Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

X10 low impact today, I wanted something short and on the easier side, short yes, easy, no! My legs are a bit sore from yesterday but my arms are still very sore from the LIHI this week! Good wo tho! Tomorrow I hope to get in LLA.

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hi girls! rest day for me and it is much needed! my chest and tris are soooo sore! yikes! my whole body has been having quite a bit of DOMS since I started using all these old, but new to me, cathe dvds. haven't done the pyramid ones yet and will probably get those in this week. am thinking of high step challenge for tomorrow, but still undecided. being this sore is great in knowing the muscles are getting worked, but it sure is uncomfortable! this morning I took bugsy for a long walk in the sticky weather, and now am about to clean the house. that will be it for me today!

great job on the workout, ladylep! I find all of those x10s pretty challenging, and only went through the entire dvd one time! don't know when I will ever attempt that again! hope you were able to workout today:)

hello renee! hope your Saturday is going well!

I am hoping to do a step workout tonight after I do dirty 30 if I can. I need to try to I did rest day yesterday by accident so I really wanted to do one tonight even though sat is a planned rest day every week. I hope I can get the energy to get up and do it. Ugh

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Katie, I can't believe you did all of x10!! I don't think I'll ever attempt that! I've done 3 max, they are super hard! I like the pyramid ones, they don't feel old to me either like rhythmic step and step blast, since I bought them more recently.

Renee, tell me about dirty 30 or all actually. I'm going to do the 21DF meal plan again this week starting Monday. And I'd love to match up workouts, maybe you can help with that?

I did LLA premix with chair/fire walker and barre, that all I had time for with B's bday today (Dunkin for breakfast, Minion movie, Papa Johns for lunch, pool party into the evening with grilled chicken pasta salad, my avocado dip, ice cream cake and my brownies, the pool belongs to a friend of mine's dad whose bday was yesterday so we celebrated both). Would it be bad do do the standing and abs parts tomorrow since I did legs today? Or should I just do abs and see if I can get in yoga since I worked out at least 6 days in a row?

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hi girls! crummy sleep for me last night and still sore in my chest and tris, but I decided to stick with the original plan and did high step challenge. that is really a great workout! reminds me of the firm, but with better music! anyway, I may be paying for it tomorrow, but was good to get a nice sweat in today!

ladylep-- the whole x10 was beyond brutal and not sure I will ever try it again-- I think it was on a rotation for me at the time, so I sucked it up and did it. I felt accomplished afterward, but to even think of doing it again would be a major dread factor. sounds like a fun party you have planned!! I think if you have any soreness, you should just do the abs-- especially since you have been pushing it so hard. on the other hand, if you are feeling good and have the energy, then I would go for it. last week I ended up doing those standing leg drills the day after the B&G work, which felt pretty intense on the day, but I was fine afterwards. have fun today!

renee-- what is dirty 30? I am so out of the loop. hope you got a workout in! I could never workout at night like that, I know! I have to get it in early, or I am done for! :p

happy sunday--

Okay well I am getting sick of the 21 fit day extreme workouts already! So today I did KCM lean body circuits! The new one and it was fun! I did both on the DVD ! There 2 on there and it is from her 30 minutes to fitness. But she had a premix that you do both and it was only 48 minutes by time we started the cool down so it may be 55 minutes total. I loved it! The first 30 min I was using only 10 pounds and you use only one set. So I thought 10 was enough but by time I got to second workout I knew I needed to bump it up but I was sweating. So I used 15 pounds like the lady's in the back jelly used 20! It went kind of like this.. Weights like squats then cardio like jumping jacks then shoulder presses with squat to help push them up and the boxing and then weights then cardio the legs then boxing I am telling you when I up the weights it was fun and I was sweating more! This is kind of like the intensity of low impact hit on ripped with hit but it was more intensity then that and less then the ploy on there. So if you do both workouts you are getting in a great workout! Fun and goes fast!
NOW 21 dat fix extreme the cardio extreme and dirty 30 is on a hard level but ONLY cause it is balancing a lot and jumping. And it seemed like the others in the set just more intense. The one with toning is the upper and it was good then legs it was I don't know how to say it but it seemed the SAME to me. I wish I could get a beach body workout that has interesting and different workouts but they ALWAYS seem the same. Same warm up and cool down. Then the workouts are only 30 minutes but they seem like the longest 30 minutes to me because you do rounds like four rounds And in that four rounds each round has three exercises you do and you do them over two or three times and it felt dreadful. I swear more however with Cathe and even KCM. Now with that being said it may be like o said balance issues. Remember I have hard time with compound exercises because of my feet not have a bone on the toe the outside pinky part. So I can't hold heavy as my arms can do if you are having to balance on my legs or feet. so that is why I like traditional weights or if you use weights in a workout I want it to be for cardio and not muscle building unless it is circuits.
I will use these for work days when I am short on time. But no way can I do a rotation of these for more then three weeks. I will use the containers if I can figure what to put in them. I think I am going to go with what another lady here said she eats limitless veggies!
Katie This is a beach body program with some girl named autumn. You might like it but if you have feet issues like me you may not.
Lady Lep you may like them since you want 30 minute workouts but really I enjoy KCM better and ripped with HIT better! Awesome.
So hope that helps I really wanted to love these workouts! I still need to do yoga I may add it in tomorrow but I am wanting to do step soon! [emoji3]

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So Renee, am I wasting my time trying to come up with somewhat matching workouts?

I know that 21DF workout schedule generically is: in parentheses are her "doubles" putting 2 of the workouts together.

M- cardio (& Pilates)
T- upper (& cardio)
W- lower or barre (& abs)
Th- Pilates or abs (& cardio)
F- cardio (& upper)
Sa- dirty 30 (still not sure what to sub for this in some HiiT with wts??) (& upper)
Su- yoga (& Pilates)

Or I could just stick with the food plan I set up for the week and stick with my template of 2 days legs, 2 days upper and 2 days cardio/HiiT. Or throw in some circuit days that mix cardio/HiiT and wts like RWH CUB or CLB or 4DS or ? I just can't believe that 30 min of Pilates will burn 400 calories! Or a yoga DVD that's 30 min. Unless it's super advanced.

I know what you mean about them being the same! I kinda felt like after I did a month of Max 30 I was doing it again! I know they weren't exactly the same but I really like Cathe's variety! Like I can do RWH this week that MWF are the LIHI and TTh are HiiT and Saturday is one of the circuits or another's HiiT. And then the next week I can do the wts from PUB/PLB and step and then the next week RWH circuits and Burn sets.

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hi girls! super muggy and gross here again today. blech. did low impact hiit 2 scrambled premix plus some yoga. my upper body is still a little sore, but I think the workout yesterday may have actually helped it get back to normal! thinking of pyramid lower body tomorrow-- have never done that one before-- interested to see what it's like. wishing the humidity would drop, though, as it is super miserable working out in these high dewpoints. think that is supposed to happen on Wednesday-- until then, we are in the sweat (which, according to imala, I know out in philly it is beyond super hot, too!).

renee-- I do have feet issues and so will stay away from that one! I have only been doing low impact on my cardio days to try to keep my feet healthy-- though I notice that step workouts really set them off, too. :-( it is a bummer, as otherwise I would love to do plyo/high impact more often! after trying other exercise instructors for a while, I always end up coming back to cathe. to have these old workouts of hers is fun as they are all so new to me still and I think I am even getting some results!

ladylep-- I can't imagine pilates burning 400 calories, either! I would say a good, sweaty ashtanga session probably burns around 300/350, but that is when you are going for 90 minutes. maybe I am wrong, though, as I was my thinnest when that was all I was doing. but I also lived off of salads then and apples for snacks, so that was a huge part, too! both of your workouts plans sound good, though, and if pilates is something new to your body, it may bring some great results :).

hope you girls have a good day!
She doesn't do doubles in the calendar. She says they are hard enough in there own and I would say that is true but the palettes day I did double up. I think u can get results I just get bored easy. I'd say what would do the same is x10 the HIIT workouts in STS cardio series and all ripped with HIIT series. And flex train and super cuts. Those are about the same because it's all like metabolic training. And cardio drills and such. Dirty 30 is weights and cardio like the others like upper and lower but yes it uses whole body. On the W- you have lower body well you can do catches ripped with HIIT lower circuit workout that is what it's like. And T- u have upper do the upper HIIT circuit from ripped with HIIT. I hope that helps. You may like the 21 day fix since you want 30 minutes I don't know. Maybe it's worth trying to buy them.

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I thought I saw that she has a doubles version for week 3... Odd.

Today I did PRS1 premix 2 mix 1&2 and Pilates inspired abs. Tomorrow I'm going to try DM premix upper body and cardio, 60 min. I'm not sure if I will do 60 min, I'm just not up to longer workouts these days! And the humidity has been awful here too on top of 90s temps!

B has still not been feeling well so we stayed home all day: little clean (powder room and swept the steps/front hall/kitchen), little schoolroom prep (boxed up CDawg's schoolwork from this year), played 3 games with the kids and read for about an hour total to B and Little K. Tomorrow I hope B's up for story time at the library, Muppets Take Manhattan and shopping for and mailing JTrain's and CDawg's care packages!

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Okay today I ended up doing athletic step from STS cardio series. I really liked it! It was fun and this is only third time doing it so I actually did a lot better cause I remembered the steps and that is odd for me lately. I usually can't remember crap! But this was about 38 minutes long before she started cool down. Now the warm up was almost 5 minutes so I think the actual step was 34 minutes and the cools down and stretch brought it to 48 minutes. I got a nice sweat and I had lots of energy after! I usually am really dragging after about two hours later from a working out but this time I was cleaning and doing it fast. Cloths and kitchen cleaned and dinner cooked and lunch made. I like that. Maybe the new workouts will be like that? Not always making me so tired! I was thinking I will do those workouts and KCM on days I work so I will feel energized.
Good job Lady Lep on PRS 1 ! U did two workouts? That is good!

Katie hi!!

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hi girls! quick update from me as I am headed out the door. did pyramid lower body today-- hope I can walk tomorrow! talk about a nice little intense workout! loved the music, too! think I will be revisiting that one often. my only problem is in deadlifts, I feel them more in my back than my legs-- no idea why? I try to keep good form and my hamstrings are actually quite loose. the ones in this workout really bugged my back in particular, though. still really liked it, though!

great job on the workouts renee and ladylep! renee, I have that dvd but have never done it! I am so lame when it comes to step choreography, that I am afraid to try it! sounds like you both have been busy cleaning and sorting!

hope it cools off for everyone soon!

better run--

Quick update: Drill Max premix cardio ant all upper body, 60 min. B still wasn't feeling well today. So we spent the morning at home playing Clue Junior and I was able to pack up the other boys current school work and recycle a lot. And in the afternoon we wen to the library and then bought candy and junk and mailed it (care package) to CDawg and JTrain at camp.

Katie- PLB is tough! I haven done that one in a while!

Hi Renee!

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Lest Lep great job on drill max! The premix of that one did it do the cardio first all the way then upper body or was it circuit kind of? You did the 60 minutes that is awesome!
Katie you know I have only done the upper body on that DVD because I heard that you had to change weights to much for lower body but you know I bet I can use dumb bells as well for some of them. I have been tempted to do the premix that has upper and lower in it. Plus I like the music to! I love intensity series's music and body blast and the others that has pop or old kind of classic rock. I wish she did that on her next DVDs. Like has one DVD 80s music and another today's pop another one have classic rock and another 70s and another have some dance music and so on! What a fun bunch that would be!!
I ended up doing muscle max today. I matched all her weights this time except the legs I never do well on them BUT I am happy to report I did do ALL the reps during the squats and the lunges even though my weights was less then hers that is am improvement for me
Good night

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Renee, it was more of a circuit. All those push ups were super hard! I agree, those music styles would be fun! Great job on getting all the reps in for MM!

Turbo barre is on tap for tomorrow, happy to give my shoulders a break! They hurt!

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hi girls! don't know what happened to my left shoulder, but last night when I went to turn on my left side it absolutely throbbed, and it is still bugging me today. I still did UB pyramid and was only bothered by two of the exercises-- the lat pulls were the worst. I am icing it now and hoping it goes away quickly. wondering if a rotator cuff injury and hoping not bursitis, but I have noticed slight pain in the past when I lay on my left side-- last night was horrible, though!

renee and ladylep-- great job on both of your workouts! renee, that is awesome that you did all the reps and used mainly the same weights as cathe! way to go! sounds like your shoulders are sore, too, ladylep!

I do have DOMS in my legs today from yesterday! and the ab workout from UB today felt quite intense, so thinking I will be sore there tomorrow! not sure what I will do for a workout, though-- will wait and see what happens with this shoulder :-(.

I am so sick over the news and that dentist from near me who killed cecil the lion. it is especially awful that the person is basically one of my sister's neighbors. sorry for the rant, but sometimes I just wonder what in the world is wrong with people?? I hope he loses his dental practice. blech.

hope you girls have a good day-- the weather is finally nice here! need to take bugsy up to the park and for a long walk.

Hi all! B is finally feeling better enough to go to the pool. I did Turbo Barre before we came and I forgot there was some shoulder work in there!! Thankfully tomorrow I have cardio and abs lined up. But they way I'm feeling I might take the day off!

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KCM cardio blast 33 minutes..
Katie what was the story on that?
I hope ur shoulder is ok!!
Lady Lep great job reading and playing games with kids!
U and Katie are wonderful moms! I tried to spend time with my boys as much as possible even thought my mom tried to say I did to much I am glad I did what I did and I still feel I should have spent more time with them.

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Decided to take a light day and did an hour long (plus commercials fast forwarded) Pilates workout (although it's a stretch calling it a workout) from zliving TV. Today in 21day fix its a Pilates day and I feel like I've done a lot of hour plus king workouts the last few days. [emoji4] now to figure out what to do on this cloudy day with the boys.

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hi girls! shoulder is still out of whack :-(. I think it must be my rotator cuff, because it really hurts if I reach down to pick things up and then to extend my left arm up over my head. did not sleep on my left side last night, that is for sure, and have been icing it on and off. did pyramid hiit today which was fine for most of the moves, I just needed to modify with my left arm sometimes. it's weird because mountain climbers and planks don't hurt it at all. I added in the stability ball abs from butts and guts and some yoga. my upper body is sore from yesterday-- especially my bis and forearms-- and legs still sore from Tuesday, so I am a bit of a wreck! not sure what I will do tomorrow.

renee-- not sure what you were asking about? the story on what? guessing you meant that guy who killed cecil the lion? it is all over the place, though, so guessing you know all about it now! or my shoulder? still no clue how you injure your shoulder in bed!? leave it to me, though! hoping this passes quickly. I have had rotator injuries in the past. I pulled it once during a teacher training in ashtanga yoga that I just pushed myself through anyway (it was all paid for and with a pretty well known ashtangi so I didn't want to just not go), and have aggravated it before in my work giving massage. guess it is just something I will have to deal with on and off, but it sure makes me appreciate how much my shoulders do! thanks so much for the kind words! you are a great mom I can tell, too! I can see how much you love both of your boys! and how strong you are for keeping on even after such a devastating loss.

ladylep-- glad you took a lighter day! you deserve it! hope B is completely over whatever sickness he had! your pool days always make me jealous! I grew up with a pool and spent every summer basically in the water. now, though, we barely ever get to a pool. there are lakes all around us but we barely ever get there, either! we are headed to the north shore, though, after alec and imala get back. I am so looking forward to that, except for the fact that it means another school year will be starting again!

I was going to ask you girls' opinion on the workout manager. pyramid hiit is listed as a 10, while the plyo hiits from RWH are only a 9.5. I think it should be the other way around-- the HiiTs on the STS dvd seem less intense then the plyo ones of RWH in my opinion. but imala always said that the plyo hiits were not that tough to her. what do you girls think?

okay, off to walk bugsy...

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