Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

today for me was push/pull plus core #1 from xtrain. thinking of GS series for next week with HiiT before we head up to the north shore on Saturday. two more days until imala is back! alec returns next Thursday.

ladylep-- I always have to watch my feet :-(. If I do too much step or too much impact, I definitely pay the price. I am flat footed and I think that is part of it, but I know I suffer from plantar fasciitis, and it is not fun at all when it flares up. workouts can be so painful for my feet that I can't concentrate on anything else. I think Renee also suffers from PF. I bought some socks off of amazon that have been helpful, and if it is impact in a circuit workout I tend to do way better. I think the plyo hiits are what really flared it up for me this last time-- that and any kickboxing workouts (which makes me wonder for you, too, since you just did the 4DS kickboxing and then intensity, right?). anyway, I stretch my calves a ton and keep my hamstrings flexible and that helps, too. you can also roll a ball under your foot, back and forth. hanging your feet with heels off of a step or a stair helps. also, train the tibialis muscle/your shins, and practice flexing and releasing the foot that is bothering you. hope you are feeling better today! but I think those two workouts back to back would fry my feet, too!

hello renee! where have you disappeared to? still want to hear about your new workouts :)

happy Friday!

Maybe that is why Cathe didn't have them together! I never got to STS TB today, I feel kinda sore but more just tired and lazy? We went out to run errands and then at home I did some cleaning and organizing in the school room. I still have work to do but it looks neat! I found out I forgot to buy spelling for everyone! And I still need to order books for history/Literature. I will plan to do the work looking for used one as the new ones from Tapestry of Grace (TOG,the curriculum) is VERY expensive.

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Did HiiT 30/30 today followed by STS TB premix single sets 45 min this morning. Tomorrow I'll try to get in LIS Yoga Relax and Ab Circuits no equipment abs. :)
It is much too hot in here to do cardio, so I am doing weights, lower body one day, and upper the next. I hope everybody is doing well
hi girls! I am bummed as last night I tried sleeping on my left side and now, yet again, my left arm/shoulder is killing me :-(. so tired of this! I still did my workout, high step challenge, and am wondering now if I should have, as it really feels pretty bad. tomorrow I will just do cardio and see if I am able to do the rest of GS series this week.

great job on the workout, ladylep! bet you had a good calorie burn from that one!

hello Caitlin! it is super humid here today-- my workout clothes looked like I had showered in them when I finished! where do you live? guessing it is much worse even than here in Minneapolis! sounds like a good workout plan!

hello renee!

happy sunday all!

Katie, sorry your shoulder is still bothering you!! Do you take anything?

I did ab circuits no equipment today with yoga relax timesaver 28 min.

Hi Renee and Caitlin!

Going to bed!

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hi girls! horrid insomnia last night-- no clue what was going on, but up until around 5am. I think part of it is my shoulder, since I can't sleep on my left side, I am trying to sleep on my back and I just am not used to it. Nygel had a cello lesson this morning, so I dragged myself out of bed at 6:30 and got in low impact hiit 1 premix 4. I may take bugsy for a walk later, but pretty low energy now. my shoulder is better today than yesterday. ladylep, I do use advil and ice along with tiger balm. it seems to help.

great job on the workouts, ladylep! what's on for today?

hello renee and Caitlin!

hi girls! must be the time for GS legs, as that was my workout today! feel accomplished after that one! was also trying to give my upper body/shoulder a break. hoping to do some GS upper body tomorrow, but will depend on my shoulder. it's been nice having imala back home! alec is home Thursday night-- feels like so long ago when he left!

great job, ladylep! that standing section is a killer, especially those final slow lunges!

hello renee! hello Caitlin!

My calves are killing me today! I got in Step Blast premix combos 1,2,3 add on no cool down! 31 min. I was supposed to yoga inspired abs but just could not get it in. Today is Hubby's bday and I needed to make a cake and had to run to the store. And we got Chinese for dinner is always back because I ate gen. tso's chicken and shrimp mei fun. And a lot of it! I think GS chest or something like that is for tomorrow. I don't have the upper body GS so I'll be doing XTrain Butn sets. And maybe tack on core from XTrain or today's yoga inspired.

Katie- those lunges are hard! Especially if you try not to cheat them!

Hi Renee and Caitlin!

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man, I feel like an old woman today! ladylep, my legs are sore everywhere!! add to that my shoulder flaring up again, and I feel like I can barely move! didn't do any upper body work, and instead did the premix from SJP that has the step portion plus the hi/lo (which seemed like mainly all high!) and then added in the ab work. also did some gentle yoga to try to help my aching body. really like the music on SJP and am excited to try the whole thing once my body is back to normal! just hoping my feet don't flare up now after all of that jumping around...

great job on the workouts, ladylep! hope you got your burn sets in today :). guess we are both feeling GS Legs!

hello renee and Caitlin!
Today I did Burn Sets Bis and Tris but I could only do 2 of those Tricep push-ups. My shoulder was killing me! And my calves are still a little sore.

I think SJP is in the rotation. But I really like the XTrain stuff and may feel like k need to do some time with XTrain! Maybe 2 weeks with it or one week XTrain one week RWH another LIS another the TTM/CF/x10etc. [emoji41]

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today was GS back, shoulders and bis plus B&G stability ball abs. my shoulder is still sore, so I was extra careful with the weights, but it doesn't seem to have made it any worse at least. I wanted to get in some upper body weights before we leave on Saturday, as I won't be able to do them for a whole week. no sleep again last night as I was waiting to hear from alec. he had to take a train from outside of Florence to rome and then shuttle to the airport. I was nervous for him to make the connections and get to airport in time for his morning flight! anyway, he is on the plane and heads to Detroit for a connecting flight to Minneapolis. I will be so happy when he is home!

ladylep-- oh no! not your shoulder, too! hope I didn't jinx you! my feet seem okay after yesterday, but my ankles feel sore from all of the jumping. great job on pushing though that rotation!

hello renee and Caitlin!
I am sorry for anybody who has trouble sleeping, and I take non addictive pills or else I would be up all night. It is very hot in my seventh floor condo, but I started very early and managed Rock Out Knock Out. and the lower body portion of High Reps. My new Asics running shoes came today. Hope all is well with everybody.
Today was GS chest and tris plus some yoga. My shoulder seemed to handle the weights yesterday, and still seems okay-- just a little sore-- today. We leave for the north shore tomorrow-- get to escape all this heat and humidity! Can't wait! Just hope I start sleeping better. Thought it would be better with Alec finally home safe, but I was still up last night.

Caitlin-- great job on the workouts! What sleeping aid works for you? Feels like I have tried everything! Hope it cools off for you soon.

Hello Ladylep!

Hello Renee!
No wo yesterday, didn't do it early and then didn't have the time. Same for today but we went to Hershey Pak and I did almost 18,000 steps!

I'm not sure what I'll be up for tomorrow. But to catch up workouts, I would need to do some kind of combo of KPC/abs (yesterday's ), Burn sets chest, shoulders, back (today's) and tomorrow's is PLB. So maybe I should do 30 min premix KPC and a total body something or choose the shortest premixed from all 3 and save abs for Sunday.

Hi Renee, Caitlin and Katie!

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Hershey park sounds like fun, ladylep!

hello renee and Caitlin!

low impact hiit 2 premix 7, scrambled done before we head out to the north shore :). that makes two hiit, three weight days, one circuit and one steady state for the past seven days. tomorrow will be a rest day and then I will try to get in runs and yoga. will check back in again next Friday, until then, have a good week girls!

Hi all,
I have been out of town and no time to post at all. But I had a good time with hubby in Asheville . I got to have dinner with his boss and he is cool. Lol
We wanted to do more but not enough time really. They had meetings all day and then we went out to eat and they had a hospitality room we would go sit in and they drank and talked a lot . I had one drink to be social but I hate to drink at all it makes my head hurt.
I got to go to the gym while there but no classes ! They did it early before I got there so I ended up on elliptical and to me that is boring but it was something I guess. Before I left home I did upper body bi and tris burn sets day before threat I did lower body an older one I forgot which one now but it was cardio as well. Before that it was iMax 2. Today I will do muscle max!

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Wow Katie! Sounds like a great week!

Yesterday I did KPC premix punching and kicking and abs 41 min. I was hoping to get back to do wts but I ran outta time. Today I'm not sure I'll get anything in. After church there are 2 scrimmages from 1-5 and they each need to be there 30-60 min early. I will probably end up going to the last half of the first one and the first half of the second. So I can have dinner ready when they get back. And then exercise and weekly food prep...

School starts in a week!!! I'm still not really ready. I have stuff to organize and and stuff to buy still and the usual staples shopping for supplies.

Renee- glad to hear you been able to get some so's in! I might do muscle max timesaver today.

Katie- I need to try that scrambled one depending on the length.

Hi Caitlin!

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Hello to all the wonderful ladies here.

My right knee was bothering me yesterday after the jumping and so on, so I iced it and put on an Icy Hot sleeve.

So today, I skipped cardio, and I did my legs with High Reps. I can't find my Muscle Max dvd but High Reps is much better anyway.

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