Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

hi girls! had such an awful night last night! my shoulder seems much worse at night time. it was throbbing and sore, and then my period cramps set in. :-( I barely slept at all. I know it was sometime after 4am when I fell asleep and then woke at 6:15. still wanted to work out and didn't want to do anything that would irritate my shoulder, so I did legs and glutes. that workout is super intense to me! I do use 20 lbs instead of cathe's 15 on the leg presses and use a 10 lb weight for some of the standing drills instead of the ankle weights, but still, that workout is a killer! I think it is more difficult than GS legs or any of the new leg and glute workouts. I love the music again, though, so will try to push myself to have it in my rotation often. I know I will be sore tomorrow! the only exercises that hurt my shoulder were the deadlifts (which again I used 20 lbs instead of 15). but do you know what the weird thing is? my shoulder seems much, much better now today after working out! I don't want to jinx it and have it just be awful again, but it is strange how much better it feels than last night. then part of me wonders if it is the being still that actually makes the pain come on worse? it is bizarre. hoping it is better still after a rest day tomorrow.

what are you girls up to today? hope you both are having a good one and have nice weekends ahead!

Hi Tony, I'm sorry about your shoulder! I hope you can figure out what's wrong and it's an easy heal!

Today I did RWH low impact 2. Off to our friend's pool!

Hi Renee!

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Renee, I'm trying to figure out what would best match dirty 30 tomorrow, a 30ish premix of super cuts? I don't have flex train. And I will try to get yoga in on Sunday.

Today I didn't eat very well: 6 cookies and cookie dough, some chips and salsa and more chocolate chips tonight after the party. [emoji19]

So Renee, I want to try to come up with 30ish min workouts to match 21DF again for this week but really keep it to 30 the best I can.
M-rwh plyo 1
T-rwh upper circuit, but that's 40 min, I could just do the wts part? Scrambled express is 32
W- rwh lower circuit but again over 40 min or timesaver premix for 34 min or any leg wo, B&G I love but there isn't at 30 min premix...
Th- ? What to do in place of Pilates?? Or just do Cathe's Pilates based abs 18 min?
F- X10 in the 30 min range
Sa- super cuts premix 30ish min
Su- yoga time saver

Although, I do have all of Augusts's week one rotation...I don't have ant GS upper body or slow and heavy or rock out knock out (but o have hard strike) or pedal power. Decisions, decisions!

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I changed my mind on my workout today and did X10 Fat Burning Circuit today.[emoji2]

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hi girls! my shoulder continued to improve since Friday-- weird, after the workout it gradually stopped hurting and now today isn't really bothering me at all. anyway, did supersets plus the stability ball abs from body fusion plus some gentle yoga. :)

ladylep-- great job on your workouts! looks like you have a good plan going for the week! lots of hiit/metabolic work. I may get back to that in a while. liking these old workouts, though-- although I have grown to hate leg presses again! ouch! I have been having way too many sweets at night! Nygel and I have been watching another series on Netflix-- miss.fischer's murder mysteries (it's Australian) and we have been munching on cashew milk ice cream or sorbet or vegan candies. not good, I know!

renee-- hope you are doing well! what workouts have you been up to?

going to walk bugsy and then have to care for a little four year old this evening and overnight :p. no quiet sunday here! then tomorrow morning Nygel has a cello lesson at 10, so out the door by 9:30- workout will have to be a short one, I am thinking. one more week for imala in philly (she gets home next sunday!) and then a few more days until alec comes home. then we head to the north shore!

happy sunday!

Hey girls, I am sure super it's would be fine to substitute. I think any intense metabolic workout would do however it was like drills rather then the flow of super cuts maybe try the cardio supercuts from low impact series. That one is more like the dirty 30 I think. Pilates I think it is more like the beach body's piyo. I have not done catches Pilates abs. But it may work because it is abs focused.

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Katie I have found that when I work my back it helps that. And if I do not use it it hurts really bad! I am not sure if it is in my head or what. I just know I generally feel achy when I do not workout. So it may be that is what is up but you work your shoulders a lot don't you? I thought u exercise everyday anyway.?
I took rest day yesterday and today. My friend was here from. WV and we did the pool and sun and shop and different stuff like that. But Friday I did a premix of KCM full workout and third I did the 30 minute cardio pump I think! I can not remember which one I used now. It was one on each day the two newer ones she had and I love them! Fast and effective. But I love boxing and kick box and lifting so it was a win win.

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hi girls! busy day today, but crammed in low impact hiit #2. shoulder still seems okay, though I have kept from sleeping on my left side (though that is my favorite sleeping position :-( ).

renee-- I do work out 6 days a week, so not sure what the heck went on with my shoulder. I think I mentioned that I strained my rotator cuff before during an ashtanga yoga teacher training, and kept on with it anyway. as I remember, it was pretty painful for a couple of days and then went away. no clue what the story is. sounds like you had a fun time with your friend. great job on the workouts!

hello ladylep! hope all is well!

the weather is so nice here! 70s and low dewpoints. perfect!

talk soon,

I received pure strength from Cathe in the mail. One workout is 46 minutes the other is 42 I think and the legs and abs is 60 minutes! Ugh lol I bet that is going to be hard one the legs. I am planning on doing one of them tonight. Since it is new to me I am excited to do it. I guess I need to do legs since I have not done legs as of late. I just put it off because they are hard for me to work, due to the balancing issues I have . I have to say it is getting better. I wish I could find a DVD that does squats and all but no lunges! I know lunges are great for you but hey are so hard to go heavy like I need to because of the feet hurts trying to keep myself up right. I tell u, u just do not know how much toes balance the body till you do without one. Eek
I will be back to post the workout thoughts

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I don't have that one, renee! will be anxious to hear what you think! I just bought the high step challenge off of the daily deal last week. contemplating that for tomorrow, but my left foot is feeling a little sore, so not sure I want all the impact. so sorry about your feet! mine are just plantar fasciitis plus sometimes tendonitis in my ankle. this getting older thing really stinks sometimes!
Spent the afternoon at the DuPont ER. I did get in RWH plyo 1 before B started annoying CDawg who physically tried to stop him. B retaliated by throwing a cup at CDawg as C was closing a door. The cup bounced off the door into Little K's head, big gash, sedated stitches. He bled on me and then later threw up on me later, hopefully due to the meds not a concussion.

I'm going to try the August rotation, I put it in my calendar in wo manager, with modifications for GS upper body stuff, slow and heavy, high reps, rock out knock out and pedal power. We will see how it goes as I may need to just do 30 min workouts this week.

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oh my goodness, ladylep! that sounds very scary! hope little k is okay and everyone else, too! I haven't looked at the august rotation-- maybe will take a peek.

hello renee! how did the new workout go?

so, I did high step training this morning and that was so tough! I was silly thinking in the beginning that it wouldn't be so bad, as the only weights you need are 5s and 10s plus a barbell set at 35. boy, was I wrong! this workout is way more difficult than high step challenge, in my opinion. I was completely fried by the end! she does some moves that I have never seen before, like one armed tricep dips on the high step with the opposite leg extended, and push ups on the 8 inch step with alternating arms climbing down and back up again. the cardio was HiiT like and the leg press definitely got to me by the end-- especially on the fourth circuit where she does two sets of presses in a row. phew! may have a bit of a dread factor for that one now that I know how intense it is!

hope you girls have a good day! another perfect weather day here, so I need to go get outside while I can.

I didn't have have rotation suggestion of Petal Power so I did Rhythmic Step, I forgot how tough this was, it starts out easy but after about 25 min I was dripping and at 50 min I was ready to be done! So fun thought! Tomorrow is 4D Kickbox. Hopefully I can get to it. b's party is tomorrow afternoon and I still have to ice his big cookie which I made tonight first thing in the morning, hopefully after my wo!

Little K is fine and so is everyone else. No pool for him for 2 weeks!! And part of the discipline for CDawg and B is no swimming for 2 weeks too and helping/serving Little ask daily until he is better and cleaning up the blood on the rug in the upstairs hallway.

Katie, great job on high step training. I don't have that one, but the older ones all have a dread factor for me because they are on the long side.

Hi Renee!

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I don't have rhythmic step, either, ladylep! is that one tricky in the choreography, too? I just did the greatest hits dvd, the bonus circuit workout, and was surprised that I mainly was able to follow along with all of the moves. typically, I have two left feet when it comes to cathe's step workouts. since all the clips were from step, jump and pump, I may wait for that one to come up on the daily deal. it felt like a pretty easy workout, actually, but was a nice sweat. I needed that after yesterday! I also added in B&G stability ball abs.

glad that everyone is feeling better now, though, ladylep! how scary for you!

hi renee! hope you are liking your new workouts!

Katie-It's a little tricky but she repeats the combos so many times you eventually get them. I don't have the greatest hits but it looks interesting. SJP is in this month's rotation and I own that one. No B&G in this rotation. [emoji20] I really like that one, but it's long!

Tonight I got in 4D Kickbox, way more fun than I remember! Tomorrow is STS Total body.

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Hi girls. short on time today, so did x10 low impact plus 40 minutes of shiva rea yoga. I needed the yoga, as my body is feeling these workouts lately! :p anyway, off to imala's school to turn in paperwork for her. she is missing picture day as she is still in philly, so will have to reschedule that.

ladylep-- great job on the workout! that is a long one, too! can you believe I still haven't done B&G in its entirety! I need to do it!

hello renee!

have a good day!

Katie- short on time and you still do something for over an hour! Short on time means 35 min or less for me!

I just finished Intensity. I don't think I've ever done that one in its entirety! Holy cow is that tough! I've done various premixes and once I tried to do the Maximum intensity premix and fizzed at 30 min! I thought I was going to die at around the 30 min mark and then during the first HiiT but then glad I kept going because the low HiiT seemed like almost a break! I didn't want to do STS TB right after 4D K with legs and abs.

Hi Renee!
Oh I notice my feet hurting while doing this one. And then while out running errands this afternoon they hurt more. I hope I don't start having issues!! Didn't one of you guys have foot pain?

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