hi girls! I am back from the north shore. what a nice vacation! I love it up there so much, I wish we could have stayed longer. anyway, while I was away, I ran most every day with some sprinting thrown in for cardio blasts. the one day I didn't run, we hiked the devil's kettle, which has 13 sets of 11 steps to climb once you come out of it! and bugsy would not climb them, so I carried him. that was a great workout, and what a beautiful sight to see! anyway, I also did some yoga each day which I really needed, as running on the pavement was murder on my thighs and calves. somehow my feet fared okay. Here is a picture of the kids from outside our cabin--
renee-- I am sorry you are dealing with knee pain! you know, the arnica spray that I bought from whole foods has been a miracle for my shoulder! it has capsicum in it and some other homeopathic drugs as well, and it is amazing how effective it is! my shoulder feels completely back to normal. my niece also used it when we were up north on her sore arm and it completely healed it. lmk if you want the brand name, etc., and I will post it. I am guessing you could find it online.
ladylep-- great job on HS! I am not ready to start school again! boo! :-(
Caitlin-- glad you are taking care of yourself and letting your body rest when it needs it!
today for me was supersets. I got crosstrain express in the mail while I was gone. trying to figure out what I will do for next week with all of these new cathe workouts (new for me, that is!).
happy Friday all!