see it on there in the chapters. I saw all the premixed on SJP and I wanted one that was SJP and step blast or parts of step blast but it doesn't have that premix. :(
I like turbo fire! I love the music in it and it takes a bit to get the moves right but it is fun. Only problem again like all beach body products it seems they have the same thing in all DVDs ! Like I would love a rotation with turbo fire mixed in with some Cathe because Cathe offers such different stuff and it isn't all the same and the music is different in all of them. But in beach body all warm ups seems the same and cool downs and the moves are the same just done differently and time length are different. So I would not could not do a rotation with just turbo fire! I get bored so easy. Like now I wish she came out with turbo fire 2 so I can have different music and have a different feel to them. It is hard to explain what I mean. I hope you get what I am saying lol

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Katie I thought you had cross train? Or was that cross fire? Lol I got the high step training workout and looked at it today. It seems good but I needed something not so jumpy so I did an oldie. I love the pictures of your kids they always look like they should be in magazines! U really have beautiful kids. That is awesome about your running everyday. I love to jog but had to stop around here because of dogs! I hate it to. I love dogs but not ones that come out I tot he road at me! Lol

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Hello to all you wonderful ladies,

Today I did Low Max most of it on an eight inch step, and all I did was ice my knee, and my knee is not bothering me so much. I did the bi's and tri's from high reps, but I can't do the five pounds with the band, so I use 8 or ten pounts. I hate August because my work is so dead.
Isn't low max a great workout? I wish she would do another and another one like low impact circuit the one she is in a green suite? I can't do the band with weights at all it feels strange like I can't lift it up at all with good form. Idk. I hope ur leg gets better! I am dealing with knee pain on the outside of the lag and it is just if I step on it a certain way and I can't pinpoint what way hurts it. It is while I am doing cardio like I can't do pengulims I can't step on that lag and hop on it for to long with my weight all on that one leg so it is strange.

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Quick update: just finished BM2 just the four power circuits and the warm up and cool down about 45 min.

Gotta run bunch of stuff to do before we head to our friend's pool!

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Okay now I forgot to mention the day before I did KCM and the other one I mentioned I did low impact circuit and I really love that one. I usually just do the cardio premix but this time I did the circuit as is. Love it!! Like I said I wish she would do a low impact circuit 2 and low max 2 muscle max 2 and body max 3 the ones she has a blue suite on? Well today I had to do something not to jumpy so I did kathy smith buns workout. You use step to get a cardio and buns it was what I needed! I needed to work the lower body somehow with out hurting it and this worked perfect. I didn't sweat like I am used to but at least I did something. And I remember this one making me sweat when I was skinnier and younger! I thought it was a hard workout! Really? Lol I may be bigger now but I am I. Better shape. Anyway tomorrow is rest day cause it is the sabbath. So I tend to enjoy it and spend time rejuvenating and spending time with God if I can. I need it. Anyway I hope you girls have an awesome weekend

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hi girls! today for me was step, jump and pump-- that's a long workout! I really like it though-- the music is great and there is plenty of variety. not sure what I will do tomorrow-- after all of the jumping today it will probably need to be low impact or just weights, but will see if I am sore from today's stuff first.

renee-- I have crossfire but not crosstrain :). crossfire is a favorite of mine. haven't done any of crosstrain yet, but imala tried out one of the workouts. I just realized on the greatest hits it was the cardio and weights segments that I liked the best, so will look for that dvd to come up as the daily deal. it's on the same as imax 2, which I know my two left feet can't do, but maybe imala can. you'll have to let me know what you think of the the high step training dvd when you do it-- I thought it was a killer! thanks for the compliments on my kids! :) I bet you do have more strength/better endurance now then from back in the 90s-- I know I do! it is funny to think that workouts I found difficult in my 20s probably wouldn't seem so tough anymore. great job on all of your workouts!

great job on getting your sweat in, ladylep! hope the pool was fun!

hello Caitlin!

happy sunday!

hi girls! me again! this morning I did the scrambled premix of low impact hiit #1 plus bonus stability ball abs from B&G and 30 minutes of yoga. I was excited to see that imax 2/cardio and weights is the daily deal today! just after I mentioned wanting it yesterday! :). I also ordered timesaver as that might really come in handy once the school year starts next week. got a great deal on both!

hope you all have a great day! it is feeling like fall here again today-- chilly enough to want to close the windows in here! brr! I love autumn, though-- it's my favorite season (though my least favorite follows right behind it and way too quickly here in Minneapolis!).

Cheese cake on Saturday but not wo. Yesterday I had cheesecake again, but I did go in Drill Max premix cardio and upper body 60 min but I skipped to the cool down at 30 min.

Today was our first day of school! It was a success! Not perfect but worth of ice cream sundaes on a Monday (dessert days are on the weekend and should be rare on the weekdays, but it's still summer...) I was up at 6 and did LLA and got a nice little sweat in.

Tomorrow is supposed to be rock out knock out, I will sub 4D KB cardio only for that. Wednesday is high reps, which I don't have and don't know what to sub for. Any ideas?

I'm not looking forward to fall! It has been chilly in the morning and evening and muggy/hot/80s durning the say. I just hope it stays nice for our trip to the beach next week!

Hi Katie, Rene and Caitlin!

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hi girls! today was kick, punch and crunch plus yoga. my legs feel fried! hoping my feet and ankles feel okay tomorrow! I plan on doing push/pull, which will give them a break anyway! another chilly morning here but it is supposed to go into the low 70s, so summer isn't over yet, at least!

ladylep-- sometimes we just need a treat, I say! I had plenty of them while we were up north! congrats on the first day of school success! hoping it all goes smoothly for us all next week :). can't think of what to sub for high reps...hmmm. maybe supercuts? the weights aren't as heavy, and they are both total body. flextrain?

hello renee and Caitlin!

Katie-I have super cuts but not flex train. I'll probably do that one.

Today I did 4D kickbox cardio only, 37 min. I'm really going to try to stay away from the sweets and really track my intake this week. I hope to go the beach less than 170 and I'm 171.6 now. Ugh! I'm not sure I'll ever be under 160 let alone under 170. [emoji37]

Hi Renee and Caitlin!

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